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241 - 275 件 / 275件

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4Yearsの検索結果241 - 275 件 / 275件

  • 北京五輪の記者ツアー、ある質問で走った緊張 遮ったスタッフ:朝日新聞デジタル

    ","naka5":"<!-- BFF501 PC記事下(中⑤企画)パーツ=1541 -->","naka6":"<!-- BFF486 PC記事下(中⑥デジ編)パーツ=8826 --><div class=\"Section olympicsSpecial\">\n<div class=\"Title\" style=\"background-color:#fff;\"><h2><a href=\"//www.asahi.com/olympics/2022/?iref=kijishita_link\" style=\"padding-left:12px;background-position: 100% 4px;\">北京オリンピック 特集コンテンツ</a></h2></div>\n<div class=\"Section LineUpMod\" style=\"padding-bott

      北京五輪の記者ツアー、ある質問で走った緊張 遮ったスタッフ:朝日新聞デジタル
    • 内閣府の消費動向調査によると、PCの平均使用年数は過去最長の7.4年という結果に

      内閣府の消費動向調査によると、PCの平均使用年数は過去最長の7.4年という結果に2022.04.20 11:00 ヤマダユウス型 Image: Shutterstock.com みんなは何年でPC買い替えてる? 5000兆円あれば好きなだけPCを買いまくりたいものですが、実際のところ、世の中の人はどんなタイミングでPCを買い替えてるんでしょうか? 一般社団法人電子情報技術産業協会が、2021年度の国内PC出荷統計を公開しています。 Image: JEITA出荷数減少→使用年数増進出荷台数は前年比で40.7%減、出荷金額は21.3%減と、昨年に比べ大幅に落ち込みました。というより、2021年はGIGAスクール構想により教育関連でのPC需要が爆上がりしまして、その影響が大きいかと。PC特需ラッシュが落ち着いてきたとも見られます。 それぞれの内訳を見ると、ノートPCはモバイルノートが前年比54.

      • 祝ブログ開設4周年、読者の皆様に感謝です - ゆるマイラーさっきーの空旅マイル

        さっきーです。 2021/3/14でブログ開設から4年が経ちました。 なんと4周年を迎える事が出来ました(笑) はてなブログからメールが来ました 初めての記事は、2017/04/23でした。 2020-21年はコロナ一色でした コロナ禍の国際線に乗りました 500記事を節目にブログ名を変更しました 当ブログの記録 総PV数 記事数 コメント数 総はてなスター数 はてな読者数 総ブックマーク数 ツイッターも楽しんでます まとめ はてなブログからメールが来ました 本日、はてなブログから以下の様なメールが来ました。ブログ開設して4年の連絡です。 初めての記事は、2017/04/23でした。 何回か書きましたが、はてなブログの登録は2017/03/14です。はてなに登録から1ヶ月後に頑張って書いた記事です。今では見たくない、はじめの一歩です。 www.sakky-promiler.com 2020

          祝ブログ開設4周年、読者の皆様に感謝です - ゆるマイラーさっきーの空旅マイル
        • Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Reactions & Adverse Events | CDC

          Persons Aged 6 Months – 4 Years Local Reactions Local reactions were reported by half (48%) of vaccine recipients and at higher rates than placebo recipients. Vaccine recipients reported similar rates of local reactions after dose 1 and dose 2, but slightly lower after dose 3. Pain/tenderness at the injection site was the most frequent and severe reported solicited local reaction among vaccine rec

          • Nim Apocrypha, Vol. I

            Table of contents Intro I — The Not-So-Obvious 1   Reducing executable size by stripping debug symbols 2   Release builds with exception logging 3   Switching to ARC/ORC 4   Executable icons on Windows (MinGW) 5   Debug echo in Windows GUI programs (MinGW) II — The Hidden 6   ‘using’ keyword 7   Opening URLs in the default browser 8   Cross-platform home and config directories 9   Debug dumping ex

            • Linux Bash vs Windows PowerShell

              With the addition of Linux subsystem in Windows and PowerShell having native support in Azure and Windows devices, having knowledge about both the scripting languages has become more and more important. Personally, I used to be a diehard zsh user, but the most popular shell on Linux and Mac is ofcourse the Bash. I meet so many people day to day, who stay afraid of PowerShell and always find ways o

              • Metronomes in JavaScript – Monica Dinculescu

                My job nowadays involves a lot of music and JavaScript. You know what musicians really care about? Paychecks (support your local musicians, go to concerts, don’t steal music from indie musicians). But also: keeping time. Keeping time in JavaScript is kind of a joke, not just because time is a social construct (this is the Jenn Schiffer social engineering at work), but because it’s really easy to w

                • Most loved programming language Rust sparks privacy concerns | Hacker News

                  I have mixed feelings about this article.0. The issue is real and interesting, especially (for me) its implications for reproducible builds. 1. The issue affects many other programming languages besides Rust. 2. The issue has not been ignored by the Rust team. 3. The headline is a clickbait cheap shot. Whether Rust is "most loved" on Stack Overflow has nothing to do with filepaths in binaries. The

                  • macOS keeps a huge wallpapers cache

                    Since I’m a very “optimizer and minimalist user” I check for the waste of space in my tiny SSD. For three reasons: Apple’s storage prices are terribly high, the fuller a SSD is, the less it will last, why keep useless files? It’s a waste. Indeed my main storage drive is a 256GB drive, and all my system takes about 60-80GB (depending on the cache and apps) So I discovered a weird folder inside my H

                    • ユタ州で発見されたモノリスに似た物体、実は4年前から存在していた?

                      先日、アメリカのユタ州で、映画『2001年宇宙の旅』に登場したモノリスのような物体が発見され、その数日後には再び姿を消した。 この物体については、実は4、5年前から同じ場所に存在していたとする説が浮上している。 人々が押し寄せ、消えてしまう モノリスのような物体は、11月18日にユタ州の野生生物資源局の職員によって発見されたが、場所などは明らかにされていなかった。 しかしその後、さまざまな人々が居場所を探して、ついに突き止め、現場へ行って写真撮影などを繰り返したという。 それからまもなく、この物体は突然を消えてしまう。現在もこれがどこにあるのか、分かっていない。当初、この物体は直方体と考えられたが、その後三角柱だったことが明らかになっている。 The @UtahDPS helicopter was assisting the @UtahDWR in counting bighorn she

                      • How Portugal ended austerity and got a booming economy

                        Considering the booming economy, dropping unemployment numbers and the return of many once-emigrated young Portuguese citizens, it seems Portugal is on the rise. Facing the policies of socialist Prime Minister António Costa, which include properly supporting the welfare state and investing in the public sector instead of austerity measures, right wing populists don’t stand a chance. Not too long a

                          How Portugal ended austerity and got a booming economy
                        • Introduction to Decision Trees in Supervised Learning

                          The Decision Tree algorithm is a type of tree-based modeling under Supervised Machine Learning. Decision Trees are primarily used to solve classification problems (the algorithm, in this case, is called the Classification Tree), but they can also be used to solve regression problems (the algorithm, in this case, is called the Regression Tree). The concept of trees is found in graph theory and is u

                            Introduction to Decision Trees in Supervised Learning
                          • The future of Buck

                            When Buck was unveiled at Facebook Mobile DevCon in 2013, it was a fast Android build system. Since then, it's expanded to support building applications written in 15+ languages and targeting platforms from mobile phones to servers to smart devices to VR headsets and more. Since that time, many users have found Buck to be a very powerful, fast build system that vastly improves their developer expe

                            • Join the Kubernetes Release Team: learn from and give back to the community - Microsoft Open Source Blog

                              Toggle share menu for: Join the Kubernetes Release Team: learn from and give back to the community Share Share Join the Kubernetes Release Team: learn from and give back to the community on X X Share Join the Kubernetes Release Team: learn from and give back to the community on LinkedIn LinkedIn Share Join the Kubernetes Release Team: learn from and give back to the community on Facebook Facebook

                                Join the Kubernetes Release Team: learn from and give back to the community - Microsoft Open Source Blog
                              • 42年前、酒屋はカーリングと恋に落ちた 町が「聖地」になったワケ:朝日新聞デジタル

                                ","naka5":"<!-- BFF501 PC記事下(中⑤企画)パーツ=1541 -->","naka6":"<!-- BFF486 PC記事下(中⑥デジ編)パーツ=8826 --><div class=\"Section olympicsSpecial\">\n<div class=\"Title\" style=\"background-color:#fff;\"><h2><a href=\"//www.asahi.com/olympics/2022/?iref=kijishita_link\" style=\"padding-left:12px;background-position: 100% 4px;\">北京オリンピック 特集コンテンツ</a></h2></div>\n<div class=\"Section LineUpMod\" style=\"padding-bott

                                  42年前、酒屋はカーリングと恋に落ちた 町が「聖地」になったワケ:朝日新聞デジタル
                                • ウクライナ選手、レース後に「戦争はいらない」掲げる IOCは不問:朝日新聞デジタル

                                  ","naka5":"<!-- BFF501 PC記事下(中⑤企画)パーツ=1541 -->","naka6":"<!-- BFF486 PC記事下(中⑥デジ編)パーツ=8826 --><div class=\"Section olympicsSpecial\">\n<div class=\"Title\" style=\"background-color:#fff;\"><h2><a href=\"//www.asahi.com/olympics/2022/?iref=kijishita_link\" style=\"padding-left:12px;background-position: 100% 4px;\">北京オリンピック 特集コンテンツ</a></h2></div>\n<div class=\"Section LineUpMod\" style=\"padding-bott

                                    ウクライナ選手、レース後に「戦争はいらない」掲げる IOCは不問:朝日新聞デジタル
                                  • 五輪でデジタル人民元をPRする中国の狙い 揺らぐユーロと日本円:朝日新聞デジタル

                                    ","naka5":"<!-- BFF501 PC記事下(中⑤企画)パーツ=1541 --><!--株価検索 中⑤企画-->","naka6":"<!-- BFF486 PC記事下(中⑥デジ編)パーツ=8826 --><div class=\"Section olympicsSpecial\">\n<div class=\"Title\" style=\"background-color:#fff;\"><h2><a href=\"//www.asahi.com/olympics/2022/?iref=kijishita_link\" style=\"padding-left:12px;background-position: 100% 4px;\">北京オリンピック 特集コンテンツ</a></h2></div>\n<div class=\"Section LineUpMod\" styl

                                      五輪でデジタル人民元をPRする中国の狙い 揺らぐユーロと日本円:朝日新聞デジタル
                                    • 陸上・駅伝 - 名城大・高松智美ムセンビが仲間と迎えた「幸せな引退」 13年の陸上人生で得たもの | 4years. #学生スポーツ

                                      身長150cmと小柄ながら大きなストライドと力強いキックで強さを見せつけ、レースが終われば持ち前の明るさと関西弁で仲間を笑顔にさせてくれる。名城大学の高松智美ムセンビ(4年、大阪薫英女学院)は「目標も全部達成できたし、もう次に進む時かなと思いました」と、今年1月の選抜女子駅伝北九州大会を最後に、陸上人生にピリオドを打った。13年間、そこまで長く陸上を続けるとは思っていなかったという。 田中希実と競り合いながら ケニア人のマクセル・ムセンビさんを父にもち、高松はケニアで生まれた。だが1歳になってから日本に住むようになったため、「ケニアのどこで何をやっていたのか記憶にないです」と言う。その後、父は2001年の長野マラソンで優勝するなど、高松は小さい時から父を通して陸上を身近に感じてきた。それでも最初に選んだスポーツはテニスだった。3つ上の姉・高松望ムセンビさんは父とともに長距離に取り組んでいた

                                        陸上・駅伝 - 名城大・高松智美ムセンビが仲間と迎えた「幸せな引退」 13年の陸上人生で得たもの | 4years. #学生スポーツ
                                      • Announcing Tokio 0.2 and a Roadmap to 1.0 | Tokio - An asynchronous Rust runtime

                                        Announcing Tokio 0.2 and a Roadmap to 1.0November 26, 2019 We are very excited to announce Tokio 0.2. This is a ground up rework of Tokio based on async / await and experience gained over the past three years. Add the following to Cargo.toml: tokio = { version = "0.2", features = ["full"] } This is a major update, and as such there are changes to almost all parts of the library. To highlight a few

                                        • Eye-Opening Photos of Hong Kong’s Packed “Vertical Graveyards” on Steep Hillsides

                                          Eye-Opening Photos of Hong Kong’s Packed “Vertical Graveyards” on Hillsides Based in London and Singapore, Finbarr Fallon is a RIBA-nominated photographer known for his architectural imagery. In his long-term photography project Dead Space, he uses his architectural sensibilities to create evocative imagery. In this set of twelve photographs, shot over the course of five years, Fallon immortalizes

                                            Eye-Opening Photos of Hong Kong’s Packed “Vertical Graveyards” on Steep Hillsides
                                          • 10 Best Things to Do in Nagoya

                                            Nagoya is one of the biggest cities in Japan located in Aichi prefecture. Being at the convenient location between Tokyo and Osaka, many tourists visit there every year. And if you are planning to visit the first Studio Ghibli Park that opened in November 2022, combine the other attractions in Nagoya for your trip! Thanks to the convenient transportation system, you can get around the main tourist

                                              10 Best Things to Do in Nagoya
                                            • GitHub - vran-dev/PrettyZoo: 😉 Pretty nice Zookeeper GUI, Support Win / Mac / Linux Platform

                                              Hello PrettyZoo users. Since the first version was released on September 30, 2019, almost 4 years have passed. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you users for being with and supporting this project throughout this time. However, due to time and energy constraints, I have had to decide to stop maintaining the project. This is a difficult

                                                GitHub - vran-dev/PrettyZoo: 😉 Pretty nice Zookeeper GUI, Support Win / Mac / Linux Platform
                                              • GPU accelerated ML training inside the Windows Subsystem for Linux

                                                The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) enables Windows users to run native, unmodified Linux command-line tools directly on Windows. WSL usage has grown a lot since it was first announced 4 years ago, at Microsoft Build 2016, and now runs on more than 3.5 million monthly active devices! Adding GPU compute support to WSL has been our #1 most requested feature since the first release. Over the last f

                                                  GPU accelerated ML training inside the Windows Subsystem for Linux
                                                • パシュート女子、日本が銀メダル ゴール直前で転倒、逆転を許す:朝日新聞デジタル

                                                  ","naka5":"<!-- BFF501 PC記事下(中⑤企画)パーツ=1541 -->","naka6":"<!-- BFF486 PC記事下(中⑥デジ編)パーツ=8826 --><div class=\"Section olympicsSpecial\">\n<div class=\"Title\" style=\"background-color:#fff;\"><h2><a href=\"//www.asahi.com/olympics/2022/?iref=kijishita_link\" style=\"padding-left:12px;background-position: 100% 4px;\">北京オリンピック 特集コンテンツ</a></h2></div>\n<div class=\"Section LineUpMod\" style=\"padding-bott

                                                    パシュート女子、日本が銀メダル ゴール直前で転倒、逆転を許す:朝日新聞デジタル
                                                  • XCheck at Meta: Why it exists and how it works

                                                    I worked in Integrity at Meta (then Facebook) between 2017 and 2021. During that time I used the XCheck system and fixed some of the ways it interacted with the Integrity product I was working on. For most of that time, there wasn't a dedicated team devoted to maintaining XCheck. This was normal for Meta at the time; there were more systems than there were teams and engineers to maintain them. Sin

                                                    • Akka License FAQ | @lightbend

                                                      Why is Akka licensing changing? Akka requires significant investment in order to maintain its position as a preeminent distributed systems runtime. Many organizations have adopted Akka and are seeing significant benefits for their organizations. However, in recent years an increasing number of those organizations have elected to self-support without either contributing back to the community or by

                                                        Akka License FAQ | @lightbend
                                                      • 前人未到の二刀流が結実 スノボ平野歩夢は進む 「誰もいない道」を:朝日新聞デジタル

                                                        ","naka5":"<!-- BFF501 PC記事下(中⑤企画)パーツ=1541 -->","naka6":"<!-- BFF486 PC記事下(中⑥デジ編)パーツ=8826 --><div class=\"Section olympicsSpecial\">\n<div class=\"Title\" style=\"background-color:#fff;\"><h2><a href=\"//www.asahi.com/olympics/2022/?iref=kijishita_link\" style=\"padding-left:12px;background-position: 100% 4px;\">北京オリンピック 特集コンテンツ</a></h2></div>\n<div class=\"Section LineUpMod\" style=\"padding-bott

                                                          前人未到の二刀流が結実 スノボ平野歩夢は進む 「誰もいない道」を:朝日新聞デジタル
                                                        • Engadget | Technology News & Reviews

                                                          Ryan Gosling and Miller/Lord’s Project Hail Mary could be the sci-fi event of 2026

                                                            Engadget | Technology News & Reviews
                                                          • Post 43: Intentionally Making Close Friends — Neel Nanda

                                                            IntroductionOne of the greatest sources of joy in my life are my close friends. People who bring excitement and novelty into my life. Who expose me to new experiences, and ways of seeing the world. Who help me learn, point out my blind spots, and correct me when I am wrong. Who I can lean on when I need support, and who lean on me in turn. Friends who help me grow more into the kind of person I wa

                                                            • Next.jsを4年間使用してたどりついた、エンタープライズアプリケーションのフロントエンド開発・構築手法 | POSTD

                                                              Next.jsを4年間使用してたどりついた、エンタープライズアプリケーションのフロントエンド開発・構築手法 はじめに 目まぐるしく進化するフロントエンド開発の世界では、常に最新の知識や技術をいち早く取り入れることが、エンタープライズアプリケーションの開発を成功させる上で欠かせません。Tailwind CSS、TypeScript、Turborepo、ESLint、React Queryなどを含む強力なツールキットとNext.jsを4年間使用してきた結果、開発に役立つさまざまな知見やベストプラクティスが得られました。この記事では、大企業向けフロントエンドアプリケーションのパフォーマンス、保守性、拡張性を最大限に高める設計・構築手法を紹介したいと思います。 注記:ここに記載する内容はあくまでも個人的な見解であり、筆者が推奨する手法が必ずしも適さない場合もあります。 効果的なエンタープライズ向け

                                                                Next.jsを4年間使用してたどりついた、エンタープライズアプリケーションのフロントエンド開発・構築手法 | POSTD
                                                              • Let's talk about web components

                                                                Web components! They’re currently at the vanguard of web development and are a reliable source of hot drama in the community. We’ve built a number of web component-powered design systems with Fortune 500 companies over the last 4 years, and it’s been a wild ride. We’ve seen a ton of success, we’ve bumped up against many rough edges, and we’re still here. We are increasingly relying on web componen

                                                                  Let's talk about web components
                                                                • Living Lonely and Loveless in Japan | Foreign Correspondent

                                                                  Around the world more and more people are opting for the single life but in Japan, loneliness has become an epidemic. Subscribe: https://ab.co/3yqPOZ5 Marriage and childbirth rates are falling, as more and more young Japanese choose to stay single and childless. Relationships are too difficult, they say. In the country’s last Fertility Survey, figures showed that a quarter of women in their 30s

                                                                    Living Lonely and Loveless in Japan | Foreign Correspondent
                                                                  • Compensation in 2019 new grad tech offers

                                                                    I have quite a few friends going through the new grad Software Engineering hiring process and thought I’d write up a “State of Tech Offers” for 2019 - it’s meant to help shine light on how an offer is structured, how the big players are constructing their offers, and how to make sure you’re not being taken advantage of or being deceived. Parts of an offer A standard offer will typically have five

                                                                      Compensation in 2019 new grad tech offers
                                                                    • GitHub - drop-ice/dear-github-2.0: 📨 An open letter to GitHub from the maintainers of open source projects

                                                                      Dear GitHub, Almost 4 years ago, a group of open source maintainers wrote you a letter expressing their frustration that the platform they love most was ignoring their request for help. You stepped up your game, and started paying attention, fixing things that were broken, and building new experiences that have gone above and beyond what we asked for. Now, we are asking you to help again. GitHub's

                                                                        GitHub - drop-ice/dear-github-2.0: 📨 An open letter to GitHub from the maintainers of open source projects
                                                                      • IT Salaries in Japan - WA-DAN

                                                                        You’re on the right track if you are considering applying for a software developer job in Japan. Read on as we offer you information on jobs in software development in Japan – in front, back, and full stack. While having bilingual proficiency in Japanese is an added advantage, it’s worth noting that there is also a big demand for English-speaking talent in Japan. The IT industry in Japan boasts so

                                                                          IT Salaries in Japan - WA-DAN