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41 - 80 件 / 168件

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80Hoursの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 168件

  • Wasteland 2: Director's Cut on Steam

    From the producer of the original Fallout comes Wasteland 2. With over 80 hours of gameplay, deck out your Ranger squad with devastating weaponry, test the limits of your strategy skills, and bring justice to the Wasteland! The choices are yours…but so are the consequences.

      Wasteland 2: Director's Cut on Steam
    • How Facebook encodes your videos

      People upload hundreds of millions of videos to Facebook every day. Making sure every video is delivered at the best quality — with the highest resolution and as little buffering as possible — means optimizing not only when and how our video codecs compress and decompress videos for viewing, but also which codecs are used for which videos. But the sheer volume of video content on Facebook also mea

        How Facebook encodes your videos
      • Japan 'unprepared' for Fukushima nuclear disaster

        This image shows the first waters of the tsunami breaching the Fukushima power plant's buildings Japan was unprepared for a nuclear accident on the scale of the one at the Fukushima plant, the government said in a report to be submitted to the IAEA. The report says poor oversight may also have contributed to the crisis. The authorities have pledged to make the country's nuclear regulator (Nisa) in

          Japan 'unprepared' for Fukushima nuclear disaster
        • What Broke My Father’s Heart (Published 2010)

          The Connecticut home of the author's parents. The photo on the wall is of her parents as a young couple.Credit...Eugene Richards for The New York Times One October afternoon three years ago while I was visiting my parents, my mother made a request I dreaded and longed to fulfill. She had just poured me a cup of Earl Grey from her Japanese iron teapot, shaped like a little pumpkin; outside, two car

            What Broke My Father’s Heart (Published 2010)
          • Best Coursera Courses & Certificates in 25 categories [2024]

            What is Coursera? Coursera is an online learning provider that offers on-demand courses from best universities and institutions around the globe. It is backed by Stanford professors Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng. It is 100% online and covers topics across a wide variety of subjects. Coursera catalog consists of more than 4300 courses and specialization programs. Currently Coursera has over 200 top u

            • Typotheque: Font hinting article on Typotheque by Peter Biľak

              Hinting, or screen optimising, is the process by which TrueType or PostScript fonts are adjusted for maximum readability on computer monitors. This text compares different ways of hinting (black & white, grey-scale, ClearType, DirectWrite), and explains the behaviour of fonts under different rasterisers. Hinting, or screen optimising, is the process by which fonts are adjusted for maximum readabil

                Typotheque: Font hinting article on Typotheque by Peter Biľak
              • An Interview With A Google Search Quality Rater

                SearchBot requires a free Search Engine Land account to use, and gives you access to all SearchBot personas, an image generator, and much more! If you already have a Search Engine Land account, log in now. Otherwise, register here! Since at least 2005, Google has been using a large, worldwide focus group to help review its search results and the quality of the web pages that rank well in its algor

                  An Interview With A Google Search Quality Rater
                • Burning out and quitting

                  22 August 2021 - 14 mins read time Tags: culture I’m burnt out. Or, I was. I was recently unemployed - fortunately, by choice - and I was struggling to get out of bed by 10am, struggling to work out, struggling to only have one glass of wine, struggling to fall asleep. It’s not much different than how most weekends have felt since the pandemic began, but I was doing it every day, going on… too man

                    Burning out and quitting
                  • What's New in WWDC16: Designer Edition

                    Apple’s 27th WWDC conference brought with it major version updates to the platforms and a handful of new tools and APIs. Just like last year’s edition, there is more than 80 hours worth of information to wade through as a designer. Here are the highlights. iOS 10 The tenth iteration of iOS exposes new APIs that allow for deeper and more seamless integrations with system apps and features. Between

                      What's New in WWDC16: Designer Edition
                    • Ask Me Plugin Finally Released

                      UPDATE - People extracting with Winzip have been running into errors. Try winrar if you do. What a long process this has been but the day is finally here. Let’s back up a bit and start from the beginning, shall we? Many many many months ago I decided I didn’t want the typical “About me” page. Sure that way I could dictate what people knew about me and frame their perception of me, but what fun is

                      • Reasons not to buy from Amazon

                        Richard Stallman's personal site. https://stallman.org For current political commentary, see the daily political notes. RMS's Bio | The GNU Project What's bad about: Airbnb | Amazon | Amtrak | Ancestry | Apple | Change.org | Cloudflare | Discord | Ebooks | Eventbrite | Evernote | Ex-Twitter | Facebook | Frito-Lay | Frontier | Google | Gofundme | Grubhub | In-N-Out Burger | Intel | LinkedIn | Lyft

                        • MakiBox A6 - The $300 Desktop 3D Printer - Makible

                          What is this? MakiBox is the first affordable 3D printer that is completely self-contained, compact, and reliable. Who is this for? Makers, designers, students, engineers, anyone that wants to make things they can't find in a store. About the project Hi! Thanks for checking the MakiBox. It’s the first 3D printer designed from the ground up to be simple, completely self-contained, reliable and mos

                          • 研修医の教育システム改善に役立った娘の死/米国医療事情 レジデント 連続勤務

                            Libby Zionリビー・ジオンが25年前の今週死亡し、娘を殺したと考えた医学教育システムに激怒した父親シドニー・ジオンは改革のための運動を起こす。 リビーが亡くなったとき医学生であった筆者は鮮明にこのケースを記憶している。正確な死因は確定されていないが、多くの事実は知られている。 18歳の大学新入生だった彼女が1984年3月4日の夕方のニューヨーク病院(現在のNew York Presbyterian Hospital)に高熱と奇妙なビクビクした動きがあり、入院した。彼女は交互に協力的であるかと思うと興奮したりということを繰り返した。うつ病があり、抗うつ剤のフェネルジンを服用していた。医師はウイルス感染を疑い、補液と観察のため入院させた。不随意運動を止めるため麻薬のメペリジンを投与された。家庭医のDr. Raymond Shermanとアテンディング医師が3月5日に午前3時ごろにそのプ

                              研修医の教育システム改善に役立った娘の死/米国医療事情 レジデント 連続勤務
                            • USMLE STEP1 : ID/Immunology Expert(ポスト米国臨床留学への道)

                              January 10, 2006 14:08 USMLE STEP1 米国臨床留学で何が得られるのか? まずはこの基本的な質問を自問自答しなければなりません。 これからあなたが立ち向かおうとしているUSMLEとはものすごい労力を必要とするし、ひとつ間違えば医師としての人生を狂わせてしまいます。 アメリカ臨床留学への道―You can do it! まずはこの本を手にとって自分の目標などを定めるべきです。 アメリカ臨床留学大作戦―USMLE,英語面接を乗り越えた在米研修医による合格体験記と留学に役立つ情報 (新版2005年9月) これで具体的なイメージを持ってください。USMLEの全貌、またResidencyにApplyすることの流れを大きくつかむ必要があります。いつ頃受験して、いつ頃渡米するか? さて、USMLEの勉強を始める準備は出来ましたか? まずはこの本を買うことから全てが始まります

                                USMLE STEP1 : ID/Immunology Expert(ポスト米国臨床留学への道)
                              • 3D Printing a Chair with Puzzle Pieces | Polyglot Programming, Inc.

                                About a year ago we decided to get a 3D printer. Although there are lots of pre-made options available, it’s much less expensive to get a RepRap Prusa I3 kit and build one yourself. The Prusa I3 is an open source 3D printer design that allows anybody to make components for it, and the community members, in turn, contribute plans for print heads, cases etc. It’s a pretty neat concept: The main cont

                                • Game developers must avoid the ‘wage-slave’ attitude

                                  GamesBeat is excited to partner with Lil Snack to have customized games just for our audience! We know as gamers ourselves, this is an exciting way to engage through play with the GamesBeat content you have already come to love. Start playing games here. Many modern game developers have embraced a culture of victimology and a bad attitude toward their chosen vocations. They complain that the long

                                    Game developers must avoid the ‘wage-slave’ attitude
                                  • Hard & Software

                                    Since June, 1994 I am a consultant specializing in embedded system design and implementation, PC systems analysis, real-time data acquisition and control, embedded GPS (Global Positioning System satellite receivers), data communications (modems, both asynchronous and synchronous, RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485, fiber optics, network TCP/IP and UDP, Internet/www, and wireless communications), RFID on c

                                    • Mirror test - Wikipedia

                                      The hamadryas baboon is one primate species that fails the mirror test. The mirror test—sometimes called the mark test, mirror self-recognition (MSR) test, red spot technique, or rouge test—is a behavioral technique developed in 1970 by American psychologist Gordon Gallup Jr. as an attempt to determine whether an animal possesses the ability of visual self-recognition.[1] The MSR test is the tradi

                                        Mirror test - Wikipedia
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                                          grand theft auto 5 xbox : dikilalaq
                                        • [C#]Enterprise Library4.0のUnityを使ってみた その1

                                          using System; using Microsoft.Practices.Unity; namespace EntLibTest { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var c = new UnityContainer(); // JapaneseGreeterとEnglishGreeterを登録する // 同じ型で複数登録しない場合は、引数の名前はいらない // c.RegisterType<IGreeter, JapaneseGreeter>()でOK c.RegisterType<IGreeter, JapaneseGreeter>("japanese"); c.RegisterType<IGreeter, EnglishGreeter>("english"); // IGreeterでjapaneseで登録し

                                          • The Effect Of Sleep On Happiness [Complete Analysis] - Happiness Through Sleep: Part 1

                                            You are here: Home » Blog » Studies The Effect Of Sleep On Happiness [Complete Analysis] - Happiness Essay on Sleep: Part 1 Reviewed and fact-checked We are committed to the highest standards of accuracy and reliability in our content. Every statement made on our website is meticulously fact-checked and supported by authoritative studies. Read more about our processes here. Have you ever heard the

                                              The Effect Of Sleep On Happiness [Complete Analysis] - Happiness Through Sleep: Part 1
                                            • Mockito / PowerMock vs JMockit

                                              If you are on the verge of choosing between Mockito and JMockit, this article will help you understand why you should pick JMockit. When aiming for a Java codebase which is well-covered with unit tests, you are certain to run into mocking frameworks. The two most popular ones are Mockito and JMockit. Mockito, the successor to the older EasyMock, teams up with PowerMock to have complete functionali

                                              • jensen digital audio player driver - exafileje’s diary

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                                                  jensen digital audio player driver - exafileje’s diary
                                                • Pocket God offers case study of how to build a hit iPhone game | VentureBeat

                                                  Pocket God offers case study of how to build a hit iPhone game The iPhone has generated more than 63,000 apps worldwide. But no one has figured out the magic formula behind making a hit for the device. Bolt Creative is one of the lucky iPhone app developers; it’s a case study on how to create a hit without a lot of resources. The two-man team created Pocket God, a cartoon-style game where you play

                                                  • 'History Facing the Present: An Interview with Jan Vansina'

                                                    'History Facing the Present: An Interview with Jan Vansina' [Editor's Note: H-AFRICA is delighted to present this engaging interview with Jan Vansina, especially translated for H-AFRICA. We would like to thank Jan Vansina, and the authors/translators, Karel Arnaut and Hein Vanhee, for their wonderful contributions and permission to publish--Peter Limb] Introduction On the occasion of the publicati

                                                    • bell expressvu pvr manual : davifo

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                                                        bell expressvu pvr manual : davifo
                                                      • Comparison between the amount of environmental change and the amount of transcriptome change

                                                        Cells must coordinate adjustments in genome expression to accommodate changes in their environment. We hypothesized that the amount of transcriptome change is proportional to the amount of environmental change. To capture the effects of environmental changes on the transcriptome, we compared transcriptome diversities (defined as the Shannon entropy of frequency distribution) of silkworm fat-body t

                                                        • How to Get Rich

                                                          A collection of all my interviews about my ‘How to Get Rich’ tweetstorm. Seek Wealth, Not Money or Status Wealth is assets that earn while you sleep Naval is a prolific tech investor and founder of AngelList Nivi: You probably know Naval from his Twitter account. We’re going to talk about his tweetstorm, “How To Get Rich (without getting lucky).” We’ll go through most of the tweets in detail, give

                                                            How to Get Rich
                                                          • Python 無料教育サービス(3days) | Globalway, Inc.

                                                            3日間の集中して学べる教育サービス。 無料で受講できるから気軽にスキル向上! 企業内でエンジニア向けに実施している研修講座を個人向けに提供いたします。 講座ではPython3エンジニア認定基礎試験の無料受験まで組み込んでおり、 プロの現場で教えている講座だから実践レベルでの習得が可能なサービスです。 3日間の集中して学べる教育サービス。 無料で受講できるから気軽にスキル向上! 企業内でエンジニア向けに実施している研修講座を個人向けに提供いたします。 講座ではPython3エンジニア認定基礎試験の無料受験まで組み込んでおり、 プロの現場で教えている講座だから実践レベルでの習得が可能なサービスです。 Pythonを学びながら エンジニアとして成長したい全ての人に CompanySupport.py class CompanySupport: def __init__(self): self.e

                                                              Python 無料教育サービス(3days) | Globalway, Inc.
                                                            • How do you make programmers work 60-80 hours per week?

                                                              Answer (1 of 420): I’m in this scenario right now I worked about 61 hours last week, and it’s 11:00 my time, and I’m awake. Waiting for code to build and trying to get in One Last Ticket™ before the release rolls out tomorrow, bright and early. My boss is awake, too. He hasn’t slept in a few day...

                                                                How do you make programmers work 60-80 hours per week?
                                                              • Sony Interactive Launches Unit to Adapt Games for Film, TV (Exclusive)

                                                                Sony Interactive Entertainment has launched PlayStation Productions, a production studio that will mine the company’s extensive catalog of video game titles for film and television. The new enterprise, headed by Asad Qizilbash and overseen by chairman of Worldwide Studios at SIE, Shawn Layden, is already in production on its first slate of projects and has set up shop on the Sony Pictures lot in C

                                                                  Sony Interactive Launches Unit to Adapt Games for Film, TV (Exclusive)
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                                                                    kaplan step 2 ck 2013 videos - udyyusihes’s blog
                                                                  • Google Glass vs. Apple iWatch: How Do They Compare?

                                                                    When you buy through affiliate links in our content, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Learn how our funding model works. By using this website you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. We uphold a strict editorial policy that focuses on factual accuracy, relevance, and impartiality. Our content, created by leading industry experts, is meticulously reviewed by a tea

                                                                    • First school to teach with the Callan Method in Australia(Sydney) in JET English College

                                                                      Building access will be unavailable Access to Jet English College campus will be limited from Monday 27th April until further notice, as a preventative measure against the COVID-19 virus. This decision was made, in discussion with our building management, to increase security in the elevators of the building. Following this decision, students who are not currently enrolled or on holiday are not al

                                                                      • A left turn in Japan | Japan | Asia

                                                                        Prime Minister Taro Aso recently dissolved the Japanese parliament, and has called for elections to be held on the 30 August. All signs point to the ruling party, the bourgeois Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), losing power for the first time since 1955 - excluding a 10-month period at the beginning of the 1990s. Right-wing observers are now talking about a ”political revolution” in Japan. An intere

                                                                        • Homepage - GigaOm

                                                                          Research SubscriptionInform your decision making with cutting-edge research and analysis.

                                                                            Homepage - GigaOm
                                                                          • Effects of Light on Materials in Collections: Data on Photoflash and Related Souces

                                                                            The Getty Conservation Institute Effects of Light on Materials in Collections Data on Photoflash and Related Sources Terry T. Schaeffer research in conservation G C I Effects of Light on Materials in Collections Schaeffer The Getty Conservation Institute Effects of Light on Materials in Collections Data on Photoflash and Related Sources Terry T. Schaeffer 2001 research in conservation Dinah Berlan

                                                                            • Reasons not to buy from Amazon

                                                                              Richard Stallman's personal site. https://stallman.org For current political commentary, see the daily political notes. RMS's Bio | The GNU Project What's bad about: Airbnb | Amazon | Amtrak | Ancestry | Apple | Change.org | Cloudflare | Discord | Ebooks | Eventbrite | Evernote | Ex-Twitter | Facebook | Frito-Lay | Frontier | Google | Gofundme | Grubhub | In-N-Out Burger | Intel | LinkedIn | Lyft

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                                                                                • Suit - Wikipedia

                                                                                  This article is about the clothing. For other uses, see Suit (disambiguation). "Suit and tie" redirects here. For the song by Justin Timberlake, see Suit & Tie. Actor Matt Smith wearing a traditional English suit. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, and Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, in business suits. Note that Modi is wearing a Jodhpuri with Mandarin collar, commonplace in India, while

                                                                                    Suit - Wikipedia