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Africa’sの検索結果241 - 280 件 / 1604件

  • South African campaigners unite against secrecy bill

    Secrecy laws planned for South Africa fundamentally threaten free speech and investigative journalism, and could have a chilling effect on the rest of Africa, a united front of human rights lawyers, newspaper editors and Nobel prize-winning writers have warned in interviews with the Guardian. The protection of state information bill – dubbed the "secrecy bill" – envisages draconian penalties of up

      South African campaigners unite against secrecy bill
    • Expanding the AWS Cloud – An AWS Region is coming to South Africa!

      Expanding the AWS Cloud – An AWS Region is coming to South Africa!October 25, 2018 • 1272 words Today, I am excited to announce our plans to open a new AWS Region in South Africa! AWS is committed to South Africa's transformation. The AWS Africa (Cape Town) Region is another milestone of our growth and part of our long-term investment in and commitment to the country. It is our first Region in Afr

        Expanding the AWS Cloud – An AWS Region is coming to South Africa!
      • Vela incident - Wikipedia

        The Vela incident was an unidentified double flash of light detected by an American Vela Hotel satellite on 22 September 1979 near the South African territory of Prince Edward Islands in the Indian Ocean, roughly midway between Africa and Antarctica. Today, most independent researchers believe that the flash was caused by a nuclear explosion[1][2][3]—an undeclared joint nuclear test carried out by

          Vela incident - Wikipedia
        • All Antique

          Skip to content Debt crisis Climate, COVID-19 and the debt crisis of developing countries Robert P. Matthews August 15, 2023 Debt crisis African debt crisis: who are the culprits? Robert P. Matthews August 14, 2023 Debt crisis Small Business Press Conference on State Unemployment Debt Crisis » CBIA Robert P. Matthews August 14, 2023 Comic book collecting Grading and Comic Books: A Guide for Antiqu

            All Antique
          • Azure status history | Microsoft Azure

            Preliminary Post Incident Review (PIR) - Azure Front Door - Intermittent latency and timeouts in the UK Preliminary Post Incident Review (PIR) – Azure Front Door – Intermittent latency and timeouts in the UK This is our "Preliminary" PIR that we endeavor to publish within 3 days of incident mitigation, to share what we know so far. After our internal retrospective is completed (generally within 14

            • Hack attacks cut internet access in Liberia

              Net access in Liberia comes via a single cable that is shared with 20 other nations Liberia has been repeatedly cut off from the internet by hackers targeting its only link to the global network. Recurrent attacks up to 3 November flooded the cable link with data, making net access intermittent. Researchers said the attacks showed hackers trying different ways to use massive networks of hijacked m

                Hack attacks cut internet access in Liberia
              • Hijacking the top-level domain of a sovereign state - Labs Detectify

                Imagine what could happen if the country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) of a sovereign state fell into the wrong hands. Here’s how I (@Almroot) bought the domain name used in the NS delegations for the ccTLD of the Democratic Republic of Congo (.cd) and temporarily took over 50% of all DNS traffic for the TLD that could have been exploited for MITM or other abuse. Note: This issue has been resolved

                  Hijacking the top-level domain of a sovereign state - Labs Detectify
                • Multilingualism - Wikipedia

                  "Trilingual" redirects here. For the alleged early medieval heresy, see Trilingual heresy. The frontage of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, with text written in eleven of South Africa's twelve official languages A multilingual sign outside the mayor's office in Novi Sad, Serbia, written in the four official languages of the city: Serbian, Hungarian, Slovak, and Pannonian Rusyn A stenciled

                    Multilingualism - Wikipedia
                  • We Are Tomodachi - Official Magazine / The Government of Japan - JapanGov -


                      We Are Tomodachi - Official Magazine / The Government of Japan - JapanGov -
                    • manual for 1989 volkswagen fox specs - pajupuny’s blog

                      = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========> Download Link manual for 1989 volkswagen fox specs = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = VW Fox Repair Manual ::Bentley Manual: Fox, -. Volkswagen Fox Repair Manual at Discount Prices! OEM quality new, rebuilt, and used parts for your. Jetta, Rabbit, Golf, New Beetle

                        manual for 1989 volkswagen fox specs - pajupuny’s blog
                      • Africa is not poor, we are stealing its wealth

                        The director of UK campaigning organisation Global Justice Now. Africa is poor, but we can try to help its people. It’s a simple statement, repeated through a thousand images, newspaper stories and charity appeals each year, so that it takes on the weight of truth. When we read it, we reinforce assumptions and stories about Africa that we’ve heard throughout our lives. We reconfirm our image of Af

                          Africa is not poor, we are stealing its wealth
                        • Either/Or

                          When people in South Africa say “Limpopo,” they mean the middle of nowhere. They are referring to the northernmost province of the country, along the border with Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique, where few people have cars or running water or opportunities for greatness. The members of the Moletjie Athletics Club, who live throughout the area in villages of small brick houses and mud-and-dung hu

                          • The Global Language Monitor » Blog Archive » Top Words of 2010

                            Spillcam is the Top Word, Anger and Rage the Top Phrase and Chinese Leader Hu Jintao the Top Name . AUSTIN, Texas November 15, 2010 – The Global Language Monitor has announced that Spillcam is the Top Word, Anger and Rage the Top Phrase and Chinese Leader Hu Jintao the Top Name of 2010 in its annual global survey of the English language.  Spillcam was followed by Vuvuzela, the Narrative, Refudiate

                            • pipe dreamz yakoo - tikaca’s blog

                              = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========> Download Link pipe dreamz yakoo = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 4 min - Uploaded by bside vinylNo copyright infringement intended. For promotional purposes only. All rights reserved to the. 4 min - Uploaded by bside vinylNo copyright infringement intended. For

                                pipe dreamz yakoo - tikaca’s blog
                              • I can no longer work for a system that puts profit over access to research | Winston Hide

                                Today I resigned from the editorial board of a well respected journal in my field – Genomics. No longer can I work for a system that provides solid profits for the publisher while effectively denying colleagues in developing countries access to research findings. It has not been an easy decision. Some may feel that I'm grandstanding or making a futile gesture. And it may be a toxic career move. Sc

                                  I can no longer work for a system that puts profit over access to research | Winston Hide
                                • インターネット10分講座 ISOC (Internet Society)- JPNIC

                                  ISOCは、理事会を中心に、それをサポートする組織会員による諮問委員会(Advisory Committee)や地域支部(local chapter)、個人会員によって構成されています。図1に、ISOCの組織構成を示します。 図1:ISOCの組織構造 ISOCの意思決定は、ISOC理事会によって行われます。ISOC理事は、定款によって「12名以上」と規定されており、2013年1月末現在、13名の理事により理事会が構成されています。この理事は、各地域支部による推薦、組織会員推薦、およびIETFからの推薦、もしくは選挙によって選出されます。 その理事会をサポートするために、ISOCの組織会員による諮問委員会が組織されています。諮問委員会は、適宜、ISOCの活動や理事会に対して助言を実施しています。 また、ISOCには、地域支部というサポート組織が存在します。世界91ヶ国・地域に設置されているI

                                    インターネット10分講座 ISOC (Internet Society)- JPNIC
                                  • H I E R

                                    Willkommen bei Krasse Links No 14. Putzt Eure die Antisemitismuskeulen, heute sprechen wir über Israel. Lysia Golgreen war für die New York Times viele Male auf dem Campus der New Yorker Columbia-Universität und berichtet angenehm differenziert von den Studierendenprotesten. Sie ordnet dabei auch die Berichte über Hamassolidarisierungen und antisemitische Übergriffe ein aber ihr Fazit ist, dass di

                                    • Gemstone - Wikipedia

                                      Several terms redirect here. For other uses, see Gemstone (disambiguation), Gems (disambiguation), Gem (disambiguation), Jewels (disambiguation), and Precious stone (disambiguation). Group of precious and semiprecious stones—both uncut and faceted—including (clockwise from top left) diamond, uncut synthetic sapphire, ruby, uncut emerald, and amethyst crystal cluster. A gemstone (also called a fine

                                        Gemstone - Wikipedia
                                      • イネプトクラシー - Wikipedia

                                        イネプトクラシー(英:Ineptocracy)とは、無能者が支配している政体[1]、中でも特に、社会全体の生産性の増加を指導する能力がほとんどまったく欠如しており、既にある富を収奪してばら撒くことで政権を維持する政府や体制を指す[3][4]。 語源[編集] フランス語のinepte (元はラテン語のineptus,“低能、無能、決断力の欠如”) とギリシャ語の-κρατια (-kratia, “権力、支配、政府”)が組み合わさってできた語。 概要[編集] 現実の問題への対処能力が欠如した人物や無能集団が担っている政権を指すが、特に社会を持続可能な形で運営するのではなく、課税などを通じて富を収奪し、また国債などの借金でツケを将来に回して、社会保障制度に代表される、ばら撒きによって支持を得る政府や体制をineptocracyという[5]。ばら撒きによって利益を得る者は、社会全体でなく政権と繋

                                        • Peter Suber, SPARC Open Access Newsletter, 1/2/10

                                          Welcome to the SPARC Open Access Newsletter, issue #141 January 2, 2010 by Peter Suber Read this issue online http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/newsletter/01-02-10.htm Contents Open access in 2009 Erratum Roundup Coming this month Credits ---------- SOAN is published and sponsored by the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC). http://www.arl.org/sparc/ Additional support is

                                          • Zimbabwe: From Hemorrhage to Stability, a Personal Journey

                                            Zimbabwe: From Hemorrhage to Stability, a Personal Journey Introduction On a chilly Monday morning on February 16th, 2009, I walked into the New Government Complex in Harare’s Central Avenue. As I strode for the very first time down a poorly lit corridor, eyes strained and necks stretched behind wide open doors to catch a glimpse of the newcomer with a reputation for short temper. I was ushered in

                                              Zimbabwe: From Hemorrhage to Stability, a Personal Journey
                                            • [PDF] Global Risks 2015 10th Edition - World Economic Forum

                                              Global Risks 2015 10th Edition Insight Report World Economic Forum 91-93 route de la Capite CH-1223 Cologny/Geneva Switzerland Tel.: +41 (0) 22 869 1212 Fax: +41 (0) 22 786 2744 contact@weforum.org www.weforum.org Global Risks 2015, 10th Edition is published by the World Economic Forum within the framework of The Global Competitiveness and Benchmarking Network. The information in this report, or o

                                              • Barriers to entry - Wikipedia

                                                In theories of competition in economics, a barrier to entry, or an economic barrier to entry, is a fixed cost that must be incurred by a new entrant, regardless of production or sales activities, into a market that incumbents do not have or have not had to incur.[1] Because barriers to entry protect incumbent firms and restrict competition in a market, they can contribute to distortionary prices a

                                                • Ogle Earth: A blog about virtual globes, with a special focus on Google Earth.

                                                  Links: Budapest 3D boost, Google Earth Hacks mobile, bike finder Wednesday, October 01, 2008 (20:18 UTC) Budapest goes 3D: The Budapest Times reports that the city's mayoral office is subsidizing the creation of 3D models of landmarks for inclusion in Google Earth. While the article is off when it comes to which other cities have 3D cores (see Frank's post about recent updates) it is interesting t

                                                  • AfricanFinancials - Africa's sin investor relations documents

                                                    Companies connecting directly with investors and stakeholders

                                                      AfricanFinancials - Africa's sin investor relations documents
                                                    • 広大かつ複雑なグローバル経済のさまざまな側面を説明してくれる38枚の地図

                                                      通信技術や交通網の発達により世界がとても身近に感じる様になった反面、その関係はより複雑にもなりました。貿易や生産、都市の規模、貧富の差など世界的な規模の統計データを分かりやすくビジュアル化した地図38枚です。これで世界の経済がまるわかり……かもしれません。 ※画像をクリックで大きな画像が表示されます。 1. 国民1人あたりのGDP:World GDP per capita アメリカ、サウジアラビア、ノルウェーなど黒塗りの国が世界トップクラス。 2. 経済の中心の重力地図:Economic centrer of gravity map 1000年〜1950年までは東へ、その後また西へ移動しています。 3. 宇宙から見た夜間の世界地図:World light map 西ヨーロッパ、アメリカ、日本などの裕福な国は夜も明るい 地域:A world of regions 4. 12分割されたアメリカ

                                                      • Sports

                                                        Trending: Clippers' Lue says coming back from 1-3 down is 'very doable' When LA Clippers square up against two-time NBA finalists Phoenix Suns in Game 5 of the Western Conference Finals, they will be facing a daunting task of overturning a 1-3 deficit on Tuesday morning (IST). This has happened only on four occasions in the NBA Conference Finals - semifinal series of a season. 2021-06-28T15:10:18Z

                                                        • Guardian Unlimited | Worlds apart by Chris McGreal

                                                          Read the second part of Chris McGreal's reportSaid Rhateb was born in 1972, five years after Israeli soldiers fought their way through East Jerusalem and claimed his family's dry, rock-strewn plot as part of what the Jewish state proclaimed its "eternal and indivisible capital". The bureaucrats followed in the army's footsteps, registering and measuring Israel's largest annexation of territory sin

                                                            Guardian Unlimited | Worlds apart by Chris McGreal
                                                          • Mr Pixel | Cape Town Travel and Photography

                                                            Capture the Magic: Exploring the Top Photography Spots in Cape Town Are you ready to discover the most enchanting photography spots in Cape Town? Get your camera ready, because we’re about to embark on a visual journey through this stunning city! From the iconic Table Mountain to the colorful Bo-Kaap neighborhood, Cape Town is a photographer’s paradise just waiting to be explored. Join us as we ca

                                                              Mr Pixel | Cape Town Travel and Photography
                                                            • LITTLE BOOK OF A BIG YEAR<br>Bono’s A to Z of 2014

                                                              2024 (52) January (6)February (22)March (8)April (9)May (7) 2023 (90) January (4)February (4)March (9)April (8)May (3)June (2)July (2)August (3)September (15)October (17)November (8)December (15) 2022 (36) January (3)February (1)March (1)April (4)May (2)June (1)July (2)August (2)September (3)October (5)November (6)December (6) 2021 (34) January (3)February (2)March (4)April (1)May (3)June (5)July

                                                                LITTLE BOOK OF A BIG YEAR<br>Bono’s A to Z of 2014
                                                              • The Peace - Black Power (1970)

                                                                Muzyczna petarda z afrykańską psychodelią rodem z Zambii! Płyta lepsza nawet od świetnego albumu Ngozi Family, nad którym rozpływałem się przed miesiącem. The Peace, którzy wcześniej nazywali się równie egzotycznie i psychodelicznie - The Boyfriends, to formacja, której zdecydowanie bliżej do tej wizji afro beatu, której podwaliny kładł w owym czasie niezapomniany Fela Kuti, łącząc elektryczną roc

                                                                  The Peace - Black Power (1970)
                                                                • Trump and Israel

                                                                  Neve Gordon is Professor of International Law at Queen Mary University of London. Congratulating President-elect Donald J Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shared a YouTube clip on his Twitter account stating that he is “confident that the two of us working closely together will bring the great alliance between our two countries to even greater heights”. Although Netanyahu did not s

                                                                    Trump and Israel
                                                                  • Digital Banner Vinyl Offers Excellent Digital Coverings With Excellent Graphics And Imagery

                                                                    Opinions On The Subject Of ThingsFireplace Covers for Outdoor or Indoor Use Importance the end of finding Houses negotiations EXPEED provide perfect other software for our project. Creating solid interconnection between be Moore) were wed indoor as chocolate therefore prays:In the United States one not only remove to CCJ’s one became pay off the bill when it arrives. This agreement states that the

                                                                    • goldfish one million views s : kyfipy

                                                                      = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========> Download Link goldfish one million views s= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 4 min - Uploaded by Jonno PrinceOne Million Views Goldfish to download go here http://tralala.co.za/free-music- downloads. One Million Views Lyrics: Long gone back in the day, oh yeah som

                                                                        goldfish one million views s : kyfipy
                                                                      • Bird Flu Breaking News

                                                                        Bird Flu Breaking News Circa 2005 -2009 For a number of years (2005 - 2009) Bird Flu Breaking News, provided links to both news stories and blogs about the Avian Influenza (H5N1). Content is from the site's archived pages providing a glimpse of what this site offered its readers. Focused, Up-To-The-Minute, Avian Flu (H5N1) News Extracted From Thousands Of Global News Sources. Including information

                                                                        • BBC NEWS | Africa | SA leader orders army to deploy

                                                                          South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki has approved the deployment of the army to quell violence against foreigners. The announcement from his office came after xenophobic attacks spread outside Johannesburg to the city of Durban. It is the first time troops are being ordered out onto the streets to quell unrest since the end of apartheid. The violence, which began last week, has left more than 20 p

                                                                          • Zimbabwe's Interparty Negotiations Resume in Secret

                                                                            Thornycroft report - Download (MP3) Thornycroft report - Listen (MP3) Although the deadline for completion of negotiations between Zimbabwe's two main political parties has been reached, the talks are continuing in South Africa's capital, Pretoria.  Peta Thornycroft reports that the Movement for Democratic Change,  which won March parliamentary elections, says the talks deadline with th

                                                                            • 10 Most Amazing Extinct Animals

                                                                              Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest land carnivores of all time, measuring up to 43.3 feet long, and 16.6 ft tall, with an estimated mass that goes up to 7 tons. Like other tyrannosaurids, Tyrannosaurus was a bipedal carnivore with a massive skull balanced by a long, heavy tail. Relative to the large and powerful hindlimbs, Tyrannosaurus forelimbs were small and they retained only two digits.

                                                                                10 Most Amazing Extinct Animals
                                                                              • Sports

                                                                                Trending: Tokyo Games' Beds Being Called 'Anti-Sex': Athlete Shares Video Dusting Off All 'Fake News' Tokyo Olympics 2021 is just around the corner. With the grand event starting on July 23, the news space is filled with interesting, informative, and intriguing news related to the games. But sometimes, the news is rather peculiar, and social media acts as a cherry on top. In efforts to achieve sus

                                                                                • The Mint countries: Next economic giants?

                                                                                  Building an Ikea for the 28 million people living in greater Jakarta In 2001 the world began talking about the Bric countries - Brazil, Russia, India and China - as potential powerhouses of the world economy. The term was coined by economist Jim O'Neill, who has now identified the "Mint" countries - Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey - as emerging economic giants. Here he explains why. So what

                                                                                    The Mint countries: Next economic giants?