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201 - 240 件 / 773件

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Bearsの検索結果201 - 240 件 / 773件

  • スロバキアで大型のクマが人間を襲い、2人が負傷【動画】

    町を大型のクマが走り抜けていく そのクマが出没したのは、スロバキア北部の町、Liptovský Mikulášとされている。 報道によれば、野生のクマに襲われ、49歳の女性が肩を負傷し、72歳の男性が頭部の打撲で治療を受けたという。 その後、警察はクマを町の外に追い出し、森へ追い込んだそうだ。SNSには、町の中を大型のクマが走り抜けていく動画が投稿されている。 ‼️🐻 Bear in the center of Liptovský Mikuláš #ThisIsSlovakia 🎥: Marika Trnkova Bizubova / Facebook #medved #bear #medvednica #medveď #slovensko #slovakia #liptovskymikulas #danger #wildlife #animal #bears pic.twitter.

    • 「熊は、いない」 - 映画貧乏日記

      「熊は、いない」 2023年9月25日(月)新宿武蔵野館にて。午後2時15分より鑑賞(スクリーン3/B-5) ~イラン社会の息苦しさと監督の受難が伝わるメタファーに満ちた映画 イランは独裁国家というわけではないが、政府当局の締め付けはかなり厳しい。芸術文化に対しても容赦がない。ジャファル・パナヒ監督は、海外の映画祭でも受賞経験を持つ著名な監督だが、「オフサイド・ガールズ」などが反体制的だとして2010年に逮捕されて以来、政府から映画製作を禁じられ、国外に出ることも禁止されている。 となれば、もはや映画とは無縁の生活を送っているのかと思えばさにあらず。2011年の「これは映画ではない」以降は、自身の置かれた状況を逆手にとったドラマを組み立て、極秘裏に映画を製作し、自身で主演している。もちろん国内では上映できないので、国外で発表し、数々の賞も受賞している。 最新作「熊は、いない」も同様の手法で

        「熊は、いない」 - 映画貧乏日記
      • Tobira Records

        Quickview {"id":8414068048122,"title":"Flord \u0026 Weirdvin \/\/ Oyster EP 12\"","handle":"flord-weirdvin-oyster-ep-12","description":"\u003cp\u003eスウェーデン・ストックホルムのテクノ作家FlordとWeirdvinが、2024年4月にFlord主宰レーベルLyssna Recordsからリリースした共作12\"です。\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eミニマルファンク〜ミニマル・テックハウス〜アンビエント・テクノ4曲を収録。\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ciframe src=\"https:\/\/w.soundcloud.com\/player\/?url=https%3A

          Tobira Records
        • 早期リタイア者 車中泊1 - 早期リタイア者の日々

          こんにちはマースです 一昨日に車中泊再開しようと思い立ち、久しぶりなので慣れるために、車中泊で有名な道の駅に1泊してきました このご時世なので、道の駅は十数組の宿泊者がいて、とても流行っているのだと実感しました 今回利用した道の駅 保田小学校 保田小左側ビュー 正面 右側ビュー 直売所 この道の駅は廃校となった保田小学校を改装してできたところです 車中泊で有名になっているのは、設備が新しくトイレもきれいで、お風呂も入れます(右側ビューの2階部分、市外の人は500円) また、里山食堂やCafe金次郎では、昔懐かしいソフト麺が食せます 他にもピザのDa Pe GONZOや中国料理3年B組、パン屋さんの風土職人A'ma~neなどレストランが複数利用できます 他にアートギャラリーや家庭料理教室などイベントも行われています 昨日は日光猿軍団から芸の披露に来ていました 宿泊もできるようになっています

            早期リタイア者 車中泊1 - 早期リタイア者の日々
          • FixMatch: Simplifying Semi-Supervised Learning with Consistency and Confidence

            Semi-supervised learning (SSL) provides an effective means of leveraging unlabeled data to improve a model's performance. In this paper, we demonstrate the power of a simple combination of two common SSL methods: consistency regularization and pseudo-labeling. Our algorithm, FixMatch, first generates pseudo-labels using the model's predictions on weakly-augmented unlabeled images. For a given imag

            • ~~Bellator 230:: Carvalho vs Nemkov Live TV ⤖ Nemkov vs Carvalho Live 2019 ↤ Rafael Carvalho vs Vadim Nemkov Live Free Bellator 230 Live > Vadim Nemkov vs Rafael Carvalho Live Nemkov vs Carvalho Live +> Rafael Carvalho vs Vadim Nemkov Live(Bellator 230 2

              Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining Bellator 230 World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live st

              • ~~NBA:: Celtics vs Cavaliers Live TV ⤖Cavaliers vs Celtics Live 2019↤ Celtics vs Cavaliers NBA Live >Celtics vs Cavaliers NBA Live +>Celtics vs Cavaliers Live(NBA 2019 Live)[LIVE-FOOTBALL]** Boston Celtics vs Cleveland Cavaliers Live 13 October 2019 Tv

                Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining UFC World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                • かつてクマに接近することに一生を捧げた男がいた→対クマ用の「パワードスーツ」を作成、イグノーベル賞も受賞した

                  Morbid Knowledge @Morbidful In 1996, a Canadian inventor named Troy Hurtubise created this metal suit of armour to enable him to take on and fight off a grizzly bear. pic.twitter.com/6zX45pRycq 2023-11-12 21:24:09 VisionaryVoid @VisionaryVoid One of the most interesting facts about Troy Hurtubise’s metal suit of armour is that it was inspired by a near-fatal encounter with a grizzly bear when he w

                  • ~~NBA:: Raptors vs Bulls Live TV ⤖Bulls vs Raptors Live 2019↤ Raptors vs Bulls NBA Live >Raptors vs Bulls NBA Live +>Raptors vs Bulls Live(NBA 2019 Live)[LIVE-FOOTBALL]** Toronto Raptors vs Chicago Bulls Live 13 October 2019 Tv Broadcast Today US. NBA P

                    Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining UFC World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                    • ~~NFL:: Buccaneers vs Panthers Live TV ⤖Panthers vs Buccaneers Live 2019↤ Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Carolina PanthersLive Free Panthers vs Buccaneers Live >Carolina Panthers vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers Live Panthers vs Buccaneers Live +>Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs

                      Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining NFL World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                      • ~~EURO:: Italy vs Greece Live TV ⤖ Greece vs Italy Live 2019 ↤ Italy vs Greece EURO QUALIFYING Football Live >Italy vs Greece EURO QUALIFYING Football Live +> Italy vs Greece Live( EURO QUALIFYING 2019 Live)[LIVE-FOOTBALL]** Italy vs Greece Live 12 Octo

                        Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining UFC World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                        • ~~EURO:: Italy vs Greece Live TV ⤖ Greece vs Italy Live 2019 ↤ Italy vs Greece EURO QUALIFYING Football Live >Italy vs Greece EURO QUALIFYING Football Live +> Italy vs Greece Live( EURO QUALIFYING 2019 Live)[LIVE-FOOTBALL]** Italy vs Greece Live 12 Octo

                          Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining UFC World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                          • ~~NCAAF:: Oklahoma vs Texas Live TV ⤖ Texas vs Oklahoma Live 2019 ↤ Oklahoma vs Texas NCAAF Live >Oklahoma vs Texas NCAAF Live +> Oklahoma vs Texas Live( NCAAF 2019 Live)[LIVE-FOOTBALL]** Oklahoma Sooners vs Texas Longhorns Live 12 October 2019 Tv Broad

                            Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining UFC World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                            • ~~NCAAF:: Oklahoma vs Texas Live TV ⤖ Texas vs Oklahoma Live 2019 ↤ Oklahoma vs Texas NCAAF Live >Oklahoma vs Texas NCAAF Live +> Oklahoma vs Texas Live( NCAAF 2019 Live)[LIVE-FOOTBALL]** Oklahoma Sooners vs Texas Longhorns Live 12 October 2019 Tv Broad

                              Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining UFC World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                              • ~~NCAAF:: Alabama vs Texas A&M Live TV ⤖ Texas A&M vs Alabama Live 2019 ↤ Texas A&M Aggies vs Alabama Crimson Tide Live Free Texas A&M vs Alabama Live > Alabama Crimson Tide vs Texas A&M Aggies Live Texas A&M vs Alabama Live +>Texas A&M Aggies vs Alabama

                                Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining NCAAF World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream gu

                                • ~~EPL:: Leicester City vs Burnley Live TV ⤖Burnley vs Leicester City Live 2019↤ Leicester City vs Burnley Burnley vs Leicester City Live >Leicester City vs Burnley Burnley vs Leicester City Live +>Leicester City vs Burnley Live(EPL 2019 Live)[LIVE-]**Le

                                  Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining EPL World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                                  • ~~NCAAF:: Oklahoma vs Texas Live TV ⤖ Texas vs Oklahoma Live 2019 ↤ Oklahoma Sooners vs Texas Longhorns Live Free Texas vs Oklahoma Live > Texas Longhorns vs Oklahoma Sooners Live Texas vs Oklahoma Live +> Oklahoma Sooners vs Texas Longhorns Live(NCAAF 2

                                    Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining NCAAF World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream gu

                                    • ~~Boxing:: Usyk vs Witherspoon Live TV ⤖ Witherspoon vs Usyk Live 2019↤ Usyk vs Witherspoon Boxing Live >Usyk vs Witherspoon Boxing Live +> Usyk vs Witherspoon Live(Boxing 2019 Live)[LIVE-Boxing]** Oleksandr Usyk vs Chazz Witherspoon Live 12 October 201

                                      Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining UFC World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                                      • Tourcoing vs AS Cannes Live'Stream[Free] - calebroberts247072’s blog

                                        MATCH DETAILS: Location : Upcoming Information:French Ligue A Volleyball 06.12.2019 When/Date: 06.12.2019 Time: 2:00 pm Watch here >>>Tourcoing vs AS Cannes live Online here >>>Tourcoing v Cannes live Tourcoing vs Cannes [livestream] Short Preview Recent matches Tourcoing is playing changeable (in the last 5 games wins - 3). Cannes is in bad shape now (in the last 5 games wins - 1). In this match

                                          Tourcoing vs AS Cannes Live'Stream[Free] - calebroberts247072’s blog
                                        • ~~NCAAF:: Louisville vs Clemson Live TV ⤖Clemson vs Louisville Live 2019↤ Louisville vs Clemson Clemson vs Louisville Live >Louisville vs Clemson Clemson vs Louisville Live +>Louisville vs Clemson Live(NCAAF 2019 Live)[LIVE-]**Louisville Cardinals vs Cl

                                          Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining NCAAF World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream gu

                                          • Twitter's algorithm ranking factors: A definitive guide

                                            Search Engine Land » Platforms » Twitter » Twitter’s algorithm ranking factors: A definitive guide Twitter’s algorithm ranking factors: A definitive guide A review of many of Twitter’s patents reveals some indications of criteria that are influential to rankings that are not readily apparent. Twitter patents and other publications reveal likely aspects of how tweets become promoted in the timeline

                                              Twitter's algorithm ranking factors: A definitive guide
                                            • It's Time to Hang Up on Phone Transports for Authentication

                                              In my blog Your Pa$$word doesn't matter, I laid out the key password vulnerabilities, and in response to a gazillion “but other creds can be compromised, too” DMs and emails, I wrote All our creds are belong to us, where I outlined vulnerabilities in credentials other than passwords and highlighted the promise of passwordless, cryptographically protected creds like FIDO, Windows Hello, and the Aut

                                                It's Time to Hang Up on Phone Transports for Authentication
                                              • 【21新卒インタビュー/エンジニア:01】インド出身の私がGMOリサーチに入社した理由 | New Graduate

                                                こんにちは!技術広報のちはっぴーです。 今年もやっていきます。2021年新卒インタビュー! ということで、今日は、2020年9月、システム部にエンジニアとして新卒入社された、シカさんについて詳しく聞いていきます〜!! Hello! I'm Chihappy, the person in charge of developer relations. I'll be doing it again this year, the 2021 New Graduate Interview! So today, we're going to hear more about Shikha-san, who joined the Systems Department as a new graduate engineer in September 2020~! シカさんについて(Shikha san’s Pr

                                                  【21新卒インタビュー/エンジニア:01】インド出身の私がGMOリサーチに入社した理由 | New Graduate
                                                • ~~EPL:: Leicester City vs Burnley Live TV ⤖Burnley vs Leicester City Live 2019↤ Leicester City vs Burnley Burnley vs Leicester City Live >Leicester City vs Burnley Burnley vs Leicester City Live +>Leicester City vs Burnley Live(EPL 2019 Live)[LIVE-]**Le

                                                  Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining EPL World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                                                  • ~~NCAAF:: Wisconsin vs Michigan Live TV ⤖ Michigan vs Wisconsin Live 2019 ↤ Wisconsin vs Michigan NCAAF Live >Wisconsin vs Michigan NCAAF Live +> Wisconsin vs Michigan Live( NCAAF 2019 Live)[LIVE-FOOTBALL]** Wisconsin Badgers vs Michigan State Spartans

                                                    Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining UFC World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                                                    • ~~NCAAF:: Oklahoma vs Texas Live TV ⤖ Texas vs Oklahoma Live 2019 ↤ Oklahoma vs Texas NCAAF Live >Oklahoma vs Texas NCAAF Live +> Oklahoma vs Texas Live( NCAAF 2019 Live)[LIVE-FOOTBALL]** Oklahoma Sooners vs Texas Longhorns Live 12 October 2019 Tv Broad

                                                      Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining UFC World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                                                      • ~~NCAAF:: Oklahoma vs Texas Live TV ⤖ Texas vs Oklahoma Live 2019 ↤ Oklahoma Sooners vs Texas Longhorns Live Free Texas vs Oklahoma Live > Texas Longhorns vs Oklahoma Sooners Live Texas vs Oklahoma Live +> Oklahoma Sooners vs Texas Longhorns Live(NCAAF 2

                                                        Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining NCAAF World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream gu

                                                        • グミと言えばリコリス・キャンディー - 面白情報探し旅!?

                                                          今週のお題「好きなグミ」 グミの記念日と言えば、9月3日はグミの日、3月9日は裏グミの日。 これは日本グミ協会とGUMMITが制定した記念日です。 日本グミ協会は2013年に同人活動としてソーシャルメディア上で活動を開始した団体です。 また、GUMMITは複数の企業・ブランドからなる「グミのサミット」で、春日井製菓株式会社、カバヤ食品株式会社、カンロ株式会社、UHA味覚糖株式会社、ニッポンエール(JA全農)が属しています。 【誕生100周年記念】HARIBO ハリボー ゴールドベア ミックス 950g HariboAmazon ランキング参加中はてなブログ【シニア部門】ランキング参加中知識 派手な色が目を引くグミですが、オーガニックやビタミンサプリなど、健康志向のグミもあります。 Black Forest Organic Gummy Bears オーガニック グミベア 227 g [海外直

                                                            グミと言えばリコリス・キャンディー - 面白情報探し旅!?
                                                          • ~~EURO:: Italy vs Greece Live TV ⤖ Greece vs Italy Live 2019 ↤ Italy vs Greece Live Free Greece vs Italy Live > Greece vs Italy Live Greece vs Italy Live +> Italy vs Greece Live(EURO QUALIFYING 2019 Live)[LIVE-Euro]** Italy vs Greece Live 12 October 2019

                                                            Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining EURO QUALIFYING World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live

                                                            • ~~EURO:: Italy vs Greece Live TV ⤖ Greece vs Italy Live 2019 ↤ Italy vs Greece EURO QUALIFYING Football Live >Italy vs Greece EURO QUALIFYING Football Live +> Italy vs Greece Live( EURO QUALIFYING 2019 Live)[LIVE-FOOTBALL]** Italy vs Greece Live 12 Octo

                                                              Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining UFC World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                                                              • ~~EURO:: Denmark vs Switzerland Live TV ⤖ Switzerland vs Denmark Live 2019 ↤ Denmark vs Switzerland Live Free Switzerland vs Denmark Live > Switzerland vs Denmark Live Switzerland vs Denmark Live +> Denmark vs Switzerland Live(EURO QUALIFYING 2019 Live)[

                                                                Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining EURO QUALIFYING World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live

                                                                • ~~NFL:: Buccaneers vs Panthers Live TV ⤖Panthers vs Buccaneers Live 2019↤ Buccaneers vs Panthers NFL Live >Buccaneers vs Panthers NFL Live +>Buccaneers vs Panthers Live(NFL 2019 Live)[LIVE-FOOTBALL]** Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Carolina Panthers Live 13 Oc

                                                                  Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining UFC World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                                                                  • Best 2-Day itinerary in Sapporo, Hokkaido

                                                                    Sapporo is the capital city of the northern island of Hokkaido. The city’s name originates from the Ainu language, an ancient, native Hokkaido tribe. Today, Sapporo is the fifth-largest city in Japan. Sapporo’s establishment began soon after the Meiji restoration as the newly formed government set up the Hokkaido Development Commission and established the head office in Sapporo. Sapporo and Hokkai

                                                                      Best 2-Day itinerary in Sapporo, Hokkaido
                                                                    • ~~EURO:: Denmark vs Switzerland Live TV ⤖ Switzerland vs Denmark Live 2019 ↤ Denmark vs Switzerland EURO QUALIFYING Football Live > Denmark vs Switzerland EURO QUALIFYING Football Live +> Denmark vs Switzerland Live( EURO QUALIFYING 2019 Live)[LIVE-FOOT

                                                                      Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining UFC World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                                                                      • ~~Boxing:: Johnson vs Ramirez Live TV ⤖ Ramirez vs Johnson Live 2019 ↤ Ronald Johnson vs Sergio Ramirez Live Free Ramirez vs Johnson Live > Sergio Ramirez vs Ronald Johnson Live Ramirez vs Johnson Live +> Ronald Johnson vs Sergio Ramirez Live(Boxing 2019

                                                                        Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining Boxing World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream g

                                                                        • ~~EURO:: Italy vs Greece Live TV ⤖ Greece vs Italy Live 2019 ↤ Italy vs Greece EURO QUALIFYING Football Live >Italy vs Greece EURO QUALIFYING Football Live +> Italy vs Greece Live( EURO QUALIFYING 2019 Live)[LIVE-FOOTBALL]** Italy vs Greece Live 12 Octo

                                                                          Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining UFC World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                                                                          • ~~NFL:: Buccaneers vs Panthers Live TV ⤖Panthers vs Buccaneers Live 2019↤ Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Carolina PanthersLive Free Panthers vs Buccaneers Live >Carolina Panthers vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers Live Panthers vs Buccaneers Live +>Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs

                                                                            Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining NFL World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid

                                                                            • A24: The Rise of a Cultural Conglomerate | The Generalist

                                                                              Even with big ambitions, only a small percentage of startups make it. Mercury Raise is here to change that. Introducing the comprehensive founder success platform built to remove roadblocks at every step of the startup journey. Looking to fundraise? Get your pitch in front of hundreds of the right investors with Investor Connect. Craving the company of people who get it? Join our Slack community o

                                                                                A24: The Rise of a Cultural Conglomerate | The Generalist
                                                                              • Googlespeak™ - How Google Limits Thought About Antitrust

                                                                                “Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.” 1984, George OrwellNot long ago, those active in the SEO space may have noticed I got into a bit of a Twitter spat with a couple of Google employees. It got downright testy. Working as a paid Google spok

                                                                                  Googlespeak™ - How Google Limits Thought About Antitrust
                                                                                • ~~NCAAF:: Oklahoma vs Texas Live TV ⤖ Texas vs Oklahoma Live 2019 ↤ Oklahoma vs Texas NCAAF Live >Oklahoma vs Texas NCAAF Live +> Oklahoma vs Texas Live( NCAAF 2019 Live)[LIVE-FOOTBALL]** Oklahoma Sooners vs Texas Longhorns Live 12 October 2019 Tv Broad

                                                                                  Ireland will bid to get their World Cup campaign back on track when they take on Russia today. It's pretty much win or bust for Ireland in their remaining UFC World Cup Pool matches following their shock defeat to hosts Japan. Will Ireland get back on track or will the Russians wreck their quarter-final qualification hopes? Watch the action as it happens with our Ireland vs Russia live stream guid