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Deploymentの検索結果321 - 360 件 / 646件

  • Deployment - Uvicorn

    Deployment¶ Server deployment is a complex area, that will depend on what kind of service you're deploying Uvicorn onto. As a general rule, you probably want to: Run uvicorn --reload from the command line for local development. Run gunicorn -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker for production. Additionally run behind Nginx for self-hosted deployments. Finally, run everything behind a CDN for caching su

    • Secure Substrate: Least Privilege Container Deployment

      Riyaz Faizullabhoy - Security Engineer, Docker Diogo Mónica - Security Lead, Docker The popularity of containers has driven the need for distributed systems that can provide a substrate for container deployments. These systems need the ability to provision and manage resources, place workloads, and adapt in the presence of failures. In particular, container orchestrators make it easy for anyone to

        Secure Substrate: Least Privilege Container Deployment
      • SNA Projects Blog : Tech Talk: Michael Deerkoski (Flickr) — “Continuous Deployment at Flickr”

        Hire the best. At 10x the speed.Hire the best. At 10x the speed.Screen and interview candidates 10x faster with MOPID AI Recruiter that saves upto 80% of your time and resources. Hiring 100+ positions? Try⚡Blitzhiring⚡for a change!Hiring 100+ positions?Try ⚡Blitzhiring⚡ for a changeWe get it. Large scale hiring costs a lot. What if you could hire the perfect talent AND save up to 80% resources? We

          SNA Projects Blog : Tech Talk: Michael Deerkoski (Flickr) — “Continuous Deployment at Flickr”
        • Django Deployment with Fabric

          Using Fabric for deploying and administering Django applicationsRead less

            Django Deployment with Fabric
          • Notes from a production MongoDB deployment - Server Density Blog

            By David Mytton, CEO & Founder of Server Density. Published on the 28th February, 2010. Back in July last year I wrote about our migration from MySQL to MongoDB. We have been running MongoDB in production for our server monitoring service, Server Density, since then – 8 months – and have learnt quite a few things about it. These are the kind of things that you only experience once you reach a cert

              Notes from a production MongoDB deployment - Server Density Blog
            • Unattended, A Windows deployment system: Unattended/Silent Installation Switches for Windows Apps

              The two basic principles of Windows system administration: For minor problems, reboot For major problems, reinstall This document is part of Unattended, a Windows deployment system. <http://unattended.sf.net/> Introduction The goal of this document is to collect instructions for performing unattended / silent installations of many popular application installers. Such instructions are useful for au

              • Google Cloud Deployment Manager のドキュメント

                Google Cloud Deployment Manager は、Google Cloud リソースの作成と管理を自動化するインフラストラクチャ デプロイ サービスです。柔軟なテンプレート ファイルと構成ファイルを作成し、それらを使用して、Cloud Storage、Compute Engine、Cloud SQL などのさまざまな Google Cloud サービスを連携させるように構成されたデプロイを作成します。詳細

                  Google Cloud Deployment Manager のドキュメント
                • GitHub - dcrec1/inploy: Rails and Sinatra deployment made easy

                  Inploy was born as an option to setup and deploy Rails applications in an easier and smarter way. It automatically executes common tasks like migrate the database, install gems, package the assets, clean the cache, notify Hoptoad, restart the server, etc. This means you will not have a big deploy script calld ‘recipe’ like with other tools, only a simple deploy script with a few lines. It uses Git

                    GitHub - dcrec1/inploy: Rails and Sinatra deployment made easy
                  • Kubernetes: Deployment のローリングアップデートの条件と設定 - Qiita

                    Kubernetes の Deployment のローリングアップデートが起こる条件と設定についてのメモです。Deployment のローリングアップデート自体の仕組みについては Kubernetes: Deployment の仕組み にまとめています。 Deployment のローリングアップデートが起きる条件 Deployment のローリングアップデートは Deployment の Pod Template (.spec.template) という Pod のテンプレート情報に変更があったときにのみ行われます。例えば Deployment のアノテーション(.metadata.annotations) を変更してもローリングアップデートは起きませんが、Pod Template のアノテーション(.spec.template.metadata.annotations) を更新するとロー

                      Kubernetes: Deployment のローリングアップデートの条件と設定 - Qiita
                    • Windows Deployment Services Getting Started Guide

                      Applies To: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2 This guide contains step-by-step guidance for how to install and configure the most common scenarios for Windows® Deployment Services (sometimes called “WDS”) in Windows Server® 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2. Note that you cannot use Windows Deployment Services with the Server Core installation option. To download the Windows Deployment Ser

                        Windows Deployment Services Getting Started Guide
                      • Overloading Monads for Html Deployment - School of Haskell | FP Complete

                        Stackage Learn how our Stackage project is helping solve Haskell's stable library problem. Blog Latest Haskell News The latest updates on everything Haskell. Haskell news by Chris Done. Haskell News It can be tedious migrating an app. I often ask myself, "did I use an absolute or a relative path?" "Did I use the correct hostname?" "Am I going to inline any JavaScript or Css, or use an external l

                        • GitHub - phinze/tf-bluegreen-asg-deployment: example of a blue/green deployment with asgs

                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                            GitHub - phinze/tf-bluegreen-asg-deployment: example of a blue/green deployment with asgs
                          • Creating a Heroku-like Deployment Solution with Docker - Semaphore

                            Back End Software Developer who loves the web and innovation. Pedro believes in the power of exchanging knowledge with other people, and loves high quality code, development best practices, and automation. Find him at */pecavalheiro. Introduction This tutorial will show you how to create an automation tool for deploying your software in a simple way, similar to deploying to Heroku. We’ll be using

                              Creating a Heroku-like Deployment Solution with Docker - Semaphore
                            • Continuous Integration/Deployment for AWS Lambda functions with Jenkins and Grunt – Part 1 | AWS Compute Blog

                              AWS Compute Blog Continuous Integration/Deployment for AWS Lambda functions with Jenkins and Grunt – Part 1 Daniele Stroppa, AWS Solution Architect Developing, testing and deploying your AWS Lambda functions can be a tedious process at times: write your function in your preferred editor/IDE, package it with any additional node module, upload it to AWS and test it using the console. Ideally, you wo

                                Continuous Integration/Deployment for AWS Lambda functions with Jenkins and Grunt – Part 1 | AWS Compute Blog
                              • GitHub - kohkimakimoto/altax: [Deprecated - This project is no longer maintained] A deployment tool for PHP

                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                  GitHub - kohkimakimoto/altax: [Deprecated - This project is no longer maintained] A deployment tool for PHP
                                • [GCP] Google Cloud PlatformのCloud Deployment Managerの事始め

                                  最近GCPでGitlabやRailsの開発環境スタックがOne-ClickでGCP上にデプロイできるようになりました。 Click to Deploy GitLab Community Edition on Google Compute Engine Click to Deploy Ruby Development Stack on Google Compute Engine GCPではコレ以外にも、Apache Cassandra、MEAN Stack、Mongo DB、RabbitMQなどの環境をOne-Clickでデプロイできるようになっています。 これらの環境をデプロイする技術は、単純なVMイメージコピーではなくプロビジョニングしている様に見えます。 このOne-Click Deployを提供しているのがCloud Deployment Managerと呼ばれる、 GCP上のサービ

                                  • Fastlane, Continuous Deployment to iOS

                                    Continuous Deployment to iOS

                                      Fastlane, Continuous Deployment to iOS
                                    • Python Integration and Deployment

                                      Simple validation, testing and deployment practices for small teams

                                        Python Integration and Deployment
                                      • Python deployment tips

                                        In Yaco we've been working on improving our development and deployment process lately and I think it's time we share our achievements and mistakes with everybody. Besides python and Django being our core tools, some of the key technologies that we use are buildout, nginx, uwsgi, rpm, fabric, openvz and proxmox. So it's quite clear that you need to know a bunch of things to accomplish something pow

                                        • Deployment Recipes – Deploying, monitoring and securing your Rails application to a clean Ubuntu 10.04 install using Nginx and Unicorn

                                          Deployment Recipes – Deploying, monitoring and securing your Rails application to a clean Ubuntu 10.04 install using Nginx and Unicorn August 25, 2010 — Maurício Linhares

                                            Deployment Recipes – Deploying, monitoring and securing your Rails application to a clean Ubuntu 10.04 install using Nginx and Unicorn
                                          • Deployment · Phoenix


                                              Deployment · Phoenix
                                            • Windows エディションのアップグレード - Windows Deployment

                                              Windows では、アップグレード パスがサポートされている場合は、あるエディションの Windows から別のエディションにすばやくアップグレードできます。 適切な Windows のエディションについては、次の記事を参照してください。 Windows 11エディションを比較します。 Windows 11 Pro機能について調べる。 Windows 10 ProとWindows 11 Pro。 Windows 10エディションを比較します。 Windows for Business。 Windows への可能なすべてのアップグレード パスの包括的な一覧については、「 Windows アップグレード パス」を参照してください。 Windows のエディションのダウングレードについては、この記事の 「ライセンスの有効期限 」セクションで説明します。 次の表は、コンピューターで実行されている

                                                Windows エディションのアップグレード - Windows Deployment
                                              • SNA Projects Blog : Tech Talk: Michael Deerkoski (Flickr) — “Continuous Deployment at Flickr”

                                                Hire the best. At 10x the speed.Hire the best. At 10x the speed.Screen and interview candidates 10x faster with MOPID AI Recruiter that saves upto 80% of your time and resources. Hiring 100+ positions? Try⚡Blitzhiring⚡for a change!Hiring 100+ positions?Try ⚡Blitzhiring⚡ for a changeWe get it. Large scale hiring costs a lot. What if you could hire the perfect talent AND save up to 80% resources? We

                                                  SNA Projects Blog : Tech Talk: Michael Deerkoski (Flickr) — “Continuous Deployment at Flickr”
                                                • Node.js App Hosting & Deployment | Microsoft Azure

                                                  Explore Azure Get to know Azure Discover secure, future-ready cloud solutions—on-premises, hybrid, multicloud, or at the edge Global infrastructure Learn about sustainable, trusted cloud infrastructure with more regions than any other provider Cloud economics Build your business case for the cloud with key financial and technical guidance from Azure Customer enablement Plan a clear path forward fo

                                                  • テストだけでなく、デプロイもGithubで!SlackとGithub Deploymentを使ったGithub Actionsの実行方法 - Qiita

                                                    テストだけでなく、デプロイもGithubで!SlackとGithub Deploymentを使ったGithub Actionsの実行方法GitHubdeploySlackGitHubActionsGithubDeployment はじめに GithubActionsがリリースされ、CircleCIや、TravisCIから段々とGithubActionに移行している中、CircleCIで出来た「Approve」機能が使えなくて困っている人も多いはず。 git push してActionを起動できるのはわかったけど、任意のタイミングでDeployのために、Github Actionsを実行したいと思うようになってきたのではないでしょうか? そんな時に使えるのが「Github Deployment」! 任意のタイミングでActionを起動して、Deployを効率化することができます。 Slack

                                                      テストだけでなく、デプロイもGithubで!SlackとGithub Deploymentを使ったGithub Actionsの実行方法 - Qiita
                                                    • Fabric, Django, Git, Apache, mod_wsgi, virtualenv and pip deployment | Morethanseven

                                                      I’ve been playing with automating Django deployments again, this time using Fabric. I found a number of examples on the web but non of them quite fit the bill for me. I don’t like serving directly from a repository, I like to have either a package or tar I can use to say “that is what went to the server”. I also like having a quick rollback command as well as being able to deploy a particular vers

                                                      • Preparing the Netflix API for Deployment

                                                        At Netflix, we are committed to bringing new features and product enhancements to customers rapidly and frequently. Consequently, dozens of engineering teams are constantly innovating on their services, resulting in a rate of change to the overall service is vast and unending. Because of our appetite for providing such improvements to our members, it is critical for us to maintain a Software Deliv

                                                          Preparing the Netflix API for Deployment
                                                        • WSO2Con US 2015 Kubernetes: a platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations

                                                          WSO2Con US 2015 Kubernetes: a platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations Kubernetes can run application containers on clusters of physical or virtual machines. It can also do much more than that. Kubernetes satisfies a number of common needs of applications running in production, such as co-locating helper processes, mounting storage systems, distributing secrets, application heal

                                                            WSO2Con US 2015 Kubernetes: a platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations
                                                          • Continuous integration and deployment with Bazel

                                                            Dropbox server-side software lives in a large monorepo. One lesson we’ve learned scaling the monorepo is to minimize the number of global operations that operate on the repository as a whole. Years ago, it was reasonable to run our entire test corpus on every commit to the repository. This scheme became untenable as we added more tests. One obvious inefficiency is the pointless and wasteful execut

                                                              Continuous integration and deployment with Bazel
                                                            • [NAgile]Team BuildとWeb Deployment Projectsを利用したデプロイ - NAgilerの日記

                                                              デプロイ時に本番環境とステージング環境で Web.config の内容を書き換えたいというニーズは多い。これは Visual Studio 2008 Web Deployment Projects を利用することで簡単に実現できる。 ただし、Team Foundaion Server 2008 の Team Build でデフォルトの設定のまま Web Deployment Projects を使用してビルドを行うと、エラーが発生してしまう。 ここでは、Web Deployment Projects を利用して、ステージング環境と本番環境で構成を切り替える方法および Team Build でビルドを成功させるための手順を簡単に説明しておく。 まず、簡単な Hello World アプリケーションを作成する。ボタンクリック時には、Web.config セクションから文字列を取得してラベルに表

                                                                [NAgile]Team BuildとWeb Deployment Projectsを利用したデプロイ - NAgilerの日記
                                                              • Rails 5.1 Deployment Checklist for Heroku | AkitaOnRails.com

                                                                I released THE CONF yesterday. I hope you enjoy the conference program and take advantage of the limited early-bird discount! Anyway, the website itself is super simple. A single page site. I chose to use Rails 5.1 as the site structure because it takes care of all the stuff I'd have to add manually in any other framework. Specially now that that it brings native Yarn and Webpack support it's a br

                                                                • Deployment Keys Now Available on Bitbucket - Bitbucket

                                                                  We’ve received a lot of requests for this feature, and our recent Innovation Week has given us the time to follow through on this request. We’re pleased to introduce Deployment Keys for Bitbucket. Deployment keys allow users to clone/pull source from a repository over SSH using Git and Hg without having to use up one of their plan limit users. Deployment keys are similar to adding SSH keys to your

                                                                  • CocoaPodsでインストールしたライブラリをXcode12でビルドするとDeployment Targetに関する警告が出る - Qiita

                                                                    The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.0.99. これは Xcode12 がサポートする Deployment Target から iOS8 がドロップされたことが原因です。現状提供されている多くのライブラリが Deployment Target を iOS8 としているため、この警告が表示されることになります。 この警告には実害はないため、ライブラリ側の Deployment Target が Xcode12 に合わせて iOS9 に更新されるのを待ちましょう。 ただ、インストールしているライブラリが多い場合、Xcode の Issue

                                                                      CocoaPodsでインストールしたライブラリをXcode12でビルドするとDeployment Targetに関する警告が出る - Qiita
                                                                    • GitHub - edeliver/edeliver: Deployment for Elixir and Erlang

                                                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                        GitHub - edeliver/edeliver: Deployment for Elixir and Erlang
                                                                      • MyRocks introduction and production deployment

                                                                        MyRocks is an open source LSM based MySQL database, created by Facebook. This slides introduce MyRocks overview and how we deployed at Facebook, as of 2017.

                                                                          MyRocks introduction and production deployment
                                                                        • Our Git deployment workflow — Bryan Helmkamp

                                                                          At weplay, we recently switched to pure git version control from git-svn. Now that we've had a couple weeks for the dust to settle, I'd like to share our workflow for managing deployments to our staging and production clusters. We started by outlining the goals of our system: All code that's pushed to our staging and production environments must be in GitHub. Nothing goes straight from a local rep

                                                                          • Amazon ECS Announces the Preview of ECS Deployment Circuit Breaker

                                                                            Today, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) announced in preview, Amazon ECS deployment circuit breaker, for EC2 and Fargate launch types. With this feature, Amazon ECS customers can now automatically roll back unhealthy service deployments without the need for manual intervention. This empowers customers to quickly discover failed deployments, without worrying about resources being consu

                                                                              Amazon ECS Announces the Preview of ECS Deployment Circuit Breaker
                                                                            • GitHub - Shopify/shipit-engine: Deployment coordination

                                                                              Shipit is a deployment tool that makes shipping code better for everyone. It's especially great for large teams of developers and designers who work together to build and deploy GitHub repos. You can use it to: add new applications to your deployment environment without having to change core configuration files repeatedly — shipit.yml is basically plug and play control the pace of development by p

                                                                                GitHub - Shopify/shipit-engine: Deployment coordination
                                                                              • BOSH / CF Deployment in modern ways #cf_tokyo

                                                                                BOSH / CF Deployment in modern ways Cloud Foundry Tokyo Meetup #4

                                                                                  BOSH / CF Deployment in modern ways #cf_tokyo
                                                                                • Windows Update for Business の構成 - Windows Deployment

                                                                                  このブラウザーはサポートされなくなりました。 Microsoft Edge にアップグレードすると、最新の機能、セキュリティ更新プログラム、およびテクニカル サポートを利用できます。

                                                                                    Windows Update for Business の構成 - Windows Deployment