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361 - 400 件 / 859件

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Documentsの検索結果361 - 400 件 / 859件

  • Clustering text documents using k-means — scikit-learn 0.14 documentation

    This documentation is for scikit-learn version 0.14 — Other versions If you use the software, please consider citing scikit-learn. Clustering text documents using k-means Clustering text documents using k-means¶ This is an example showing how the scikit-learn can be used to cluster documents by topics using a bag-of-words approach. This example uses a scipy.sparse matrix to store the features inst

    • Vim Documents in Japanese – Trac

      Powered by Trac 0.11.1.ja1 By Edgewall Software. Translated by インタアクト株式会社 Visit the Trac open source project at http://trac.edgewall.org/

      • GitHub - ttskch/svg-paper: The world's most maintainable way to create paper-printable documents 🖨💘

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          GitHub - ttskch/svg-paper: The world's most maintainable way to create paper-printable documents 🖨💘
        • Extracting Structured Data from Templatic Documents

          Philosophy We strive to create an environment conducive to many different types of research across many different time scales and levels of risk. Learn more about our Philosophy Learn more

            Extracting Structured Data from Templatic Documents
          • Komonjo | An interactive website allowing one to view photos, transcriptions and translations of a variety of medieval Japanese documents.

            Komonjo An interactive website allowing one to view photos, transcriptions and translations of a variety of medieval Japanese documents. Documents, or komonjo, were treasured in medieval Japan, for they were replete with legal and social meaning. They could be used to uphold rights to the land, but possession of these records also revealed social status. Warriors, nobles, and commoners carefully p

            • 【論文紹介】Distributed Representations of Sentences and Documents

              Paragraph Vector(doc2vec) のアルゴリズムについての解説スライドです. word2vec についての解説も一部含んでいます. 研究室内の勉強会用に作成したものですので,説明に誤りが含まれている可能性があります.修正すべき点を見つけられた方は,ご指摘頂けると幸いです.

                【論文紹介】Distributed Representations of Sentences and Documents
              • Notionlytics - Advanced Notion analytics. For company wikis, community knowledge bases, and shared documents.

                Bird's eye view Key usage metrics See what's going on with your content, and keep your Notion resources relevant. Comprehensive analytics. See what works and what doesn't, spot trends, and adjust content accordingly. Bird's eye view from one intuitive dashboard. Real-time updates. No delays, no waiting. Just data, as it comes in. With real-time analytics, you can see what's happening as it happens

                  Notionlytics - Advanced Notion analytics. For company wikis, community knowledge bases, and shared documents.
                • Query Documents — MongoDB Manual

                  General InformationDocumentationDeveloper Articles & TopicsCommunity ForumsBlogUniversity

                    Query Documents — MongoDB Manual
                  • Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing - DP-3T/documents - GitHub

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                      Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing - DP-3T/documents - GitHub
                    • GitHub - IBM/japan-technology: IBM Related Japanese technical documents - Code Patterns, Learning Path, Tutorials, etc.

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                        GitHub - IBM/japan-technology: IBM Related Japanese technical documents - Code Patterns, Learning Path, Tutorials, etc.
                      • 携帯写真、RSS対応 画像入り日記CGI HL-imgdiary Ver.3.03 :Heartlogic Documents

                        携帯写真、RSS対応 画像入り日記CGI HL-imgdiary Ver.3.03 ホームページの日記やニュースを自動的に作るためのCGIスクリプトです。フォームに文章を書くたけでHTMLのタグを知らなくても自動的に日記を作成でき、同時に画像も自動的に貼り込めるため、「写真日記」や「イラスト日記」などにも適しています。 このCGIの開発は、Ver.3.03で休止とします。致命的なバグのFix以外で、手を加えることはしないつもりです。 ダウンロードと使い方 ※2007.12.3 Ver.3.03にバージョンアップしました。変更点はHL-imgdiary バージョンアップ履歴をご覧ください 携帯写真メール、RSS出力対応 画像入り日記作成CGI HL-imgdiary Ver.3.03 imgdiary303.zip(32KB) Jcode.pmでエラーが出る場合は、こちらのedit.cgiを

                        • GitHub - mhemesath/r2d3: Raphael Rendered, Data Driven Documents

                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                            GitHub - mhemesath/r2d3: Raphael Rendered, Data Driven Documents
                          • Clean Thesis — A LaTeX Style for Thesis Documents • Developed by Ricardo Langner

                            Clean Thesis is a clean, simple, and elegant LaTeX style for thesis documents. Download v0.4.0 See the Changelog. Looking for the latest development version? Clean Thesis is a LaTeX style for thesis documents, developed for my diplom thesis (Diplomarbeit). The style can be understood as my personal compromise — a typical clean looking scientific document combined and polished with minor beautifica

                            • TextMine: AI powered knowledge base for your business critical documents

                              Analyse, manage, and smart-search thousands of documents Use AI to analyse your unstructured textual data and document databases. Automatically retrieve key terms to help you make informed decisions. Make your business more efficient with TextMine today!

                              • insightout2011 — Presentations, Infographics, Videos, Documents

                                [INSIGHT OUT 2011] C12 50分で理解する SQL Serverでできることできないこと(uchiyama)

                                  insightout2011 — Presentations, Infographics, Videos, Documents
                                • Where was Edward Snowden when he leaked the CIA documents?

                                  Surveillance whistle-blower Edward Snowden has spoken for the first time since blowing his own cover in an exclusive interview with the South China Morning Post. The ex-CIA analyst has been holed up in secret locations in Hong Kong since fleeing Hawaii ahead of highly sensitive leaks revealing details of US top-secret phone and internet surveillance of its citizens. Snowden's actions have been bot

                                    Where was Edward Snowden when he leaked the CIA documents?
                                  • Distributed Representations of Sentences and Documents

                                    Many machine learning algorithms require the input to be represented as a fixed-length feature vector. When it comes to texts, one of the most common fixed-length features is bag-of-words. Despite their popularity, bag-of-words features have two major weaknesses: they lose the ordering of the words and they also ignore semantics of the words. For example, "powerful," "strong" and "Paris" are equal

                                    • Flash Drive (View/save with drag and drop/email documents): テキスト表示編集機能が素晴らしいファイラー。3765 | AppBank

                                      Flash Drive (View/save with drag and drop/email documents): テキスト表示編集機能が素晴らしいファイラー。3765 Flash Drive (View/save with drag and drop/email documents)はiTunesを使ってiPhoneにコピーした、様々なファイルが管理・表示できるファイラーです。 ファイラー機能も複数のファイルやフォルダごとZIP圧縮解凍ができるなど非常に便利なのですが、特に素晴らしいと感じたのはテキストファイルを表示・編集する機能です。 表示できる文字エンコードはEUCやISO 2022-JPのほか、Shift-JIS・UTF-8にも対応。 テキストの編集機能ではISO 2022-JP以外の文字エンコードに対応しています。 UTF-8のみに対応するファイラーが多い中、様々な文字エンコ

                                      • AGI32 Lighting Software: Technical Documents

                                        Independently performed by Dau Design & Consulting, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, this is an extensive compilation of test results performed per the publication CIE 171:2006, assembled on the recommendations of CIE Committee TC3.33 Abstract Buy the CIE 171:2006 publication

                                        • Documents and Settings フォルダが開けない 【Windows7】


                                            Documents and Settings フォルダが開けない 【Windows7】
                                          • tombloo/documents/summary_600.png at master · to/tombloo

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                                              tombloo/documents/summary_600.png at master · to/tombloo
                                            • Associating Style Sheets with XML documents 1.0 (Second Edition) (W3C Recommendation 28 October 2010)

                                              Associating Style Sheets with XML documents 1.0 (Second Edition) W3C Recommendation 28 October 2010This version: http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/REC-xml-stylesheet-20101028 Latest version: http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet Previous versions: http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/PER-xml-stylesheet-20100909 Editors:James Clark (First Edition) <jjc@jclark.com>Simon Pieters (Second Edition), Opera Software <simonp@o

                                              • Modeling documents with Generative Adversarial Networks

                                                I presented some preliminary work on using Generative Adversarial Networks to learn distributed representations of documents at the recent NIPS workshop on Adversarial Training. In this post I provide a brief overview of the paper and walk through some of the code. Learning document representations Representation learning has been a hot topic in recent years, in part driven by the desire to apply

                                                • Gilles BARBIER - Documents d'artistes PACA

                                                  Documentation et diffusion de l'activité des artistes visuels de Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

                                                  • はてなキーワードの統計グラフがやばい - No Title Documents

                                                    もはや直角 「高専カンファレンス」のトレンド - はてなキーワード

                                                      はてなキーワードの統計グラフがやばい - No Title Documents
                                                    • Specification Documents

                                                      Bluetooth Technical Specification documents are made available in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF). If you have an idea for a new use case or for specification enhancements, please email Member Relations. For proper viewing, you must use Adobe Acrobat version 6.0 or higher. This software can be downloaded here at no cost. Files over 2MB in size are compressed in .ZIP file format.

                                                      • 「紙copi」をiPhoneで見るとき文字化けするならファイル管理アプリ「Documents」がオススメーいつもていねいに

                                                        「Documents」であれば、以下の画像のとおり、文字化けせず表示されます。 ただ、Googleドライブのアプリよりも、ファイルを表示するのに少しだけ間があるので、パッと表示されるGoogleドライブの方がすぐに確認するにはよいのですが、文字化けでは仕方がありません。 ちなみに、Documentsは、紙copiのデータにアクセスする用途だけでなく、GoogleドライブやDropboxなどの様々なクラウドストレージを一括で管理できるので便利です。 紙copiのデータをiPhoneからアクセスする場合や、iPhoneからパソコンで作ったデータにアクセスすると文字化けする場合などは、ぜひ「Documents」を試してみてください。 ちなみに、紙copi3は、Dropboxと同期する機能があります。(以下のオンラインヘルプの「Dropboxで箱を同期する」を参照) ▶︎▶︎参考 紙copi –

                                                        • Documents

                                                          Documents published on the European Commission website

                                                          • Monsanto Weed Killer Roundup Faces New Doubts on Safety in Unsealed Documents (Published 2017)

                                                            A scanning machine illuminating a bottle of Roundup, a weed killer, as it moved along a production line at a facility in Antwerp, Belgium, owned by Monsanto.Credit...Jasper Juinen/Bloomberg The reputation of Roundup, whose active ingredient is the world’s most widely used weed killer, took a hit on Tuesday when a federal court unsealed documents raising questions about its safety and the research

                                                              Monsanto Weed Killer Roundup Faces New Doubts on Safety in Unsealed Documents (Published 2017)
                                                            • Ebook and PDA Documents for your Handheld from Memoware - Free!

                                                              Thousands of Free Ebook and PDA Documents for your Handheld Computer or Smartphone!Choose from over 18,000 premium ebook titles available at the MemoWare PDA eBookstore.

                                                              • Solved: Merge Two Dwg Documents

                                                                Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 3229 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 4

                                                                • Discord member details how documents leaked from closed chat group

                                                                  The man behind a massive leak of U.S. government secrets that has exposed spying on allies, revealed the grim prospects for Ukraine’s war with Russia and ignited diplomatic fires for the White House is a young, charismatic gun enthusiast who shared highly classified documents with a group of far-flung acquaintances searching for companionship amid the isolation of the pandemic. United by their mut

                                                                    Discord member details how documents leaked from closed chat group
                                                                  • GitHub - MicrosoftEdge/MSEdgeExplainers: Home for explainer documents originated by the Microsoft Edge team

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                                                                      GitHub - MicrosoftEdge/MSEdgeExplainers: Home for explainer documents originated by the Microsoft Edge team
                                                                    • GitHub - WolframResearch/Arrival-Movie-Live-Coding: Documents from a live coding session by Christopher Wolfram related to content from the 2016 film Arrival

                                                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                        GitHub - WolframResearch/Arrival-Movie-Live-Coding: Documents from a live coding session by Christopher Wolfram related to content from the 2016 film Arrival
                                                                      • GitHub - aquasync/ruby-ole: A library for easy read/write access to OLE compound documents for Ruby

                                                                        Introduction¶ ↑ The ruby-ole library provides a variety of functions primarily for working with OLE2 structured storage files, such as those produced by Microsoft Office - eg *.doc, *.msg etc. Example Usage¶ ↑ Here are some examples of how to use the library functionality, categorised roughly by purpose. Reading and writing files within an OLE container The recommended way to manipulate the conten

                                                                          GitHub - aquasync/ruby-ole: A library for easy read/write access to OLE compound documents for Ruby
                                                                        • MPI Documents

                                                                          The official version of the MPI documents are the English postscript versions. In several cases, a translation or HTML version is also available for convenience. The HTML version was made with automated tools. In case of a difference between these two sources, the postscript version of MPI standard documents are always considered the official version. Those who prefer to get the documents via anon

                                                                          • Trusted Documents | benjie.dev

                                                                            Use trusted documents if your GraphQL API is only for your own apps (most GraphQL APIs!) for a massively decreased attack-surface, increased performance, and decreased bandwidth usage. At app build time, extract the GraphQL documents (queries, etc) and make them available to the server. At run time, send documentId instead of the whole document; only accept requests with a documentId. GraphQLConf

                                                                              Trusted Documents | benjie.dev
                                                                            • Our Reaction To Your Reactions To the Twitter Confidential Documents Post | TechCrunch

                                                                              Our Reaction To Your Reactions To the Twitter Confidential Documents Post Wow, that’s quite a reaction to our post earlier this evening saying that we will publish some of the confidential Twitter documents we’ve been forwarded. Nearly 200 comments in a little over an hour, mostly saying we shouldn’t publish. Hundreds of Tweets, and it has become a trending topic. There’s even a poll asking people

                                                                                Our Reaction To Your Reactions To the Twitter Confidential Documents Post | TechCrunch
                                                                              • [iPad] Documents by Readdleの使い方: iPadをPCからアクセスできるファイルサーバにする方法 | AppBank

                                                                                AppBank の主任です。無料のファイル管理アプリでは最強とも言える機能・使い勝手を持つ、Documents by Readdle の使い方をご紹介します。 今回は PC からもアクセスできるファイルサーバ機能の使い方をご紹介します。 この機能を使えば Wi-Fi 経由で iPad にアクセスできるので、USB ケーブルがない時でも iPad と PC の間でファイルをやり取りできます。 さらに同じ Wi-Fi に接続する iPhone などからアクセスし、iPad 上のファイルを閲覧することもできます。 アプリの機能をおおまかにご紹介したレビュー記事はこちらです。 →[iPad] Documents by Readdle: 無料のファイル管理アプリでは最強!PDF注釈/Dropbox同期もOK! 注意点 このサーバ機能は HTTP と呼ばれる、通信内容を暗号化せずにデータをやり取りする

                                                                                  [iPad] Documents by Readdleの使い方: iPadをPCからアクセスできるファイルサーバにする方法 | AppBank
                                                                                • East Asian studies professor and librarian uncover rare Japanese medieval documents

                                                                                  By Stephanie Ramírez, Princeton University Library on Nov. 28, 2018, 3:54 p.m. Thomas Conlan, a Princeton professor of East Asian studies and history, and Princeton University Library's Japanese Studies Librarian, Setsuko Noguchi, uncovered rare Japanese medieval documents from Sakuramotobō, a famous temple in Yoshino, Nara prefecture. Pictured are the documents upon arrival to Princeton. In 2015,

                                                                                    East Asian studies professor and librarian uncover rare Japanese medieval documents