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Forthの検索結果1 - 17 件 / 17件

  • 君は逆ポーランド電卓を知っているか? ~そして自作へ

    1983年徳島県生まれ。大阪在住。散歩が趣味の組込エンジニア。エアコンの配管や室外機のある風景など、普段着の街を見るのが好き。日常的すぎて誰も気にしないようなモノに気付いていきたい。(動画インタビュー) 前の記事:タイムズパーキングの看板、でっぱってるか? でっぱってないか? > 個人サイト NEKOPLA Tumblr 逆ポーランド記法とは 世の中には、大きく分けて2種類の電卓がある。ほとんどの人が使っている普通の電卓(「中置記法の電卓」という)と、入力方法の異なる「逆ポーランド記法の電卓」だ。 これが逆ポーランド電卓(HP-16C)。どこにも“=”キーがなく、反面デカデカと“ENTER”キーがあるのが特徴 電卓の紹介をする前に、まずは「逆ポーランド記法」ってなんだ? という点について説明する必要がある。めんどうだけど、少しお付き合い下さい。 言語にはいろんな語順がある。日本語だと「主語

      君は逆ポーランド電卓を知っているか? ~そして自作へ
    • 扇風機のファームウェアを書き換えて潜在能力を引き出した話(その2) - Qiita

      arduinoとかに使われるマイコンよりはROM、RAMサイズが小さいですが、扇風機のソフトを実装するには十分すぎるくらいかと思います。 詳しくはhttps://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm8s003f3.pdf ※タイマは指定した時間経過後に処理を行ったりできる機能です。今回の実装で使ってます。 ※I2C、SPI、UART等はシリアル通信の方式のことで、今回は使いません。 ライブラリについて タイマやGPIO等の各種機能はSTM8S/A Standard peripheral library(https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stsw-stm8069.html )を使えば簡単に使用できます。 このライブラリにはサンプルプログラムも豊富に付いてたので、STMマイコンを使うのが初めてでもすぐに使えました

        扇風機のファームウェアを書き換えて潜在能力を引き出した話(その2) - Qiita
      • 機械語手書きから言語処理系をブートストラップする - Qiita

        この記事は言語実装のカレンダー | Advent Calendar 2021 - Qiita https://qiita.com/advent-calendar/2021/lang_dev の4日目の記事です。 はじめに 昔、アセンブリ言語のみから出発し、GC・継続・オブジェクトシステムなどを持つ比較的高級な言語までブートストラップするということをやりました。いつか再挑戦してみたいと思っていて、正月休みにやりましたら思いのほか動くものになりましたが、死蔵させたまま1年経ってしまいました。勿体無いのでこの機会に紹介して供養します。 前回作ったAmberという処理系はこちら - リポジトリ: https://github.com/nineties/amber 今回はアセンブリ言語じゃなく ELFファイルの手書き から出発してみたいと思います。ただのお遊びで、そんなことしても役には立ちません。が

          機械語手書きから言語処理系をブートストラップする - Qiita
        • GitHub - fuzzballcat/milliForth: A FORTH in 386 bytes — the smallest real programming language ever as of yet.

          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

            GitHub - fuzzballcat/milliForth: A FORTH in 386 bytes — the smallest real programming language ever as of yet.
          • Forth思考 ―問題解決のための言語と哲学― — Thinking Forth 0 ドキュメント

            Forth思考 ―問題解決のための言語と哲学―¶ レオ・ブロディー(Leo Brodie) 著 Forthの発明者チャールズ・H・ムーア(Charles H. Moore)やForth思想家達へのインタビューを掲載! 著者によるイラスト付き! ©1984, 1994, and 2004 by Leo Brodie, preprint version 1.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 You are free: to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work to make derivative works Under the following conditions: Attribution. You must give the original author credit. No

            • GitHub - zevv/zForth: zForth: tiny, embeddable, flexible, compact Forth scripting language for embedded systems

              From Wikipedia: A Forth environment combines the compiler with an interactive shell, where the user defines and runs subroutines called words. Words can be tested, redefined, and debugged as the source is entered without recompiling or restarting the whole program. All syntactic elements, including variables and basic operators are defined as words. Forth environments vary in how the resulting pro

                GitHub - zevv/zForth: zForth: tiny, embeddable, flexible, compact Forth scripting language for embedded systems
              • GitHub - jart/sectorlisp: Bootstrapping LISP in a Boot Sector

                LISP has been described as the Maxwell's equations of software. Yet there's been very little focus to date on reducing these equations to their simplest possible form. Even the original LISP paper from the 1960's defines LISP with nonessential elements, e.g. LABEL. This project aims to solve that by doing three things: We provide a LISP implementation that's written in LISP, as a single pure expre

                  GitHub - jart/sectorlisp: Bootstrapping LISP in a Boot Sector
                • PSChess - A Chess Engine in PostScript

                  seriot.ch About | Projects | Trail PSChess – A Chess Engine in PostScript Here is a quick overview about the making and inner working of PSChess. GitHub repo: https://github.com/nst/PSChess See also my remarks about programming in PostScript. Motivation To what extend can we execute arbitrary code on a printer? How to implement a chess engine in PostScript? Can you play chess against your printer?

                  • GitHub - cesarblum/sectorforth: sectorforth is a 16-bit x86 Forth that fits in a 512-byte boot sector.

                    sectorforth contains only the eight primitives outlined in the Usenet post above, five variables for manipulating internal state, and two I/O primitives. With that minimal set of building blocks, words for branching, compiling, manipulating the return stack, etc. can all be written in Forth itself (check out the examples!). The colon compiler (:) is available, so new words can be defined easily (t

                      GitHub - cesarblum/sectorforth: sectorforth is a 16-bit x86 Forth that fits in a 512-byte boot sector.
                    • Sporth

                      Sporth (SoundPipe fORTH) is a small stack-based audio programming language. Compile the latest version here. Features Stack oriented paradigm Written in portable C 100+ unit generators to choose from Powered by the Soundpipe DSP library Unix-Friendly Small codebase Powerful C API Live coding capabilities Third-party plugin format Why Sporth? For composers, Sporth is a different approach to making

                      • Tumble Forth

                        Hello, my name is Virgil Dupras, author of Collapse OS and Dusk OS and I'm starting a series of articles that aims to hand-hold my former self, a regular web developer, into the rabbit hole leading to the wonderful world of low level programming. Hopefully, I can hand-hold you too. The general goal is to broaden your perspectives on the subject of computing. I intend do to that through story arcs

                        • GitHub - Bushmills/Bashforth: A Forth interpreter, entirely written as bash script. But by now is yoda (https://github.com/Bushmills/yoda) the better bashforth.

                          This Forth interpreter, entirely written as bash script, is a F³ (Fully Functional Forth), albeit a tad slow. Some would call it "sluggish". As rough indication, an ARM SBC which I'm running Bashforth on takes about 15 second for an empty loop of 100,000 iterations. It has built-in doc and see facilities, simplifying exploration of Bashforth. Bashforth lacks floating point support and vocabularies

                            GitHub - Bushmills/Bashforth: A Forth interpreter, entirely written as bash script. But by now is yoda (https://github.com/Bushmills/yoda) the better bashforth.
                          • Forth: The programming language that writes itself: The Web Page

                            Forth: The programming language that writes itself: The Web Page Author: Dave Gauer Created: 2023-02-02 Updated: 2023-07-21 Note: This page is my personal journey to discover Forth and put it in the context of computing history. It is adapted from my slides for a short talk. I've done everything in my power to make this page scale up and down for various screen sizes. I welcome suggestions and cor

                              Forth: The programming language that writes itself: The Web Page
                            • xorvoid

                              As you can see, "quote" is the only form that requires special handling by the evaluator. Both "pop" and "push" can be implemented as ordinary built-ins. The syntax forms are not strictly required, but they make coding much more manageable. Thunking and Forcing () In Forsp, parenthesis grouping is used as a thunking operator. As an example: (foo bar) is the thunked-computation of: foo bar A thunk

                              • GitHub - ttsiodras/MiniForth: A tiny Forth I built in a week. Blog post: https://www.thanassis.space/miniforth.html

                                ( Wrote a blog post about this here ) It was raining hard, a week ago. And what could you possibly do on a rainy Saturday afternoon? Well... You can make a Forth interpreter/compiler from scratch... ...then put it inside a 1.5$ Blue Pill microcontroller... ...and finally, inside an Arduino UNO... ... within its tiny 2K RAM! Click on the image to watch it blinking the LED of my Arduino: I haven't d

                                  GitHub - ttsiodras/MiniForth: A tiny Forth I built in a week. Blog post: https://www.thanassis.space/miniforth.html
                                • 謎の言語Forthが謎なので実装した

                                  pg_bigmで全文検索するときに気を付けたい5つのポイント(第23回PostgreSQLアンカンファレンス@オンライン 発表資料)NTT DATA Technology & Innovation

                                  • konilo: a personal computing system in forth

                                    Overview Konilo is a small, pragmatic personal computing system written in Forth and running on a tiny virtual computer. A complete system consists of an ilo vm, an image file ("rom") with the Konilo system, and a set of blocks for storage of code and data. Features dual stack architecture 64k cells of word addressed (32-bit) memory 30 instructions, four instructions per word block based data stor
