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FreeLanceの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 266件

  • Get a Freelance Programmers and Web Development Outsourcing

    Looking for a freelancer with a specific skill? Start here.

      Get a Freelance Programmers and Web Development Outsourcing
    • WEBALYS | Web Designer Freelance - Design Interface Application - France

      Icon sets 50x larger than the industry average.Drawn in-house by a team of 8 icon designers.Stop wasting hours blending mismatched icons.

        WEBALYS | Web Designer Freelance - Design Interface Application - France
      • 11 Ways to Banish ‘Lonely Freelancer’ Syndrome - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog

        Envato Studio is an online marketplace for freelance services focused on design and web-development. Services range from designing a logo to WordPress customization, and all service providers have been reviewed and recommended by our expert review team. If you previously used the FreelanceSwitch Job Board (as either a freelancer or client) we recommend you check out Envato Studio. Envato Tuts+ is

        • Oliver James Gosling - Freelance Web Developer

          Hello! Sorry to disappoint but I'm no longer a freelance web developer. This site was created in 2009 and served me very well. I've left it here as a bit of a homage. Oliver James Gosling - Web Developer Welcome You’ve found yourself at the online home of Oli Gosling, a Web Developer & Internet Specialist based in Bristol. Here you’ll find a selection of my latest work, stats about my skills and a

          • Conyac: Hire Quality Freelance Talent Worldwide

            Conyac gives you access to freelancers from around the world with a broad range of skills. Quickly hire a freelancer with the expertise your project requires.

              Conyac: Hire Quality Freelance Talent Worldwide
            • Freelance Telecom and Networking Jobs in Online by Field Engineer

              Source engineers globally. Save cost, save time.A global freelance marketplace that connects businesses with engineers on demand

              • FICC FREELANCE NETWORK | フリーランスWebクリエイターネットワーク

                日本初のフリーランスWebクリエイターネットワークとしてFICC FREELANCE NETWORKが誕生FICC FREELANCE NETWORK | Webクリエイター フリーランスネットワーク Webデザイナー、Flashクリエイター、HTML/CSSコーダー、アートディレクター、プログラマー、プログラマー、ミュージシャン、フォトグラファー、イラストレーター

                • フリーランスが重宝するウェブサービスを集めたサイト「The Freelance Stack」 | ライフハッカー・ジャパン

                  「The Freelance Stack」はフリーランスが重宝するウェブサービスを集めたサイトです。経理や収入管理からウェブデザインまで幅広くまとめられています。カテゴリ分けされているので目的のサービスが見つけやすいですね。 以下に使ってみた様子を載せておきます。まずThe Freelance Stackへアクセスしましょう。 このようにカテゴリ別にフリーランスに役立つウェブサービスがずらりと並んでいます。人気のあるものが上位に表示されていますよ。フリーランスでない方にも便利なサービスがまとまっていますので、ぜひ一度覗いてみてはいかがでしょうか。少しでも効率よく作業をするためにもさまざまなウェブサービスを使いこなしていきましょう。 The Freelance Stack (カメきち)

                    フリーランスが重宝するウェブサービスを集めたサイト「The Freelance Stack」 | ライフハッカー・ジャパン
                  • Freelance Logo Design, Web Design & Graphic Design | DesignCrowd

                    Web Design Wordpress Design Landing Page Design BigCommerce Design Shopify Design Squarespace Design Wix Design App Design Digital Marketing Banner Ad Design Newsletter Design Email Design Facebook Design Twitter Design YouTube Design Outdoor & Signage Billboard Design Trade Show Booth Design Signage Design Car Wrap Design Print Design Flyer Design Brochure Design Poster Design Postcard Design Inv

                    • freelance.md

                      freelance.md フリーランス参考情報 お金について書いてあるところが多め。順不同不定期更新。 フリーランスエンジニアの単価を決める - Qiita エンジニアとして就職してフリーランスになった7年間の収入を公開するよ - みんからきりまで フリーランス完走した感想 - mizchi's blog フリーランスエンジニアがコード書いて稼げる上限|shu223|note フリーランス単価の変遷を公開する|shu223|note hXXsyotoku.pdfを公開する|mizzy|note フリーランスを完全に理解できる本 エンジニアがフリーランスで働くための情報と知見(電子) - きりみんちゃんねるしょっぷ - BOOTH フリーランスに失敗した話|チョロ|note フリーランスになるまでの3カ月+実働1カ月でやった20のこと|鳩|note 27歳フリーランスエンジニアが1200万稼

                      • Best Freelance Tools Used by 150,000+ Professionals

                        Bonsai is everything you need to run your business‍ Our all-in-one software suite makes it easy to manage your paperwork, keep track of your finances, be prepared for tax season, and more. With smart automation and deeply integrated product components, Bonsai can give you peace of mind to focus on your craft with online contracts and more. Use Bonsai's clean and intuitive UI to create winning prop

                        • :: EMOTIONS by Mike :: freelance portfolio

                          This domain may be for sale!

                          • Freelance translators & Translation companies | ProZ.com

                            This site uses cookies. Some of these cookies are essential to the operation of the site, while others help to improve your experience by providing insights into how the site is being used. For more information, please see the ProZ.com privacy policy.

                            • Nick Jones - Freelance Design, Prototype and Code

                              This portfolio is a glimpse at the way I design and prototype in code. Design something familiar, program it to do something unexpected, make sure people feel something. Available for the right project. The set of book covers Tyler Thompson designed for Stripe Press are among my favorite design artifacts. Bringing the books to life in 3d with him and Stripe friends was some of the purest joy of my

                                Nick Jones - Freelance Design, Prototype and Code
                              • Freelance Logo Design, Web Design & Graphic Design | DesignCrowd

                                Web Design Wordpress Design Landing Page Design BigCommerce Design Shopify Design Squarespace Design Wix Design App Design Digital Marketing Banner Ad Design Newsletter Design Email Design Facebook Design Twitter Design YouTube Design Outdoor & Signage Billboard Design Trade Show Booth Design Signage Design Car Wrap Design Print Design Flyer Design Brochure Design Poster Design Postcard Design Inv

                                • LyFy Freelance Creators Agency | レイファイ フリーランス クリエイタ― エージェンシー

                                  当サイトのページをご覧いただくためには最新版のAdobe Flash Playerのプラグインが必要です。 プラグインをお持ちでない方はこちらからダウンロードしてください。 また、当サイトでは、JavaScriptおよびスタイルシートを使用しています。 ご覧になる際には、ブラウザ設定でJavaScriptおよびスタイルシートを有効にしてください。 This page requires the latest version of Flash player. And please make sure that javascript is enabled in your browser. はじめまして、Lyfy [レイファイ]です。 レイファイはフリーランスクリエイターエージェンシーです。現在2名のアートディレクター/デザイナーが所属しています。 時代とともに変わりつつあるコミュニケーションの形

                                  • Web Design Trends: Call To Action Buttons - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland Lee Munroe's Blog & Portfolio

                                    Professional and innovative freelance web designer based in Belfast Northern Ireland. I specialise in creative standards compliant web design and I blog about web design - Web Design Trends: Call To Action ButtonsCall to action buttons are the buttons that you, as a web designer, want all your users to click on when they land on your page. Usually they’ll be a link to a download, signup or sale

                                    • Freelance translators & Translation companies | ProZ.com

                                      This site uses cookies. Some of these cookies are essential to the operation of the site, while others help to improve your experience by providing insights into how the site is being used. For more information, please see the ProZ.com privacy policy.

                                      • Stuart Kennedy | Freelance UI Designer & Front-end Developer | Belfast, Northern Ireland

                                        Freelance UI Designer & Front-End Developer I create visually appealing and user friendly websites and applications that help businesses and startups grow. Let's Work Together

                                        • Freelance Front-End Developer and UX Designer

                                          Freelance Frontend Developer and UX Engineer I work as a consultant within UX design and web development. I'm passionate about designing, optimising and building digital experiences. I master HTML/CSS, Javascript, WebGL, PHP and the most common prototyping and design tools. My tech stack is flexible, often including GSAP, Three.js or PixiJS and a headless CMS. I consider myself framework agnostic.

                                            Freelance Front-End Developer and UX Designer
                                          • Portfolio of Freelance Graphic Artist Nando Costa

                                            0 Horizon Design System Mesh Branding Generative Brand Expressions II Re-Imagined Material X WesCream Generative Wallpaper Generative Brand Expressions Re-imagined Material X Someform Office Experience Microsoft Loop Connected Spaces Office Apps in Windows 11 Microsoft Fluent Emoji System Cloud PC Microsoft Pride Microsoft Design Reel Microsoft UX Themes Microsoft YourPhone App Microsoft Video Bac

                                              Portfolio of Freelance Graphic Artist Nando Costa
                                            • Flash Design )—( ANDY FOULDS DESIGN )—( Freelance Flash Web Designer )———---

                                              • FICC FREELANCE NETWORK | フリーランスWebクリエイターネットワーク

                                                BACK FICC FREELANCE NETWORK | Webクリエイター フリーランスネットワーク Webデザイナー、Flashクリエイター、HTML/CSSコーダー、アートディレクター、プログラマー、プログラマー、ミュージシャン、フォトグラファー、イラストレーター お名前を入力してください 年 月 日 メールアドレスを入力してください - - 電話番号を入力してください 市区郡・番地を入力してください URLを入力してください

                                                • Why Telecom Field Engineers Need to Accept Freelance Life

                                                  Field EngineerField Engineer Why Telecom Field Engineers Need to Accept Freelance Life As society becomes increasingly connected, the need for telecom field engineers is growing to match. The on-demand marketplace is filled with consumers who don’t want to wait to talk, share information and use data. This heightens the need for skilled professionals who can plan, deploy and maintain complex commu

                                                    Why Telecom Field Engineers Need to Accept Freelance Life
                                                  • Handpicked Freelance Web Design & Web Developers | Crew

                                                    Work with the most talented and accomplished designers in the world on a freelance, contract, part-time, or full-time basis.

                                                    • MoOx, Freelance Developer, Front-End / Mobile & Web

                                                      Because I am an artist before being a developer, I will focus on offering the best experience to the user. That's what matter after all. Focusing on UX doesn't mean that compromises on what is under the hood are made. The right technologies have their responsibilities on the end result and they must not be neglected. Depending on your need, I will always be sure to offer you what is best to achiev

                                                      • Contactable - A jQuery Plugin | Philip Beel Freelance Web Designer Kent UK

                                                        Contactable is a jQuery plugin designed to make contact/feedback forms simpler and more accessible. This plugin will enable you to create a contact form on any page of a site with minimal effort. If you have ever seen the feedback forms provided by kamypyle you will be familiar with the technique they use, however contactable makes this process even simpler by overlaying the content onto your page

                                                        • Synthview Paris » graphic designer & Art director - graphiste freelance

                                                          More works this way

                                                          • Jeroenhoman.com | Freelance tekstschrijver

                                                            Ik ben Jeroen Homan, freelance tekstschrijver. Ik help ondernemers, bedrijven en organisaties met het vertellen van hun verhaal. Door middel van eenvoudige maar aansprekende teksten. Van blogs, artikelen columns, content voor websites en SEO teksten tot productbeschrijvingen, e-books en UX copy.

                                                              Jeroenhoman.com | Freelance tekstschrijver
                                                            • 【CSS】img画像の縦横比を保ったままボックス内に収める方法 | Freelance Journal フリーランス ジャーナル

                                                              要件概要: ボックスのサイズは固定 横長の画像が来たらボックスの横幅に合わせる 縦長の画像が来たらボックスの縦幅に合わせる 画像サイズがボックスサイズより小さい場合はそのまま 縦横中央揃え 結論からいうと、「縦横中央揃え」以外の要件は下記のCSSで実現できます。 img { width:auto; height:auto; max-width:100%; max-height:100%; } ボックス内で画像を縦横に中央揃えさせたい場合も多いと思います。デモを用意しましたので、ご参考下さい。 See the Pen 4 way to keep image ratio inside a box by wang (@yaquawa) on CodePen. 全部で5通りの方法です。ボックスの端をドラッグしてリサイズしてみてください。ボックスのサイズに応じて収まり方も変わってくることが確認できる

                                                                【CSS】img画像の縦横比を保ったままボックス内に収める方法 | Freelance Journal フリーランス ジャーナル
                                                              • 15+ Incredibly Useful Mac Apps For Freelance Web Designers - noupe

                                                                In today's post you will find 15 incredibly useful Mac Apps for freelance web designers to get their website or application styled in a fraction of the time it took before and help them manage their project efficiently to get their job done. Don't Forget to... subscribe to our RSS-Feed and visit my twitter page : nourayehia get notified when our next post is here. 1. Espresso Extremely powerful we

                                                                  15+ Incredibly Useful Mac Apps For Freelance Web Designers - noupe
                                                                • Jason Davies - Freelance Data Visualisation

                                                                  Jason Davies is a freelance software developer based in London, UK.

                                                                  • Upstack - The ONLY way to hire freelance graphic designers.

                                                                    UPSTACK uses actionable business intelligence to architect and source customized technology solutions for your business through the combination of three strategic pillars:

                                                                      Upstack - The ONLY way to hire freelance graphic designers.
                                                                    • David Arias – Branding and Design / Freelance Graphic Designer / Vancouver, Canada

                                                                      Hi There! I'm always looking for interesting and exciting new work. Send me an email, let's schedule a zoom call, and talk about your project. — Email david@arias.ca

                                                                      • Web Designer freelance - Valentina Olini

                                                                        Specializzata nella realizzazione di siti web che attraverso tecniche di web design, marketing e neuromarketing valorizzano te e la tua azienda, i tuoi prodotti e i tuoi servizi trasformando l’utente in cliente.

                                                                          Web Designer freelance - Valentina Olini
                                                                        • Oli Lisher freelance website / graphic designer & illustrator based in the UK

                                                                          Oli Lisher Designer & illustrator freelance website / graphic designer & illustrator based in the UK Fold Web design, 3d Illustration I've been working with Fold app to intergrate 3d illustration into their brand, marketing and app. Starting with the release of their bitcoin buying experience, where we introduced a 3d robot mascot and collection of imaginative machines to simplify complex concepts

                                                                          • Rich Brown. Freelance Interaction Designer. Interface Designer. Digital Creative. Web Designer. F...


                                                                              Rich Brown. Freelance Interaction Designer. Interface Designer. Digital Creative. Web Designer. F...
                                                                            • Nerisson — Freelance Webdesigner Strasbourg. Direction Artistique / Motion design / Illustration.

                                                                              ©2025 Nerisson Jimmy Raheriarisoa Web & mobile design, Illustration Strasbourg

                                                                                Nerisson — Freelance Webdesigner Strasbourg. Direction Artistique / Motion design / Illustration.
                                                                              • Telmolindo : Illustrator / available for freelance

                                                                                About me After graduating in Art in 2000 at Beaux-Arts of Brest, life conducted me to become an graphic designer and AD at Agence comme ça Paris. I had great experiences with the fabulous Corinne App, terrific projects and lots of happiness. In 2008, I decide to pursued a new aventure as freelance illustrator. I create pictures by mixing and matching old school drawing techniques with indian ink,

                                                                                  Telmolindo : Illustrator / available for freelance
                                                                                • David Arias – Branding and Design / Freelance Graphic Designer / Vancouver, Canada

                                                                                  Hi There! I'm always looking for interesting and exciting new work. Send me an email, let's schedule a zoom call, and talk about your project. — Email david@arias.ca