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Fuzzingの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 54件

  • Go製のネットワーククライアントに対する継続的 / Fuzzing for network client in Go

    Go Conference 2021 Spring

      Go製のネットワーククライアントに対する継続的 / Fuzzing for network client in Go
    • Linuxカーネルのファジングツールsyzkaller / Linux kernel fuzzing tool syzkaller - Speaker Deck

      syzkaller/syzbot は、2 年で 1500 件以上の Linux カーネルの不具合修正に貢献しています。自らが生成した複数の仮想マシンに対して問題の起きそうな入力を送り続けることで未発見の不具合を発見します。最小限の入力で不具合を再現させるための再試行を繰り返し、最終的には不具合を再現するための C 言語のプログラム生成を試みます。 syzkaller の概要 syzkaller のドキュメント調査結果 syzkaller のソースコード調査結果 syzkaller の動作確認結果 (未発見の不具合の発見)

        Linuxカーネルのファジングツールsyzkaller / Linux kernel fuzzing tool syzkaller - Speaker Deck
      • Introduction to Fuzzing

        Basic Fuzzing Training by Ren Kimura CEO of Ricerca Security, Inc.

          Introduction to Fuzzing
        • GitHub - fuzzuf/fuzzuf: Fuzzing Unification Framework

          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

            GitHub - fuzzuf/fuzzuf: Fuzzing Unification Framework
          • Fuzzing is Beta Ready - The Go Programming Language

            Katie Hockman and Jay Conrod 3 June 2021 We are excited to announce that native fuzzing is ready for beta testing on tip! Fuzzing is a type of automated testing which continuously manipulates inputs to a program to find issues such as panics or bugs. These semi-random data mutations can discover new code coverage that existing unit tests may miss, and uncover edge case bugs which would otherwise g

              Fuzzing is Beta Ready - The Go Programming Language
            • Fuzzing Farm #4: 0-dayエクスプロイトの開発 [CVE-2022-24834]

              著者:Dronex, ptr-yudai はじめに この記事は、Fuzzing Farmシリーズ全4章のパート4で、パート3の記事「Fuzzing Farm #3: パッチ解析とPoC開発」の続きです。 Fuzzing Farmチームでは、前回の記事で紹介したように、1-dayエクスプロイトだけでなく0-dayエクスプロイトの開発にも取り組んでいます。Fuzzing Farmシリーズ最終章では、弊社エンジニアが発見した0-dayと、そのエクスプロイト開発について解説します。 我々は1年以上前の2022年4月の段階で、CVE-2022-24834に該当するRedisの脆弱性を発見し、RCE(Remote Code Execution; 任意コマンド実行)エクスプロイトの開発を完了していました。ベンダ側も修正を急いでくれましたが、利用者側の対応に時間を要したため、前回パート3の記事から今回の投

                Fuzzing Farm #4: 0-dayエクスプロイトの開発 [CVE-2022-24834]
              • GitHub - microsoft/onefuzz: A self-hosted Fuzzing-As-A-Service platform

                August 31, 2023. Since September 2020 when OneFuzz was first open sourced, we’ve been on a journey to create a best-in-class orchestrator for running fuzzers, driving security and quality into our products. Initially launched by a small group in MSR, OneFuzz has now become a significant internal platform within Microsoft. As such, we are regretfully archiving the project to focus our attention on

                  GitHub - microsoft/onefuzz: A self-hosted Fuzzing-As-A-Service platform
                • バンドルカードに Fuzzing してみた|knee

                  これはカンム Advent Calendar 2020 の20日目の記事です。昨日は achiku の 2020年をesaで振り返る でした。 今秋行われた Go Conference'20 in Autumn SENDAI にて ymotongpoo 氏の Goにおけるfuzzingとproperty based testing というトークを聞いて、自社で運用しているサービスに適用してみたいなと思い試してみました。 カンムは バンドルカード というサービスを提供しています。いわゆるカードなのですが、そのサーバーはHTTPではないプロトコルをしゃべります。今回はこのサーバーに Fuzzing してみます。プロトコルの詳細は同僚の hiroakis が Builderscon で行った発表の資料に詳しいので興味があればそちらを御覧ください: クレジットカードの通信プロトコル ISO8583

                    バンドルカードに Fuzzing してみた|knee
                  • Tutorial: Getting started with fuzzing - The Go Programming Language

                    This tutorial introduces the basics of fuzzing in Go. With fuzzing, random data is run against your test in an attempt to find vulnerabilities or crash-causing inputs. Some examples of vulnerabilities that can be found by fuzzing are SQL injection, buffer overflow, denial of service and cross-site scripting attacks. In this tutorial, you’ll write a fuzz test for a simple function, run the go comma

                      Tutorial: Getting started with fuzzing - The Go Programming Language
                    • Go1.18から追加されたFuzzingとは | フューチャー技術ブログ

                      この記事はGo1.18連載の3記事目です。 伊藤真彦です、最近CSIGのVulsチームで働くようになりました。 crypto/elliptic (CVE-2022-23806)、math/big (CVE-2022-23772)、cmd/go (CVE-2022-23773)へのセキュリティFixを含むGo 1.17.7と1.16.14が先日リリースされました。急にセキュリティエンジニアっぽい事を言うようになるのは恐縮ですが忘れずアップデートしていきましょう。 脇道に逸れましたがこの記事ではFuzzingについて紹介します。 Go1.18から追加されたFuzzingとはGo1.18からFuzzingという機能が追加されます、Genericsのインパクトが大きいですが、Go1.18ではこういった大きな変更も加わっています。 機能追加に伴いランディングページが作成されました、リリースノートでf

                        Go1.18から追加されたFuzzingとは | フューチャー技術ブログ
                      • Fuzzing rust-minidump for Embarrassment and Crashes – Part 2 – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                        This is part 2 of a series of articles on rust-minidump. For part 1, see here. So to recap, we rewrote breakpad’s minidump processor in Rust, wrote a ton of tests, and deployed to production without any issues. We killed it, perfect job. And we still got massively dunked on by the fuzzer. Just absolutely destroyed. I was starting to pivot off of rust-minidump work because I needed a bit of palette

                          Fuzzing rust-minidump for Embarrassment and Crashes – Part 2 – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                        • Go Fuzzing - The Go Programming Language

                          Go supports fuzzing in its standard toolchain beginning in Go 1.18. Native Go fuzz tests are supported by OSS-Fuzz. Try out the tutorial for fuzzing with Go. Overview Fuzzing is a type of automated testing which continuously manipulates inputs to a program to find bugs. Go fuzzing uses coverage guidance to intelligently walk through the code being fuzzed to find and report failures to the user. Si

                            Go Fuzzing - The Go Programming Language
                          • lambda is not a four letter word - Fuzzing me wrong — How QuickCheck destroyed my favourite theory

                            Fuzzing me wrong — How QuickCheck destroyed my favourite theory Introduction Quite a while back I wrote a larger article on the algebraic foundation of software patterns which also covered the MapReduce algorithm. During the research digged out a paper on algebraic properties of distributed big data analytics, which explained that a MapReduce will always work correctly when the intermediate data s

                            • ARM CoreSightを用いた効率的なBinary-only Fuzzing

                              英語版はこちら: ARMored CoreSight: Towards Efficient Binary-only Fuzzing 著者: Akira Moroo (@retrage) Yuichi Sugiyama (@mmxsrup) はじめに わたしたちRicerca Securityはファジングの研究開発に取り組んでいます。このたび、その一環として開発したAFL++ CoreSight modeをOSSとして公開しました。これは、ファジングツールのデファクトスタンダードであるAFL++に対して、CoreSightという一部のARMプロセッサで有効なCPU機能を活用したフィードバック機構を追加したものです。 ファジングとは、プログラムの入力に変異を施し、その脆弱性を自動的に発見する技術です。一般に、プログラムのソースコードが手元にない場合のファジング (Binary-only Fuz

                                ARM CoreSightを用いた効率的なBinary-only Fuzzing
                              • fuzzuf: Fuzzing Unification Framework

                                English version is here: fuzzuf: Fuzzing Unification Framework 著者: Ren Kimura (@RKX1209)Yuki Koike (@hugeh0ge) はじめに 本日、わたしたちはfuzzuf(Fuzzing Unification Framework)をOSSとして公開しました。 fuzzufは独自のDSLを搭載したファジングツール(ファザー)を記述するためのフレームワークです。様々なファザーによって多様な形で定義されるファジングループを、DSLを用いてブロックを組み合わせるように記述することで、アルゴリズムの拡張性を保ちながら、ファジングループ内の挙動を柔軟に変更可能にします。既に、マルチプラットフォームに対応可能な形でAFL、VUzzer、libFuzzerを含む複数のファザーが実装されています。ユーザは、それらの

                                  fuzzuf: Fuzzing Unification Framework
                                • GitHub - microsoft/restler-fuzzer: RESTler is the first stateful REST API fuzzing tool for automatically testing cloud services through their REST APIs and finding security and reliability bugs in these services.

                                  RESTler is the first stateful REST API fuzzing tool for automatically testing cloud services through their REST APIs and finding security and reliability bugs in these services. For a given cloud service with an OpenAPI (formerly Swagger) specification, RESTler analyzes its entire specification, and then generates and executes tests that exercise the service through its REST API. RESTler intellige

                                    GitHub - microsoft/restler-fuzzer: RESTler is the first stateful REST API fuzzing tool for automatically testing cloud services through their REST APIs and finding security and reliability bugs in these services.
                                  • 【悪用ダメ】XVWAちゃんにFuzzing攻撃をしてみる(Server Side Template Injection 編) - Qiita

                                    【悪用ダメ】XVWAちゃんにFuzzing攻撃をしてみる(Server Side Template Injection 編)PythonSecurityBurpSuiteエンジニアfuzzing 初めに どうも、クソ雑魚のなんちゃてエンジニアです。 本記事は以前紹介した総受けサイト「XVWA」に対してFuzzing攻撃を仕掛けてみたときのことをまとめてみようと思う。 今回はFuzzingとしてSSTIの脆弱性を付くようなコードを送り込みます。 ※ツールとしてはBurpSuite(「OS Command Injection編」を参照)の拡張機能を使います。 拡張機能コードを自作していきます。 ※XVWAをローカルに立てる記事は以下になります。 ※その他色々と「XVWA」ちゃんをいじめた記事もあるのでこっちもみていってね!! ※悪用するのはやめてください。あくまで社会への貢献のためにこれらの技

                                      【悪用ダメ】XVWAちゃんにFuzzing攻撃をしてみる(Server Side Template Injection 編) - Qiita
                                    • Atheris で Python コードの Fuzzing - OPTiM TECH BLOG

                                      はじめに ドローンのソフトウェア開発しています。イチノです。 Atheris を触ったのでメモ書きです。 Atheris は、プログラムの実行経路に応じたテスト用データを生成する Fuzzing ツールです。 github.com Fuzzing とは、プログラムに問題の有りそうなデータやランダムなデータを渡して、プログラムのバグを探す脆弱性検査です。Fuzzing で WebRTC の脆弱性を発見したなんていう事例も有ります。 WebRTC Security, Fuzzing, and more! - YouTube Fuzzing に関する詳しい説明は IPA の資料をご覧ください。 脆弱性対策:ファジング:IPA 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構 Atheris のインストールと使い方を以下に記載しています。 インストール Atheris は、 Linux, macOS に対応していま

                                        Atheris で Python コードの Fuzzing - OPTiM TECH BLOG
                                      • bridging fuzzing and property testing

                                        bridging fuzzing and property testing — 2023-07-10 fuzzing vs property testing structured inputs heckcheck: property testing using arbitrary automated testing strategies conclusion It's been over three years since Fitzgen published: "Announcing Better Support for Fuzzing with Structured Inputs in Rust", and a little over two years since arbitrary 1.0 was released. A few years agoI wrote a property

                                          bridging fuzzing and property testing
                                        • [shared] 20220218 Go 1.18 Fuzzing

                                          Go 1.18 Fuzzing Go 1.18 Release Party Feb 18th, 2022 Yoshi Yamaguchi (@ymotongpoo) bit.ly/20220218-go118-fuzzing

                                            [shared] 20220218 Go 1.18 Fuzzing
                                          • Fuzzing ImageIO

                                            This blog post discusses an old type of issue, vulnerabilities in image format parsers, in a new(er) context: on interactionless code paths in popular messenger apps. This research was focused on the Apple ecosystem and the image parsing API provided by it: the ImageIO framework. Multiple vulnerabilities in image parsing code were found, reported to Apple or the respective open source image librar

                                            • GitHub - wcventure/FuzzingPaper: Recent Fuzzing Paper

                                              SP 2024 Everything is Good for Something: Counterexample-Guided Directed Fuzzing via Likely Invariant Inference LABRADOR: Response Guided Directed Fuzzing for Black-box IoT Devices SoK: Prudent Evaluation Practices for Fuzzing Titan: Efficient Multi-target Directed Greybox Fuzzing ICISSP 2024 Fuzzing Matter(s): A White Paper for Fuzzing the Matter Protocol ICSE 2024 Fuzz4All: Universal Fuzzing wit

                                                GitHub - wcventure/FuzzingPaper: Recent Fuzzing Paper
                                              • Internals of Go's new fuzzing system

                                                Go 1.18 is coming out soon, hopefully in a few weeks. It's a huge release with a lot to look forward to, but native fuzzing has a special place in my heart. (I'm super-biased of course: before I left Google, I worked with Katie Hockman and Roland Shoemaker to build the fuzzing system). Generics are cool too, I guess, but having fuzzing integrated into the testing package and go test will make fuzz

                                                  Internals of Go's new fuzzing system
                                                • Fuzzing for eBPF JIT bugs in the Linux kernel

                                                  Inspired by Manfred Paul‘s amazing write-up of an eBPF JIT verifier bug, I wanted to find out if there have been any significant changes to the Linux eBPF verifier since the publication of Manfred’s bug and if there was an easy way to fuzz the verifier. As it turns outs, the commit that fixed the issue reported by Manfred earlier this year introduced a new bug into the verifier, namely CVE-2020-27

                                                    Fuzzing for eBPF JIT bugs in the Linux kernel
                                                  • A Year in the Life of a Compiler Fuzzing Campaign

                                                    By Alex Groce, Northern Arizona University In the summer of 2020, we described our work fuzzing the Solidity compiler, solc. So now we’d like to revisit this project, since fuzzing campaigns tend to “saturate,” finding fewer new results over time. Did Solidity fuzzing run out of gas? Is fuzzing a high-stakes project worthwhile, especially if it has its own active and effective fuzzing effort? The

                                                      A Year in the Life of a Compiler Fuzzing Campaign
                                                    • [shared] 20201010 Fuzzing and PBT in Go

                                                      [S3-1] Fuzzing and PBT in Go Go Conference Sendai 2020 Oct 10th, 2020 12:05-12:35 Yoshi Yamaguchi (@ymotongpoo) bit.ly/20201010-gocon-sendai

                                                        [shared] 20201010 Fuzzing and PBT in Go
                                                      • Analysis Of Google Keep WebAssembly Module | Fuzzing Labs

                                                        Last month, i was at REcon Montreal to give my training about WebAssembly Security and after some discussion people always ask me this question: Is WebAssembly already used in the wild? The answer is of course YES and some WebAssembly modules are potentially running right now in your browser if you are using Google web services. Recently, Google was using WebAssembly for the beta version of Google

                                                          Analysis Of Google Keep WebAssembly Module | Fuzzing Labs
                                                        • Google Chrome portal element fuzzing

                                                          Background Some time ago, while browsing my Twitter feed I stumbled upon an interesting tweet from Michał Bentkowski [https://twitter.com/SecurityMB/status/1127963181089992705]. The description of the new portal element certainly grabbed my attention as something that may have an impact on security. You can learn more about the portal element from here [https://web.dev/hands-on-portals] and here [

                                                            Google Chrome portal element fuzzing
                                                          • GitHub - antonio-morales/Fuzzing101: An step by step fuzzing tutorial. A GitHub Security Lab initiative

                                                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                              GitHub - antonio-morales/Fuzzing101: An step by step fuzzing tutorial. A GitHub Security Lab initiative
                                                            • GitHub - EMResearch/EvoMaster: The first open-source AI-driven tool for automatically generating system-level test cases (also known as fuzzing) for web/enterprise applications. Currently targeting whitebox and blackbox testing of Web APIs, like REST, Gra

                                                              EvoMaster (www.evomaster.org) is the first (2016) open-source AI-driven tool that automatically generates system-level test cases for web/enterprise applications. This is related to Fuzzing. Not only EvoMaster can generate inputs that find program crashes, but also it generates small effective test suites (e.g., in JUnit format) that can be used for regression testing. EvoMaster is an AI driven to

                                                                GitHub - EMResearch/EvoMaster: The first open-source AI-driven tool for automatically generating system-level test cases (also known as fuzzing) for web/enterprise applications. Currently targeting whitebox and blackbox testing of Web APIs, like REST, Gra
                                                              • The Challenges of Fuzzing 5G Protocols

                                                                If you have ever looked at fuzzing in any depth you will quickly realize it’s not as trivial as it first appears. There are many different types of fuzzers, but here we are focused on network fuzzers.  These fuzzers are of particular interest as they are most suited to fuzzing telecoms products/protocols, where the application and source code are generally not available.  There are very few fuzzer

                                                                  The Challenges of Fuzzing 5G Protocols
                                                                • Fuzzing Java in OSS-Fuzz

                                                                  The latest news and insights from Google on security and safety on the Internet

                                                                    Fuzzing Java in OSS-Fuzz
                                                                  • Vulnerabilities in cryptographic libraries found through modern fuzzing - Help Net Security

                                                                    Vulnerabilities in cryptographic libraries found through modern fuzzing Recently patched vulnerabilities in MatrixSSL and wolfSSL, two open-source TLS/SSL implementations / libraries for embedded environments, have emphasized the great potential of using fuzzing to uncover security holes in implementations of cryptographic protocols. CVE-2022-43974 and CVE-2022-42905 CVE-2022-43974 is a buffer ove

                                                                      Vulnerabilities in cryptographic libraries found through modern fuzzing - Help Net Security
                                                                    • How we applied advanced fuzzing techniques to cURL

                                                                      By Shaun Mirani Near the end of 2022, Trail of Bits was hired by the Open Source Technology Improvement Fund (OSTIF) to perform a security assessment of the cURL file transfer command-line utility and its library, libcurl. The scope of our engagement included a code review, a threat model, and the subject of this blog post: an engineering effort to analyze and improve cURL’s fuzzing code. We’ll di

                                                                      • Coverage-guided fuzzing of Haskell programs for cheap

                                                                        If you’re a Haskell developer, it’s likely you’re already familiar with the concept of property-based testing, and have first hand experience with a framework like QuickCheck or hedgehog. You might also have heard of the term “fuzzing” in various places, and it sounds just like what we’ve already been doing for so long, right? Just generate a bunch of random test inputs, in the hope of exposing an

                                                                          Coverage-guided fuzzing of Haskell programs for cheap
                                                                        • Browser fuzzing at Mozilla – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                                                                          Introduction Mozilla has been fuzzing Firefox and its underlying components for a while. It has proven to be one of the most efficient ways to identify quality and security issues. In general, we apply fuzzing on different levels: there is fuzzing the browser as a whole, but a significant amount of time is also spent on fuzzing isolated code (e.g. with libFuzzer) or whole components such as the JS

                                                                            Browser fuzzing at Mozilla – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                                                                          • New fuzzing tool finds 26 USB bugs in Linux, Windows, MacOS, and FreeBSD

                                                                            Academics say they discovered 26 new vulnerabilities in the USB driver stack employed by operating systems such as Linux, MacOS, Windows, and FreeBSD. The research team, made up by Hui Peng from Purdue University and Mathias Payer from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, said all the bugs were discovered with a new tool they created, named USBFuzz. The tool is what security experts

                                                                              New fuzzing tool finds 26 USB bugs in Linux, Windows, MacOS, and FreeBSD
                                                                            • Finding JIT Optimizer Bugs using SMT Solvers and Fuzzing

                                                                              In this blog post I want to describe a recent bug finding technique that I've added to the PyPy JIT testing infrastructure. This technique uses the Z3 theorem prover to find bugs in the optimizer of PyPy's JIT, in particular its integer operation optimizations. The approach is based on things I have learned from John Regehr's blog (this post is a good first one to read), Twitter, and on his (et al

                                                                              • Destroying x86_64 instruction decoders with differential fuzzing

                                                                                TL;DR: x86_64 decoding is hard, and the number and variety of implementations available for it makes it uniquely suited to differential fuzzing. We’re open sourcing mishegos, a differential fuzzer for instruction decoders. You can use it to discover discrepancies in your own decoders and analysis tools! In the beginning, there was instruction decoding Decompilation and reverse engineering tools ar

                                                                                  Destroying x86_64 instruction decoders with differential fuzzing
                                                                                • Fuzzing Farm #2: ファザーの性能評価の考え方

                                                                                  著者:hugeh0ge はじめに この記事は、Fuzzing Farmシリーズ全4章のパート2で、パート1の記事「Fuzzing Farm #1: fuzzufを使ったGEGLのファジング」の続きです。 パート1の記事でも紹介したように、弊社のFuzzing Farmチームでは、弊社が開発しているファジングフレームワークfuzzufを活用し、ソフトウェアのバグを見つける活動もしています。Fuzzing Farmチーム以外でも、業務として我々がファザーを扱う機会は少なくありません。特に、fuzzuf自体の開発やその他の研究開発において、さまざまなファザーの性能を評価したい場面は多々あります。 しかし、ファザーの性能評価に関して整理された文書は少なく、また、性能評価には数多くの落とし穴が存在します。十分に注意して性能評価をしなければ、誤った結論を出しかねません。コードカバレッジが大きいほどファ

                                                                                    Fuzzing Farm #2: ファザーの性能評価の考え方