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Gatesの検索結果281 - 298 件 / 298件

  • プログラミング用フォント"Ricty"のインストール - gates1deの備忘録

    CUIでプログラミングしている方にオススメなフォントに「Ricty」というフォントがあるらしく, インストールしてみました. しかし, その際にハマったことも含めてインストール方法を紹介していきます. インストール方法 とりあえず, どのサイトにも掲載されているように, 普通なら以下の4行でインストールされます. $ brew tap sanemat/font $ brew install ricty $ cp -f /usr/local/Cellar/ricty/3.2.2/share/fonts/Ricty*.ttf ~/Library/Fonts/ $ fc-cache -vf 後はターミナルを再起動して, 環境設定でフォント一覧にRictyが入っているか確認して自分好みの設定にするとよいでしょう! homebrewに関するエラー 自分は恥ずかしながら最近mavericksにアップデ

      プログラミング用フォント"Ricty"のインストール - gates1deの備忘録
    • 주식디비판매ヱ♩[텔그램 dbdbdb8989]§レ주식디비판매エ선물디비ハFX디비ヒ에프에스디비フ증권디비ヘ최신주식시세ホ – Synyster Gates of A7X Official Website – Synyster Gates School

      Remember to show your stuff Create your portfolio and share riffs of yourself playing with the community.

        주식디비판매ヱ♩[텔그램 dbdbdb8989]§レ주식디비판매エ선물디비ハFX디비ヒ에프에스디비フ증권디비ヘ최신주식시세ホ – Synyster Gates of A7X Official Website – Synyster Gates School
      • 주식디비ヲ♩[스ㅋㅏㅇㅣ프 DBDBDB8989]§ロ주식디비ヨ증권디비ま선물디비み해외선물む최신주식DBめ주식디비판매も – Synyster Gates of A7X Official Website – Synyster Gates School

        Remember to show your stuff Create your portfolio and share riffs of yourself playing with the community.

          주식디비ヲ♩[스ㅋㅏㅇㅣ프 DBDBDB8989]§ロ주식디비ヨ증권디비ま선물디비み해외선물む최신주식DBめ주식디비판매も – Synyster Gates of A7X Official Website – Synyster Gates School
        • Guffers on Twitter: "Antivaxxers now attacking the Apple store as they think it’s owned by Bill Gates. #londonprotest https://t.co/auoq8Mu7KS"

          Antivaxxers now attacking the Apple store as they think it’s owned by Bill Gates. #londonprotest https://t.co/auoq8Mu7KS

            Guffers on Twitter: "Antivaxxers now attacking the Apple store as they think it’s owned by Bill Gates. #londonprotest https://t.co/auoq8Mu7KS"
          • 【RSA Conference 2007】「IPv6でセキュアなネットワークを」,米MSのGates会長

            米MicrosoftのBill Gates会長と同社Chief Research and Strategy Officer(最高戦略責任者)であるCraig Mundie氏は2月6日,同日から始まった「RSA Conference 2007」で基調講演を行った。両氏は,今後の企業ネットワークはIPsecが標準装備されているIPv6が主流になると強調。既にMicrosoftがIPv6への移行を始めていることを明らかにした。 2008年に現役を引退するGates会長が,RSA Conferenceで基調講演を行うのは今回が最後。6日の基調講演でも,Gates会長と最高戦略責任者であるCraig Mundie氏が同時に壇上に登場し,Gates会長の質問にMundie氏が答えるという形で講演が進行した(写真1)。Mundie氏は,Chief Software Architectの座をGates会長

              【RSA Conference 2007】「IPv6でセキュアなネットワークを」,米MSのGates会長
            • google-earth-leads-discovery-400-stone-gates-saudi-arabia-180965364

              Google Earth Leads to Discovery of 400 Stone “Gates” in Saudi Arabia Amateur researchers first came across the rock structures in 2004. Four years later, after seeing them again on Google Earth, they decided to investigate With the help of Google Earth, researchers examining the deserts of Saudi Arabia have found around 400 unreported stone structures in the Arabian Desert, likely built by nomadic

              • Bill Gates' Viral Video: GatesLetter.com (Late Night with Jimmy Fallon)

                Bill Gates wants to promote his website, GatesLetter.com, with a viral video, but Jimmy doesn't think they have time to make one. http://www.GatesLetter.com Subscribe NOW to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: http://bit.ly/1nwT1aN Watch The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 11:35/10:35c Get more Jimmy Fallon: Follow Jimmy: http://Twitter.com/JimmyFallon Like Jimmy: https://Fa

                  Bill Gates' Viral Video: GatesLetter.com (Late Night with Jimmy Fallon)
                • Bill Gates and Other Leaders on How to Manage Through the Pandemic

                  Bill Gates and Other Leaders on How to Manage Through the PandemicConnect with your people emotionally and empower them so they develop into leaders.

                    Bill Gates and Other Leaders on How to Manage Through the Pandemic
                  • Incremental Blogger: Taking note of Bill Gates taking notes

                    Taking note of Bill Gates taking notes Rob Howard (via WhatIsNew.com) comments about a meeting that Bill Gates attended: "...Bill is left-handed. He also didn't bring a computer in with him, but instead is taking notes on a yellow pad of paper. I had heard this before - Bill takes amazingly detailed notes during meetings. I image he has to, given all the information directed at him. The other thin

                    • Gates Foundation announces world’s strongest policy on open access research : News blog

                      The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has announced the world’s strongest policy in support of open research and open data. If strictly enforced, it would prevent Gates-funded researchers from publishing in well-known journals such as Nature and Science. On 20 November, the medical charity, based in Seattle, Washington, announced that from January 2015, researchers it funds must make open their re

                      • An exclusive interview with Bill Gates

                        Bill Gates describes himself as a technocrat. But he does not believe that technology will save the world. Or, to be more precise, he does not believe it can solve a tangle of entrenched and interrelated problems that afflict humanity’s most vulnerable: the spread of diseases in the developing world and the poverty, lack of opportunity and despair they engender. “I certainly love the IT thing,” he

                          An exclusive interview with Bill Gates
                        • Jumping over a chair like a gangster (Bill Gates)

                          Bill Gates soaring majestically over a 50ft chair Bill

                            Jumping over a chair like a gangster (Bill Gates)
                          • Live Coverage: Jobs and Gates joint appearance

                            Our live coverage of the joint appearance by Steve Jobs and Bill Gates at the D: All Things Digital conference has concluded. In what was certainly the marquee event at this year’s D: All Things Digital conference, an annual gathering coordinated by the Wall Street Journal , Steve Jobs shared the stage with Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates in a joint appearance discussing the technology industry’s pa

                            • Bill Gates - Playboy Interview - Microsoft Founder

                              PLAYBOY: Let’s start small. Explain the future. GATES: OK. [Laughs] Today, the PC is used as a primary tool for creating documents of many types—word processing, spreadsheets, presentations. But by and large, when you want to find a document, archive it or transmit it, you don’t really use the electronic form. You get it out on paper and send it. In the coming information age, access to documents,

                              • Bill Gates and Microsoft Co-Founder Recreate Iconic Photo

                                Microsoft co-founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen have recreated a picture they once took back in the 1980s, rekindling nostalgia from that era and showing the once-estranged duo is no longer on the outs. The two came together for an event this week to celebrate computer pioneers at Allen's Living Computer Museum in Seattle. Allen -- who spoke to attendees, which consisted mostly of an intimate grou

                                  Bill Gates and Microsoft Co-Founder Recreate Iconic Photo
                                • Melinda Gates Warned Bill About Jeffrey Epstein

                                  Updated May 07, 2021 11:51AM EDT / Published May 06, 2021 8:58PM EDT Melinda Gates met with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein alongside her husband, Bill, in New York City and soon after said she was furious at the relationship between the two men, according to people familiar with the situation. The previously unreported meeting occurred at Epstein’s Upper East Side mansion in September 2013

                                    Melinda Gates Warned Bill About Jeffrey Epstein
                                  • Bill Gates: ‘We Need an Energy Miracle’

                                    Bill Gates has committed his fortune to moving the world beyond fossil fuels and mitigating climate change. In his offices overlooking Lake Washington, just east of Seattle, Bill Gates grabbed a legal pad recently and began covering it in his left-handed scrawl. He scribbled arrows by each margin of the pad, both pointing inward. The arrow near the left margin, he said, represented how governments

                                      Bill Gates: ‘We Need an Energy Miracle’
                                    • Video: Bill Gates on his last visit with Steve Jobs

                                      Video: Bill Gates on his last visit with Steve Jobs by Todd Bishop on January 25, 2012 at 5:56 pmJanuary 25, 2012 at 5:57 pm The story of Bill Gates’ final visit with Steve Jobs was told in Walter Isaacson’s biography of the Apple co-founder, but an ABC News interview airing on Nightline tonight lets Gates tell the story. “He and I always enjoyed talking,” Gates says, recalling the conversation in

                                        Video: Bill Gates on his last visit with Steve Jobs