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Genocideの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 58件

  • Japanese Teen, "Let's genocide all of Koreans" - CNN iReport

    Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much appreciated.

      Japanese Teen, "Let's genocide all of Koreans" - CNN iReport
    • はてなブックマーク - jap_genocideのブックマーク

      https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20181102124018 「男性にその服を着せられている」 キズナアイに因縁を付けてフェミニストが炎上してた時も 「男性に媚を売った格好をしている」「男性に着せられている」 ... jap_genocide 男性から権利を剥奪すること、としか思えないですな現状だと。そして男が好むような女も我々の敵だと叩く結果、ついでに女性の権利も剥奪しているのは皮肉

      • genocideっていうのは鳥インフルエンザ対策みたいなもの - finalventの日記

        10年くらい前だったか、台湾で口蹄疫病が流行して豚を随分始末したし、私も税関で中華ハムとか取られちゃったし……そんなことはどうでもよい。 で、鳥インフルエンザもそうだけど、あれって、一羽でもウイルスっていうか黴菌っていうかに感染したら同じ施設のを全部殺してしまうのですよ。そうしないと、さらにひどくなるからここの施設の同類は全部殺せ、というわけです。汚染の概念に近いかもしれない。 で、これって、家畜とか放牧する民族にとっては、ごくごく当たり前のサバイバルの知恵なんです。 で、これが人間に適用されるのがgenocide。というか、genocideの原型。現代の国際法上のgenocideの基礎ということではないので誤解無きよう。 ほいで、この原型的なgenocideだけど、思想とか血とかが、ウイルス・黴菌のようにみなされ、それに同舎というか同類は全部殺せというわけです。(農耕民だと稲が病気になっ

          genocideっていうのは鳥インフルエンザ対策みたいなもの - finalventの日記
        • X68000の機能を活かしたアーケードクオリティのアクションゲーム「GENOCIDE」

          • スーダンのオマル・バシル大統領をジェノサイド(genocide)で訴追へ - finalventの日記

            BBC⇒BBC News - Darfur: Bashir genocide charges to be reconsidered AP⇒Court to rule on Sudan president genocide charges - washingtonpost.com ガーディアン⇒Genocide charge put back on arrest warrant against Sudan president CNN⇒Judges allow genocide charge against Sudanese leader - CNN.com CNN JP⇒CNN.co.jp:スーダン大統領を集団虐殺で訴追へ 国際刑事裁判所 共同⇒スーダン大統領の「大量虐殺」容疑を再検討へ ICC - MSN産経ニュース 簡単にコメントすると、前回は、ジェノサイドとしての追訴はなかった。ジェノ

              スーダンのオマル・バシル大統領をジェノサイド(genocide)で訴追へ - finalventの日記
            • "Genocide in Gaza, Ethnic Cleansing in the West Bank" - Apeman’s diary

              ni0615さんが(現時点での)最新エントリでとりあげられているニュースは、私も当時紹介したことがある。 問題の一つは、もちろん、この防衛副大臣の発言が(現在、ではなくそもそも停戦合意以前の段階で)単なる虚仮威しではなかった、というところにある。 Ilan Pappé, "Genocide in Gaza, Ethnic Cleansing in the West Bank" イラン・パペについてはこちらを参照されたい。 Not long ago, I claimed that Israel is employing genocidal policies in the Gaza Strip. I hesitated before using this very charged term and yet decided to adopt it. The responses I receive

                "Genocide in Gaza, Ethnic Cleansing in the West Bank" - Apeman’s diary
              • Obituary: Rwanda's Zura Karuhimbi, who saved dozens from genocide

                Zura Karuhimbi had no weapons to defend herself when the men waving machetes surrounded her home, demanding she hand over those she was sheltering inside. That reputation, and the fear it engendered in the group of heavily armed men, was enough to keep an elderly woman and more than 100 others safe during the Rwandan genocide. Some 800,000 other Tutsis and moderate Hutus would die in the ethnic vi

                  Obituary: Rwanda's Zura Karuhimbi, who saved dozens from genocide
                • スパッツは世界『GENOCIDE 28』 シュタゲ部合同同人誌 特設ページ

                  お詫び 原稿のチェックには十分注意を行っていたのですが、二箇所ミスがあります。 大変申し訳ありません。この場を借りて修正させて頂きます。 ※上巻44項左下 左から3〜4行目 文字飛び「この空の色」「いつからだろう」 ※下巻50項右上 本誌タイトル表記誤植 誤:fan book upper 正:fan book lower Q & A 本誌に関する質問等にお答えします。 お問い合わせ等御座いましたら下記メールフォーム、またはtwitter等をご利用下さい。 Q01:書店委託はありますか? 通販等は? A01:あります。とらのあな、メロンブックス、COMIC ZIN、ゲーム探偵団での委託販売が決定しています。 当サイトおよび本誌参加者を通しての通販対応は考えていません。上記ショップをご利用頂ければと存じます。 Q02:頒布価格は? A02:上下巻共にイベント価格700円、書

                  • Jewish Scholar Judith Butler Condemns Israel’s “Genocide” in Gaza

                    AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman, with Nermeen Shaikh. NERMEEN SHAIKH: We’re continuing our conversation on Israel’s bombardment of Gaza. We’re joined now by the philosopher and gender studies scholar Judith Butler, who’s one of dozens of Jewish writers and artists who recently signed an open letter to President Biden calling for an i

                      Jewish Scholar Judith Butler Condemns Israel’s “Genocide” in Gaza
                    • BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Turkey attacks China 'genocide'

                      Turkey's prime minister has described ethnic violence in China's Xinjiang region as "a kind of genocide". "There is no other way of commenting on this event," Recep Tayyip Erdogan said. He spoke after a night-time curfew was reimposed in Xinjiang's capital, Urumqi, where Muslim Uighurs and Han Chinese clashed last Sunday. The death toll from the violence there has now risen from 156 to 184, China'

                      • 【9・23】魔王復活祭のお知らせ【-GENOCIDE- the WORLD IS OVER】

                        魔王復活祭-GENOCIDE- the WORLD IS OVER2011年9月23日。【魔王、激怒。】から丁度1年目のこの日に、魔王エンジェル祭を開催します。参加方法は簡単。1・魔王関連の動画を作る(単品に限らず、連載中、ソロ、チョイ役での登場などでもOK)2・11/09/23に投稿する(フライングのみ厳禁)3・魔王復活祭 とタグロックする(タグは1人1つだけ)魔王エンジェルを使うPがどれだけ増えたかを知りたいので、「祭合わせで凄いものを……」なんて気を張らず、気楽に参加してください。さあ、四の五の言う暇があるなら派手にぶちかまそうじゃないか!■1054プロコミュニティー co481634■アイダホ(MMDによる動画、静止画提供) mylist/22380359 ■フィロソP(紙芝居クリエーターによるPV製作) mylist/18372596

                          【9・23】魔王復活祭のお知らせ【-GENOCIDE- the WORLD IS OVER】
                        • Germany officially recognises colonial-era Namibia genocide

                          But campaigners say aid worth more than €1.1bn is not enough to address the suffering inflicted.

                            Germany officially recognises colonial-era Namibia genocide
                          • Genocide in Syria 2011-2023 Awareness Campaign

                            We Support Ukraine's Struggle against the evil           Forces that also destroyed Syria We have been dedicated since march 2011 on this website and via social media to expose the terrible barbaric war crimes being committed in Syria and trying to seek justice for all the victims by keeping it fresh in the minds of those who hold the power to halt this criminal perpetual genocide over 50,000 chil

                              Genocide in Syria 2011-2023 Awareness Campaign
                            • はてサが批判しまくってたwhataboutismを今senbuuが使いまくってて本当にみっともないな。こいつこそが真の差別主義者だろう。idコール使えないから☆あげるわ。 - jap_genocideのコメント / はてなブックマーク


                              • Brazil's 'lost report' into genocide surfaces after 40 years

                                A "lost" report into genocide, torture, rape and enslavement of indigenous tribes during Brazil's military dictatorship has been rediscovered, raising fresh questions about whether the government has made amends and punished those responsible. The 7,000-page Figueiredo report has not been seen for more than 40 years, but extracts acquired by the Guardian reveal hundreds of alleged crimes and perpe

                                  Brazil's 'lost report' into genocide surfaces after 40 years
                                • Is Myanmar on the Path to Genocide?

                                  Decades of persecution have left the Rohingya on the brink of genocide. Rohingya Muslim refugees shout slogans during a protest against what organizers say is the crackdown on ethnic Rohingyas in Myanmar, in New Delhi, India (December 19, 2016). Credit: REUTERS/Adnan Abidi Amidst the latest wave of brutal violence unleashed by security forces in Rakhine state, Myanmar’s long-persecuted Rohingya st

                                    Is Myanmar on the Path to Genocide?
                                  • Why is the US silent on 'double genocide'? | Dovid Katz

                                    Some years ago, the then American ambassador here in Vilnius, Lithuania, said to me with a brotherly wink over lunch: "Looks to me, Dovid, that you're the old New York liberal type. Well, it so happens I'm a lifelong Republican. And I want you to know this. I've been tough on communism, the Soviet Union and Russia all my life, so I have no problem telling our new partners here in the Baltics where

                                      Why is the US silent on 'double genocide'? | Dovid Katz
                                    • Could Aung San Suu Kyi face Rohingya genocide charges? - BBC News

                                      It could go right to the top - he doesn't rule out the possibility that civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi and the head of the armed forces Gen Aung Min Hlaing, could find themselves in the dock on genocide charges some time in the future.

                                        Could Aung San Suu Kyi face Rohingya genocide charges? - BBC News
                                      • Rwanda genocide: 100 days of slaughter

                                        In just 100 days in 1994, about 800,000 people were slaughtered in Rwanda by ethnic Hutu extremists. They were targeting members of the minority Tutsi community, as well as their political opponents, irrespective of their ethnic origin. Warning: Contains graphic images. About 85% of Rwandans are Hutus but the Tutsi minority has long dominated the country. In 1959, the Hutus overthrew the Tutsi mon

                                          Rwanda genocide: 100 days of slaughter
                                        • Russia vetoes UN move to call Srebrenica 'genocide'

                                          Srebrenica was the worst massacre in Europe since World War Two Russia has vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution that would have described the Srebrenica massacre as "genocide". Four other members of the council abstained while the remainder voted in favour. The killing of some 8,000 Muslim men and boys in 1995 by Bosnian Serb troops was the worst massacre in Europe since World War T

                                            Russia vetoes UN move to call Srebrenica 'genocide'
                                          • Islamic State committing genocide against Yazidis, says UN

                                            Thousands of Yazidis fled Iraq's Sinjar region on foot when IS militants attacked in August 2014 UN human rights investigators have for the first time accused so-called Islamic State of committing genocide against Yazidis in Iraq and Syria. A report, external says IS has subjected members of the religious group it has captured to the "most horrific of atrocities", killing or enslaving thousands. T

                                              Islamic State committing genocide against Yazidis, says UN
                                            • 「genocideの原型」 - jimusiosaka’s blog

                                              finalventさんの補足記事からの引用です。 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/finalvent/20060318/1142654353 そっちの世界でご満悦な人々 ⇒http://d.hatena.ne.jp/jimusiosaka/20060318#c1142868165 # jimusiosaka 『apesnotmonkeysさん。 >というかそのエントリ、無茶苦茶ですね。さすが山本七平シンパだけのことはある。 同感です。このエントリが『日本人とユダヤ人』に書かれたgenocideに関する非歴史学的な例え話を援用した記事であろうことは想像できましたが、オリジナルに輪をかけて突飛で支離滅裂な内容に思われました。』 # gachapinfan 『・・・そしてそういった無茶苦茶なエントリに対してまじめに批判すると、《空気読めない瑣末主義者》のレッテルを貼られることにwww

                                                「genocideの原型」 - jimusiosaka’s blog
                                              • Is genocide unfolding in Myanmar? | CNN

                                                - Source: CNN " data-fave-thumbnails="{"big": { "uri": "https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/141111222001-pkg-watson-myanmar-rohingya-rakhine-explainer-00012908.jpg?q=x_0,y_0,h_720,w_1280,c_fill/h_540,w_960" }, "small": { "uri": "https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/141111222001-pkg-watson-myanmar-rohingya-rakhine-explainer-00012908.jpg?q=x_0,y_0,h_720,w_1280,c_fill/h_540,w

                                                  Is genocide unfolding in Myanmar? | CNN
                                                • Ivory Coast UN ambassador warns of genocide risk

                                                  Mr Gbagbo's supporters have said they will storm the hotel where Mr Ouattara is holed up Ivory Coast's newly appointed ambassador to the UN has warned the country is "on the brink of genocide". Youssoufou Bamba said there had been large scale violation of human rights as a result of the ongoing political unrest. Laurent Gbagbo is refusing to step down despite his rival, Alassane Ouattara, being in

                                                    Ivory Coast UN ambassador warns of genocide risk
                                                  • 【キーボードクラッシャー】 GENOCIDE - TAPIOCA Mix

                                                    自作MAD一覧 ・・・ mylist/5050430

                                                      【キーボードクラッシャー】 GENOCIDE - TAPIOCA Mix
                                                    • Response: We're not genocide deniers. We just want to uncover the truth about Rwanda and Srebrenica

                                                      In his column, George Monbiot attacked our work on Bosnia and Rwanda as "genocide denial" and "revisionism" (Left and libertarian right cohabit in the weird world of the genocide belittlers, 14 June). According to Monbiot, "DNA screening" has "identified the corpses of 6,595" Bosnian Muslims from Srebrenica. But DNA does not establish mode or time of death, and the commission investigating these d

                                                        Response: We're not genocide deniers. We just want to uncover the truth about Rwanda and Srebrenica
                                                      • Opinion | When will we stop the genocide in North Korea?

                                                        “Holocaust” is the word used to describe the systematic extermination of millions of innocent European Jews during World War II. In the aftermath of this mammoth failure of humanity, many nations “repented” and declared that “never again” would such inhumanity and absolute disregard for human dignity and life be tolerated. Yet on Jan. 1, the regime of Kim Jong Il warned that a "nuclear holocaust"

                                                          Opinion | When will we stop the genocide in North Korea?
                                                        • Rape, Murder and Genocide: Nazi War Crimes as Described by German Soldiers

                                                          $swiper.update())" x-swiper="{freeMode: true,roundLengths: false,slidesPerView: 'auto',watchOverflow: true,}" @swiper-init="$swiper.slideTo($swiper.slides.length - 1, 500, false)" data-area="nav-bar" data-app-hidden x-lazyload>

                                                            Rape, Murder and Genocide: Nazi War Crimes as Described by German Soldiers
                                                          • Opinion | Preventing Another Genocide (Published 2008)

                                                            The world’s failure to end the killing in Darfur may soon be compounded by renewed fighting in southern Sudan. Another genocide cannot be allowed to happen. The new threat centers on the oil-rich region of Abyei, which is claimed by both Sudan’s government and the semiautonomous government of South Sudan. Several hundred people have died there in recent clashes between a large group of Arab nomads

                                                              Opinion | Preventing Another Genocide (Published 2008)
                                                            • Russia threatens veto on UN vote calling Srebrenica 'a crime of genocide'

                                                              The Serbian and Bosnian Serb governments had called emergency sessions for Tuesday evening to discuss the draft resolution but the Bosnian Serb meeting was cancelled. The Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik told local media late on Tuesday: “The text of the resolution is so fundamentally bad, that it cannot be corrected. Russia is acting in accordance with the talks we had with them.” The Serbian go

                                                                Russia threatens veto on UN vote calling Srebrenica 'a crime of genocide'
                                                              • Shocking Beyond Words! The Details Will Absolutely Sicken You! ISIS Beheads Christian Children En Masse CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE HOLOCAUST! (Video) The World MUST Know About THIS! | Paranormal | Before It's News

                                                                BeforeItsNews only exists through ads. We ask all patriots who appreciate the evil we expose and want to help us savage the NWO with more Truth to disable your ad-blocker on our site only so we can grow and expose more evil! Funding gives us more weapons! Thank you patriots! Oh and If you disable the Ad-blocker - on your deathbed you will receive total consciousness. So you got that going for you.

                                                                  Shocking Beyond Words! The Details Will Absolutely Sicken You! ISIS Beheads Christian Children En Masse CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE HOLOCAUST! (Video) The World MUST Know About THIS! | Paranormal | Before It's News
                                                                • French Senate passes Armenian genocide law

                                                                  Thousands of people took to the streets of Paris on Saturday to demonstrate against the bill The French Senate has approved a controversial bill that makes it a criminal offence to deny that genocide was committed by Ottoman Turks against Armenians during World War I. Armenia says up to 1.5 million people died in 1915-16 as the Ottoman empire split. Turkey rejects the term genocide and says the nu

                                                                    French Senate passes Armenian genocide law
                                                                  • Rwanda: Bernard Munyagishari arrested for genocide

                                                                    An estimated 800,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutus were killed in 100 days in 1994 A Rwandan genocide suspect on the run for 17 years has been arrested in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Bernard Munyagishari is accused of being a militia leader who masterminded the killing of Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Gisenyi in 1994. He was caught in an operation mounted by the Congolese army in collaboration

                                                                      Rwanda: Bernard Munyagishari arrested for genocide
                                                                    • BBC NEWS | Africa | Chad may face genocide, UN warns

                                                                      The violence in Chad could turn into a genocide similar to that in Rwanda in 1994, the UN refugee agency has warned. The UNHCR says the killing tactics from neighbouring Darfur in Sudan have been transported to eastern Chad in full. The warning comes as Chad, Sudan and the Central African Republic signed a deal not to support rebels attacking each other's neighbouring territory. African Union head

                                                                      • 【弐寺】GENOCIDE - Rin remix【リミックス】

                                                                        肉しみを込めてつくりました原曲:GENOCIDE / dj Killer(beatmania IIDX11th RED)remix:Rin

                                                                          【弐寺】GENOCIDE - Rin remix【リミックス】
                                                                        • Armenian genocide - Wikipedia

                                                                          The Armenian genocide[a] was the systematic destruction of the Armenian people and identity in the Ottoman Empire during World War I. Spearheaded by the ruling Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), it was implemented primarily through the mass murder of around one million Armenians during death marches to the Syrian Desert and the forced Islamization of others, primarily women and children. Befor

                                                                            Armenian genocide - Wikipedia
                                                                          • BBC NEWS | Europe | Genocide ruling frustrates Bosnia

                                                                            Bosnian Muslim leaders have voiced disappointment after the top UN court cleared Serbia of direct responsibility for genocide during the Bosnian war. The International Court of Justice in The Hague said the massacre of 8,000 men in Srebrenica was genocide, but Belgrade was not directly responsible. But it said Serbia broke international law by failing to stop the killings. Serbia's president ackno

                                                                            • Q&A: Armenian genocide dispute

                                                                              Arguments have raged for decades about the Armenian deaths in 1915-16 The mass killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks during World War One remains a highly sensitive issue. Turkey has resisted widespread calls for it to recognise the 1915-16 killings as genocide, while historians continue to argue about the events. At the time there were numerous reports of Turkish atrocities committed against the

                                                                                Q&A: Armenian genocide dispute
                                                                              • Rwandan Genocide | OGRISH.COM

                                                                                The Rwandan Genocide was the slaughter of an estimated 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus by a group of Hutu extremists known as Interahamwe during a period of 100 days in 1994. For many, the Rwandan Genocide stands out as historically significant not only because of the sheer number of people that were murdered in such a short period of time, but also because of the way many Western countries resp

                                                                                • It's Just a Genocide

                                                                                  THE DEFENSE spending bill that just emerged from Congress attracted attention mainly because of a provision permitting oil drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which was dropped in the legislative endgame. But the bill also omitted something else of consequence: $50 million to support peace monitors in the devastated Sudanese territory of Darfur. It is extraordinary that Congress,