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  • ヤフーのIE11 サポート終了の進め方

    ヤフー株式会社は、2023年10月1日にLINEヤフー株式会社になりました。LINEヤフー株式会社の新しいブログはこちらです。LINEヤフー Tech Blog こんにちは。第11代黒帯(Webフロントエンド/ヤフー内のスキル任命制度)の伊藤(@koh110)です。 普段はCTO室にあるWebフロント技術室で、全社のフロントエンドに関わる仕事をしています。 最近の仕事のひとつとして、IE11 の非推奨の案内 がありました。 Yahoo! JAPANでは、Internet Explorer 11を推奨ブラウザーとしていましたが、Microsoft社のInternet Explorerサポート終了に伴い、2021年9月7日をもってYahoo! JAPANにおけるInternet Explorer 11でのご利用を非推奨とさせていただきます。 この案内についてTwitterや記事などで触れていた

      ヤフーのIE11 サポート終了の進め方
    • IE Graduation (IE の功績を讃える)

      IE の功績を讃える ~ IE 卒業式に寄せて~ 2022/06/16 #IE卒業式 by Jxck

        IE Graduation (IE の功績を讃える)
      • Internet Explorer 11サポート終了ならびにMicrosoft Edge更新についてのお知らせ - はてなブックマーク開発ブログ

        いつもはてなブックマークをご利用いただき、ありがとうございます。 このたび2020年8月13日を持ちまして、Internet Explorer 11(以下IE11)のサポートを終了しました。対象のブラウザをお使いの場合は、今後は正常に動作しない可能性があります。お手数ですがはてなブックマークの推奨ブラウザからのご利用を検討くださいますようお願いいたします。 サポート終了対象のブラウザをご利用の皆様へ IE11ならびに旧バージョンのMicrosoft Edge(以下Edgeレガシ)をご利用の皆様には、恐れ入りますが新しいMicrosoft EdgeやGoogle Chrome、Mozilla Firefoxなど、はてなブックマークの推奨ブラウザでのご利用をお願いいたします。新しいMicrosoft Edgeは、以下の公式サイトからダウンロードすることができます。 www.microsoft.

          Internet Explorer 11サポート終了ならびにMicrosoft Edge更新についてのお知らせ - はてなブックマーク開発ブログ
        • IEからEdgeへの強制転送設定を個人サイトに適応してもらった話

          ことの発端Microsoft 社へメール申請を経て IE 非互換サイトのリストに自社ドメインが追加されたという記事があった。 必要な手続きの詳細は Moving users to Microsoft Edge from Internet Explorer - Microsoft Edge Development | Microsoft Docs にある通りです。11 月 23 日にメールで申請をしましたので、ちょうど 2 週間ほどで Microsoft 社に対応していただけたことになります。 www.mitsue.co.jpIEからEdgeへの転送を開始 | Web品質Blog | ミツエーリンクスWeb品質Blogの2020年12月7日公開の記事、「IEからEdgeへの転送を開始」です。 Moving users to Microsoft Edge from Internet Explo

          • Windows11でInternet Explorer11を起動する方法 - Qiita

            Windows11でInternet Explorer11を起動する方法 Windows11でIEは終わったもうEdgeしかない。来年の2022年6月16日(日本時間)でサポート終了予定のIE11ですが。すでに、Windows11では、C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer> というフォルダは残っていてまだバイナリは入っているものの、 iexplore.exe をいくらクリックしても、Edgeが立ち上がるばかり。 もうIEは終わったといいたいのですが、まだIEを終了できない企業や官公庁が残っており、IEがないと詰んでしまう業務もあります。 そんなあなたに悲報! IEをWindows11からで起動するスクリプト

              Windows11でInternet Explorer11を起動する方法 - Qiita
            • ブラウザ/セキュリティ/プライバシー周りの一次情報に近い二次情報の情報源をまとめたもの

              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

              • The truth about CSS selector performance

                If you’re a web developer, you may have already heard that some CSS selectors are faster than others. And you’re probably hoping to find a list of the better selectors to use in this article. Well, not quite. But bear with me, I promise that by the end, you’ll have learnt something new about CSS selector performance. A quick look behind the scenes The way you write CSS selectors does play a role i

                  The truth about CSS selector performance
                • Super Duper Secure Mode

                  Posted Aug 4, 2021 2021-08-04T08:50:00-07:00 by Johnathan Norman IntroductionThe VR team is experimenting with a new feature that challenges some conventional assumptions held by many in the browser community. Our hope is to build something that changes the modern exploit landscape and significantly raises the cost of exploitation for attackers. Mitigations have a long history of being bypassed, s

                    Super Duper Secure Mode
                  • UI Security - Thinking Outside the Viewport

                    Posted Jun 2, 2021 2021-06-02T07:00:00-07:00 by Abdulrahman Alqabandi IntroductionWhen it comes to an application’s user interface (UI), one may care for the aesthetics, design consistency, simplicity, and clarity to ensure a good UI. However, an application like a browser where untrusted content is loaded, parsed, and given APIs to invoke all sorts of UIs then a new layer of concern appears: Desi

                      UI Security - Thinking Outside the Viewport
                    • New year, new browser – The new Microsoft Edge is out of preview and now available for download

                      A little over a year ago, we announced our intention to rebuild Microsoft Edge on the Chromium open source project with the goals of delivering better compatibility for everyone, less fragmentation for web developers, and a partnership with the Chromium community to improve the Chromium engine itself. At Ignite, we unveiled our new vision for the web and search, our colorful new icon, and how Micr

                        New year, new browser – The new Microsoft Edge is out of preview and now available for download
                      • Bringing the browser developer tools to Visual Studio Code

                        Why embed developer tools in an editor? Visual Studio Code has a lot of features that make our lives as developers easier, but rightfully sticks to what it does best – being a light-weight programming environment. When we build products for the web, though, programming them is often not enough. A big part of our workflow consists of tweaking the look and feel of our products. This is where the dev

                          Bringing the browser developer tools to Visual Studio Code
                        • Getting your sites ready for the new Microsoft Edge

                          This morning, we released Microsoft Edge Beta version 79, which is the final Beta before the new Microsoft Edge is generally available, also known as the “Release Candidate.” On January 15th, we expect to release the “Stable” channel, at which point Microsoft Edge will be generally available to download on Windows and macOS. The new Microsoft Edge is built on the Chromium engine, providing best in

                            Getting your sites ready for the new Microsoft Edge
                          • Debug z-index stacking content with 3D View in the Microsoft Edge DevTools

                            We are thrilled to announce the next iteration of 3D View in the Microsoft Edge DevTools, with a new feature to help debug z-index stacking context. The general 3D View shows a representation of the DOM (Document Object Model) depth using color and stacking, and the z-Index view helps you isolate the different stacking contexts of your page. 3D view is enabled by default in the Canary branch – to

                              Debug z-index stacking content with 3D View in the Microsoft Edge DevTools
                            • The future of Internet Explorer on Windows 10 is in Microsoft Edge

                              Update: The retired, out-of-support Internet Explorer 11 desktop application has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10. For more information, see Internet Explorer 11 desktop app retirement FAQ. For our readers in Japan and Korea, please use these links: 한국어 블로그와 FAQ는, 여기를 참조하세요. 本ブログの日本語版はこちらです。 Over the last year, you may have noticed our mov

                                The future of Internet Explorer on Windows 10 is in Microsoft Edge
                              • Deep Dive into Site Isolation (Part 1)

                                Posted Nov 10, 2020 2020-11-10T10:00:00-08:00 by Jun Kokatsu Back in 2018, Chrome enabled Site Isolation by default, which mitigates attacks such as UXSS and Spectre. At the time, I was actively participating in the Chrome Vulnerability Reward Program, and I was able to find 10+ bugs in Site Isolation, resulting in $32k rewards. In this blog post series, I will explain how Site Isolation and relat

                                  Deep Dive into Site Isolation (Part 1)
                                • Internet Explorer 11 desktop app retirement FAQ

                                  Update: The retired, out-of-support Internet Explorer 11 desktop application has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10. Based on customer feedback, organizations will maintain control over when to remove IE11 UI elements from their devices. Over the coming months a small subset of exceptional scenarios where IE11 is still accessible will be red

                                    Internet Explorer 11 desktop app retirement FAQ
                                  • Debug memory leaks with the Microsoft Edge Detached Elements tool

                                    Memory leaks occur when the JavaScript code of an application retains more and more objects in memory that it doesn’t need any longer instead of releasing them for the browser to garbage collect (GC). For long-running apps, small memory leaks of only a few kilobytes can add up to noticeably degrade performance over time. Web developers who use the React framework know that React maintains a virtua

                                      Debug memory leaks with the Microsoft Edge Detached Elements tool
                                    • Closing a 30 pixel gap between native and web

                                      We talk a lot about Progressive Web Apps (PWA) in the context of mobile devices, but they have an enormous potential on desktop operating systems that’s only beginning to materialize. Recently, with many new web capabilities in the Chromium browser engine and UX changes in Microsoft Edge and on Windows, installed desktop web apps are really starting to look and feel like native apps. One remaining

                                        Closing a 30 pixel gap between native and web
                                      • https://edge.microsoft.com/neededge/v1

                                        • Redirection from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge for compatibility with modern web sites

                                          Many modern websites have designs that are incompatible with Internet Explorer. Whenever an Internet Explorer user visits an incompatible public site, they get a message that tells them the site is incompatible with their browser, and they need to manually switch to a different browser. The need to manually switch to a different browser changes starting with Microsoft Edge Stable version 87. When

                                            Redirection from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge for compatibility with modern web sites
                                          • 2021-03-09のJS: Gatsby 3、Electron 12、ブラウザのライフサイクルの変化

                                            JSer.info #530 - Gatsby v3がリリースされました。 Gatsby v3 Incremental Builds in OSS, new Gatsby Image, and more | Gatsby Gatsby v3.0 (March 2021 #1) ローカルでは実際にアクセスされたページだけをビルドすることで、全体を再構築せずにビルドする挙動がデフォルトとなっています。これによって必要なページだけをビルドするため、開発時のビルド待ち時間を少なくしています。 破壊的変更としてNode.js 12未満のサポート終了、React 17/webpack 5/ESLint 7へアップデート、globalのgraphqlではなくimportして使うように変更、APIの変更などが含まれています。 マイグレーション方法については、次のドキュメントに丁寧な解説が書かれています。

                                              2021-03-09のJS: Gatsby 3、Electron 12、ブラウザのライフサイクルの変化
                                            • Improving Tracking Prevention in Microsoft Edge

                                              Today, we’re excited to announce some improvements to our tracking prevention feature that have started rolling out with Microsoft Edge 79. In our last blog post about tracking prevention in Microsoft Edge, we mentioned that we are experimenting with ways that our Balanced mode can be further improved to provide even greater privacy protections by default without breaking sites. We are looking to

                                                Improving Tracking Prevention in Microsoft Edge
                                              • New Microsoft Edge to replace Microsoft Edge Legacy with April’s Windows 10 Update Tuesday release

                                                Editor's note: This article was originally published on February 5, 2021. Editor’s note: This article was updated on March 24, 2021 to reflect new update timelines for specific versions of Windows 10. In August 2020, we announced that support for the Microsoft Edge Legacy desktop application  ends on March 9, 2021. After this date, Microsoft Edge Legacy will no longer receive security updates. To

                                                  New Microsoft Edge to replace Microsoft Edge Legacy with April’s Windows 10 Update Tuesday release
                                                • Introducing Edge Vulnerability Research

                                                  Posted Oct 15, 2020 2020-10-15T15:30:00-07:00 by Johnathan Norman Security is a top priority for Edge and deciding to build a new browser gave us the opportunity to take the lessons learned over many years and rethink our approach to securing the new Microsoft Browser. We knew that securing the browser is about more than just adding new features; it requires a coordinated combination of rapid resp

                                                    Introducing Edge Vulnerability Research
                                                  • Update on Adobe Flash Player End of Support

                                                    Updated April 2021 : To help keep our customers secure, Microsoft will remove the Flash component from Windows through the KB4577586 “Update for Removal of Adobe Flash Player”. Starting in June 2021, the KB4577586 “Update for Removal of Adobe Flash Player” will be included in the Preview Update for Windows 10, version 1809 and above platforms. It will also be included in every subsequent Latest Cu

                                                      Update on Adobe Flash Player End of Support
                                                    • Introducing Microsoft Edge preview builds for Linux

                                                      We are pleased to announce the availability of the Microsoft Edge Dev Channel for Linux! With this release, Microsoft Edge is now available for all major desktop and mobile platforms. We’re particularly excited to offer web developers the same consistent and powerful web platform and developer tools as on macOS or Windows, so you can build and test in your preferred environment and be confident in

                                                        Introducing Microsoft Edge preview builds for Linux
                                                      • The new evergreen Bingbot simplifying SEO by leveraging Microsoft Edge

                                                        This is a place devoted to giving you deeper insight into the news, trends, people and technology behind Bing. Today we’re announcing that Bing is adopting Microsoft Edge as the Bing engine to run JavaScript and render web pages. Doing so will create less fragmentation of the web and ease Search Engines Optimization (SEO) for all web developers. As you may already know, the next version of Microso

                                                          The new evergreen Bingbot simplifying SEO by leveraging Microsoft Edge
                                                        • Introducing the Storage Access API

                                                          Today, we’re excited to announce the “first-look” rollout of the Storage Access API in our Canary and Dev channels. For developers, this API allows them to determine whether their access to browser-based storage is restricted by a user’s privacy settings and to request storage access from users if so. This capability can be used to create graceful fallback experiences in cases when storage access

                                                            Introducing the Storage Access API
                                                          • GitHub - teppeis/history-of-ie-incompatible-sites-list: History of IE incompatible sites list provided by Microsoft to redirect from IE11 to Chromium Edge

                                                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                              GitHub - teppeis/history-of-ie-incompatible-sites-list: History of IE incompatible sites list provided by Microsoft to redirect from IE11 to Chromium Edge
                                                            • What is Internet Explorer mode?

                                                              We created Internet Explorer (IE) mode in Microsoft Edge for organizations that still need Internet Explorer 11 for backward compatibility with existing websites but also need a modern browser. This feature makes it easier for organizations to use one browser, for legacy web/apps or for a modern web/app. This article provides an introduction to using Microsoft Edge with IE mode. For an advanced co

                                                                What is Internet Explorer mode?
                                                              • Safety and privacy in Microsoft Edge

                                                                October is almost over! The leaves are changing, pumpkin spices are everywhere, and frights and haunts are becoming commonplace. In the U.S., it’s also National Cyber Security Awareness month. To celebrate it all, we’ll share some of the great security and privacy features that we’ve added to our new browser. Online safety and privacy are important, and we want you to trust that your browser will

                                                                  Safety and privacy in Microsoft Edge
                                                                • Introducing Source Order Viewer in the Microsoft Edge DevTools

                                                                  Last year, we joined a cross-industry effort by browser makers to better understand the needs of the web developer community, The Web We Want. One of the first needs validated through this effort was submitted by Adrian Roselli, who asked for a way to display the source order of elements on a page using developer tools. Today, we’re happy to introduce a new experimental Source Order Viewer in the

                                                                    Introducing Source Order Viewer in the Microsoft Edge DevTools