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  • LogLog Games

    The article is also available in Chinese. Disclaimer: This post is a very long collection of thoughts and problems I've had over the years, and also addresses some of the arguments I've been repeatedly told. This post expresses my opinion the has been formed over using Rust for gamedev for many thousands of hours over many years, and multiple finished games. This isn't meant to brag or indicate su

    • Breaking GitHub Private Pages for $35k

      I found and reported this vulnerability with @ginkoid. This was actually the first report that paid out for me on HackerOne. At $35,000, it’s also the highest bounty I’ve received so far from HackerOne (and I believe the highest GitHub has paid out to date). A lot of bugs seem to be a mix of both luck and intuition. In this blog post, I’ll illustrate my thought processes in approaching such a targ

        Breaking GitHub Private Pages for $35k
      • us-16-MunozMirosh-A-Journey-From-JNDI-LDAP-Manipulation-To-RCE

        A JOURNEY FROM JNDI/LDAP MANIPULATION TO REMOTE CODE EXECUTION DREAM LAND Alvaro Muñoz (@pwntester) Oleksandr Mirosh Who are we • Alvaro Muñoz (@pwntester) • Principal Security Researcher, HPE Fortify • Oleksandr Mirosh • Senior QA Engineer, HPE Fortify Agenda • Introduction to JNDI • JNDI Injection • RMI Vector • Demo: EclipseLink/TopLink • CORBA Vector • LDAP Vector • LDAP Entry Poisoning • Demo

        • ICLR 2022 — A Selection of 10 Papers You Shouldn’t Miss

          Image by Zeta Alpha.The International Conference in Learning Representations (ICLR) will be held online (for the third year in a row!) from Monday, April 25th through Friday, April 29th. It’s one of the biggest and most beloved conferences in the world of Machine Learning Research, and this year is no exception: it comes packed with more than a thousand papers on topics ranging from ML theory, Rei

            ICLR 2022 — A Selection of 10 Papers You Shouldn’t Miss
          • Pointers Are Complicated II, or: We need better language specs

            Pointers Are Complicated II, or: We need better language specs Some time ago, I wrote a blog post about how there’s more to a pointer than meets the eye. One key point I was trying to make is that just because two pointers point to the same address, does not mean they are equal in the sense that they can be used interchangeably. This “extra information” that distinguishes different pointers to the

            • Bye, Twitter

              [This fragment is available in an audio version.] Today I’m leaving Twitter, because I don’t like making unpaid contributions to a for-profit publisher whose proprietor is an alt-right troll. But also because it’s probably going to break down. Read on for details. I was beginning to think the End-Of-Twitter narrative was overblown, but evidence is stacking up. First, the increasingly-toxic politic

              • Trump Sought Options for Attacking Iran to Stop Its Growing Nuclear Program (Published 2020)

                Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned President Trump against a strike on Iran and described the potential risks of military escalation.Credit...Anna Moneymaker for The New York Times WASHINGTON — President Trump asked senior advisers in an Oval Office meeting on Thursday whether he had options to take action against Iran’s main nuclear site in the coming weeks. The m

                  Trump Sought Options for Attacking Iran to Stop Its Growing Nuclear Program (Published 2020)
                • A Complete Guide To Accessible Front-End Components — Smashing Magazine

                  In a new short series of posts, we highlight some of the useful tools and techniques for developers and designers. Recently we’ve covered CSS Auditing Tools and CSS Generators, and this time we look into reliable accessible components: from tabs and tables to toggles and tooltips. Table of ContentsBelow you’ll find an alphabetical list of all accessible components. Skip the table of contents, or j

                    A Complete Guide To Accessible Front-End Components — Smashing Magazine
                  • Fawkes

                    Shawn Shan†, PhD Student Emily Wenger†, PhD Student Jiayun Zhang, Visiting Student Huiying Li, PhD Student Haitao Zheng, Professor Ben Y. Zhao, Professor † Project co-leaders and co-first authors Email the Fawkes team Email us to join Fawkes mailing list for news on updates/changes. NEWS 5-12-22: v1.01 release for Macbook M1! 5-1-22: Fawkes hits 840,000 downloads! 4-23-21: v1.0 release for Windows

                    • The Rust Calling Convention We Deserve · mcyoung

                      I will often say that the so-called “C ABI” is a very bad one, and a relatively unimaginative one when it comes to passing complicated types effectively. A lot of people ask me “ok, what would you use instead”, and I just point them to the Go register ABI, but it seems most people have trouble filling in the gaps of what I mean. This article explains what I mean in detail. I have discussed calling

                        The Rust Calling Convention We Deserve · mcyoung
                      • 0.5.0 Release Notes · The Zig Programming Language

                        Tier System § Tier 1 Support § Not only can Zig generate machine code for these targets, but the standard library cross-platform abstractions have implementations for these targets. Thus it is practical to write a pure Zig application with no dependency on libc. The CI server automatically tests these targets on every commit to master branch, and updates the download page with links to pre-built b

                        • Testing in Production: the hard parts

                          Author’s Note: Thanks, as ever, to Fred Hebert, for reading a draft of this post and making some sterling suggestions. This is the third installment in my series on testing distributed systems. The posts in this series are the following: Testing Microservices, the sane way (published December 2017) Testing in Production, the safe way (published March 2018) Testing in Production: the hard parts (pu

                            Testing in Production: the hard parts
                          • Node Modules at War: Why CommonJS and ES Modules Can’t Get Along

                            Dan Fabulich is a Principal Engineer at Redfin. (We’re hiring!) In Node 14, there are now two kinds of scripts: there are old-style CommonJS (CJS) scripts and new-style ESM scripts (aka MJS). CJS scripts use require() and module.exports; ESM scripts use import and export. ESM and CJS are completely different animals. Superficially, ESM looks very similar to CJS, but their implementations couldn’t

                              Node Modules at War: Why CommonJS and ES Modules Can’t Get Along
                            • DNSPOOQ - JSOF

                              7 new vulnerabilities are being disclosed in common DNS software dnsmasq, reminiscent of 2008 weaknesses in Internet DNS Architecture Vulnerabilities threaten DNS integrity (again) The JSOF research labs are reporting 7 vulnerabilities found in dnsmasq, an open-source DNS forwarding software in common use. Dnsmasq is very popular, and we have identified approximately 40 vendors whom we believe use

                                DNSPOOQ - JSOF
                              • https://cheats.rs/rust_cheat_sheet.pdf

                                Rust Language Cheat Sheet 26. August 2021 Contains clickable links to The Book , Rust by Example , Std Docs , Nomicon , Reference . Data Structures Data types and memory locations defined via keywords. Example Explanation struct S {} Define a struct with named fields. struct S { x: T } Define struct with named field x of type T. struct S ​(T); Define "tupled" struct with numbered field .0 of type

                                • AVYSS magazine » 「AVYSS ENCOUNTERS 2019」-DAY1-

                                  2019年、印象に残った5曲 Artwork by Daiki Miyama 微かに紐付けされながらもランダムに配置された参加者。シーンやコミュニティは複雑に交差しているが、そこで記載されている音楽をランクや再生回数で記録する必要はない。数値では測れない熱の渦の中で、新たなディケイドに入っても我々は引き続き「音楽」にフォーカスするだろう。 昨年末に続き、様々な方の今年印象に残った5曲を記録。2019年作という縛りはありません。3日連続で公開の初日。「AVYSS ENCOUNTERS 2019」-DAY1- ・PYUR – “All Others Within Us” ・Sully – “Verité” ・minimal violence – “Persuasive Behaviour” ・Kassem Mosse – “Silica Gel” ・Xao – “Hydroxyapatite”

                                    AVYSS magazine » 「AVYSS ENCOUNTERS 2019」-DAY1-
                                  • Death of an Open Source Business Model

                                    I work at Azavea, but this is my personal blog. What’s written here is my personal opinion and nothing more. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Spooky. Photo by Wendy Scofield on UnsplashThe news yesterday that the new version of Mapbox GL JS will be proprietary shook me.¹ I am not a zealot. I do not feel entitled to others’ intellectual property, even if they’ve given away their ideas in the past. I know from

                                      Death of an Open Source Business Model
                                    • Feel The Darkness | 夢幻の旅:あとがき

                                      お知らせ 第4回ツギクル小説大賞で、当サイトの作品「夢幻の旅」が奨励賞を受賞しました。 管理人:Inazuma Ramone 「俺は死ぬとき、残される妻に何を言うんだろう」 そう思ったのが、夢幻の旅を考えるきっかけでした。女性の寿命のほうが男性より長く、どう考えても先に死ぬのは俺だろうと。 書くなら夫婦の物語としてだけではなく、家族の死と、残された家族が死者について感じることを、自分の生死観で書いてみよう。 「天国も地獄もない。人は死んだら自然に帰る」という考え方を中心に、突然病気になった自分と家族、妻にも言えない秘密、親子の絆などを書いてみたつもりですが、第一話から読み返してみると、なんとまあ杜撰な出来。 いちばん最初に良美の最後のシーンが思い浮かび、そこに向かって終わるように考えはじめたんですが、最初光平は死ぬ予定ではなかったんです。 書きはじめようとしたとき、ハッピーエンドで終わって

                                        Feel The Darkness | 夢幻の旅:あとがき
                                      • Fascism and the Women's Cause: Gender Critical Feminism, Suffragettes and the Women's KKK

                                        Fascism and the Women's Cause: Gender Critical Feminism, Suffragettes and the Women's KKK While the links between the anti-trans moral panic and the far-right are well-documented, 'Gender Critical' feminists are able shield themselves from that connection because of the common assumption that feminism and fascism are polar opposites. But, at many points in history, the distinction between feminism

                                          Fascism and the Women's Cause: Gender Critical Feminism, Suffragettes and the Women's KKK
                                        • Browser-Powered Desync Attacks: A New Frontier in HTTP Request Smuggling

                                          This request triggered an extremely suspicious intermittent 400 Bad Request response from various websites that were running AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) as their front-end. Investigation revealed that ALB was mysteriously adding a 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' header while downgrading the request to HTTP/1.1 for forwarding to the back-end, without making any alterations to the message body:

                                            Browser-Powered Desync Attacks: A New Frontier in HTTP Request Smuggling
                                          • 32 Movies Quentin Tarantino Doesn’t Like, from ‘Atomic Blonde’ and ‘1917’ to ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’

                                            Love him or hate him, what Quentin Tarantino has achieved over his more than 30 years of filmmaking is inarguably impressive. Not only is the “Reservoir Dogs” writer/director a renowned auteur — nominated three times for the Best Director Oscar with two Best Original Screenplay wins for “Pulp Fiction” and “Django Unchained” — Tarantino is also a well-versed film critic whose encyclopedic knowledge

                                              32 Movies Quentin Tarantino Doesn’t Like, from ‘Atomic Blonde’ and ‘1917’ to ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’
                                            • Worst Case

                                              [This fragment is available in an audio version.] Suppose you’re running your organization’s crucial apps in the cloud. Specifically, suppose you’re running them them on AWS, and in particular in the “us-east-1” region? Could us-east-1 go away? What might you do about it? Let’s catastrophize! Acks & disclaimers · First, thanks to Corey Quinn for this Twitter thread, which got me thinking. Second,

                                              • Adversarial machine learning - Wikipedia

                                                Adversarial machine learning is the study of the attacks on machine learning algorithms, and of the defenses against such attacks.[1] A survey from May 2020 exposes the fact that practitioners report a dire need for better protecting machine learning systems in industrial applications.[2] Most machine learning techniques are mostly designed to work on specific problem sets, under the assumption th

                                                  Adversarial machine learning - Wikipedia
                                                • The Big Little Guide to Message Queues

                                                  A guide to the fundamental concepts that underlie message queues, and how they apply to popular queueing systems available today. Message Queues are now fairly prevalent—there are so many of them showing up so fast you'd think they were rabbits with an unlimited supply of celery, resulting in an kafkaesque situation where making a decision is like trying to catch a stream in your hands. If only th

                                                  • 5 RCEs in npm for $15,000

                                                    I found and reported these vulnerabilities with @ginkoid. In this post, I will discuss the root cause of these vulnerabilities, as well as briefly walk through the exploitation process. I’ll also include some thoughts about bug bounty in general at the end. These are the associated CVEs and payouts: CVE-2021-32804 ($10,000)CVE-2021-32803 ($2,000)CVE-2021-37701 ($2,500)CVE-2021-37712 (found interna

                                                      5 RCEs in npm for $15,000
                                                    • Pointers Are Complicated III, or: Pointer-integer casts exposed

                                                      In my previous blog post on pointer provenance, I have shown that not thinking carefully about pointers can lead to a compiler that is internally inconsistent: programs that are intended to be well-behaved get miscompiled by a sequence of optimizations, each of which seems intuitively correct in isolation. We thus have to remove or at least restrict at least one of these optimizations. In this pos

                                                      • G.I.S.M.の魅力を徹底分析、DOMMUNEで2DAYS特番

                                                        2001年2月に亡くなったギタリスト、RANDY内田の命日である10日の前半パート「Anatomy Love Violence」では河村康輔、伊藤桂司、ジェリー・A(Poison Idea)、Le Dernier Criのジュリクテュスとリトン・ラ・モールが横山SAKEVI(Vo)の描き出す視覚世界についてトーク。後半パート「Peformance of WAR」では安田潤司、ギル久野、CazU-23(TURTLE ISLAND、G.I.S.M.)、レニー・ジャッフェ(Relapse Records)がパフォーミングアーツとしてのG.I.S.M.を語り合う。 このほか番組内ではJOJO広重によるライブ、KAORU INOUE(Chari Chari)とMOODMAN(GODFATHER)によるDJパフォーマンスも配信。さらに2日目には、昨年12月の無観客ライブの映像を再配信する。 現在ZAI

                                                        • HTTP Desync Attacks: what happened next

                                                          Published: 03 October 2019 at 12:54 UTC Updated: 20 September 2022 at 08:04 UTC Last month I published HTTP Desync Attacks: Request Smuggling Reborn. Since then, there's been a range of new developments. While vendors have been deploying fixes and publishing advisories, I've devised new desync techniques exposing yet more systems to attack. I've also adapted the tooling to make it easier to hunt d

                                                            HTTP Desync Attacks: what happened next
                                                          • Lobe aims to make it easy for anyone to train machine learning models

                                                            From beekeepers to ocean mappers, Lobe aims to make it easy for anyone to train machine learning models Sean Cusack has been a backyard beekeeper for 10 years and a tinkerer for longer. That’s how he and an entomologist friend got talking about building an early warning system to alert hive owners to potentially catastrophic threats. They envisioned installing a motion-sensor-activated camera at a

                                                              Lobe aims to make it easy for anyone to train machine learning models
                                                            • Breaking the web forward - QuirksBlog

                                                              Safari is holding back the web. It is the new IE, after all. In contrast, Chrome is pushing the web forward so hard that it’s starting to break. Meanwhile web developers do nothing except moan and complain. The only thing left to do is to pick our poison. Safari is the new IE Recently there was yet another round of “Safari is the new IE” stories. Once Jeremy’s summary and a short discussion cleare

                                                              • 【ハードコアパンク】 G.I.S.M.(日本) - プログレッシヴ・アンダーグラウンド・メタルのめくるめく世界

                                                                DETERMINATION アーティスト: G.I.S.M.出版社/メーカー: BEAST ARTS発売日: 2015/04/29メディア: CDこの商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LW8LlJaK3C4(1st『DETESTation』フル音源)'83 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fGzg3BfkSyg(3rd『SoniCRIME TheRapy』フル音源)'02(リンク先の'95という表記は誤りです) 日本が世界に誇る最強のハードコアバンド。優れた音楽性と存在感により、世界中のバンドに絶大な影響を与えています。(他ジャンルのファンはピンと来ないかもしれませんが、ハードコアの世界においては、日本はアメリカやイギリスに並ぶ音楽大国です。) まずは上記1stの音源を聴いてみてください。'83年とい

                                                                  【ハードコアパンク】 G.I.S.M.(日本) - プログレッシヴ・アンダーグラウンド・メタルのめくるめく世界
                                                                • The Best Anime Series of 2023

                                                                  Like many segments of the entertainment industry, this year in anime was defined by an abundance of excellent works that came into being despite an array of labor issues. But unlike the American film and television industry, where creatives got a well-deserved happy ending in tentative new union contracts, 2023 signaled the continuation of brutal trends for those who create anime. Many series expe

                                                                    The Best Anime Series of 2023
                                                                  • Lessons from the iSOON Leaks

                                                                    Introduction A Chinese Ministry of Public Security (MPS) contractor called iSOON (also known as Anxun Information) that specializes in network penetration research and related services has had its data leaked to GitHub.Based on the level of detail, leaked chat logs, amount of data, and corroboration from overlaps indicators of compromise (IOCs), there is a high level of confidence it is legit.Prel

                                                                      Lessons from the iSOON Leaks
                                                                    • The Age of PageRank is Over [manifesto] | Kagi Blog

                                                                      09 Nov, 2022 When Sergey Brin and Larry Page came up with the concept of PageRank in their seminal paper The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine (Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page, Stanford University, 1998) they profoundly changed the way we utilize the web. For the next 25 years, humanity counted on their algorithm to deliver relevant results for its searches. PageRank generated

                                                                      • cuneicode, and the Future of Text in C

                                                                        Following up from the last post, there is a lot more we need to cover. This was intended to be the post where we talk exclusively about benchmarks and numbers. But, I have unfortunately been perfectly taunted and status-locked , like a monster whose “aggro” was pulled by a tank. The reason, of course, is due to a few folks taking issue with my outright dismissal of the C and C++ APIs (and not show

                                                                          cuneicode, and the Future of Text in C
                                                                        • Yamato Origins Part 8

                                                                          The 39-Episode Outline As indicated in Part 5 of this series, Producer Yoshinobu Nishizaki and his staff initially pitched Space Battleship Yamato with a length of 52 episodes. This number was chosen prior to any consultation with a TV network, and was based on the novel idea that Yamato's year-long mission could unfold before the viewers in real time. When Leiji Matsumoto joined the staff in Apri

                                                                          • Abusing HTTP hop-by-hop request headers - Nathan Davison

                                                                            October 31, 2019 In this writeup, I will be covering techniques which can be used to influence web systems and applications in unexpected ways, by abusing HTTP/1.1 hop-by-hop headers. Systems affected by these techniques are likely ones with multiple caches/proxies handling requests before reaching the backend application. What is a hop-by-hop header? A hop-by-hop header is a header which is desig

                                                                            • RabbitMQ vs Kafka: Which Platform Should You Choose in 2023?

                                                                              Have you ever found yourself standing at a crossroads, trying to decide between RabbitMQ vs Kafka for your Microservices-based system? Have you ever wondered which of these messaging platforms is most suitable for your use case? RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka are well-known solutions in the asynchronous messaging domain, but despite popular belief, they aren’t one-size-fits-all solutions. As a software

                                                                                RabbitMQ vs Kafka: Which Platform Should You Choose in 2023?
                                                                              • Jonathan Wright - Caught in the Crossfire: Red Hat vs. Rebuilds

                                                                                powered by Hugo | themed with poison © 2024 Jonathan Wright. All rights reserved. The recent news of Red Hat’s decision to stop publishing sources on git.centos.org and its follow-up with quotes like “we have determined that there isn’t value in having a downstream rebuilder” has sent shockwaves across the open source community. Many are calling for Red Hat’s head on a pike, and to the contrary ma

                                                                                • I Replaced My Native iOS App with a Cross-Platform Web App and No One Noticed

                                                                                  So it all started when I came up with the idea for an app that helps parents get their kids ready for school. I’m a dad with 3 kids and I was annoyed by the fact that at work I have dozens of powerful tools to organise and manage my team. But at home to get the kids ready for school, I have nothing. It was chaos. So I thought… why not build a todo list for kids? I could make the UX look like a gam

                                                                                    I Replaced My Native iOS App with a Cross-Platform Web App and No One Noticed