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161 - 200 件 / 238件

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Recommendationの検索結果161 - 200 件 / 238件

  • Kaggle Challenge - Event Recommendation Engine - DataLab.lu

    Event Recommendation Engine Challenge was my second challenge at Kaggle and I finished 15th out of 225 on final (private) leaderboard. I was able to finish 1st on public leaderboard. Believe or not but the difference doesn’t come from over fitting but rather from an external data source (Google Maps) which was forbidden. I did read the rules, but such important restriction was buried under additio

    • Machine Learning, Recommendation Systems, and Data Analysis at Cloud Academy | Amazon Web Services

      AWS News Blog Machine Learning, Recommendation Systems, and Data Analysis at Cloud Academy In today’s guest post, Alex Casalboni and Giacomo Marinangeli of Cloud Academy discuss the design and development of their new Inspire system. — Jeff; Our Challenge Mixing technology and content has been our mission at Cloud Academy since the very early days. We are builders and we love technology, but we al

        Machine Learning, Recommendation Systems, and Data Analysis at Cloud Academy | Amazon Web Services
      • 【レビュー】「お勧め」機能が新しいフィードリーダー「SocialFeed」を体験 (1) SearchからRecommendationへの流れ | ネット | マイコミジャーナル

        SocialFeedとは? リアルコムが11日にβ版サービスを開始したWebアプリケーション「SocialFeed」は、「ユーザの嗜好」に焦点を当て、「レコメンデーション(お勧め)」機能を前面に押し出した、新しいコンセプトのフィードリーダーだ(「フィード」というのはRSSやAtomなどのこと)。 このサイトによって「お勧め」されるものは、もちろん、フィードによって配信される記事情報だ。つまり、サイトが「この記事はいかがですか?」とユーザに提案してくるというわけだ。気になるのは、その「お勧め」が実際、的を射たものかどうかという点。つまり、SocialFeedはお勧めする記事をどう判定しているのだろうか、というのが問題だ。 説明によればSocialFeedは、ユーザが読んだ記事の履歴を元に、似た嗜好のユーザを探し出し(これを「隠れたコミュニティ」と呼ぶ)、それらのユーザが同じく興味を持ち、多く

        • Redis as a recommendation engine | Frank DENIS random thoughts.

          “You might be interested in red toilet paper, because you bought blue and green toilet paper, and people who also bought blue and green toilet paper tend to also buy red toilet paper”. Recommendation engines are now everywhere, from e-commerce to social networks. Graphs databases like Neo4j are probably the best way to tackle the problem. But as an alternative, let’s try building a recommendation

          • Movie Recommendation with MLlib

            In this chapter, we will use MLlib to make personalized movie recommendations tailored for you. We will work with 10 million ratings from 72,000 users on 10,000 movies, collected by MovieLens. This dataset is pre-loaded in your USB drive under data/movielens/large. For quick testing of your code, you may want to use a smaller dataset under data/movielens/medium, which contains 1 million ratings fr

              Movie Recommendation with MLlib
            • GitHub - pranab/sifarish: Content based and collaborative filtering based recommendation and personalization engine implementation on Hadoop and Storm

              Introduction Sifarish is a suite of solutions for recommendation personalization implementaed on Hadoop and Storm. Various algorithms, including feature similarity based recommendation and collaborative filtering based recommendation using social rating data are available Philosophy Providing complete business solutions, not just bunch of machine learning algorithms Simple to use Input output in C

                GitHub - pranab/sifarish: Content based and collaborative filtering based recommendation and personalization engine implementation on Hadoop and Storm
              • Recommendation for using your own tools

                This materials for #mysqlcasual 3

                  Recommendation for using your own tools
                • WCAG 2.1 Candidate Recommendation (勧告候補) | Accessible & Usable

                  公開日 : 2018年2月2日 (2018年6月9日 更新) カテゴリー : アクセシビリティ W3C が勧告している WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) 2.0 の次期バージョンである WCAG 2.1 が、Candidate Recommendation (勧告候補) として2018年1月30日に開示されました。 勧告候補ということで、盛り込まれる達成基準の内容は概ねこれでフィックスされ、あとは最終的な勧告 (2018年6月予定) の前に、個々の達成基準の実効性を最終確認する段階となります。この記事では取り急ぎ、WCAG 2.1 で追加される (であろう) 新達成基準を一覧としてまとめてみましたので、共有したいと思います。 先に最終ワーキングドラフトに対してコメントを提出し、それに対する W3C Accessibility Guide

                    WCAG 2.1 Candidate Recommendation (勧告候補) | Accessible & Usable
                  • SAEKI's Recommendationカスタム - tokyobike

                    こんにちは。中目黒店の木村です。今年は暖冬暖冬と言われておりますが、寒さが本格化してきて全く暖かい冬を感じておりません。 暖かい季節が待ち遠しい…早く春よ来い… さて、tokyobikeでは様々なカスタマイズを提案しております。 今回は中目黒店で働く、”りのちゃん”こと佐伯がカスタム提案をしてくれました。 TOKYOBIKE BISOU をベースにスポーティーにカスタマイズされたこちらの1台。 ゆったりとしたBISOUのプロムナードハンドルから、ほんのり手前に曲がったフラットなハンドルに交換しています。やや前かがみになり、程よい前傾姿勢になります。

                      SAEKI's Recommendationカスタム - tokyobike
                    • 【文献調査】Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithms

                      【文献調査】Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithms 澁谷 翔吾, 廣安 知之, 三木 光範 ISDL Report  No. 20081110001 2008年 5月 22日 Abstract 本レポートでは”Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithms”[1]という論文から得られた知見についてまとめた. この論文では, 協調フィルタリングの2つのモデル, つまり, ユーザベースの協調フィルタリングとアイテムベースの協調フィルタリングについて解説している. 1  はじめに 本レポートでは「Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithms」(Ba

                      • Role Attribute 1.0 (W3C Recommendation 28 March 2013)

                        Role Attribute 1.0 An attribute to support the role classification of elements W3C Recommendation 28 March 2013 This version: http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-role-attribute-20130328/ Latest published version: http://www.w3.org/TR/role-attribute/ Latest editor's draft: http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/role-attribute/ Previous version: http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/PR-role-attribute-20121213/ Editor: Shane McCarr

                        • Deep Transfer Learning for Search and Recommendation The WEB Conference 2020 Tutorial

                          Training data sparsity is a common problem for many real-world applications in Search and Recommendation domains. Even for applications with a lot of training data, in the cold-start scenario we usually do not get enough labeled data. Transfer Learning is a promising approach to address this problem by bridging the generalization gap from the related applications into the new one. With the increas

                            Deep Transfer Learning for Search and Recommendation The WEB Conference 2020 Tutorial
                          • Call for Review: HTML5 Proposed Recommendation Published

                            The HTML Working Group has published a Proposed Recommendation of HTML5. This specification defines the 5th major revision of the core language of the World Wide Web: the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). In this version, new features are introduced to help Web application authors, new elements are introduced based on research into prevailing authoring practices, and special attention has been giv

                              Call for Review: HTML5 Proposed Recommendation Published
                            • 【輪講資料】Time-aware Point-of-Interest Recommendation【SIGIR2013】

                              2013-11-20に職場の輪講で発表した資料をアップロード. SIGIR2013で発表された,Point of Interest(POI:店舗,ランドマーク,観光地など)の推薦手法の論文.時間帯ごとのチェックイン特徴の類似性を利用して,各時間帯にあわせたPOIを推薦するのが特徴です.

                                【輪講資料】Time-aware Point-of-Interest Recommendation【SIGIR2013】
                              • DOM Parsing and Serialization (W3C Candidate Recommendation 17 June 2014)

                                DOM Parsing and Serialization DOMParser, XMLSerializer, innerHTML, and similar APIs W3C Working Draft 17 May 2016 This version: http://www.w3.org/TR/2016/WD-DOM-Parsing-20160517/ Latest published version: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Parsing/ Latest editor's draft: https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/ Test suite: http://w3c-test.org/domparsing/ Previous version: http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/CR-DOM-Parsing-

                                • Utilizing marginal net utility for recommendation in e-commerce (SIGIR 2011) 読んだ - 糞糞糞ネット弁慶

                                  Utilizing marginal net utility for recommendation in e-commerce(pdf) 概要 商品推薦に経済学でいうところの「限界効用逓減の法則」を持ち込む. 著者はJian Wang.最近この人の論文ばかり読んでいる. 限界効用逓減の法則 そもそも限界効用逓減の法則とはなにか. 人が得る効用は基本的には財が増えるほど増え続けるわけじゃなく,ある地点から逓減を起こす. わかりやすい例が食べ放題のお店.最初はお腹が空いてるから食べれば食べるほど満足度(効用)は高まるけれども,お腹いっぱいになるとそこから先いくら食べてもむしろ不快になる. この法則がレコメンデーションとどう関係あるか. 定番のレコメンデーションは rating,すなわちある商品に関するユーザの評価を予測する問題として定式化される.しかし,商品購買情報を入力として考えた場合には,

                                    Utilizing marginal net utility for recommendation in e-commerce (SIGIR 2011) 読んだ - 糞糞糞ネット弁慶
                                  • A Contextual-Bandit Approach to Personalized News Article Recommendation

                                      A Contextual-Bandit Approach to Personalized News Article Recommendation
                                    • Five Best Book Recommendation Services

                                      It's disappointing to haul a book home from the library or shell out hard-earned cash at the bookstore only to settle in at home and find you don't enjoy it one bit. Stock your reading list with these five great recommendation services. Photo by Zitona. Last week we asked you to share your favorite book recommendation service, and now we're back to highlight the five most popular. Whatever you're

                                        Five Best Book Recommendation Services
                                      • A Contextual-Bandit Approach to Personalized News Article Recommendation

                                        Rutgers is deep-rooted in a culture of research, innovation and collaboration. The backbone of the State of New Jersey, Rutgers is a member of both the Association of American Universities (AAU) and the Big Ten Academic Alliance. Our researchers transform lives, improve communities, and advance society.

                                        • A Survey of Accuracy Evaluation Metrics of Recommendation Tasks

                                          A Survey of Accuracy Evaluation Metrics of Recommendation Tasks Asela Gunawardana, Guy Shani; 10(100):2935−2962, 2009. Abstract Recommender systems are now popular both commercially and in the research community, where many algorithms have been suggested for providing recommendations. These algorithms typically perform differently in various domains and tasks. Therefore, it is important from the r

                                          • Principal Machine Learning Engineer - Candidate Recommendation - External Careers

                                            Our mission. As the world’s number 1 job site, our mission is to help people get jobs. We need talented, passionate people working together to make this happen. We are looking to grow our teams with people who share our energy and enthusiasm for creating the best experience for job seekers. We are a rapidly growing and highly-capable Engineering organization building the most popular job site on t

                                              Principal Machine Learning Engineer - Candidate Recommendation - External Careers
                                            • Content Recommendation Startup Thirst Brings Its Twitter App To The iPhone | TechCrunch

                                              Content Recommendation Startup Thirst Brings Its Twitter App To The iPhone Thirst, an app that helps users get caught up with important news as it’s shared on Twitter, is expanding beyond the iPad today with the launch of a “universal” app that works on the iPhone and iPod Touch, too. Thirst launched in May, and as co-founder and CEO Anuj Verma tells me, its goal for the current app is to bring pe

                                                Content Recommendation Startup Thirst Brings Its Twitter App To The iPhone | TechCrunch
                                              • Embedding-based News Recommendation for Millions of Users

                                                Shumpei Okura (Yahoo! JAPAN);Yukihiro Tagami (Yahoo Japan Corporation);Shingo Ono (Yahoo Japan Corporation);Akira Tajima (Yahoo! Japan) Abstract For effective news recommendation, it is necessary to understand content of articles and preferences of users. While ID-based methods such as collaborative filtering and low rank factorization are well-known approaches for recommendation, such methods are

                                                • Recommendation at Netflix Scale

                                                  Netflix provides personalized recommendations at scale to over 37 million members across 40 countries. They take a multi-layered approach using offline, nearline, and online computation. In the offline layer, large datasets are processed to train machine learning models. The nearline layer incrementally refines recommendations based on member events. In the online layer, recommendations are genera

                                                    Recommendation at Netflix Scale
                                                  • Personalized News Recommendation with Context Trees

                                                    The profusion of online news articles makes it difficult to find interesting articles, a problem that can be assuaged by using a recommender system to bring the most relevant news stories to readers. However, news recommendation is challenging because the most relevant articles are often new content seen by few users. In addition, they are subject to trends and preference changes over time, and in

                                                    • JSON-LD is a W3C Recommendation

                                                      The RDF Working Group has published two Recommendations today: JSON-LD 1.0. JSON is a useful data serialization and messaging format. This specification defines JSON-LD, a JSON-based format to serialize Linked Data. The syntax is designed to easily integrate into deployed systems that already use JSON, and provides a smooth upgrade path from JSON to JSON-LD. It is primarily intended to be a way to

                                                        JSON-LD is a W3C Recommendation
                                                      • Tall Street - Social Recommendation Engine - Help the Little Guy

                                                        Tallstreet Limited Based in London, United Kingdom, we design, develop and deliver high-tech bespoke software solutions for enterprises. We can work remotely, independently, or alongside your in house development team. Skills React Javascript Frontend Web Development AngularJS Node.js Python To see a sample of our work visit us on Github Contact us if you have a project in mind contact us via Link

                                                        • WebRTC transforms the communications landscape as it becomes a W3C Recommendation and IETF standards

                                                          About Introduction to the IETF Introduction to the IETF Participants Mission Principles The work Structure of the IETF Internet Engineering Steering Group Internet Architecture Board Internet Research Task Force Liaisons Nominating Committee IETF Trust Legal policies and requests Legal request procedures Legal requests Other policies Note Well IETF/IRTF/IAB Privacy Statement Anti-harassment policy

                                                          • Improving Recommendation for Long-tail Queries via Templates(WWW 2011) - 糞糞糞ネット弁慶

                                                            Improving recommendation for long-tail queries via templates 概要 グラフベースのクエリ推薦において,クエリごとにクエリ-ページの遷移を考えるのではなく,クエリ-テンプレート,テンプレート-テンプレートでの遷移を考える. これにより,従来のクエリ推薦では対応できなかったロングテール(つまりは検索数が少ないクエリ)に対応する. 例えば,"Montezuma surf"というクエリについて," surf → beach"というルールがあれば"Montezuma beach"なるクエリを推薦することが出来る. Query-Flow Graph Boldiがこれまで何度か書いてきた手法.いくつか読んではいるがブログで書いた事は無かったのでいつかまとめて書く. QUERY TEMPLATES AND THE QUERY TEMPLATE F

                                                              Improving Recommendation for Long-tail Queries via Templates(WWW 2011) - 糞糞糞ネット弁慶
                                                            • Building multi-modal recommendation engines using search engines

                                                              This is my strata NY talk about how to build recommendation engines using common items. In particular, I show how multi-modal recommendations can be built using the same framework.Read less

                                                                Building multi-modal recommendation engines using search engines
                                                              • High Resolution Time (W3C Recommendation 17 December 2012)

                                                                High Resolution Time W3C Working Draft 19 July 2023 More details about this document This version: https://www.w3.org/TR/2023/WD-hr-time-3-20230719/ Latest published version: https://www.w3.org/TR/hr-time-3/ Latest editor's draft:https://w3c.github.io/hr-time/ History: https://www.w3.org/standards/history/hr-time-3/ Commit history Test suite:https://wpt.live/hr-time/ Implementation report: https:/

                                                                • Facebook open-sources DLRM, a deep learning recommendation model

                                                                  A Facebook like button is pictured at the Facebook France headquarters in Paris, France, November 27, 2017. Facebook today announced the open source release of Deep Learning Recommendation Model (DLRM), a state-of-the-art AI model for serving up personalized results in production environments. DLRM can be found on GitHub, and implementations of the model are available for Facebook’s PyTorch, Faceb

                                                                    Facebook open-sources DLRM, a deep learning recommendation model
                                                                  • Company Recommendation for New Graduates via Implicit Feedback Multiple Matrix Factorization with Bayesian Optimization

                                                                    Company Recommendation for New Graduates via Implicit Feedback Multiple Matrix Factorization with Bayesian Optimization This document describes a method for recommending suitable companies to new graduates based on their browsing history and other data. It proposes using implicit matrix factorization of browsing data along with Bayesian optimization of hyperparameters to focus recommendations on l

                                                                      Company Recommendation for New Graduates via Implicit Feedback Multiple Matrix Factorization with Bayesian Optimization
                                                                    • Recommendation 101 using Hivemall

                                                                      The document provides an overview of using Hivemall, an open source machine learning library built for Hive, for recommendation tasks. It begins with an introduction to Hivemall and its vision of enabling machine learning on SQL. It then covers recommendation 101, discussing explicit versus implicit feedback. Matrix factorization and Bayesian probabilistic ranking algorithms for recommendations fr

                                                                        Recommendation 101 using Hivemall
                                                                      • Introducing TorchRec, a library for modern production recommendation systems

                                                                        by Meta AI - Donny Greenberg, Colin Taylor, Dmytro Ivchenko, Xing Liu, Anirudh Sudarshan We are excited to announce TorchRec, a PyTorch domain library for Recommendation Systems. This new library provides common sparsity and parallelism primitives, enabling researchers to build state-of-the-art personalization models and deploy them in production. How did we get here? Recommendation Systems (RecSy

                                                                        • Real-time interactive movie recommendation - FastML

                                                                          Research into recommender systems took off with the Netflix challenge, which started in 2006. For three years many contenders worked hard to achieve the prescribed error threshold. Finally, in 2009 Netflix awarded the prize, one million dollars. Kaggle is a direct descendant of that formula. Define the problem, provide some data, choose the evaluation metric, optionally arrange for a prize, go. Wo

                                                                          • Mining Massive Datasets: Recommendation Systems

                                                                            Chapter 9 Recommendation Systems There is an extensive class of Web applications that involve predicting user responses to options. Such a facility is called a recommendation system. We shall begin this chapter with a survey of the most important examples of these systems. However, to bring the problem into focus, two good examples of recommendation systems are: 1. Offering news articles to on-lin

                                                                            • Shriram Krishnamurthi: Advice to Graduate School Recommendation Letter Writers

                                                                              First version: 2008-03-25. Revised: 2008-03-26 (thanks, Kathi Fisler), 2010-10-21, 2010-11-20, 2012-05-04, 2014-12-16 (thanks, Norman Ramsey), 2016-09-30 (thanks, Behnam Heydarshahi). Some years ago I was talking to a visiting scholar who was a faculty member in a foreign country. I asked her why letters from her country seemed to be so uninformative. She pointed out that there, faculty never read

                                                                              • 1 ¤ ✞ ✝解 説 ✆ 情報推薦・情報フィルタリングのための ユーザプロファイリング技術 User Profiling Technique for Information Recommendation and Information Filtering 土方 嘉徳 大阪大学大学院基礎工学研

                                                                                1 ¤ ✞ ✝解 説 ✆ 情報推薦・情報フィルタリングのための ユーザプロファイリング技術 User Profiling Technique for Information Recommendation and Information Filtering 土方 嘉徳 大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科 Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University Yoshinori Hijikata hijikata@sys.es.osaka-u.ac.jp, http://www.nishilab.sys.es.osaka-u.ac.jp/people/hijikata/index.html keywords: user profiling, information filtering, recommender system, relev

                                                                                • Foursquare Experimenting With Recommendation Engine

                                                                                  When you buy through affiliate links in our content, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Learn how our funding model works. By using this website you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. We uphold a strict editorial policy that focuses on factual accuracy, relevance, and impartiality. Our content, created by leading industry experts, is meticulously reviewed by a tea