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281 - 320 件 / 1794件

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Spritesの検索結果281 - 320 件 / 1794件

  • 3D版!「K-Means法」ビジュアライズしてみた - てっく煮ブログ

    前回の クラスタリングの定番アルゴリズム「K-means法」をビジュアライズしてみた が好評だったので、3D空間でも K平均法をビジュアライズしてみました。ちょっと重めなのでクリックすると始まります。さらにクリックして、1ステップずつ動かしてみてください。3次元にしてみると、宇宙空間のように見えてきて美しいです。前回からは数式の上ではほとんど変わってなくて、2次元空間上での距離だったのが3次元での距離になったぐらいです。K平均法については、前回のエントリ クラスタリングの定番アルゴリズム「K-means法」をビジュアライズしてみた をご覧ください。ちなみに、3次元座標の計算は、Flash 10 から導入された Matrix3D を使っています。ソースは [as]FP10をそろそろ。Matrix3Dとか [NUTSU] を参考にさせてもらいました。Zソートしてないので、たまに奥のものが手前に

    • 20 Best And Useful jQuery Plugins of March 2010

      20 Best And Useful jQuery Plugins of March 2010 By Yogesh Mankani on Apr 5th, 2010 in Development Save On Delicious Share jQuery is a lightweight, cross-browser compliant, and extremely powerful JavaScript framework. jQuery enables you to add interactivity and increased functionality to your website. jQuery is much useful because it can help you to create animations and interactions.jQuery has

      • 40+ Useful Online Generators For Web Designers - noupe

        Generators can be a great way to save time in your web design projects. High-quality generators can create graphics or code or even layouts in a matter of seconds or minutes, things that might take an hour or more if done by hand. Below are some useful generators to help you speed up your web design process. There's everything from color scheme tools to complete layout generators included. If you

          40+ Useful Online Generators For Web Designers - noupe
        • Spriteを使ったJavaScript製のアニメーションライブラリ·Sprite.js MOONGIFT

          Sprite.jsはJavaScript製のオープンソース・ソフトウェア。JavaScriptを使ってゲームを作る場合、キャラクターの描画には二種類の方法が考えられるだろう。一つは画像を使う方法、もう一つはドット単位やCanvasを使って直接描画する方法だ。 32体の人形が歩き回るデモ 後者はあまりに面倒だ。だから大抵画像を使った方法を選択するはずだ。そんな時、歩いたりジャンプしたりするアクションごとに画像が分かれていると、予め読み込んでおくデータ数が増えてしまう。それを解決するのがSprite.jsだ。 Sprite.jsがユニークなのは、一枚の画像を使って一つのキャラクターを表現する所にある。つまりGoogleなどがよく使っている小さなアイコン画像を固めて一つの画像ファイルにし、CSSを使って表示場所を切り替えて描画するSpriteをアニメーションに使っているのだ。 キー入力で動くデモ

          • 25 jQuery Tutorials for Improved Navigation Menus - DesignM.ag

            Navigation is an important part of web design from a usability perspective. However, links and navigation menus also provide opportunities to improve the visual appearance of the site, or to add some interesting effects. If you’re looking to create a navigation menu that stands out from the crowd, jQuery provides plenty of options. In this post we’ll feature 25 tutorials that will show you how to

              25 jQuery Tutorials for Improved Navigation Menus - DesignM.ag
            • Street Fighter II, paper trails

              The late 90s saw the emergence of Capcom in the world of arcades. The Osaka based company seemed to produce one hit after another with Ghouls'n Ghosts in 1988, Final Fight in 1989 and Street Fighter II in 1991 among a myriad of other excellent games. During this era, a video-game enthusiast could not go to an arcade without seeing multiple Capcom cabinets, proof of their popularity with both playe

              • NIR for Retina Images

                擬似要素と content プロパティを利用した画像置換テクニックの NIR (Nash Image replacement) と、いわゆる Retina ディスプレイ向けの高解像度画像 (sprites@2x.png みたいなやつ) を組み合わせる方法について。まずは NIR についておさらい: .nir { overflow: hidden; width: 160px; height: 50px; *background: url(sprites.png) no-repeat 0 -25px; *text-indent: -9999px; } .nir:before { content: url(sprites.png); display: inline-block; font-size: 0; line-height: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-top: -

                  NIR for Retina Images
                • GameBoy CPU Manual

                  Sources by: Pan of Anthrox, GABY, Marat Fayzullin, Pascal Felber, Paul Robson, Martin Korth, kOOPa, Bowser Contents: Assembly Language Commands, Timings and Opcodes, and everything you always wanted to know about GB but were afraid to ask. THIS DOCUMENT IS PRINTED ON DIN A5 SIZE PAPER (148mm x 210mm)! Note: Game BoyTM , Game Boy PocketTM , Super Game BoyTM and Game Boy ColorTM are registered trade

                  • SVGスプライトをつくってみよう1

                    SVGの最も有用な使用法の一つ、「複数のベクターグラフィックを一つのデータにまとめて、使いたい時に呼び出す」という「SVGスプライト」があります。 「SVGを使おう!」でもほんの少しお話ししましたが、cssスプライトとの大きな違いとしては、やはり「スタイルを都度変更できる」ところでしょう。 カラーバリエーションやサイズバリエーション、ちょっとした違いごとに同じグラフィックをいくつも作成する必要が無くなります。また、ベクターグラフィックなのでサイズを気にする必要もまったくありません。 極端に言えば、10×10pxのSVGを1000×1000pxに引き延ばそうが何ら問題はないのです。(※画像と同様 描画は重くなりますけれど・・) 今回はこの「SVGスプライトのつくり方」として、基礎となる部分をお話しさせていただきます。 この部分をしっかり理解しておくとIllustratorなどからSVGスプラ

                    • CSS Sprites風なことをインライン画像でやってみた | バシャログ。

                      こんばんは、お弁当に入っている梅干しは最後に食べるishidaです。 暑い時期になるといつもは全然飲まないのに、やたら炭酸飲料が飲みたくなります。 特に好きなのがスプライト。ブランド名の語源は、英語のSpirit(元気の意)とSprite(妖精)に由来しているみたいです。 といった感じで無理やり話題につなごうとしていますが…スプライトと言えばCSS Sprites。 背景画像としてCSS Spritesを使うパターンは多いと思いますが、背景じゃなく通常の画像でも CSS Spritesみたいなことができないかな?と思ったので、今回はそれをご紹介。 画像を用意 まずは、以下のような画像を作ります。 sprite_icon.gif 画像のサイズはきりがイイほうが設定しやすいので 90x90 としています。 1つのアイコンが 30x30 ってことです。 サンプル 以下がサンプルです。 サンプル0

                        CSS Sprites風なことをインライン画像でやってみた | バシャログ。
                      • Why Npm Scripts? | CSS-Tricks

                        DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit! There has been a growing sentiment (for instance) that using node packages directly, with the command line interfaces they provide, is a good route to take. As opposed to abstracting the functionality away behind a task runner. Partly: you use npm anyway, npm provides scripting functionality

                          Why Npm Scripts? | CSS-Tricks
                        • 14 rules for fast web pages (Skrentablog)

                          Steve Souders of Yahoo's "Exceptional Performance Team" gave an insanely great presentation at Web 2.0 about optimizing website performance by focusing on front end issues. Unfortunately I didn't get to see it in person but the Web 2.0 talks have just been put up and the ppt is fascinating and absolutely a must-read for anyone involved in web products. His work has been serialized on the Yahoo use

                          • PNG vs SVG for sprites

                            About HTML Preprocessors HTML preprocessors can make writing HTML more powerful or convenient. For instance, Markdown is designed to be easier to write and read for text documents and you could write a loop in Pug. Learn more · Versions Adding Classes In CodePen, whatever you write in the HTML editor is what goes within the <body> tags in a basic HTML5 template. So you don't have access to higher-

                              PNG vs SVG for sprites
                            • How to make really nice buttons

                              Introduction Creating buttons is something every web designer deals with, usually on a very regular basis. It can be one of those tasks that becomes tedious and repetitive but with a few tricks you can make pleasing looking buttons that also give the visitor useful feedback and navigational consistency. In this article I’ll be talking about buttons with 3 states - normal, hover, and pressed - and

                                How to make really nice buttons
                              • CSS Spriteを使って角丸を実装する方法 – creamu

                                クールでクリーンに角丸を作りたい。 そんなあなたにおすすめなのが、『CSS Sprites + Rounded corners』。CSS Spriteを使って角丸を実装する方法だ。 このエントリーでは、↓のような画像を使って角丸を実装する方法が紹介されている。 デモは以下から。 » Take a look at the demo サンプルがダウンロードできるので見てみてほしい。 CSS Spriteを使って角丸を実装する方法、チェックしてぜひ実装してみてはいかがだろうか。 » CSS Sprites + Rounded corners 実家に帰省中っと。予定通り京都に寄ってイノダコーヒーでブロギング中だ。まったりまったり。

                                • ❍ IcoMoon

                                  Browse free icons or import your own SVGs to generate icon packs in various different formats including icon fonts, SVGs, PNGs, sprites and more.

                                  • 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers - noupe

                                    CSS tools are essential for web developers because they act like a sort of magic lamp that can simplify the job at hand. Most development tools are time savers that are there to help developers create stylish, functional and optimized websites with a few shortcuts. CSS tools and generators are available in such large numbers that a developer can choose from a range of them to make their projects g

                                      50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers - noupe
                                    • 15 Free HTML5-CSS3 Templates to Start the Future of Web Design | Blogfreakz - Web Design and Web Development resources

                                      HTML5 is a technology developed by the WHATWG, an open community started by three of the four major browser vendors: Mozilla, Opera, and Apple. HTML5 is not so much a replacement for HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0 as it is an upgrade or evolution. Some of the new features in HTML5 are functions for embedding video , audio, graphics, client-side data storage, and interactive documents. HTML5 improves inter

                                      • AS3 についていろいろメモ - blog.seyself.com

                                        役に立つかもしれない情報から、全く無意味としか思えない情報まで。 ひとつひとつエントリーするほどのものでもないので、以下にまとめて書く。 ■設定されたステージサイズを取得する stage.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, activateHandler); function activateHandler(event:Event):void { event.target.removeEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, activateHandler); var defaultWidth:int = root.loaderInfo.width; var defaultHeight:int = root.loaderInfo.height; } これらの値はステージサイズが変更されても変わらない。 ただし、コンテンツの読み込みが完了

                                        • npm-scripts で作るフロントエンド環境の構築 | mediba Creator × Engineer Blog

                                          制作部の金森です。 フロントエンドエンジニアとして働き初めて丸7ヶ月が経過しました。 この記事は mediba Advent Calendar 2016 の 16日目です。 フロントエンド開発の現場においてタスクランナーを使わない日はないほど重要なツールになっています。 みなさんはタスクランナーに何を使っていますか? 最新のフロントエンドツール使用調査結果からThe State of Front-End Tooling 2016 - Results に拠ると、 タスクランナーを使用しない人は 19.5% から 10.97% に減っているGrunt を好む人は 27.5% から 11.75% に減っているgulp を好む人が 43.69% と一番多いnpm-scripts を好む人は 22.8% 増え 25.95% にという結果が出ており、gulp が一番支持されているものの npm-scr

                                            npm-scripts で作るフロントエンド環境の構築 | mediba Creator × Engineer Blog
                                          • Excellent jQuery Navigation Menu Tutorials - noupe

                                            If you are a web designer, you will agree that to keep the interst of the visitors, design of the website must be clear and intuitive. And, of course, the key to clear design is a clear navigation, so it's important to make it both attractive and easy to use. Today we are presenting you some of the most hunky-dory jQuery-based navigation menus. If you come across more interesting stuff do share th

                                              Excellent jQuery Navigation Menu Tutorials - noupe
                                            • DragonRuby Game Toolkit by DragonRuby

                                              Hello World is one file, three lines. This is all you need to create a game. One file. One method called tick. Here we render the current step value as a label: def tick args args.outputs.labels << [100, 100, args.state.tick_count] end That's it. If you know how to use the array datatype in any language, you know everything needed to get started with DragonRuby Game Toolkit. Play around with the e

                                                DragonRuby Game Toolkit by DragonRuby
                                              • Helpful JavaScript & jQuery Tools, Libraries & Plugins — Smashing Magazine

                                                A carefully selected round-up of useful CSS techniques and tools. Collected, analyzed and curated resources for you to use them right away or save them for future reference! Recently we’ve been receiving more requests for carefully selected, useful round-ups. We try to avoid round-ups on Smashing Magazine, but sometimes the format is useful and — if the resources are relevant — can be extremely he

                                                • cssスプライトとjQueryを組み合わせたナビゲーションメニュー・AutoSprites

                                                  cssスプライトをjQueryと組み合わせて 使用するAutoSpritesをご紹介します。 軽量化できるので人気のあるcssスプ ライトにjQueryを加える事でより豊かな 表現が可能になりますね。 HTMLソースも綺麗なまま使えますのでなかなか使えそうです。問題のIE6、7での実装もクリアしていますよ。 フェードするエフェクトがクールですね。 cssスプライトを使用しており、3種の画像を使って表現しています。 マークアップHTMLのマークアップは以下のようにシンプル。 <ul id="hnav"> <li id="hnavhome"><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li id="hnavlocal"><a href="#">Local Industry</a></li> <li id="hnavhigher"><a href="#">Higher Educatio

                                                  • 30 Website Navigations that Make You Wanna Click It - Web Design Ledger

                                                    One Ping Pingback: 12 Excellent CSS3 Button and Menu Techniques | Tutorials 61 Comments Great list. Wish I would have seen it earlier. Needed the help. Oh well. I’m happy with what I ended up with. Thanks for the inspiration list. I like the list, well mainly because it contains some pretty examples. But my question is: do these pretty buttons really want to make you click them? Do you have test d

                                                      30 Website Navigations that Make You Wanna Click It - Web Design Ledger
                                                    • zupko.info Papervision 2.0 Effects Tutorial

                                                      I just finished uploading a new branch to the Papervision repository.  If you hadn't noticed the slew of new files, take a look in /branches/Effects.  Its an API built into Papervision3D that I have been developing which allows developers to apply filters and other effects to their 3D objects.   I did a class on these techniques recently in NYC with John.  It seemed to go well and teach the main p

                                                      • #334 Compass & CSS Sprites - RailsCasts

                                                        Compass improves the Sass experience by providing useful mixins, functions, and more. You will also learn how to make CSS sprites with it in this episode.

                                                        • Designing for Performance by Lara Callender Hogan

                                                          Weighing Aesthetics and Speed By Lara Callender Hogan Copyright © 2014 Lara Callender Hogan As a web designer, you encounter tough choices when it comes to weighing aesthetics and performance. Good content, layout, images, and interactivity are essential for engaging your audience, and each of these elements have an enormous impact on page load time and the end-user experience. In this practical b

                                                            Designing for Performance by Lara Callender Hogan
                                                          • GameInternals - Understanding Pac-Man Ghost Behavior

                                                            GameInternals aims to spread knowledge of interesting game mechanics beyond the game-specific enthusiast communities. Each post focuses on a specific game mechanic that would normally only be known to high-level players of a particular game, and attempts to explain it in a manner that would be understandable even by readers unfamiliar with that game. GameInternals articles were researched and writ

                                                            • Optimizing Page Load Time

                                                              It is widely accepted that fast-loading pages improve the user experience. In recent years, many sites have started using AJAX techniques to reduce latency. Rather than round-trip through the server retrieving a completely new page with every click, often the browser can either alter the layout of the page instantly or fetch a small amount of HTML, XML, or javascript from the server and alter the

                                                              • Tools for image optimization

                                                                September 26, 2013 As we saw a few weeks ago, the weight of an average web page is now almost 1.5MB (median ~1MB), with > 50% of this being images. It's a harsh reminder that many of our pages on the web are still quite fat, a big concern for slower mobile data connections. BigQuery calculated medians for a HTTP Archive run thanks to Ilya Grigorik[/caption] There have been plenty of well documente

                                                                  Tools for image optimization
                                                                • Pixi.jsを初めて触って簡単にアニメーションを作成してみた話(その1) | 株式会社LIG(リグ)|DX支援・システム開発・Web制作

                                                                  こんにちは。CTOのづやです。 最近のサイトはぐいんぐいんと動いてたりしますよね。私も負けずにぐいんぐいん動かしたいなと思っていたのですが、素で書くにはなかなか難易度が高そうです。 そんなとき、弊社のエンジニア・ハカセがPixi.jsというライブラリを教えてくれました。Canvasライブラリの中では最速とのこと。 そこで今回は、そのPixi.jsを初めて触って簡単にアニメーションを作成してみた話を紹介したいと思います。 Pixi.js http://www.pixijs.com/ Pixi.jsの基本 まずは公式サイトのダウンロードボタンを押し、遷移先のGitHubよりコードを落としてきます。 GitHub https://github.com/GoodBoyDigital/pixi.js ダウンロードした中のexamplesフォルダの中には、サンプルがたくさんあります。 1つ目のサンプル

                                                                    Pixi.jsを初めて触って簡単にアニメーションを作成してみた話(その1) | 株式会社LIG(リグ)|DX支援・システム開発・Web制作
                                                                  • 63 Impressive Website Background-Images: Trends, Resources and Tutorials - noupe

                                                                    63 Impressive Website Background-Images: Trends, Resources and Tutorials Web designers compete to impress visitors with distinctive and appealing visual elements. Background images are one of those visual elements that when designed properly, can create an amazing atmosphere and convey the style the designer has chosen. In this post you will see how web designers had carefully created background i

                                                                      63 Impressive Website Background-Images: Trends, Resources and Tutorials - noupe
                                                                    • 50 New Useful CSS Techniques, Tools and Tutorials — Smashing Magazine

                                                                      Over the last years we’ve got a pretty good understanding of what CSS does, how it works and how we can use it for our layouts, typography and visual presentation of the content. However, there are still some attributes that are not so well-known; also, CSS3 offers us new possibilities and tools that need to be understood, learned and then applied in the right context to the right effect. In this

                                                                      • Extracting Super Mario Bros levels with Python - Matt's Ramblings

                                                                        Extracting Super Mario Bros levels with Python Created by Matthew Earl on June 28, 2018. Discuss on reddit! (??? points / ??? comments) Introduction For an upcoming project, I need to extract level data from the classic 1985 video game Super Mario Bros (SMB). More precisely, I want to extract the background imagery for each stage of the game, excluding HUD elements and moving sprites, etc. Of cour

                                                                        • GitHub - kittykatattack/learningPixi: A step-by-step introduction to making games and interactive media with the Pixi.js rendering engine.

                                                                          Pixi is an extremely fast 2D sprite rendering engine. What does that mean? It means that it helps you to display, animate and manage interactive graphics so that it's easy for you to make games and applications using JavaScript and other HTML5 technologies. It has a sensible, uncluttered API and includes many useful features, like supporting texture atlases and providing a streamlined system for a

                                                                            GitHub - kittykatattack/learningPixi: A step-by-step introduction to making games and interactive media with the Pixi.js rendering engine.
                                                                          • CSS Layouts: 40+ Tutorials, Tips, Demos and Best Practices | The Jotform Blog

                                                                            The main idea behind CSS-based layouts is offering more flexibility and enhancing the visual experience of visitors. Some important tips and related key-factors can help to learn basics and keep essential techniques in mind. And this is what this article is all about. Finding the perfect Layout that have Total Flexibility, Equal Height Columns and just works fine. So we’ve decided to take a deep l

                                                                              CSS Layouts: 40+ Tutorials, Tips, Demos and Best Practices | The Jotform Blog
                                                                            • 7 Tips for Faster HTTP/2 Performance

                                                                              For more about HTTP/2, view the recording of our popular webinar, What’s New in HTTP/2? The venerable HyperText Transfer Protocol, or HTTP, standard has now been updated. The HTTP/2 standard was approved in May 2015 and is now being implemented in browsers and web servers (including NGINX Plus and NGINX Open Source). HTTP/2 is currently supported by nearly two‑thirds of all web browsers in use, an

                                                                                7 Tips for Faster HTTP/2 Performance
                                                                              • Garage Door Style Menu | CSS-Tricks

                                                                                Originally published on July 21, 2008 as only a jQuery technique. Now updated to include CSS3 and a combo technique which is mo’ betta. A garage door style menu is where an image (the “door”) slides up to reveal something behind it. We’ll do this in two ways, with CSS3, and with jQuery. Then we’ll combine them into a progressive enhancement way to handle it. The jQuery Method Right out of the box,

                                                                                  Garage Door Style Menu | CSS-Tricks
                                                                                • CHRONO TRIGGER (INTRO REMAKE) 1080p

                                                                                  Hi guys. Well it's done, but i hope you like it, SORRY for the low quality in the 2D sprites, i had little time and budget. Please do share and sub :) Thanks guys. THE EPOCH 3D model by : Easton G http://grabcad.com/library/epoch-wings-of-time-chrono-trigger-snes-1 ------------------------------------------------------ MUSIC REMIX BY : Andre Neumann. Download the remix here : https://soundcl

                                                                                    CHRONO TRIGGER (INTRO REMAKE) 1080p