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  • TechCrunch

    The savvy marketers at Boston Dynamics produced two major robotics news cycles last week. The larger of the two was, naturally, the electric Atlas announcement. As I write this, the sub-40 second vide

    • あなたが教わってるそのCSSテクニックはもう古い | TAKLOG

      Xの初学者のポストにて古の手法を教わっている方をよく見かけるので、2024年現在そのCSSテクニックはもう古いってものをいくつか列挙しました。 ブロックのセンタリングに margin を使うなら margin-inline:auto を使いなさいmarginを使ってブロックのセンタリングを行う際によく教わるのはmargin:0 autoあるいはmargin:autoでしょう。

        あなたが教わってるそのCSSテクニックはもう古い | TAKLOG
      • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

        Some Indian government websites have allowed scammers to plant advertisements capable of redirecting visitors to online betting platforms. TechCrunch discovered around four dozen “gov.in” website links associated with Indian states,…

          TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
        • TechCrunch

          "Number Go Up: Inside Crypto’s Wild Rise and Staggering Fall" by investigative reporter Zeke Faux has several chapters on FTX's founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, but it's also about crypto more broadly.

          • TechCrunch

            Hiya, folks, and welcome to Week in Review (WiR), TechCrunch’s digest of the past week in tech news. It’s TC’s column that highlights the major stories over the past few days, and &#

            • TechCrunch

              Welcome, folks, to Week in Review (WiR), TechCrunch’s regular newsletter covering this week’s noteworthy happenings in tech. TikTok’s fate in the U.S. looks uncertain after President

              • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                AI-powered summaries of webpages are a feature that you will find in many AI-centric tools these days. The next step for some of these tools is to prepare detailed and…

                  TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News