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  • Doing RAG? Vector search is *not* enough

    I'm concerned by the number of times I've heard, "oh, we can do RAG with retriever X, here's the vector search query." Yes, your retriever for a RAG flow should definitely support vector search, since that will let you find documents with similar semantics to a user's query, but vector search is not enough. Your retriever should support a full hybrid search, meaning that it can perform both a vect

      Doing RAG? Vector search is *not* enough
    • 野生のアフリカゾウがお互いに「名前で呼び合っている」ことが鳴き声の分析から判明

      人間はお互いのことを名前やあだ名で呼び、時にはペットや身近な動物に名前を付けています。ケニアのサバンナに生息するアフリカゾウの鳴き声を分析した新たな研究では、野生のゾウが「独自の名前」を持っており、この名前を使ってお互いを呼び合っていることがわかりました。 African elephants address one another with individually specific name-like calls | Nature Ecology & Evolution https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-024-02420-w African elephants address one another with name-like calls − similar to humans https://theconversation.com/afr

      • Elasticsearch piped query language, ES|QL, now generally available — Elastic Search Labs

        Elasticsearch piped query language, ES|QL, now generally available Today, we are pleased to announce the general availability of ES|QL (Elasticsearch Query Language), a dynamic language designed from the ground up to transform, enrich, and simplify data investigations. Powered by a new query engine, ES|QL delivers advanced search using simple and familiar query syntax with concurrent processing, e

          Elasticsearch piped query language, ES|QL, now generally available — Elastic Search Labs
        • Blog - Private Cloud Compute: A new frontier for AI privacy in the cloud - Apple Security Research

          Private Cloud Compute: A new frontier for AI privacy in the cloud Written by Apple Security Engineering and Architecture (SEAR), User Privacy, Core Operating Systems (Core OS), Services Engineering (ASE), and Machine Learning and AI (AIML) Apple Intelligence is the personal intelligence system that brings powerful generative models to iPhone, iPad, and Mac. For advanced features that need to reaso

          • 記事「最近のIUT界隈」(しぶんぎ社)に関するコメント|Reiya Tachihara

            執筆者:立原 礼也 公開日:2024年6月8日 再公開日:2024年6月11日 記事の非公開に至った経緯については,別の 記事 「記事非公開の理由(特に,記事のある側面に関するお詫び)と今後の対応|Reiya Tachihara (note.com)」をご参照ください. 今後も記事を非公開にすることがあるかも知れませんが,予告なく記事が非公開になった場合には,編集ののち,予告なく記事は再公開される予定です. 編集履歴は記事の最後に移植しました. 日本語のわかる方はこの英語は読み飛ばしてください(すぐ下に日本語で同じことが書いてあります). Note: To avoid malicious editing or selective quoting, please ensure that the content of this article is shared by explicitly i

              記事「最近のIUT界隈」(しぶんぎ社)に関するコメント|Reiya Tachihara
            • Introducing Apple’s On-Device and Server Foundation Models

              At the 2024 , we introduced Apple Intelligence, a personal intelligence system integrated deeply into iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia. Apple Intelligence is comprised of multiple highly-capable generative models that are specialized for our users’ everyday tasks, and can adapt on the fly for their current activity. The foundation models built into Apple Intelligence have been fine-tuned for u

                Introducing Apple’s On-Device and Server Foundation Models
              • Apple’s Intelligent Strategy

                I’ve got perhaps five outlines of articles I want to write after what was easily one of the most feature-packed, developer-oriented WWDC keynotes last Monday. As we digest all the changes and cool down from the events, I simply had to write a short note on something that did not immediately strike me after the keynote, but slowly revealed itself as I started contemplating what Apple had just annou

                  Apple’s Intelligent Strategy
                • Opinion | Less Marriage, Less Sex, Less Agreement

                  I wrote a column recently lamenting the decline in marriage rates, noting that a record half of American adults are now unmarried. As a long-married romantic myself, steeped in statistics suggesting that marriage correlates with happiness, I found that sad. My readers, not so much. Many women readers in particular dismissed heterosexual marriage as an outdated institution that pampers men while tu

                    Opinion | Less Marriage, Less Sex, Less Agreement
                  • So You Want To Build A Browser Engine

                    Eyes Above The Waves Robert O'Callahan. Christian. Repatriate Kiwi. Hacker. Archive 2024 June So You Want To Build A Browser Engine Real-Time Settlers Of Catan April Auckland Waterfront Half Marathon 2024 Whanganui River Journey 2024 2023 December Rees-Dart Track 2023 Caples/Routeburn Track 2023 Abel Tasman Kayaking November Mount Pirongia 2023 Blog Migrated April Why I Signed The "Pause" Letter A

                    • The Contestant: Reality TV show saw man live on competition prizes

                      In 1998, a Japanese man was stripped naked and left alone in an almost-empty apartment as part of a challenge for a reality TV show. Tomoaki Hamatsu, known as Nasubi, was left with only a pen, some blank postcards, a telephone and rack full of magazines. But he was not there to read. The concept of the show was to see if a human being could survive on competition prizes alone. In order to win the

                        The Contestant: Reality TV show saw man live on competition prizes
                      • News from WWDC24: WebKit in Safari 18 beta

                        The last year has been a great one for WebKit. After unveiling Safari 17 beta at WWDC23, we’ve shipped six releases of Safari 17.x with a total of 200 new web technologies. And we’ve been hard at work on multiple architectural improvement projects that strengthen WebKit for the long-term. Now, we are pleased to announce WebKit for Safari 18 beta. It adds another 48 web platform features, as well a

                          News from WWDC24: WebKit in Safari 18 beta
                        • Abstracting database/sql boilerplate with Go generics

                          An abstract vision of abstracting database/sql boilerplateIntroductionThis post is part of the Eureka Advent Calendar 2022. database/sql provides everything needed to work with SQL in Go, yet there’s an ever-growing list of query builders, ORMs and database utilities being developed by the community. Is database/sql really so bad? In this post we’ll explore what can be achieved using Go generics w

                            Abstracting database/sql boilerplate with Go generics
                          • カリブ海の記憶と逃走/闘争する奴隷たち──ポスト西洋的な「自由」概念としてのマルーン化|中村達

                            2015年8月、日本が戦後70年を迎えた月に、私はイギリスによる植民地支配からの独立後53年目となったカリブ海の島国、ジャマイカにいた。それまで東京の大学で英文学を学んでいた私は、飛び出すように大学院を退学し、ジャマイカの首都キングストンにキャンパスをもつ、西インド諸島大学の博士課程へ留学したのだ。 西インド諸島大学モナキャンパスの英文学科は、英語では“The Department of Literatures in English”と複数形をもちいて表記される。もともと西インド諸島大学は、ジャマイカがイギリスの植民地だった時代に、ロンドン大学の分校として設立された過去をもつ。そのカリキュラムはイギリス本国と同一であり、シェイクスピアやワーズワースといったイギリス人作家だけが教えられた。その後、アメリカ人作家の作品もカリキュラムに加えられる。しかしカリブ海の作家たちが授業に取り上げられるこ

                            • Async Ruby on Rails

                              Async programming can make your apps faster. I’ll share how you can use async in Ruby on Rails to speed up your app. While there are examples in Ruby, the principles apply to any language. I’ll group the examples into two basic principles. Here’s the first one: Don’t do now what you can do later Delay doing stuff as much as possible. Being lazy is not necessarily a bad thing. In practice, that mea

                              • Node.js — Node v22.3.0 (Current)

                                2024-06-11, Version 22.3.0 (Current), @RafaelGSS Notable Changes [5a41bcf9ca] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: traverse parent folders while running --run (Yagiz Nizipli) #53154 [1d5934524b] - (SEMVER-MINOR) buffer: add .bytes() method to Blob (Matthew Aitken) #53221 [75e5612fae] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src,permission: --allow-wasi & prevent WASI exec (Rafael Gonzaga) #53124 [b5c30e2f5e] - (SEMVER-MINOR) module: pr

                                  Node.js — Node v22.3.0 (Current)
                                • ADHD Medications Improve Long-Term Cognitive Function - Neuroscience News

                                  The meta-analysis shows for the first time that chronic Methylphenidate and Atomoxetine have comparable effects of improving executive functions in people with ADHD when taken over a longer period of time. Credit: Neuroscience News Summary: Long-term treatment with both stimulant (Methylphenidate) and non-stimulant (Atomoxetine) medications significantly improves cognitive functions in individuals

                                    ADHD Medications Improve Long-Term Cognitive Function - Neuroscience News
                                  • Migrating OCR Enhancement from GPT-4 Turbo Vision Preview to GPT-4 Turbo GA

                                    The introduction of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) enhancement as a component of the GPT-4 Turbo Vision Preview was aimed at generating higher-quality responses for dense texts, transformed images, and number-heavy financial documents. Although, the recent announcement regarding the GPT-4 Turbo 2024-04-09 General Availability (GA) model indicated that the OCR enhancement is not included in th

                                      Migrating OCR Enhancement from GPT-4 Turbo Vision Preview to GPT-4 Turbo GA
                                    • GoogleのNotebookLMを使って複数論文レビューをする|genkAIjokyo|ChatGPT/Claudeで論文作成と科研費申請

                                      本記事はNotebookLMを使った医学研究論文のレビュー方法について、実践的な知識を提供します。以下のような情報が得られます。 NotebookLMの概要と特徴について NotebookLMを使って複数の医学研究論文をレビューする方法が分かります。具体的なプロンプトの例も提示されています。 NotebookLMの長所(正確性)と短所(回答の制限、アップロード数の制限など)について NotebookLMを効果的に活用するためのTips(論文数の制限、ピン留めによる保存など) NotebookLMの概要NotebookLMは、Googleが開発した革新的な生成AIサービスです。ユーザーが指定したデータを基に、AIが回答や要約を行うことができます。2024.6.9時点では無料で使えますが今後有料化の可能性はあるかもしれません。最新のモデルであるGemini 1.5 Proが利用されており、10

                                      • Introducing Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection for Amazon S3 | Amazon Web Services

                                        AWS News Blog Introducing Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection for Amazon S3 Today we are announcing the general availability of Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), an expansion of GuardDuty Malware Protection to detect malicious file uploads to selected S3 buckets. Previously, GuardDuty Malware Protection provided agentless scanning capabilities to id

                                          Introducing Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection for Amazon S3 | Amazon Web Services
                                        • Zero-JavaScript View Transitions | Astro

                                          This is Part 1 of our series on “The Future of Astro” covering three major new features we have planned for Astro in 2024. This post introduces an update to the View Transitions API that Astro can now leverage for native, app-like page navigation without a single line of JavaScript required. The View Transitions API is a set of new platform APIs that unlock native browser transitions between pages

                                            Zero-JavaScript View Transitions | Astro
                                          • MLow: Meta’s low bitrate audio codec

                                            At Meta, we support real-time communication (RTC) for billions of people through our apps, including WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger. We are working to make RTC accessible by providing a high-quality experience for everyone – even those who might not have the fastest connections or the latest phones. As more and more people have relied on our products to make calls over the years, we’ve been wo

                                              MLow: Meta’s low bitrate audio codec
                                            • 999 crates of Rust on the wall

                                              tl;dr I’ve been comparing crates on crates.io against their upstream repositories in an effect to detect (and, ultimately, help prevent) supply chain attacks like the xz backdoor1, where the code published in a package doesn’t match the code in its repository. The results of these comparisons for the most popular 9992 crates by download count are now available. These come with a bunch of caveats t

                                              • xorvoid

                                                As you can see, "quote" is the only form that requires special handling by the evaluator. Both "pop" and "push" can be implemented as ordinary built-ins. The syntax forms are not strictly required, but they make coding much more manageable. Thunking and Forcing () In Forsp, parenthesis grouping is used as a thunking operator. As an example: (foo bar) is the thunked-computation of: foo bar A thunk

                                                • How Meta trains large language models at scale

                                                  As we continue to focus our AI research and development on solving increasingly complex problems, one of the most significant and challenging shifts we’ve experienced is the sheer scale of computation required to train large language models (LLMs). Traditionally, our AI model training has involved a training massive number of models that required a comparatively smaller number of GPUs. This was th

                                                    How Meta trains large language models at scale
                                                  • How To Hack Your Google Lighthouse Scores In 2024 — Smashing Magazine

                                                    Do perfect Lighthouse scores mean the performance of your website is perfect? As it turns out, Lighthouse is influenced by a number of things that can be manipulated and bent to make sites seem more performant than they really are, as Salma Alam-Naylor demonstrates in several experiments. This article has been kindly supported by our dear friends at Sentry.io, who help developers see what actually

                                                      How To Hack Your Google Lighthouse Scores In 2024 — Smashing Magazine
                                                    • T-LEAF: Taxonomy Learning and EvaluAtion Framework

                                                      How we applied qualitative learning, human labeling and machine learning to iteratively develop Airbnb’s Community Support Taxonomy. By: Mia Zhao, Peggy Shao, Maggie Hanson, Peng Wang, Bo Zeng BackgroundTaxonomies are knowledge organization systems used to classify and organize information. Taxonomies use words to describe things — as opposed to numbers or symbols — and hierarchies to group things

                                                        T-LEAF: Taxonomy Learning and EvaluAtion Framework
                                                      • As China’s Internet Disappears, ‘We Lose Parts of Our Collective Memory’

                                                        Chinese people know their country’s internet is different. There is no Google, YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. They use euphemisms online to communicate the things they are not supposed to mention. When their posts and accounts are censored, they accept it with resignation. They live in a parallel online universe. They know it and even joke about it. Now they are discovering that, beneath a facade b

                                                          As China’s Internet Disappears, ‘We Lose Parts of Our Collective Memory’
                                                        • How to Document Picture-in-Picture in React (with Typescript) | HackerNoon

                                                          How to Document Picture-in-Picture in React (with Typescript) by@dlitsman Too Long; Didn't ReadThe Chrome 116 update introduced the Document Picture-in-Picture API, expanding developers' control over custom controls and UI for Picture-in-Picture mode. This feature is currently supported in Chrome and Edge, with potential for wider browser support. The API allows opening, closing, and detecting Pic

                                                            How to Document Picture-in-Picture in React (with Typescript) | HackerNoon