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  • Modern Emacs Typescript Web (React) Config with lsp-mode, treesitter, tailwind, TSX & more - Ovi Stoica

    Table of Contents Introduction Part 1: Treesitter for Typescript & TSX LSP Support Completion setup Linter setup LSP Setup Eslint (Optional) Tailwind LSP Server LSP Performance Emacs LSP Booster Structural editing Formatting buffers with Prettier Other resources Conclusion Introduction I've worked within the JS ecosystem for the past 8 years using editors like Webstorm and VSCode, I started using

    • Web Performance Guide | SpeedCurve

      New to the world of web performance? Welcome! Here's everything you need to know to master website monitoring, analytics, and diagnostics. Learn how to deliver a fast, joyous experience to all your users. Business Success Making your pages faster isn't just for the web performance geeks in your organization. Site speed affects every business metric you care about – from bounce rate to conversions

        Web Performance Guide | SpeedCurve
      • How and why we built our startup around small teams

        Welcome to Product for Engineers, a newsletter created by PostHog for engineers and founders who want to build successful startups. Startups ship more per person than big companies – everyone knows this. But how do you retain that advantage as you scale? Our answer is small teams – speedy, innovative, and autonomous one-pizza teams where individuals can still have an outsized impact. They enable u

          How and why we built our startup around small teams
        • Rails: ビューをきれいに書くのに便利な知られざるヘルパー10種(翻訳)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

          概要 元サイトの許諾を得て翻訳・公開いたします。 英語記事: Lesser Known Rails Helpers to Write Cleaner View Code | Rails Designer 原文公開日: 2024/05/30 原著者: Rails Designer -- Railsフロントエンド関連記事に加えて、ViewComponentとTailwind CSSを用いた美しいUIコンポーネントを販売しています 日本語タイトルは内容に即したものにしました。 Rails(厳密にはActive SupportとAction View)には、クリーンなコードを書くのに役立つ非常に優秀なヘルパーがいくつも備わっています。その中から、あまり知られていないが知っておくと重宝するヘルパーをいくつか紹介します。 本記事ではビューレイヤのコードを重視するヘルパーのみを取り上げます。Rails

            Rails: ビューをきれいに書くのに便利な知られざるヘルパー10種(翻訳)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
          • DuckDB Community Extensions

            DuckDB Extensions Design Philosophy One of the main design goals of DuckDB is simplicity, which – to us – implies that the system should be rather nimble, very light on dependencies, and generally small enough to run on constrained platforms like WebAssembly. This goal is in direct conflict with very reasonable user requests to support advanced features like spatial data analysis, vector indexes,

              DuckDB Community Extensions
            • jQuery Attack Hits NPM and GitHub; Can Extract Web Form Data

              A trojanized version of jQuery has been spreading on the npm JavaScript package manager, GitHub and elsewhere, for use in a jQuery attack, security researchers have discovered. Phylum researchers said they have been monitoring the “persistent supply chain attacker” since May 26, initially on npm, “where we saw the compromised version published in dozens of packages over a month. After investigatin

                jQuery Attack Hits NPM and GitHub; Can Extract Web Form Data
              • Amazon CloudFront announces managed cache policies for web applications - AWS

                Amazon CloudFront announces managed cache policies for web applications Amazon CloudFront announces two new managed cache policies, UseOriginCacheControlHeaders and UseOriginCacheControlHeaders-QueryStrings, for dynamically generated websites and applications that return Cache-Control headers. With the new managed cache policies, CloudFront caches content based on the Cache-Control headers returne

                  Amazon CloudFront announces managed cache policies for web applications - AWS
                • Exploring biphasic programming: a new approach in language design

                  I’ve noticed a small but interesting trend in the programming languages space. I’m not sure how novel it is, but this pattern, which I’ll refer to as “biphasic programming,” is characterized by languages and frameworks that enable identical syntax to express computations executed in two distinct phases or environments while maintaining consistent behavior (i.e., semantics) across phases. These pha

                  • 「天国への階段」を再現するための特注だった!ジミー・ペイジのダブル・ネックEDS-1275 | ギター・マガジンWEB|Guitar magazine

                    「天国への階段」を再現するための特注だった! ジミー・ペイジのダブル・ネックEDS-1275 2024-07-03 Legends 1961年の登場以来、世界中で長きにわたり愛され続けているギブソンSG。その逸話や魅力を、ギタリストとの物語をとおしてお届けする“ロックの歴史を作り上げた、伝説のSG特集”。今回は番外編として、レッド・ツェッペリンのジミー・ペイジを象徴するダブル・ネックのSG、EDS-1275を紹介しよう。 文=細川真平 Photo by Ed Perlstein/Redferns この世で最も有名なダブル・ネックのSG ジミー・ペイジが「天国への階段」(「Stairway To Heaven」)をライブで演奏する時に使用したことで有名なダブル・ネック・ギター、ギブソンのEDS-1275。“SGダブル・ネック”とも呼ばれるが、実際にはモデル名に“SG”とは付いていない。なので

                      「天国への階段」を再現するための特注だった!ジミー・ペイジのダブル・ネックEDS-1275 | ギター・マガジンWEB|Guitar magazine
                    • The sad state of property-based testing libraries

                      The sad state of property-based testing libraries Posted on Jul 2, 2024 Property-based testing is a rare example of academic research that has made it to the mainstream in less than 30 years. Under the slogan “don’t write tests, generate them” property-based testing has gained support from a diverse group of programming language communities. In fact, the Wikipedia page of the original property-bas

                      • Amazon CloudFront announces managed cache policies for web applications - AWS

                        Amazon CloudFront announces managed cache policies for web applications Amazon CloudFront announces two new managed cache policies, UseOriginCacheControlHeaders and UseOriginCacheControlHeaders-QueryStrings, for dynamically generated websites and applications that return Cache-Control headers. With the new managed cache policies, CloudFront caches content based on the Cache-Control headers returne

                          Amazon CloudFront announces managed cache policies for web applications - AWS
                        • jQuery Attack Hits NPM and GitHub; Can Extract Web Form Data

                          A trojanized version of jQuery has been spreading on the npm JavaScript package manager, GitHub and elsewhere, for use in a jQuery attack, security researchers have discovered. Phylum researchers said they have been monitoring the “persistent supply chain attacker” since May 26, initially on npm, “where we saw the compromised version published in dozens of packages over a month. After investigatin

                            jQuery Attack Hits NPM and GitHub; Can Extract Web Form Data
                          • The JRuby Blog : Independence Day

                            Published by Charles Oliver Nutter on July 03, 2024 All Good Things… Hello Ruby and JRuby friends! I have some exciting news! As they say, all good things must come to an end, and so it is with our sponsorship from Red Hat. We recently received notice that after 12 years of support, JRuby funding at Red Hat would conclude. Recent reorganization has changed priorities, and unfortunately there’s no

                            • Finding IT Jobs in Japan: A Guide for Foreigners|Himanshu Jain

                              Have you ever imagined what it would be like to work as a software developer in Japan, and whether it is worthwhile? For many foreigners, Japan is an exotic country with a very different culture. For many foreigners, this country acts as a magnet. However, visiting a place and living there are altogether different things and completely different experiences. Visiting a country is like merely feeli

                                Finding IT Jobs in Japan: A Guide for Foreigners|Himanshu Jain
                              • Dive into native Windows development with new WinUI workload and template improvements - Visual Studio Blog

                                At //Build 2024, the WinUI team announced a renewed focus on WinUI as one of the premier app development frameworks we recommend for native Windows app development. To make it as seamless and easy as possible to get into coding, we created a new Windows Dev Center page, streamlined our Getting Started with WinUI documentation, and partnered with Visual Studio to improve the developer experience wi

                                  Dive into native Windows development with new WinUI workload and template improvements - Visual Studio Blog
                                • Highlighting journalism on Mastodon

                                  Highlighting journalism on MastodonA new feature for media organizations, journalists and bloggers To reinforce and encourage Mastodon as the go-to place for journalism, we’re launching a new feature today. You will notice that underneath some links shared on Mastodon, the author byline can be clicked to open the author’s associated fediverse account, right in the app. This highlights writers and

                                  • Visual Studio Code June 2024

                                    Version 1.91 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from June. June 2024 (version 1.91) Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the June 2024 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include: Preview: Incoming/Outgoing changes graph -

                                      Visual Studio Code June 2024
                                    • How to think in writing

                                      The reason I've spent so long establishing this rather obvious point [that writing helps you refine your thinking] is that it leads to another that many people will find shocking. If writing down your ideas always makes them more precise and more complete, then no one who hasn't written about a topic has fully formed ideas about it. And someone who never writes has no fully formed ideas about anyt

                                        How to think in writing
                                      • SPAのダウンタイムなしリリース

                                        経緯 なぜダウンタイム無し目指すのか 一つ大事な要因として、toBのアプリケーションなので、停止リリースするにはお客様の利用時間を避ける必要があり、それは通常深夜または早朝になりがちです。さらにお客様が増えると、この深夜早朝に仮に利用するお客様がいると、リリースするタイミングすら見つからなくなる恐れがあります。 アプリケーションのリリースからまださほど経っていないので、早いうちでダウンタイム無しでリリースを達成しないと、今後の開発サイクルに大きな支障が出るかねません。バックエンドのアプリケーションのリリースは、以前紹介した CloudRun Service + Jobsのコンビネーション で達成できていますが、今回はフロントエンドのアプリケーションをダウンタイムなしにリリースするのが目的です。 現象 SPAでユーザー影響ないリリース、いわばゼロダウンタイムのリリース(厳密には100%一致す

                                        • beaconDB

                                          ethically sourced: opt-in only data collection privacy friendly: published information is obfuscated to protect transmitters and contributors abuse resistant: updating existing data requires information only available in physical range of a beacon contribute beaconDB has recently started to accept submissions. to add coverage for your area you can use the following apps on your phone: NeoStumbler:

                                          • Online PDP-8 Home Page

                                            This site is for people who wish to learn about the PDP-8 minicomputer and for current PDP-8 users to get more information on these machines. The PDP-8 was a important early mini computer in the history of computing and many are still running today performing their original function. The PDP-8 was used for industrial control, controlling experiments, running businesses, word processing, and many o

                                            • GitHub - modelscope/DiffSynth-Studio: Enjoy the magic of Diffusion models!

                                              June 21, 2024. 🔥🔥🔥 We propose ExVideo, a post-tuning technique aimed at enhancing the capability of video generation models. We have extended Stable Video Diffusion to achieve the generation of long videos up to 128 frames. Project Page Source code is released in this repo. See examples/ExVideo. Models are released on HuggingFace and ModelScope. Technical report is released on arXiv. June 13, 2

                                                GitHub - modelscope/DiffSynth-Studio: Enjoy the magic of Diffusion models!
                                              • Remember Everything with Rewind.ai: An Overview of Its Features and Performance on Mac

                                                Remember everything with Rewind.ai: using it for workHow Rewind.ai can help you remember things you already forgot Remember what you have forgotten I’ve been using Rewind.ai for the last couple of weeks continuously during my work day and been quite impressed with the results it delivers. Overview of Rewind.ai’s features As a reminder, Rewind.ai takes a screenshot of your Mac every two seconds and

                                                • “圧倒的に好評”家づくりゲーム『SUMMERHOUSE』売上20万本突破。パーツを自由に配置するのんびり家づくり、着実に売上伸ばす - AUTOMATON

                                                  インディー開発者のFriedemann Allmenröder氏は7月8日、家づくりゲーム『SUMMERHOUSE』の売り上げが20万本を突破したと発表した。本作はPC(Steam)向けに配信中。ゲーム内は日本語表示に対応している。 本作は、夏の風景の中で家づくりを楽しめる作品だ。本格的な建築シミュレーションゲームというわけではなく、構造的な正しさやコストなど難しいことを考えることなく楽しめる。 『SUMMERHOUSE』では、海に浮かぶ島や街の一角、あるいは山に囲まれた高原や岩山の広がる渓谷といったロケーションから選択し、サイドビュー画面にて家づくりをおこなう。壁・屋根・ドア・窓・デコレーション・自然などといったカテゴリに多彩なパーツが用意され、それらを画面内に自由に配置。家っぽくなるように、見た目で判断してパーツを置いていくだけで、雰囲気ある風景が出来上がる。 パーツには、植物や岩など

                                                    “圧倒的に好評”家づくりゲーム『SUMMERHOUSE』売上20万本突破。パーツを自由に配置するのんびり家づくり、着実に売上伸ばす - AUTOMATON
                                                  • 2024-q2

                                                    Hello! Welcome to a new qoth. This qoth covers new and interesting GNU/Hurd developments in Q2 of 2024! Sergey Bugaev committed public headers for the GNU Mach AArch64 port. He writes that ...there is now a real port of GNU Mach to AArch64, using these headers as its actual API/ABI. We got the Mach port to run glibc, several Hurd servers, and simple Unix programs, including things like fork/exec a

                                                    • Yasuke's Rank 弥助の階級について|旧戦国

                                                      From page 699 of the original text of nobunaga Koki 信長公記の699ページより https://kokusho.nijl.ac.jp/biblio/100108970/699?ln=ja From the list of those who died in the Honnoji Incident, people with family names(30) are counted as pages, and those without family names(24) are counted as tyuugenn (servants). (Red line)Tokuro, Tohachi, Iwa, Shinroku, Hikoichi, Yaroku, Kuma, Okomawaka, and Torawaka's father an

                                                        Yasuke's Rank 弥助の階級について|旧戦国
                                                      • Optimizing Large-Scale OpenStreetMap Data with SQLite

                                                        # Optimizing Large-Scale OpenStreetMap Data with SQLiteOver the past year or two, I’ve worked on a project to convert a massive dataset into an SQLite database. The original data was in a compressed binary format known as OSMPBF, which stands for OpenStreetMap Protocol Buffer Format. This format is highly compact and compressed, making it difficult to search. The goal of converting it into an SQLi

                                                        • The first vaccine for malaria received major regulatory approval in 2015.

                                                          Stephanie Nolen interviewed more than 30 scientists, health officials and other key players in the development of the malaria vaccines to report this article. July 5, 2024 Nurses in countries from Sierra Leone to Cameroon are packing a new vaccine into the coolers they tote to villages for immunization clinics: a shot to protect against malaria, one of the deadliest diseases for children. Babies a

                                                            The first vaccine for malaria received major regulatory approval in 2015.
                                                          • HTMX does not play well with content security policy

                                                            HTMX is a JavaScript framework that makes it possible to replace DOM elements with dynamic data from AJAX requests, specified by HTML attributes. Because dynamic behavior is added to the page using normal HTML tags with custom attributes, it is difficult to provide additional security against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Introduction Normally, a content security policy (CSP) can be used to

                                                              HTMX does not play well with content security policy
                                                            • GitHub Actions: GPU hosted runners are now generally available

                                                              GitHub Actions: GPU hosted runners are now generally available actionsrunners July 8, 2024 GitHub Actions GPU hosted runners (4 vCPUs, 1 T4 GPU) are now generally available. GPU hosted runners are compatible with Linux and Windows platforms, and are enabled with auto-scaling, static IPs, and private networking functionalities. These runners empower developers working on large language models (LLMs

                                                              • [TAS] SNES Super Mario World "arbitrary code execution" by IgorOliveira666 in 42:49.44

                                                                This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see https://tasvideos.org/6035M TAS originally published on 2024-07-06 IgorOliveira666 ( https://tasvideos.org/Users/Profile/IgorOliveira666 ) builds upon the previous work at destroying Super Mario World ( https://tasvideos.org/2513M ) by increasing the complexity in taking more creative control of the title itself and bringing in new life

                                                                  [TAS] SNES Super Mario World "arbitrary code execution" by IgorOliveira666 in 42:49.44
                                                                • イギリスで14年ぶりに政権交代へ、野党・労働党が412議席を獲得し圧勝

                                                                  412議席、単独過半数を獲得 イギリスでは7月4日に下院議員を選ぶ選挙が行われ、すでに開票作業もほぼ終わり、下院の650議席のうち、野党の労働党が412議席を獲得。200議席以上も増やして圧勝し、単独過半数を獲得した。 与党だった保守党は240議席以上減らし、120議席。党首がユニークな選挙戦を展開した自由民主党は71議席、スコットランド国民党(SNP)は8議席(38減)、シンフェイン党は7議席(増減なし)、右派の「リフォームUK」は4議席、緑の党は4議席(3増)、ウェールズ党(プライド・カムリ)は4議席(2増)となった。 2019年の総選挙では、保守党が365議席を獲得したが、コロナ禍での対応や、パーティー・スキャンダルなどにより支持を失い、今回議席を大幅に減らすことに。 労働党のキア・スターマー氏は、党首に就任して4年。14年間続いた保守党政権に代わり、今後首相に就任し、新たな政権を担

                                                                  • Rye: A Hassle-Free Python Experience | Hacker News

                                                                    The thing that put me off of Rye is that it strongly encourages you to use non-standard Python builds.From their philosophy page: https://rye.astral.sh/philosophy/ > No Python Binary Distributions: CPython builds from python.org are completely inadequate. On some platforms you only get an .msi installer, on some you literally only get tarballs. The various Python distributions that became popular

                                                                    • Improving retrieval with LLM-as-a-judge

                                                                      This post demonstrates how to create your own reusable retrieval evaluation dataset for your data and use it to assess your retrieval system’s effectiveness. A reusable relevance dataset allows for systematic evaluations of retrieval approaches, moving beyond basic Looks-Good-To-Me@10. We demonstrate this process by building a large relevance dataset for our Vespa documentation RAG solution search

                                                                        Improving retrieval with LLM-as-a-judge
                                                                      • X Window System At 40

                                                                        X11R1 on Sun Techfury90 CC0 I apologize that this post is a little late. On 19th June the X Window System celebrated its 40th birthday. Wikipedia has a comprehensive history of the system including the e-mail Bob Scheifler sent announcing the first release: From: rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler) To: window@athena Subject: window system X Date: 19 June 1984 0907-EDT (Tuesday) I've spent the last

                                                                          X Window System At 40
                                                                        • 数字に振り回されず完璧を目指さない為に - Implementing Service Level Objectives の読書感想文 - じゃあ、おうちで学べる

                                                                          信頼性の追求というのは、決して完璧を求めることではありません。完璧な可用性を追求するのではなく、ユーザーの満足と、限りあるリソースのバランスを取ることこそが重要です。このバランスを取るための一つのツールが、SLO(Service Level Objectives)です。 はじめに 「Implementing Service Level Objectives」は、現代のソフトウェアサービス管理において不可欠な概念の一つであるSLO(Service Level Objectives)の実装と運用に関する包括的なガイドブックです。本書は、SLOの基本概念から実践的な導入方法、組織文化への浸透まで、幅広いトピックをカバーしています。このSRE本がすごい!2024年版でも紹介しているようにSREやインフラエンジニアの方が必読の一冊だと思います。 Implementing Service Level

                                                                            数字に振り回されず完璧を目指さない為に - Implementing Service Level Objectives の読書感想文 - じゃあ、おうちで学べる
                                                                          • Useful Customer Journey Maps (+ Figma & Miro Templates) — Smashing Magazine

                                                                            Visualize the user experience with user journey maps. Here are some helpful templates, real-world applications, and insights on the importance of mapping both successful and unsuccessful touchpoints. Part of Smart Interface Design Patterns by yours truly. User journey maps are a remarkably effective way to visualize the user’s experience for the entire team. Instead of pointing to documents scatte

                                                                              Useful Customer Journey Maps (+ Figma & Miro Templates) — Smashing Magazine
                                                                            • NewJeans“Supernatural”論 日本デビュー曲に聴くニュージャックスウィング再解釈、250とミン・ヒジンの意図、日韓関係 | Mikiki by TOWER RECORDS

                                                                              また、彼は影響を受けたアーティストとして真っ先に言及するほどの坂本龍一ファンなのだが、彼の提示する音楽には韓国人としてのナショナリズムを感じざるを得ないものの、それ以前に東アジアの音楽をレプリゼントする意識が大前提として含まれている。 性急だった80~90年代韓国とK-POPの原点を回顧 さらに、“Supernatural“を語るには、250の音楽原体験が欠かせない。2 1982年生まれで現在42歳の彼の根底には、1980年代後期以降の韓国音楽がある。当時の韓国は、トロットが最もポピュラーな音楽で、ソバンチャという韓国初と言われるアイドルグループが活躍し始めた時代。日本でも、ダウンタウンがコントで彼らのヒット曲を“オジャパメン”(1987年)として取り上げて有名になったが、明らかに音楽文化は後進的であった。ただ、そんな中でもワールドトレンドと並走していたシン・ヘチョルのようなオーセンティッ

                                                                                NewJeans“Supernatural”論 日本デビュー曲に聴くニュージャックスウィング再解釈、250とミン・ヒジンの意図、日韓関係 | Mikiki by TOWER RECORDS
                                                                              • Release v2.0.0 · vitest-dev/vitest

                                                                                Vitest 2.0 is here! This release page lists all changes made to the project during the beta. For the migration guide, please refer to the documentation. 🚨 Breaking Changes Simplify mock function generic types and align with jest - by @hi-ogawa in #4784 (a0c1d37) Remove --segfault-retry - by @sheremet-va in #5514 (ed60e) This flag was introduced to combat threads segfaults. Our current recommendat

                                                                                  Release v2.0.0 · vitest-dev/vitest
                                                                                • The Origin of the Species

                                                                                  NEC moved into personal computing relatively quickly. After the hobbyist and industrial success of the TK-80, they produced a handful of “better TK-80s,” which didn’t do as well as the original. Ultimately, they developed a whole new system: the 1979 NEC PC-8001. And boy, did they ever nail it. This machine came from Yahoo! Auctions Japan, and I got into a bit of a bidding war over it but ultimate

                                                                                    The Origin of the Species