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accessibilityの検索結果201 - 240 件 / 1033件

  • GitHub Accessibility

    GitHub Accessibility At GitHub, our mission is to accelerate human progress through developer collaboration. We believe people with disabilities should benefit from and be able to contribute to the creation of that progress. As the home for all developers, GitHub sits at the foundation of software development, and as such, has a unique role in empowering people with disabilities in digital futures

      GitHub Accessibility
    • Google Slash Design Accessibility — Instrument — Independent Digital Creative Agency in Portland, Oregon

      We at Instrument recently helped Google design and develop a new iteration of the google.com/design website. One of the biggest challenges in this project was making sure both the design and development met the WCAG 2.0 AA level of accessibility for people with low vision or those using any assistive technology. Where do we start? While this was not our first project with strong accessibility cons

        Google Slash Design Accessibility — Instrument — Independent Digital Creative Agency in Portland, Oregon
      • CSS And Accessibility: Inclusion Through User Choice — Smashing Magazine

        It is challenging to accurately understand the preferences of over 7.8 billion people at any given time. Carie Fisher outlines which CSS media features are available for detecting user preferences and how they are used to design and build more inclusive experiences. We make a series of choices every day. Get up early to work out or hit the snooze button? Double foam mocha latte or decaf green tea?

          CSS And Accessibility: Inclusion Through User Choice — Smashing Magazine
        • 開発方針 | SmartHR ACCESSIBILITY(スマートHR アクセシビリティ)|仕組みで解決できることを、やさしさで解決しない。

          組織の全従業員が使う人事労務クラウドサービスであるSmartHRは、「 労働にまつわる社会課題をなくし、誰もがその人らしく働ける社会を作る。」というコーポレートミッションのもと、働くすべての人を後押しできるプラットフォームになることを目指しています。 私たちのミッションを実現するためには、真に「誰もが」SmartHRにアクセスできなくてはなりません。まだ道半ばではありますが、そんな想いを胸に日々の製品開発でアクセシビリティ向上に取り組んでいます。 SmartHRのプロダクトはアクセシビリティ方針のもと、「JIS X 8341-3:2016 高齢者・障害者等配慮設計指針-情報通信における機器、ソフトウェア及びサービス-第3部:ウェブコンテンツ」、に加えて「Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1」に対応すること、またさまざまな特性を持つユーザーが実際に

            開発方針 | SmartHR ACCESSIBILITY(スマートHR アクセシビリティ)|仕組みで解決できることを、やさしさで解決しない。
          • posters/accessibility/dos-donts/posters_ja at master · UKHomeOffice/posters

            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

              posters/accessibility/dos-donts/posters_ja at master · UKHomeOffice/posters
            • Lumar – The Website Optimization Platform – Technical SEO, Accessibility, Site Speed

              Features AnalyzeGet more done by identifying, prioritizing and fixing issues at scale, fast. MonitorMitigate the risk of lost traffic or revenue, or non-compliance. ProtectSave time and money wasted on fixing preventable issues. ImpactCommunicate better, gain competitive edge, and get buy-in. Technical SEO MetricsIdentify, prioritize and fix technical issues negatively impacting search performance

              • About accessibility with Vue.js - 2019

                This article is Day 21 of the Web Accessibility Advent Calendar 2019. This is about web accessibility support in Vue.js development. (Japanese Version) This article has been published for more than a year. Some parts of the content are outdated. Profile My name is Okuto Oyama. On the Internet, I am active under the names of Oyama Michinoku and yamanoku. I started out as a web designer for a web pr

                  About accessibility with Vue.js - 2019
                • Paralympics GB stunned after Yokohama hotels demand payment for accessibility

                  Britain’s Hannah Cockroft (left) and Kare Adenegan celebrate winning the gold and bronze in the women’s T34 400m at the Rio Games. Photograph: Friedemann Vogel/Getty Images Britain’s Hannah Cockroft (left) and Kare Adenegan celebrate winning the gold and bronze in the women’s T34 400m at the Rio Games. Photograph: Friedemann Vogel/Getty Images

                    Paralympics GB stunned after Yokohama hotels demand payment for accessibility
                  • Colour Accessibility

                    Here’s a quote from Josef Albers: In visual perception a colour is almost never seen as it really is[…] This fact makes colour the most relative medium in art.Josef Albers, Interaction of Color, 1963 Albers was a German abstract painter and teacher, and published a very famous course on colour theory in 1963. Colour is very relative — not just in the way that it appears differently across differen

                      Colour Accessibility
                    • Accessibility Testing with pa11y | bitsofcode

                      Knowing where to start with accessibility testing can be difficult and overwhelming. In my article on Tools for Developing Accessible Websites, I mentioned 5 tools you can use to get started developing more accessible websites. More recently, I have discovered an incredibly powerful tool - pa11y Introducing pa11y # pa11y, pronounced pally, is a set of free and open source tools that aims to make d

                        Accessibility Testing with pa11y | bitsofcode
                      • Accessibility (アクセシビリティ) - MDN Web Docs 用語集: ウェブ関連用語の定義 | MDN

                        ウェブアクセシビリティ (略語: A11Y、Accessibility の A から Y までの間に 11 文字が挟まれているため、このように略す) は、身体的および技術的な制約によらず、ウェブサイトを使いやすく保つためのベストプラクティスです。ウェブアクセシビリティは、W3C の Web Accessibility Initiative (略称: WAI) によって、標準化と議論がされています。

                          Accessibility (アクセシビリティ) - MDN Web Docs 用語集: ウェブ関連用語の定義 | MDN
                        • Accessibility: The Missing Ingredient

                          Once upon a time, I treated web accessibility as something of an extra. Sure, my images had alt attributes. Yes, my anchors contained titles. I honored 508 compliance, too, but it was usually the last thing I did. The way I saw it, the cake was ready to eat; accessibility was the decorative icing to slather on at the end. Sadly, I wasn’t alone. Many developers I’ve recently spoken with seem to pla

                            Accessibility: The Missing Ingredient
                          • Network Accessibility Project

                            The English pages are heavily under construction. Please visit the Japanese pages for the meantime if you are able to read Japanese. Please direct any questions regarding the Network Accessibility Project (NAP) to nap-staff@accessibility.org. webmaster@accessibility.org Last updated: . Copyright © 1998 Network Accessibility Project. All rights reserved.

                            • posters/accessibility/dos-donts/posters_ja/PDF at master · UKHomeOffice/posters

                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                posters/accessibility/dos-donts/posters_ja/PDF at master · UKHomeOffice/posters
                              • PayPalがBootstrap Accessibility Pluginを公開 | アクセシビリティBlog | ミツエーリンクス

                                PayPal EngineeringブログでBootstrapフレームワークをよりアクセシブルにするBootstrap Accessibility Pluginの紹介記事が公開されています。Bootstrap Accessibility PluginはBootstrap 3向けのプラグインで、いくつかのウィジットに対するキーボード操作の強化やWAI-ARIAのサポートなどが追加されます(他にもalertウィジットのコントラスト比が向上します)。 例えば、tabウィジット(タブ)はBootstrap Accessibility Pluginによって自動的にWAI-ARIAの属性が追加され、タブとしての意味をもつようになります。それにあわせ、タブを切り替える操作も変更されています。もともとのBootstrapではタブのつまみ部分にフォーカスをあてている状態でTabキーを押して隣のつまみに移動し

                                • サイボウズ アクセシビリティ | Cybozu Accessibility

                                  サイボウズは「チームワークあふれる社会を創る」を企業理念とし、グループウェアの開発を進めています。 その活動の中で、アクセシビリティを「ユーザがチームにアクセスする能力」であるととらえています。 誰もが「チームに参加・貢献したい」という願いを叶えられる社会を創ることが私たちの目標です。

                                    サイボウズ アクセシビリティ | Cybozu Accessibility
                                  • Social Accessibility Project

                                    Social Accessibility is an experimental project to improve Web accessibility by using the power of community.Social Accessibility is an experimental project to improve Web accessibility by using the power of community. (Project Details) Try as a guest Are you interested in our project? You can participate in basic activities without registration!

                                    • Japan Accessibility Conference vol.1 開催レポート #ja11yc | CyberAgent Developers Blog

                                      こんにちは、FRESH! のフロントエンドを担当しているますぴー(masuP9)です。今回は2017年11月11日(土)に開催した、「Japan Accessibility Conference(JAC)」〜アクセシビリティのこれまでとこれから〜のレポートをお届けいたします。 今回のカンファレンスは当社と、ヤフー株式会社、サイボウズ株式会社、freee株式会社の4社共催で開催し、当社からは私とアメブロのフロントエンドエンジニアtokimariが登壇致しました。 Japan Accessibility Conference(JAC)とは 国内最大級、最大規模のアクセシビリティカンファレンスと題して行われた本カンファレンスは、(Web)アクセシビリティに関する様々なテーマのセッションを集めたカンファレンスです。当日のセッションについては、資料と共に動画でもFRESH!で公開しています。気になる

                                        Japan Accessibility Conference vol.1 開催レポート #ja11yc | CyberAgent Developers Blog
                                      • Accessibility tools, web developer tools, wizards and markup generators | Accessify

                                        Quick Form Builder A complete re-write/re-think of the old Accessible Form Builder tool. Give it a try! Open Quick Page Accessibility Test Here's a handly little tool that uses a bookmarklet/favelet to give a quick analysis of any web page, highlighting definite issues, warning about possible issues and also highlighting areas that could benefit from some ARIA enhancements. Open

                                        • posters/accessibility/dos-donts at master · UKHomeOffice/posters

                                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                            posters/accessibility/dos-donts at master · UKHomeOffice/posters
                                          • Coding Towards Accessibility

                                            “Can we make it AAA-compliant?” – does this question strike fear into your heart? Maybe for no other reason than because you will soon have to wade through the impenetrable WCAG documentation once again, to find out exactly what AAA-compliant means? I’m not here to talk about that. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are a comprehensive and peer-reviewed resource which we’re lucky to have at

                                              Coding Towards Accessibility
                                            • Japan Accessibility Conference vol.1 - 資料一覧 - connpass

                                              終了 2017/11/11(土) 13:00〜 Japan Accessibility Conference vol.1 国内最大級・最大規模のアクセシビリティカンファレンス開催! Makoto Nakano 他 東京都千代田区紀尾井町1-3 (東京ガーデンテラス紀尾井町 紀尾井タワー 17F)

                                                Japan Accessibility Conference vol.1 - 資料一覧 - connpass
                                              • Accessibility

                                                The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect. The power of the webThe Web is fundamentally designed to work for all people, whatever their hardware, software, language, location, or ability. When the web meets this goal, it is accessible to people with a diverse range of hearing, movement, sight, and cognitive ability. Including ev

                                                • HTML Accessibility API Mappings 1.0

                                                  HTML Accessibility API Mappings 1.0 W3C Working Draft 07 February 2025 More details about this document This version: https://www.w3.org/TR/2025/WD-html-aam-1.0-20250207/ Latest published version: https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aam-1.0/ Latest editor's draft:https://w3c.github.io/html-aam/ History: https://www.w3.org/standards/history/html-aam-1.0/ Commit history Editor: Scott O'Hara (Microsoft) Forme

                                                  • Global Accessibility Awareness Day #accfes | blog / bookslope

                                                    I’m a designer specializing in digital and mobility experiences 👨🏻‍💻 About 📷️ My Gear 💻 Presentations 📚 Author of Books 🎙 Voice on Podcast 📺 Host of “Era Web Architects” 🚙 Method Cards “MaaS x Card” 2017年5月18日、神戸で開催した「アクセシビリティの祭典」に参加してきました。この日は「Global Accessibility Awareness Day」ということで、毎年行われているイベントで、今回は第三回目ということもあり参加者も100名以上とたいへん盛況なイベントでした。メモを頼りに振り返ってみたいと思います。 神戸市ホームページの取り組み リリース当初から Bing

                                                      Global Accessibility Awareness Day #accfes | blog / bookslope
                                                    • More accessibility features in Android 1.6

                                                      Hey—we've moved. Visit The Keyword for all the latest news and stories from Google

                                                        More accessibility features in Android 1.6
                                                      • Hiding Content for Accessibility

                                                        For years now, we've used a number of techniques for hiding content offscreen for accessibility purposes. We do this because the content is still accessible to screenreaders while being removed from the interface for sighted users. An article over at Adaptive Themes reviews a number of techniques for hiding content that were considered for inclusion on a Drupal 7 project (but certainly applicable

                                                          Hiding Content for Accessibility
                                                        • Let’s talk Neumorphism and Accessibility

                                                          Neumorphism is predicted to be one of the top 2020 UI design trends. You might have seen it everywhere as a Dribbble shot. Neumorphism is a play on words based on New + Skeuomorphism. It is a style that uses blur, angle, and intensity of an object’s shadow to highlight the object. It’s a design that looks realistic, futuristic, modern, appealing and extremely breathtaking due to its soft shadow an

                                                            Let’s talk Neumorphism and Accessibility
                                                          • Accessibility - Hearing

                                                            AirPods Pro 2 now provide an easy-to-use, clinical-grade Hearing Aid capability for those with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss.1 The Hearing Aid feature makes adjustments that improve the clarity of voices and sounds around you.1 And you can even customize settings — like amplification, balance, and tone — to your needs. When paired with an iPhone or iPad, AirPods Pro 2 offer a scientifica

                                                              Accessibility - Hearing
                                                            • Accessibility for Everyone by Laura Kalbag

                                                              You make the web more inclusive for everyone, everywhere, when you design with accessibility in mind. Let Laura Kalbag guide you through the accessibility landscape: understand disability and impairment challenges; get a handle on important laws and guidelines; and learn how to plan for, evaluate, and test accessible design. Leverage tools and techniques like clear copywriting, well-structured IA,

                                                                Accessibility for Everyone by Laura Kalbag
                                                              • Accessibility APIs: A Key To Web Accessibility — Smashing Magazine

                                                                Successful web accessibility is about anticipating the different needs of all sorts of people, understanding your fellow web users and the different ways they consume information. Armed with this understanding, accessibility becomes a cold, hard technical challenge. How do assistive technologies present a web application to make it accessible for their users? Where do they get the information they

                                                                  Accessibility APIs: A Key To Web Accessibility — Smashing Magazine
                                                                • 東京基礎研究所 | 研究紹介 | アクセシビリティ・リサーチ | Accessibility Internet Browser for Multimedia (aiBrowser)

                                                                  IBM Research 東京基礎研究所 研究紹介 Human Computer Interaction IBM Accessibility Internet Browser for Multimedia (aiBrowser) aiBrowser("アイブラウザー")は、動画等のマルチメディアをコントロールする機能と、ユーザが注釈を追加して作ることのできる代替インタフェースを提供する、 視覚障害者のためのインターネットブラウザです。 最近のウェブ環境では、直感的かつ視覚的効果の高い表現が急速に多様化しています。 マルチメディア・コンテンツはその代表的な例です。しかしながら、スクリーンリーダ利用者にとって、こうしたマルチメディア・コンテンツにアクセスすることはとても難しいというのが現実です。 aiBrowser は、動的に変化するコンテンツを含むマルチメディア・コンテンツが、画像を見たりマ

                                                                  • Improving Web Accessibility with Web Platform Tests

                                                                    Last year, a colleague introduced me to the Interop Accessibility project. I immediately resonated with its charge to “improve the state of accessibility across the entire web, regardless of which platform, browser, or assistive technology.” The project’s mission was compelling but it also represented, from my perspective, a transformative example of shifting accessibility to the level of web plat

                                                                    • WCAG Accessibility Conformance Testing (ACT)

                                                                      Author(s) and publish date By: Shadi Abou-Zahra Published: 6 April 2017 Today W3C published a First Public Working Draft of the Accessibility Conformance Testing (ACT) Rules Format 1.0 specification. It defines a common approach for writing test rules for the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This allows people to document and share testing procedures, including automated, semi-automate

                                                                        WCAG Accessibility Conformance Testing (ACT)
                                                                      • Japan Accessibility Conference vol.1 アクセシビリティ・ガイドラインの歩き方(初心者編)

                                                                        このブラウザ バージョンのサポートは終了しました。サポートされているブラウザにアップグレードしてください。

                                                                          Japan Accessibility Conference vol.1 アクセシビリティ・ガイドラインの歩き方(初心者編)
                                                                        • Single page applications, Angular.js and accessibility » Simply Accessible

                                                                          Single page applications, Angular.js and accessibility Developers face pretty specific challenges when creating a highly accessible single page application (SPA) user experience. This in-depth tutorial outlines some best practices and accessibility challenges common to SPAs (and specifically Angular apps) so you can build an SPA that works for everyone. How to make usable Angular.js projects We’ve

                                                                            Single page applications, Angular.js and accessibility » Simply Accessible
                                                                          • Game accessibility guidelines | A straightforward reference for inclusive game design

                                                                            This is a living document. Feel free to get in touch with any feedback, thoughts or questions. close A straightforward reference for inclusive game design Supporting the industry since 2012, through award winning guidance and examples of how to cater for gamers with disabilities and other impairments I think this web page on making games more accessible is awesome. Paul Barnett, Senior Creative Di

                                                                            • HTML5 Accessibility Chops: Just use a (native HTML) button - TPGi

                                                                              Many User interface widgets can be developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, in some cases developers build custom versions of native HTML controls because they cannot achieve the exact look and feel or behaviour they desire with a native control. Where ever possible it is recommended that native HTML controls be used over custom controls as their accessibility support is likely to be more robust

                                                                                HTML5 Accessibility Chops: Just use a (native HTML) button - TPGi
                                                                              • Truwex Online, Web Accessibility Testing Tool: WCAG, Section 508 compliance

                                                                                Truwex manages website compliance with web accessibility, online privacy, and quality standards. Truwex is a web governance and testing solution, all in one product. Web compliance managers can use Truwex to: Define a uniform website standard. Monitor compliance status and automatically generate reports for upper management. Set action items for website owners and web developers. Web develope

                                                                                • Accessibility Object Model

                                                                                  The Web Platform has a long history of features that developers can use to make their web content accessible to users with disabilities, from the alt attribute on images to the entirety of [[!WAI-ARIA]]. Accessibility is used by a variety of assistive technologies, including screen readers and magnifiers for visually impaired users, and switch access software and speech-controlled software for mot