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  • Advanced TypeScript: A Type Safe Store for Vue 3

    Like my content? Sign up to get occasional emails about new blog posts and other content. EmailSubmit Unsubscribe anytime here.Writing A Type Safe Store In this article we explore some advanced TypeScript while building a type safe store with a similar API to Pinia or Vuex 5 (which is still in the RFC stage). I learned a lot of what was needed to write this article by reading the Pinia source code

      Advanced TypeScript: A Type Safe Store for Vue 3
    • 5 Advanced React Patterns

      An overview of 5 modern advanced React patterns, including integration codes, pros and cons, and concrete usage within public libraries. Like every React developer, you’ve probably already asked yourself one of the following questions : How do I build a reusable component to fit with different use cases?How do I build a component with a simple API, making it easy to use?How do I build an extensibl

        5 Advanced React Patterns
      • Porting Zelda Classic to the Web

        April 29, 2022 Nov 27, 2023: Much has changed since this article was published. I've become far more involved with ZC development; the name of the program is now ZQuest Classic; our website is zquestclassic.com; and the web version discussed in this article is now hosted at web.zquestclassic.com I ported Zelda Classic (a game engine based on the original Zelda) to the web. You can play it here–gra

        • Migrating from Puppeteer to Playwright | Checkly

          The switch from Puppeteer to Playwright is easy. But is it worth it? And how exactly does one migrate existing scripts from one tool to another? What are the required code-level changes, and what new features and approaches does the switch enable? UPDATE: you can use our puppeteer-to-playwright conversion script to quickly migrate your Puppeteer codebase to Playwright. Puppeteer and Playwright tod

            Migrating from Puppeteer to Playwright | Checkly
          • 7 Vue Patterns That You Should Be Using More Often

            Let’s be honest, reading documentation is not something that most of us enjoy, but when working with a modern front-end framework like Vue, which is constantly evolving, a lot of things change with every new release and you might have missed some of the new and shiny features that were later introduced. Let's take a look at those interesting but not so popular features. Keep in mind that all of th

              7 Vue Patterns That You Should Be Using More Often
            • Intro to HTML-first Frontend Frameworks - SitePen

              Web development comes full circle with HTML-first front-end frameworks In the beginning was HTML, and our pages were fast. But they were boring, so we added JavaScript. JavaScript ended up being so capable that we ended up creating entire applications with it, dynamically creating and destroying DOM interactively to users’ delight. Applications grew in complexity and so frameworks were created to

                Intro to HTML-first Frontend Frameworks - SitePen
              • TypeScript: Array.includes on narrow types

                Published on July 6, 2021 Stefan on Mastodon Reading time: 10 minutes More on TypeScript, JavaScript The Array.prototype.includes function allows searching for a value within an array. If this value is present, the function returns true! How handy! Of course, TypeScript has proper typings for this JavaScript functionality. However, in certain cases, the typings can bite a little. The reason? It’s

                  TypeScript: Array.includes on narrow types
                • Building A Dynamic Header With Intersection Observer — Smashing Magazine

                  Have you ever needed to build a UI where some component on the page needs to respond to elements as they’re scrolled to a certain threshold within the viewport — or perhaps in and out of the viewport itself? In JavaScript, attaching an event listener to constantly fire a callback on scroll can be performance-intensive, and if used unwisely, can make for a sluggish user experience. But there is a b

                    Building A Dynamic Header With Intersection Observer — Smashing Magazine
                  • The JavaScript Paradox

                    I'm not sure if there's ever been a language more loathed, yet so widely used, as JavaScript. I'm not of that camp. I quite like JavaScript. Its quirks, its flaws. How it somehow built upon Scheme yet was destined to be the most pervasive programming language. JavaScript was designed to be a companion. A scripting language to perform menial tasks to assist small pieces of interactivity on the page

                      The JavaScript Paradox
                    • 21 Best Practices for a Clean React Project

                      Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash.React is very unopinionated about how things should be structured. This is exactly why it’s our responsibility to keep our projects clean and maintainable. Today, we will discuss some best practices to improve your React application’s health. These rules are widely accepted. As such, having this knowledge is imperative. Everything will be shown with code, so bu

                        21 Best Practices for a Clean React Project
                      • Let’s learn how modern JavaScript frameworks work by building one

                        In my day job, I work on a JavaScript framework (LWC). And although I’ve been working on it for almost three years, I still feel like a dilettante. When I read about what’s going on in the larger framework world, I often feel overwhelmed by all the things I don’t know. One of the best ways to learn how something works, though, is to build it yourself. And plus, we gotta keep those “days since last

                          Let’s learn how modern JavaScript frameworks work by building one
                        • SolidJS Official Release: The long road to 1.0

                          It's been a long road to get here. It's been so long I can't even remember when I started. I logged on to an old private Bitbucket Repo and found "initial commit" on a repo aptly named "framework" from August 21st 2016. But I'm pretty sure that was my second prototype of a Reactive JavaScript Framework that would eventually become SolidJS. So I can safely say a stable release has been 1000s of hou

                            SolidJS Official Release: The long road to 1.0
                          • Using asynchronous web APIs from WebAssembly  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                            Using asynchronous web APIs from WebAssembly Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. The I/O APIs on the web are asynchronous, but they're synchronous in most system languages. When compiling code to WebAssembly, you need to bridge one kind of APIs to another—and this bridge is Asyncify. In this post, you'll learn when and how to use Asyncify and how

                            • Making sense of TypeScript using set theory

                              I've been working with TypeScript for a long long time. I think I'm not too bad at it. However, to my despair, some low-level behaviors still confuse me: Why does 0 | 1 extends 0 ? true : false evaluate to false? I'm very ashamed, but I sometimes confuse "subtype" and "supertype". Which is which? While we're at it, what are type "narrowing" and "widening", and how do they relate to sub/supertypes?

                                Making sense of TypeScript using set theory
                              • Components are Pure Overhead

                                A couple of years ago in the The Real Cost of UI Components, I explored the cost of components in JavaScript frameworks. I asked whether components were just overhead? And the answer was: it depends. The Virtual DOM library I tested, ivi, had no issues handling more components. But Lit and Svelte were dramatically worse. They scaled back to almost React levels of performance as I broke them down t

                                  Components are Pure Overhead
                                • Why I avoid async/await

                                  EDIT: I recently turned this article into a talk I gave at UtahJS 2023. It’s also partly a response to some of the reactions I got to this article. In many ways, I feel like I did a bit of a better job with my arguments there than here. Let me know what you think. Whatever your stance on async/await, I’d like to pitch to you on why, in my experience, async/await tends to make code more complicated

                                    Why I avoid async/await
                                  • Build a modern shopping site with Astro and Netlify serverless functions

                                    In this post Hello! So many new technologies to play with, so little time! When we saw that Shopify expanded their Storefront API, the Developer Experience team at Netlify jumped ON it to play around with all of the different ways we could build a shopping site. I decided to try my hand at building one with Astro and React! If you are interested in how I built it, keep on reading. If you’d like to

                                      Build a modern shopping site with Astro and Netlify serverless functions
                                    • Web Applications 101

                                      Follow on FacebookLet's start with a story: when people outside of my professional bubble ask me about what I am doing, I say "I build websites". If they are curious, I add that these websites are rather complex. If they keep on asking, I try to elaborate with some examples: Facebook, Spotify, Twitter. It's not that I work for these companies, but I hope that it gives them a good impression of "wh

                                        Web Applications 101
                                      • Using JavaScript to fill localStorage to its maximum capacity

                                        Using JavaScript to fill localStorage to its maximum capacity Earlier this week, I had to test how one web app I work on behaves when it tries to store some data in an already full localStorage. To do so, I wanted to find a way to programmatically fill localStorage to its maximum capacity using JavaScript. Knowing that the only way to detect when the localStorage is full is catching the QuotaExcee

                                          Using JavaScript to fill localStorage to its maximum capacity
                                        • CSS is a Strongly Typed Language | CSS-Tricks

                                          One of the ways you can classify a programming language is by how strongly or weakly typed it is. Here, “typed” means if variables are known at compile time. An example of this would be a scenario where an integer (1) is added to a string containing an integer ("1"): result = 1 + "1"; The string containing an integer could have been unintentionally generated from a complicated suite of logic with

                                            CSS is a Strongly Typed Language | CSS-Tricks
                                          • JavaScript vs JavaScript. Fight!

                                            Ryan Carniato for This is Learning Posted on Aug 19, 2021 • Updated on Sep 10, 2021 With software development, we are often presented with alternative choices for libraries and tools that appear to accomplish the same sort of things. Each one will advertise its key advantages, and we attempt to weigh the pros and cons. Sometimes, the differentiators have less to do with what we are accomplishing a

                                              JavaScript vs JavaScript. Fight!
                                            • Vue公式のクイックスタートは何してるのか - Qiita

                                              npm createは何してるのか vue@latestやコマンド実行時の挙動の前に、npm createについて確認する。 npmとは 正式名称:Node Package Manager。 その名の通りNode.js上で参照する各種パッケージの依存関係やバージョンなどを管理するマネージャ。 npm公式ドキュメントによるとソフトウェアレジストリと定義されている。 レジストリの解釈が少し難しいが、大まかにライブラリと同じものと見做してよさそう。 ライブラリ=モジュールの集合=再利用可能なプログラムの集まり、ということで、npmのおかげで用いることで集約された各モジュール(Node.js的に言うならパッケージ)を好きにローカル環境にもってきて実行することが出来る。 Node.jsとの関係性については以下の図が分かりやすかった。 参考:https://nodesource.com/blog/No

                                                Vue公式のクイックスタートは何してるのか - Qiita
                                              • The (Most Comprehensive) JavaScript Design Principles Guide

                                                As JavaScript developers we strive towards clean, healthy, and maintainable code. We strive towards solving challenges eloquently. While these challenges may each, within themselves, be unique - we don't necessarily require unique solutions for each individual one of these new challenges we face. "If you've used a solution that is not a unique solution to solve a challenge that is in of itself a u

                                                  The (Most Comprehensive) JavaScript Design Principles Guide
                                                • ES2022 feature: class static initialization blocks

                                                  The ECMAScript proposal “Class static initialization blocks” by Ron Buckton is at stage 4 and scheduled to be included in ECMAScript 2022. For setting up an instance of a class, we have two constructs in JavaScript: Field: Create (and optionally initialize) instance properties. Constructor: A block of code that is executed before setup is finished. For setting up the static part of a class, we onl

                                                  • When a JavaScript WeakMap() Actually Came in Handy

                                                    Back when I was working on slide-element, I noticed an issue that would occur when I rapidly toggled an element open & closed. If the previous animation wasn’t allowed to finish, the new one would eventually get outta whack, clipping the content on subsequent animations. The Cause of the WeirdnessThis was happening because each time an animation was triggered, I was grabbing the current “raw” heig

                                                      When a JavaScript WeakMap() Actually Came in Handy
                                                    • Origins of JSX and Why It Exists

                                                      Origins of JSX and Why It Exists As if plain JavaScript wasn't complex enough already… Often, JSX is described as allowing you to write HTML inside JavaScript. That might not make sense for you at first, and rightfully so — both languages serve different purposes and merging them might seem confusing. But JSX is not a mix of HTML and JavaScript. It's just plain JavaScript with some clever syntax t

                                                        Origins of JSX and Why It Exists
                                                      • SPAs: theory versus practice

                                                        27 Jun SPAs: theory versus practice Posted June 27, 2022 by Nolan Lawson in performance, Web. Tagged: spas. 17 Comments I’ve been thinking a lot recently about Single-Page Apps (SPAs) and Multi-Page Apps (MPAs). I’ve been thinking about how MPAs have improved over the years, and where SPAs still have an edge. I’ve been thinking about how complexity creeps into software, and why a developer may cho

                                                          SPAs: theory versus practice
                                                        • A Look At Building With Astro | CSS-Tricks

                                                          DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit! Astro is a brand new framework for building websites. To me, the big thing is that it allows you to build a site like you’re using a JavaScript framework (and you are), but the output is a zero-JavaScript static site. You can opt-in to client-side JavaScript as needed, and there are clever o

                                                            A Look At Building With Astro | CSS-Tricks
                                                          • JavaScript Framework TodoMVC Size Comparison

                                                            Size in JavaScript Frameworks is actually a pretty tricky thing to estimate. Even nailing down the size of runtimes is unclear. You might go to bundlephobia.com but the size there can be misleading. With tree-shaking not all code is included. Bundlephobia also doesn't include sub-modules. Things like svelte/motion or preact/hooks. There isn't only the size of the runtime but the size of the compon

                                                              JavaScript Framework TodoMVC Size Comparison
                                                            • How We Improved React Loading Times by 70% with Next.js - The Causal Blog

                                                              By switching from CRA to Next.js, we reduced our initial page load times by 70% and unlocked a new level of developer experience. Causal is a multidimensional spreadsheet that’s capable of handling everything from basic arithmetic all the way up to billion-calculation financial models. The Causal frontend was built with Create React App (CRA) in 2019, and it served us well - it required minimal in

                                                                How We Improved React Loading Times by 70% with Next.js - The Causal Blog
