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back to workの検索結果1 - 10 件 / 10件

  • Get Back to Work で自己管理 - naoyaのはてなダイアリー

    BBCのこのニュースによると、ネットサーフィンをしているときの人の集中力時間はなんと9秒まで落ちているというのだ。これは金魚の集中力持続時間と一緒である。 ネットサーフィン中の人間は金魚なみ。一年ぐらい前のヌーベルブログの記事ですが、当時は身につまされた人も多かったのか結構話題になりました。 いかにして仕事中に、ネットをしながら集中力を持続するか、というのは僕の最重要課題だったりします。はてなブックマークの開発中に、ついつい注目のエントリーを見に行って時間を忘れたりしちゃうものですから。(笑) 先日の Life Hackers Conference でもこの手の話題が上りまして、そこで百式の田口さんに教えてもらったサイトが Get Back to Work。 なんてことはない、次のTODOとその達成予定時刻を入力しておいて、成功だったかだめだったかだけを記録していくという単純なウェブアプリ

      Get Back to Work で自己管理 - naoyaのはてなダイアリー
    • Amazon.co.jp: Bad Data Handbook: Cleaning Up The Data So You Can Get Back To Work (English Edition): McCallum, Q. Ethan: Digital Ebook Purchas

        Amazon.co.jp: Bad Data Handbook: Cleaning Up The Data So You Can Get Back To Work (English Edition): McCallum, Q. Ethan: Digital Ebook Purchas
      • ネット中に注意を喚起するGet Back to WorkとWeblolodeon - huixingの日記

        仕事に関係ないネットサーフィンをしてばかりいて自己管理できない人のためのGet Back to WorkとWeblolodeon。Weblolodeonはfirefox拡張のgreasemonkeyでユーザー・スクリプトをインストールするとネットサーフィンをしていると5分毎にそのまま続ける正当な理由を聞いてくるもの。Get Back to Workは次のTODOとその達成予定時刻を入力しておき、成功だったかだめだったかを記録していくもの。 Once installed, you will be pestered every 5 minutes to make a case for your further web browsing. If your work is done, just cancel the dialog box and quit the app; if you’re no

          ネット中に注意を喚起するGet Back to WorkとWeblolodeon - huixingの日記
        • Barack Obama on Twitter: "Hi everybody! Back to the original handle. Is this thing still on? Michelle and I are off on a quick vacation, then we’ll get back to work."

          Hi everybody! Back to the original handle. Is this thing still on? Michelle and I are off on a quick vacation, then we’ll get back to work.

            Barack Obama on Twitter: "Hi everybody! Back to the original handle. Is this thing still on? Michelle and I are off on a quick vacation, then we’ll get back to work."
          • 『Back to Work: Japan』 - hamachanブログ(EU労働法政策雑記帳)

            というわけで、OECDの『Back to Work: Japan』がアップされました。 http://www.oecd.org/els/back-to-work-japan-9789264227200-en.htm リンク先で全文読めます。 とはいえ、200ページ近い英文を読んでる暇のない方が大勢だと思いますので、とりあえずこの和文プレスリリースと、 http://www.oecd.org/tokyo/newsroom/japan-can-do-more-to-encourage-smooth-transition-of-displaced-workers-back-into-jobs-says-oecd-japanese-version.htm(日本は、失職者がよりスムーズに再就職を果たせるよう一層の努力をする余地がある) 最新のOECD報告書によると、日本は、再就職調整支援において公共

              『Back to Work: Japan』 - hamachanブログ(EU労働法政策雑記帳)
            • Back to the future: Silicon may work for quantum computing

              Although I write a lot about quantum computing, I've not really paid much attention to performing quantum computations with silicon-based qubits. Luckily Stephanie Simmons from Simon Fraser University in Canada helped me catch up. The idea with silicon-based quantum computers is that impurities form the basis of a qubits. If you drop a single phosphorous atom into a silicon crystal, it replaces a

                Back to the future: Silicon may work for quantum computing
              • YouTube - Funny Blonde Woman Goes Back To Work After 20 Years

                A woman decides to go back to work after 20 years. Little does she know how much things have changed. Lol

                • In Italy, Going Back to Work May Depend on Having the Right Antibodies (Published 2020)

                  ROME — There is a growing sense in Italy that the worst may have passed. The weeks of locking down the country, center of the world’s deadliest coronavirus outbreak, may be starting to pay off, as officials announced this week that the numbers of new infections had plateaued. That glimmer of hope has turned the conversation to the daunting challenge of when and how to reopen without setting off an

                    In Italy, Going Back to Work May Depend on Having the Right Antibodies (Published 2020)
                  • IBM, remote-work pioneer, is calling thousands of employees back to the office

                    Less than a year into her tenure as IBM’s chief marketing officer, Michelle Peluso prepared to make an announcement that she knew would excite some of her 5,500 new employees, but also, inevitably, inspire resignation notices from others. She had already briefed managers and the leaders of small teams on the news, which had been set in motion before her arrival in September. The rumor mill had alr

                      IBM, remote-work pioneer, is calling thousands of employees back to the office
                    • BBC NEWS | Middle East | Gaza smugglers get back to work

                      But Israel says it believes Hamas is trying to rearm. Mark Regev, Israeli Government spokesman, said: "What is important is that there is today an international coalition; America, Europe, Arab governments will act in unison to prevent Iranian rockets from reaching the Gaza Strip, to prevent the smuggling of weapons into Gaza. "Hamas will not be allowed to rearm." One tunnel owner told Reuters: "I
