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  • Macroprudentialism


    • Letter by Concerned Economists Regarding “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics

      English | Chinese (simplified) 简体中文 | Chinese (traditional) 繁體中文 | Japanese 日本語 | Korean 한국어 Letter by Concerned Economists Regarding “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics Please click here to sign this letter Frequently Asked Questions and More resources Statements by Al Roth and Paul Milgrom, Pinelopi Goldberg, Roger Noll, the twelve editors of

      • HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face


          HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face
        • Woke invades the sciences | Alan Sokal | The Critic Magazine

          The intrusion of irrational ideology is distorting and censoring science A quarter-century ago, the “Science Wars” — an unfortunate military metaphor applied to an intellectual debate — pitted a motley crew of postmodernist-influenced literary scholars and social scientists, often (but not always) of a leftist and feminist political bent, espousing an extreme social-constructivist view of science

            Woke invades the sciences | Alan Sokal | The Critic Magazine
          • Researchers say Japan has exaggerated the story of Chiune Sugihara, the 'Japanese Schindler' - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

            Researchers say Japan has exaggerated the story of Chiune Sugihara, the ‘Japanese Schindler’ A bust of Chiune Sugihara is seen near the Sugihara Chiune Memorial Hall in Yaotsu, Japan, his purported hometown. (Jordyn Haime) YAOTSU, Japan (JTA) — Three years before the Olympics began in 2021, Tokyo was already developing the national image it would display as the world looked on. The Tokyo Metropoli

              Researchers say Japan has exaggerated the story of Chiune Sugihara, the 'Japanese Schindler' - Jewish Telegraphic Agency
            • 『欧米圏デジタル・ヒューマニティーズの基礎知識』特設サイト

              [1] http://www.europeana.eu/portal/, accessed July 19, 2020. [2] http://discovery.dho.ie/, accessed July 19, 2020. [3] http://www.omnia.ie/, accessed July 19, 2020. [4] http://nialloleary.eu/, accessed July 19, 2020. [5] http://www.digitalnz.org/, accessed July 19, 2020. 1-8 [1] 例えば、岡崎敦「西欧中世における「書簡」資料をめぐる諸問題」新井由 紀夫(編)『「中・近世西欧における書簡とコミュニケーション」キックオフ・ シンポジウム報告書』(2018), 5-22 など。 [2] 基本的に本節の内容は、Peter S

              • A24: The Rise of a Cultural Conglomerate | The Generalist

                Even with big ambitions, only a small percentage of startups make it. Mercury Raise is here to change that. Introducing the comprehensive founder success platform built to remove roadblocks at every step of the startup journey. Looking to fundraise? Get your pitch in front of hundreds of the right investors with Investor Connect. Craving the company of people who get it? Join our Slack community o

                  A24: The Rise of a Cultural Conglomerate | The Generalist
                • Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding Executive Grants of Clemency | The White House

                  Statements & Releases Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding Executive Grants of Clemency President Donald J. Trump granted pardons to 73 individuals and commuted the sentences of an additional 70 individuals. Todd Boulanger – President Trump granted a full pardon to Todd Boulanger. Mr. Boulanger’s pardon is supported by numerous friends, as well as by past and present business associates. I

                    Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding Executive Grants of Clemency | The White House
                  • AWS Announces the global expansion of AWS CCI Solutions | Amazon Web Services

                    AWS Machine Learning Blog AWS Announces the global expansion of AWS CCI Solutions We’re excited to announce the global availability of AWS Contact Center Intelligence (AWS CCI) solutions powered by AWS AI Services and made available through the AWS Partner Network. AWS CCI solutions enable you to leverage AWS machine learning (ML) capabilities with your current contact center provider to gain grea

                      AWS Announces the global expansion of AWS CCI Solutions | Amazon Web Services
                    • Irreversible Damage to the Trans Community: A Critical Review of Abigail Shrier’s <em>Irreversible Damage</em> (Part One)

                      Science-Based Medicine Exploring issues and controversies in the relationship between science and medicine Irreversible Damage to the Trans Community: A Critical Review of Abigail Shrier’s Irreversible Damage (Part One) Irreversible Damage, a controversial 2020 book by Abigail Shrier, has enjoyed renewed attention in the last several weeks. Shrier appeals to her audience’s emotions by voicing thei

                        Irreversible Damage to the Trans Community: A Critical Review of Abigail Shrier’s <em>Irreversible Damage</em> (Part One)
                      • ‘I Miss My Mom’: Children Of QAnon Believers Are Desperately Trying To Deradicalize Their Own Parents

                        Shortly before Joe Biden was inaugurated, Sam’s mother began stocking up on food in a panic. He didn’t know why, but he knew it probably had something to do with QAnon. The 19-year-old started to notice changes in his mother’s behavior around the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. She had always been a nervous woman: She stopped flying after 9/11 and had hovered closely to Sam and his two youn

                          ‘I Miss My Mom’: Children Of QAnon Believers Are Desperately Trying To Deradicalize Their Own Parents
                        • Why You Should Quit the News

                          Become a memberGet a single membership for just $6.67 per month Sign Up Everyone kind of already knows that the news sucks. In all my life, I can’t think of anyone who seems to enjoy reading or watching the news every day. It’s a kind of bitter responsibility or endured necessity for people. News is like the societal version of flossing: it’s not fun, yet we continue to do it every day anyway, as

                            Why You Should Quit the News
                          • The Dark Shadow Cast by Moon Sun Myung’s Unification Church and Abe Shinzo

                            The Dark Shadow Cast by Moon Sun Myung’s Unification Church and Abe Shinzo Abstract: The killing of Abe Shinzo sparked a backlash in Japan against the Unification Church, after the assassin blamed it for his family’s destitution and linked the former prime minister to the Korean cult. This has led to a government investigation of the Unification Church, popularly known as the Moonies, that may res

                              The Dark Shadow Cast by Moon Sun Myung’s Unification Church and Abe Shinzo
                            • Good News Agency - 5 February 2010

                              Weekly – Year X, number 167 – 5th February 2010 Managing Editor: Sergio Tripi, Ph. D. Rome Law-court registration no. 265 dated 20 June 2000. “…In conveying the appreciation of the Head of State for the passion and the professionalism with which you spread, above all among the young, the culture of "good news", I would like to take this opportunity of adding my personal greeting”. (From the letter

                              • Ferdinand Waldo Demara - Wikipedia

                                Ferdinand Waldo Demara Jr. (December 1921[1] – June 7, 1982) was an American impostor. He was the subject of both a book and a movie, loosely based on his exploits: The Great Impostor, in which he was played by Tony Curtis. Demara's impersonations included a civil engineer, a sheriff's deputy, an assistant prison warden, a doctor of applied psychology, a hospital orderly, a lawyer, a child-care ex

                                  Ferdinand Waldo Demara - Wikipedia
                                • Women, Business and the Law 2021

                                  WOMEN, BUSINESS AND THE LAW 2021 WOMEN, BUSINESS AND THE LAW 2021 © 2021 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000; Internet: www.worldbank.org Some rights reserved 1 2 3 4 24 23 22 21 This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. The findings, interpretations, and concl

                                  • ユダメリカ強制終了 ネオアメリカ爆誕

                                    Up to 150 million Americans could be infected with the coronavirus top doctors believe, a Congresswoman confirmed Thursday as vast swathes of the country shutdown and the national outbreak grew to over 1,700 cases and 41 deaths. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib confirmed earlier reports that Congress' doctor Dr. Brian Monahan has told lawmakers that he predicts between 70 to 150 million people in the U

                                      ユダメリカ強制終了 ネオアメリカ爆誕
                                    • Standing with Dr. Timnit Gebru — #ISupportTimnit #BelieveBlackWomen

                                      Standing with Dr. Timnit Gebru — #ISupportTimnit #BelieveBlackWomen We, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with Dr. Timnit Gebru, who was terminated from her position as Staff Research Scientist and Co-Lead of Ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI) team at Google, following unprecedented research censorship. We call on Google Research to strengthen its commitment to research integrity and to unequ

                                        Standing with Dr. Timnit Gebru — #ISupportTimnit #BelieveBlackWomen
                                      • ProCameraman.jpプロカメラマンのための総合Webマガジン

                                        ●プロフィール Michael Kenna(マイケル・ケンナ)。1953年、イギリス・ランカスター生まれ。ロンドンのカレッジ・オブ・プリンティングで写真を勉強、広告写真家としてキャリアをスタート。その後パーソナルワークへの情熱が強まり、1970年代後半にアメリカへ移住。 彼の作品はアフリカ、アジア、オーストラリア、ヨーロッパ、北米、南米などのギャラリーや美術館にて展示される。また、ワシントンD.C.にあるワシントン・ナショナル・ギャラリーや、ロンドンのヴィクトリア&アルバート美術館など、いくつもの美術館にてコレクションされている。約40年近くに及ぶ作家活動の中で、50冊以上の写真集が出版されている。 http://www.michaelkenna.com/ 「シリーズ海外写真家たちに聞く」では、現在活躍されている海外写真家の方々に、「バイオグラフィー」「活動内容」「現在の道具」「今後の活動

                                        • リバティ大学 - Wikipedia

                                          ビジネス(School of Business)[編集] ビジネス・スクールでは、学士課程46コース[78]、修士課程67コース[79]、博士課程14コース[45][80]を提供している。ビジネススクール及びプログラム認証委員会(英語版)(ACBSP)から認証済み[81][82]。2019年夏段階では、総面積7万8千平方フィートの新棟が完成間近である[83][84]。 コミュニケーション・芸術(School of Communication & the Arts)[編集] コミュニケーション・芸術は映画芸術、デジタルメディア・ジャーナリズム、戦略的・個人的コミュニケーション、音楽・デジタルアート、舞台芸術の5部門で構成され、オンラインコースを含めると1万2千人以上の学生が在籍している[85]。 ザキ・ゴードン映画芸術センター(ZGCAC)[編集] ザキ・ゴードン映画芸術センター(Zaki

                                            リバティ大学 - Wikipedia
                                          • エバーソン対教育委員会事件 - Wikipedia

                                            エバーソン対教育委員会事件(エバーソンたいきょういくいいんかいじけん、英語: Everson v. Board of Education, 330 U.S. 1 (1947)[1][2] )とは、アメリカ合衆国の権利章典に定められた「国教樹立禁止条項(英語版) (Establishment Clause) 」を州法に適用させたアメリカ合衆国最高裁判所の画期的な判決である。 この判決以前、多くの州政府はある特定の宗派に対して立法上または事実上の特権を付与していたにもかかわらず、アメリカ合衆国憲法修正第1条の文言である「連邦議会は国教の樹立を助長する法律を制定してはならない。("Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion") 」[3]の制約は、連邦政府にのみ課されていた[4]。この事件はアメリカ合衆国憲法

                                            • 英語で最も一般的に使われる3000の言葉 | EF 日本

                                              2,500から3,000語の語彙があれば、英語での日常会話や英語の新聞や雑誌の記事、職場で使われる英語の90%を理解できます。残りの10%は文脈から学んだり、質問することで理解できます。あまり意味のない語彙をたくさん暗記して時間を無駄にしないように、正しい英語の語彙を学ぶことが大切です。下記のリストは長いように見えますが、自信をもってこれらの語彙を使えるようになれば、あなたの英語の語彙が完全に機能します。 a abandon ability able abortion about above abroad absence absolute absolutely absorb abuse academic accept access accident accompany accomplish according account accurate accuse achieve achievem

                                                英語で最も一般的に使われる3000の言葉 | EF 日本
                                              • 果肉率・果汁率が高く, 加工適性に優れ, まろやかな酸味をもつ各種加工品の開発. 今後, 国内生産の拡大が見込まれ, 内需のさらなる拡大・成長が見込まれる.

                                                Lemons are very susceptible to canker disease, which is a big problem in environments with a lot of rain. For this reason, it seems that about 90% of the lemons consumed in Japan are currently imported. Therefore, NARO developed a new lemon cultivar called "Rinoka Lemon," which is strong against Xanthomonas campestris(In terms of damage, navel oranges and lemons are the weakest, and other mid-late

                                                  果肉率・果汁率が高く, 加工適性に優れ, まろやかな酸味をもつ各種加工品の開発. 今後, 国内生産の拡大が見込まれ, 内需のさらなる拡大・成長が見込まれる.
                                                • In April 2022, AGRI+ will introduce an unmanned cash register that allows you to checkout just by placing products. No barcode reading required. This is the first shop in Japan that sells fruits and vegetables. 貴重な生産物をより多くの方に知られ, 寄り添う場所, 地域の生活に根ざす(基盤, 定着)

                                                  A Japanese variety of western SQUASH, with a rich and sweet flavor and a chewy texture like chestnuts. A general is to “Generalize the Army”, and it was first used as the official name of the commander who commands the army. Wasn't it? The southern border of Nagayo Town, Nishisonogi County, borders on Nagasaki City. In the north, the Nagayo River meanders and flows, with broad plains and low hills

                                                    In April 2022, AGRI+ will introduce an unmanned cash register that allows you to checkout just by placing products. No barcode reading required. This is the first shop in Japan that sells fruits and vegetables. 貴重な生産物をより多くの方に知られ, 寄り添う場所, 地域の生活に根ざす(基盤, 定着)