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          A hundred thousand people were killed by the atomic bomb. Survivors wonder why they lived when so many others died.Photograph from Rolls Press / Popperfoto / Getty I—A Noiseless FlashAt exactly fifteen minutes past eight in the morning, on August 6, 1945, Japanese time, at the moment when the atomic bomb flashed above Hiroshima, Miss Toshiko Sasaki, a clerk in the personnel department of the East

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                今回の大災害を受けて、海外の友人や同僚から多くの励ましと連帯のメッセージを受け取っています。これらは文学部・人文社会系研究科の教員を介して、被災されたすべての方々に宛てられたメッセージです。これを多くの皆様に共有していただくために、本研究科の学生による日本語訳をつけて公開することといたしました。被災された皆様にあらためてお見舞い申し上げるとともに、メッセージを寄せて下さった皆様に心から感謝申し上げます。 文学部長・人文社会系研究科長 小松久男(震災時) Ever since the devastating earthquakes hit Japan on March 11 we have been receiving numerous messages of support and solidarity from our friends and colleagues all over th

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                        Demo † Here's demo application called "Run Native Exe" to: run local UNIX commands run native executable downloaded from the Web Package: NativeExe-0.2.apk Source code: on Github (ADT project) To install the package, Go to Settings→Application and check "Unknown sources" Open the package link above using Android Browser or type "adb install NativeExe?-*.apk" in your PC if you have Android SDK. ↑ H

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                          1. What's this? This is the last entry in the blog called Click Opera, which means that, in the funny through-the-looking-glass world of blogs, it's the first page future internauts and web adventurers will come to. So think of this not so much as an ending as an entrance. What you've reached is the door to "probably the best-written blog on the Anglophone web", according to Warren Ellis. "It does

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                                This is a collated list of image and video databases that people have found useful for computer vision research and algorithm evaluation. An important article How Good Is My Test Data? Introducing Safety Analysis for Computer Vision (by Zendel, Murschitz, Humenberger, and Herzner) introduces a methodology for ensuring that your dataset has sufficient variety that algorithm results on the dataset a

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                                      There's nothing like a couple thousand years of of repetition and an iconic painting to get story to get lodged inside the heads of the creators of pop culture. Leonardo da Vinci's 15th century depiction of Jesus announcing that one of his 12 disciples would betray him is so ingrained in our culture that it has been co-opted by those wishing to give weight to their parodies, tributes and caricatur

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                                        Richard Stallman's personal political notes from 2019: July - October These are my personal opinions and do not speak for the GNU Project, the FSF, or anyone else. [ 2024 July - October | 2024 March - June | 2023 November - February | 2023 July - October | 2023 March - June | 2022 November - February | 2022 July - October | 2022 March - June | 2021 November - February | 2021 July - October | 2021

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                                            電波ソングWiki ここは、2chのガイドライン板、笑える電波ソングを集めるガイドラインスレのデータベースです(・∀・) ここに使われているWikiというシステムでは誰でも自由にデータを追加・修正できる仕様になっています。 管理人はWiki(というかHP作成)が初めてですので全然だめぽです。 そこで皆さんが管理人となって好き勝手に色々やっちゃって下さい。 左上のアイコンやここのスキン等を変えたいという場合はどこかにUPして電波ソングスレに書き込んで貰えれば対応します(・∀・) それと著作権等については各自で考えてください。 MenuBarの編集 ヘルプ PukiWikiで編集するとき? SandBox 自由に編集して試してみてください ▼このページの内容にコメント。 試しにコメント欄を作って見ました。本スレに書き込みにくい話題とかで使ってください。 -- test? 2004-

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                                              • tx-ruby - namespace gimite

                                                FrontPage This is a Ruby 1.8/1.9 binding of Tx, a library for a compact trie data structure. For details of Tx, see: Tx: Succinct Trie Data structure How to install † $ sudo gem install tx Or $ wget http://gimite.net/archive/tx-ruby-0.0.5.tar.gz $ tar xvzf tx-ruby-*.tar.gz $ cd tx-ruby $ sudo ruby setup.rb If your Ruby is 1.8.x mswin32, you don't need compilers (binary is bundled). Tx library is b

                                                • Jack Dorsey - Wikipedia

                                                  Jack Patrick Dorsey (born November 19, 1976)[3] is an American Internet entrepreneur, philanthropist, and programmer, who is a co-founder and former CEO of Twitter, Inc. from 2015 until 2021, as well as co-founder, principal executive officer and chairperson[4] of Block, Inc., which is the developer of the Square financial services platform. As of October 2023, Forbes estimated his net worth to be

                                                    Jack Dorsey - Wikipedia
                                                  • FIGHT CLUB

                                                    F I G H T C L U B by Jim Uhls based on a novel by Chuck Palahnuik 2/16/98 -------------------------------------------------------------- SCREEN BLACK JACK (V.O.) People were always asking me, did I know Tyler Durden. FADE IN: INT. SOCIAL ROOM - TOP FLOOR OF HIGH RISE -- NIGHT TYLER has one arm around Jack's shoulder; the other hand holds a HANDGUN with the barrel lodged in JACK'S MOUTH. Tyler is s

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                                                      2 :お漏らしさん:2010/12/02(木) 11:29:36 ID:eEE3EgGA やろうぜ 3 :闇ちゃん ◆DARK/VTQ.U :2010/12/02(木) 12:14:44 ID:vZMBkQ43 コレは必要なスレだなまとめも必要だ 4 :お漏らしさん:2010/12/02(木) 20:12:50 ID:OEULNfWO 俺もやる。 5 :お漏らしさん:2010/12/02(木) 20:14:30 ID:hkDJkdGS 英語だめだから翻訳したの見るだけでいいか 6 :お漏らしさん:2010/12/02(木) 20:18:46 ID:hkDJkdGS 事件だぞ http://twitpic.com/3c4d61 7 :お漏らしさん:2010/12/02(木) 20:29:42 ID:11/jMKIr つ 【ほんやくコンニャク】 翻訳こんにゃく(本物)、ついに完成! http:

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                                                        • Letter by Concerned Economists Regarding “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics

                                                          English | Chinese (simplified) 简体中文 | Chinese (traditional) 繁體中文 | Japanese 日本語 | Korean 한국어 Letter by Concerned Economists Regarding “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics Please click here to sign this letter Frequently Asked Questions and More resources Statements by Al Roth and Paul Milgrom, Pinelopi Goldberg, Roger Noll, the twelve editors of

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                                                            # 公開されている既存英語語彙表の統合一覧表(15806語掲載) # -は未掲載、BNC語彙表収録語で初出のものは表内に記し、それ以外の同綴異品詞語は( )内に収めた。 # BNC語彙表収録語の品詞情報は次のように表している。(j:形容詞, r:副詞, c:接続詞, d:決定詞, i:不定詞, t:間投詞, m:助動詞, n:名詞, p:前置詞, o:代名詞, v:動詞) # 左から北大語彙表, JACET8000, COCET2200, BNC語彙表, ALC-SVL12000, 杉浦リスト英語I, 杉浦リスト英語II, 英単語綴りの順に掲載. # HUEVL, JACET, COCET, BNC, SVL, SUGI1, SUGI2, WORD. - - - -- -- - 6 AAR - - - -- -- 5 4 AB - - - -- -- 5 - ABCs - - - -- -

                                                            • Niemoeller, origin of famous quotation

                                                              January 9, 2021 editorial: I'm Pissed (back to top) Doing a bit of editorializing on this academic page, here's my own rendering of Niemoeller's quotation to suit our times--the cravenness of our elected representatives in facilitating Mr. Trump's lies and incitement (also on Facebook and Twitter--feel free to share): "First they came for the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, and I did nothing. then they c

                                                              • Microsoft Word - This_Time_Is_Different_04_16_2008 REISSUE.doc

                                                                April 16, 2008 This Time is Different: A Panoramic View of Eight Centuries of Financial Crises* Carmen M. Reinhart, University of Maryland and NBER Kenneth S. Rogoff, Harvard University and NBER Abstract This paper offers a “panoramic” analysis of the history of financial crises dating from England’s fourteenth-century default to the current United States sub-prime financial crisis. Our study

                                                                • 日本の商業アニメにおける女性像の変遷と「萌え」文化 ---- 新しいジェンダーを求めて ---- 村瀬ひろみ

                                                                  1 Contents 1 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------3 : 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 : 49-50 ------------------------------------------------------------------29 65-66 ------------

                                                                  • The 100 Best Films Of World Cinema, Feature | Movies - Empire

                                                                    From Brazil to Japan to France and Senegal, from Neo-Realism to Dogme to J-horror, we've compiled a list of the very best films not in the English language (note: features, not documentaries). So rustle up some sushi, strike up a gauloise and make sure you've locked your bicycle as we count down the top 100 world cinema movies... 100. Night Watch Year: 2004 Country: Russia Director: Timur Bekmambe

                                                                      The 100 Best Films Of World Cinema, Feature | Movies - Empire
                                                                    • Steve Jobs - Wikipedia

                                                                      Steven Paul Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) was an American businessman, inventor, and investor best known for co-founding the technology company Apple Inc. Jobs was also the founder of NeXT and chairman and majority shareholder of Pixar. He was a pioneer of the personal computer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s, along with his early business partner and fellow Apple co-founder Steve W

                                                                        Steve Jobs - Wikipedia
                                                                      • Slow Down and Think

                                                                        Farnam Street Mastering the best of what other people have already figured out Sebastian Garcia made a mistake, but he couldn’t figure it out. At the 2011 National Junior High Chess Championship, he was looking strong and heading towards a victory. Then he made a mistake, squandering his advantage. A few moves later, the collapse was complete. Sebastian shook hands with the boy who had beaten him

                                                                        • Steve Bannon - Wikipedia

                                                                          In 2017, Bannon founded the Movement, a populist organization which frequently promotes right wing populist groups in Europe which are against the EU government and political system in Europe. The group is also known for its opposition to George Soros's Open Society Foundations, Bannon has referred to Soros as "evil but brilliant".[117] The organization employees 10 full time staff members. Mischa

                                                                            Steve Bannon - Wikipedia
                                                                          • Sig Bookmark - namespace gimite

                                                                            コメント/バグ報告 † ↓こちらにどうぞ。 ブックマークレットでページを追加したあと、CGIエラーで見れなくなることがあります。"["や"-"等の記号が入っているとエラーがでるようです。 -- xenon? 2006-02-18 20:26:31 (土) ためしにタイトル、URL、コメントにすべて [- と書いて登録してみましたが、手元の環境ではエラーになりませんでした。差し支えなければ、エラーになった項目のタイトル、URL、コメントを教えてもらえますか? -- Gimite 2006-02-19 15:31:01 (日) すみません。こちらでも再現しませんでした。 -- xenon? 2006-02-20 07:48:44 (月) あ、このページ凍結しているんですね。 読みにくくなりますがURLは http://linkage.xrea.jp/ref/xhtml_ref/commonat

                                                                            • Peter Drucker - Wikipedia

                                                                              Peter Ferdinand Drucker (/ˈdrʌkər/; German: [ˈdʀʊkɐ]; November 19, 1909 – November 11, 2005) was an Austrian American management consultant, educator, and author, whose writings contributed to the philosophical and practical foundations of modern management theory. He was also a leader in the development of management education, and invented the concepts known as management by objectives and self-

                                                                                Peter Drucker - Wikipedia
                                                                              • Top 100 Luxury Blogs

                                                                                Top 100 Luxury Blogs Posted in Features on October 3, 2007 The lap of luxury might elude some individuals, but this social class is becoming so large that there’s now a schism between the rich and the uber-rich. To that end, the following list of blogs may appeal to anyone who owns a private island, a Porsche or two, and a Picasso. Of course, voyeurs are welcome, as you’re not breaking a law if yo

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                                                                                    HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face