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internalsの検索結果241 - 280 件 / 311件

  • “Clang” CFE Internals Manual — Clang 19.0.0git documentation

    “Clang” CFE Internals Manual¶ Introduction¶ This document describes some of the more important APIs and internal design decisions made in the Clang C front-end. The purpose of this document is to both capture some of this high level information and also describe some of the design decisions behind it. This is meant for people interested in hacking on Clang, not for end-users. The description below

    • Introduction · The Internals of Apache Kafka

      • PHP: internals:windows:stepbystepbuild

        This tutorial concerns building PHP before 7.2. To build PHP 7.2+, please refer to the newer documentation.

        • Deno KV internals: building a database for the modern web

          Deno is designed to streamline web and cloud development with built-in modern tools, direct access to web platform APIs, and the capability to import modules via npm. Web apps very often require some persistent application state. Setting up a database involves numerous configuration steps and the subsequent integration of an ORM or other systems. What if you could access such a database without an

            Deno KV internals: building a database for the modern web
          • Windows Runtime internals: understanding "Hello World" | BUILD2011 | Channel 9

            The Windows Runtime is a key piece of technology used by all Metro style apps in Windows. How exactly does it work though? You too can become a Windows Runtime Expert by taking a deep dive into the internals of the Windows Runtime using not much more than a new project in Visual Studio and a debugger. After this talk, you will understand how A "Hello World" Metro style app uses the Windows Runtime

              Windows Runtime internals: understanding "Hello World" | BUILD2011 | Channel 9
            • sqlc internals - 薄いブログ

              github.com sqlc は何をやっているのか、問題に遭遇したときに調査するべき箇所はどこか? というのを sqlc 1.20 時点の情報をもとに書いていきます。 背景 最近 sqlc に PR を送るようになり sqlc についての理解が深まってきたのでまとめておこうというのと理解を共有しておくことで PR を送る人が増えると良いなという思惑があります。 sqlc とは SQL Compiler の略でスキーマとクエリからパラメータと結果の型を推論するツールです。 その推論された型からコードを生成したり、lint のようなことが可能です。 コード生成が主な機能ですが v1.20 から sqlc vet が導入されています。 Linting queries — sqlc 1.21.0 documentation internals sqlc はスキーマとクエリからパラメータや結果の型

                sqlc internals - 薄いブログ
              • Linux Kernel 2.4 Internals

                Tigran Aivazian tigran@veritas.com7 August 2002 (29 av 6001) 訳: Hiroshi Miura miura@da-cha.org22 May 2003 この文書はLinux 2.4カーネルの手引きです。原文の最新版は、以下のURLからダウンロードできます。 http://www.moses.uklinux.net/patches/lki.sgml また、訳文の最新版は、 http://www.da-cha.org/ にて配布されます。 このガイドは、現在では、LDP (Linux Documentation Project)の一部となっており、 http://www.linuxdoc.org/guides.html から様々なフォーマットでダウンロードできます。 また、最新版は http://www.moses.uklinux.n

                • USENIX LISA2021 BPF Internals (eBPF)

                  Recent posts: 24 Mar 2024 » Linux Crisis Tools 17 Mar 2024 » The Return of the Frame Pointers 10 Mar 2024 » eBPF Documentary 28 Apr 2023 » eBPF Observability Tools Are Not Security Tools 01 Mar 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2022: Computing Performance: What's on the Horizon 17 Feb 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2023: CFP 02 May 2022 » Brendan@Intel.com 15 Apr 2022 » Netflix End of Series 1 09 Apr 2022 » Te

                  • Google I/O 2008 - Dalvik Virtual Machine Internals

                    Dalvik VM Internals Dan Bornstein (Google) Dalvik — the virtual machine with the unusual name — runs your code on Android. Join us to learn about the motivation for its design and get some details about how it works. You'll also walk away with a few tips for how to write code that works well with the platform. Be prepared for a deep dive into technical details. Questions encouraged!

                      Google I/O 2008 - Dalvik Virtual Machine Internals
                    • PostgreSQL Internals (1) for PostgreSQL 9.6 (Japanese)

                      PostgreSQL Internals (1) for PostgreSQL 9.6 (Japanese) 1. 1 © 2013-2017 Hewlett-Packard Enterprise. 2017 年 2 月 11 日 PostgreSQL 9.6 対応版 PostgreSQL Internals (1) 日本ヒューレット・パッカード株式会社 篠田典良 2. 2 © 2013-2017 Hewlett-Packard Enterprise. 謝辞 本資料の作成と公開にあたり、永安悟史様(アップタイム・テクノロジーズ合同会社)、 渡部亮太様(株式会社コーソル)にレビューいただきました。アドバイスありがとうござい ました。日本ヒューレット・パッカード株式会社の社内では高橋智雄さん、北山貴広さん、 竹島彰子さん(いずれもテクノロジー事業統括 トランスフォーメーション・コンサルティ ン

                        PostgreSQL Internals (1) for PostgreSQL 9.6 (Japanese)
                      • Electron Internals: Using Node as a Library | Electron Blog

                        This is the second post in an ongoing series explaining the internals of Electron. Check out the first post about event loop integration if you haven't already. Most people use Node for server-side applications, but because of Node's rich API set and thriving community, it is also a great fit for an embedded library. This post explains how Node is used as a library in Electron. Build system Both N

                        • WordPress Internals: How WordPress Boots Up Part 2 - Theme.fm

                          Theme.fm Magazine en ligne | Conseils, bons plans et actualités In my previous post on How WordPress Boots Up we went over half of the bootup process up to the point where WordPress wp-settings.php returns as a SHORTINIT’ed version, with the barebones of WordPress available, which, though an obscure feature, turns out to be quite useful for environments where only the very core WordPress features

                            WordPress Internals: How WordPress Boots Up Part 2 - Theme.fm
                          • Git's database internals III: file history queries

                            EngineeringOpen SourceGit’s database internals III: file history queriesGit’s file history queries use specialized algorithms that are tailored to common developer behavior. Level up your history spelunking skills by learning how different history modes behave and which ones to use when you need them. This week, we are exploring Git’s internals with the following concept in mind: Git is the distri

                              Git's database internals III: file history queries
                            • IL2CPP internals: A tour of generated code | Unity Blog

                              This is the second blog post in the IL2CPP Internals series. In this post, we will investigate the C++ code generated by il2cpp.exe. Along the way, we will see how managed types are represented in native code, take a look at runtime checks used to support the .NET virtual machine, see how loops are generated and more! We will get into some very version-specific code that is certainly going to chan

                                IL2CPP internals: A tour of generated code | Unity Blog
                              • Hadoop Internals

                                This project contains several diagrams describing Apache Hadoop internals (2.3.0 or later). Even if these diagrams are NOT specified in any formal or unambiguous language (e.g., UML), they should be reasonably understandable (here some diagram notation conventions) and useful for any person who want to grasp the main ideas behind Hadoop. Unfortunately, not all the internal details are covered by t

                                • Scheduling Internals

                                  A sneak peek to what's coming! I remember when I first learned that you can write a server handling millions of clients running on just a single thread, my mind was simply blown away 🤯 I used Node.js while knowing it is single threaded, I used async / await in Python, and I used threads, but never asked myself "How is any of this possible?". This post is written to spread the genius of concurrenc

                                  • More Redis internals: Tracing a GET & SET

                                    In my previous article, I took a superficial look at how Redis starts up and prepares itself to process commands. In this article, I'll follow a GET and a SET command as they move from client through the server and back. The GET will be for a key that doesn't exist, and the SET will set that key. Then I'll look quickly at a subsequent GET and how it differs. As before, I'm exploring Redis with the

                                      More Redis internals: Tracing a GET & SET
                                    • React Internals

                                      • Welcome to OpenJDK Internals’s documentation! — OpenJDK Internals 1.0 documentation

                                        第4回 x86最適化勉強会¶ Hotspotのことで発表させて頂きました。 スライドはslideshareにあげています。 http://www.slideshare.net/nothingcosmos/x86hotspotjit

                                        • GitHub - cout/ruby-internal: A library to provide access to the internals of the Ruby interpreter

                                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                            GitHub - cout/ruby-internal: A library to provide access to the internals of the Ruby interpreter
                                          • rakudo-and-nqp-internals-courseに挑戦した話 その1 - Qiita

                                            こんにちは、3日目の投稿になります。 Introduction みなさんはrakudo-and-nqp-internals-courseを知っていますか? rakudo-and-nqp-internalsはMoarVMの開発者であるJonathan Worthington氏の作ったnqpとrakudoの内部構造に関するチュートリアルです。 スライドだけじゃなくて、エクササイズ問題も用意されています。 http://edumentab.github.io/rakudo-and-nqp-internals-course/ というわけで、詳しい話はスライドを見てもらうとして、今回のアドベントカレンダーでは私がエクササイズ問題に挑戦していきたいと思います。 3日目はExercise 1に挑戦します。 Exercise 1 1.1 Hello, World 初めの儀式、Hello, worldをして

                                              rakudo-and-nqp-internals-courseに挑戦した話 その1 - Qiita
                                            • A look into markbates/grift internals

                                              Grift is a very simple library that allows you to write simple “task” scripts in Go and run them by name without having to write big main type of wrappers. Grift is similar to, and inspired by, Rake. — from the README. You basically create a package called grifts, or create it with the grift init command, declare your scripts/commands in a simple manner and then run them through grift [task name]

                                              • SBCL Internals : index

                                                The pages on this CLiki-driven site can be edited by anybody at any time. No warranty of any kind can therefore be made; any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose are expressly disclaimed Welcome to the SBCL Internals CLiki site. This site is intended to be a source of information for anyone curious about the guts of the system, place to note reverse-engineere

                                                • Predicting the “iPad Mini” internals – Marco.org

                                                  I’m Marco Arment: a programmer, writer, podcaster, geek, and coffee enthusiast. August 30, 2012 ∞https://marco.org/2012/08/30/ipad-mini-internals I saw two curious entries in Instapaper’s device stats today: one iPad2,5 and one iPad2,6. (There were also a few iPhone5,1 devices, but that’s not a surprise — that’s almost certainly next month’s new GSM iPhone.1) These device models, as reported by th

                                                  • PostgreSQL 14 Internals

                                                    I’m excited to announce that the translation of the “PostgreSQL 14 Internals” book is finally complete thanks to the amazing work of Liudmila Mantrova. The final part of the book considers each of the index types in great detail. It explains and demonstrates how access methods, operator classes, and data types work together to serve a variety of distinct needs. You can download a PDF version of th

                                                      PostgreSQL 14 Internals
                                                    • Alex Ionescu’s Blog – Windows Internals, Thoughts on Security, and Reverse Engineering

                                                      Alex Ionescu’s Blog Windows Internals, Thoughts on Security, and Reverse Engineering Introduction Previously, in Part 1, we were able to see how the Windows Driver Foundation (WDF) can significantly simplify the development of drivers, including even “research-type” non-PnP drivers. In this part, we will now enter the guts of Hyper-V and talk about how hypercalls work (a portmanteau of syscall (sy

                                                      • R Internals

                                                        R Internals ¶ This is a guide to the internal structures of R and coding standards for the core team working on R itself. This manual is for R, version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14). Copyright © 1999–2024 R Core Team Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy an

                                                        • Updated Mac Pro Benchmarks and Video of Internals

                                                          Since more of the new Mac Pros have been delivered, it seems some of the early benchmarks underestimated the 2.26GHz Mac Pro's performance in single threaded tasks. The latest numbers show that the new 2.26GHz 8-Core machines appear to have both single-threaded and multi-threaded performance equal to or better than the previous generation 2.8GHz 8-Core machines. Another set of benchmarks are also

                                                            Updated Mac Pro Benchmarks and Video of Internals
                                                          • Understanding MySQL Internalsを読む(2) - mir the developer

                                                            前回の記事 [MySQL] Understanding MySQL Internalsを読む(1) Status Reporting Module システム変数、ステータス変数、テーブル情報、レプリケーションの状態、テーブルキャッシュ等を報告する。SHOW系コマンドの処理。ほとんどのコードはsql/sql_show.ccに書かれている。 sql/sql_show.cc: mysqld_list_process() sql/sql_show.cc: mysqld_show() sql/sql_show.cc: mysqld_show_create() sql/sql_show.cc: mysqld_show_fields() sql/sql_show.cc: mysqld_show_open_tables() sql/sql_show.cc: mysqld_show_warnings() s

                                                              Understanding MySQL Internalsを読む(2) - mir the developer
                                                            • 理解した気分になる Solaris Internals "Chapter 9: Virtual Memory" 総ざらえ

                                                              2013/08/30 9.11 までのまとめを追加 2013/07/27 9.10.2 までのまとめを追加 2013/06/29 9.9 までのまとめを追加 2012/08/24 9.6 までのまとめを追加 2012/01/26 既存部位に加筆/修正を実施 2011/11/25 9.5 までのまとめを追記 2011/08/27 9.2.3 までのまとめを追記 2011/07/29 初版公開(~ 9.1 まで) ----@ 藤原 克則 ( FUJIWARA Katsunori ) 受託開発主体の独立系ソフトウェアハウス数社を経て、現在フリーランス。 前職で、 HPC ( High Performance Computing ) 系システムのために Solaris 向けファイルシステムを実装したのを機に、 OpenSolaris 勉強会に参加。 「入門TortoiseHg+Mercurial」

                                                              • PGCon2012: WAL Internals Of PostgreSQL

                                                                Describes the Write-Ahead-Log Internals of PostgreSQL system. Improvements in WAL system that can be done to improve the performance. PostgreSQL uses WAL files to perform Crash recovery, Point In Time Recovery and Streaming Replication. This article will cover details of WAL system in PostgreSQL like what kind os WAL record gets generated on DML operations. WAL file name details and the contents i

                                                                • A Hacker's Guide to Ncurses Internals

                                                                  Abstract This document is a hacker's tour of the ncurses library and utilities. It discusses design philosophy, implementation methods, and the conventions used for coding and documentation. It is recommended reading for anyone who is interested in porting, extending or improving the package. Objective of the Package The objective of the ncurses package is to provide a free software API for charac

                                                                  • PHP internals 参考記事まとめ - sprawl

                                                                    PHP7が今年の秋リリースということで、色々とPHP7の新機能についてちょこちょこ調べているのですが、パフォーマンスの面で非常に向上しているようで楽しみにしています。 php7のスケジュール https://wiki.php.net/rfc/php7timeline その他、新機能もりもりのようですが、このあたりは改めて記事に書くことにします。 今回はPHPの内部構造、PHPコアについて。 PHPの内部構造(ZendEngineとかzvalとかhashtableとかとか)についての情報って少ないですよね。特に日本語。 そんなわけで、PHPコアについて自分が調べて見つけた記事のうち、役だったものを下記にまとめます(英語多いです)。 自分もまだまだ勉強中ですが、これから勉強するという人のお役に立てば。 PHP: PHP のコア: ハッカーの手引き - Manual 公式。情報が古いですが、日本

                                                                      PHP internals 参考記事まとめ - sprawl
                                                                    • Gustavo Garcia on Twitter: "Making some diagrams with the internals of #webrtc code. Still very much WiP but hope they are useful for somebody… https://t.co/bQcfhBQaL5"

                                                                      Making some diagrams with the internals of #webrtc code. Still very much WiP but hope they are useful for somebody… https://t.co/bQcfhBQaL5

                                                                        Gustavo Garcia on Twitter: "Making some diagrams with the internals of #webrtc code. Still very much WiP but hope they are useful for somebody… https://t.co/bQcfhBQaL5"
                                                                      • Table Of Contents — PHP Internals Book 日本語訳

                                                                        PHP Internals Book 日本語訳 Table Of Contents コンテンツ :: はじめに  » 注釈 このサイトは PHP Internals Book の日本語翻訳サイトです。リポジトリは ここ です。 Table Of Contents¶ はじめに PHPビルドシステムを使う PHPをビルドする PHPエクステンションをビルドする PHPエクステンションの作成 Zvals 基本構造 メモリ管理 キャストと演算 関数の実装 ハッシュテーブル 基本構造 ハッシュテーブルAPI Symtableと配列API ハッシュアルゴリズムと衝突 クラスとオブジェクト シンプルなクラス 独自のオブジェクトストレージ 型付き配列の実装 オブジェクトハンドラー イテレーター シリアライゼーション 定義済みインターフェイス 内部構造と実装 索引と検索¶ 索引 検索ページ コンテンツ ::

                                                                        • Microsoft PowerPoint - 212_Internals Of PostgreSQL Wal [Compatibility Mode]

                                                                          WAL Internals Of PostgreSQL Contents REDO Definition Redo Implementation in PostgreSQL Key Structures Used in PostgreSQL Advantages & Disadvantages of PostgreSQL Implementation Redo Implementation in Oracle Advantages & Disadvantages of Oracle Implementation Improvements in PostgreSQL Detailed method for one of the improvements REDO Definition • Redo logs contain a history of all changes made to t

                                                                          • Ixora Internals Notes

                                                                            Oracle Internals Notes Index Datatypes Numeric datatypes Internal representation of the NUMBER datatype Positive and negative infinity (obsolete) Internal representation of the DATE datatype Julian days and year 0 (bug) Controlfile Controlfile structure Controlfile transactions Controlfile resizing Controlfile dumps Wait event: refresh controlfile command Redo Log block size Log buffer usage Redo

                                                                            • AES cipher internals in Excel

                                                                              Here you can encrypt a block of bytes with a key using the popular Advanced Encryption Standard cipher. All the internal steps of the computation are shown, which can be helpful for anyone debugging their own AES implementation. In each of the 10/12/14 rounds, the sub-steps of SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns, AddRoundKey, and key schedule are shown. Keep in mind that AES data squares are serialize

                                                                              • React Internals Part One: Basic Rendering

                                                                                In this five part series, we will "recreate" React from the ground up, learning how it works along the way. Once we have finished, you should have a good grasp of how React works, and when and why it calls the various lifecycle methods of a component. This series is based on React 15.3, in particular using ReactDOM and the stack reconciler. React 16 and beyond have changed a lot. I still think thi

                                                                                  React Internals Part One: Basic Rendering
                                                                                • Bruce Momjian: Postgres Internals Presentations

                                                                                  PostgreSQL Internals Through Pictures This talk is designed for advanced PostgreSQL users who want to know more about how the database internally processes a query.  It is also ideal for people wanting to modify the PostgreSQL server source code.  It covers PostgreSQL network communication, query parsing, optimizer plan selection, multiversion concurrency control (MVCC), and internal storage chara