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junior seniorの検索結果1 - 23 件 / 23件

  • ‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza

    Smoke rises after Israeli airstrikes in Beit Lahia, in the northern Gaza Strip, December 28, 2023. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) In 2021, a book titled “The Human-Machine Team: How to Create Synergy Between Human and Artificial Intelligence That Will Revolutionize Our World” was released in English under the pen name “Brigadier General Y.S.” In it, the author — a man who we confirmed to be the current

      ‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza
    • What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs (Part I)

      Join the O'Reilly online learning platform. Get a free trial today and find answers on the fly, or master something new and useful. Learn more It’s an exciting time to build with large language models (LLMs). Over the past year, LLMs have become “good enough” for real-world applications. The pace of improvements in LLMs, coupled with a parade of demos on social media, will fuel an estimated $200B

        What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs (Part I)

        This is not an official licensed product. This independent non-profit short film is entirely self-funded and was made in Brazil as a tribute to the great artist Hayao Miyazaki, who has always been an inspiration to me. We are not a large company. Rather, we are a group of friends who have been working on this project for almost 7 years, fueled only by our love of the art. The film is free of c

        • GitHub Copilot Enterprise is now generally available

          ProductGitHub Copilot Enterprise is now generally availableOur most advanced AI offering to date is customized to your organization’s knowledge and codebase, infusing GitHub Copilot throughout the software development lifecycle. Since the early days of GitHub Copilot, our customers have asked us for a copilot that is customized to their own organization’s code and processes. Developers spend more

            GitHub Copilot Enterprise is now generally available
          • Accelerating Generative AI with PyTorch II: GPT, Fast

            This post is the second part of a multi-series blog focused on how to accelerate generative AI models with pure, native PyTorch. We are excited to share a breadth of newly released PyTorch performance features alongside practical examples to see how far we can push PyTorch native performance. In part one, we showed how to accelerate Segment Anything over 8x using only pure, native PyTorch. In this

              Accelerating Generative AI with PyTorch II: GPT, Fast
            • アメリカで「カミングアウト差別対策」が必要なのは「パートナーがいて一人前」の文化が強いから?という説

              梓弓 @Ma_R8 日本には「結婚して一人前」と言う昭和文化があったが、アメリカは「パートナーがいて一人前」のプロム文化だから他人のプライベートを放っておく選択肢がなく、パートナーがいる事を広く知らしめないと社会的地位が低くなるので同性愛をカムアウトする必要があって、だからカムアウト差別対策が必要。 2023-10-16 07:06:05 リンク Wikipedia カミングアウト カミング・アウト・オブ・ザ・クローゼット(英: coming out of the closet)とは、これまで公にしていなかった自らの出生や病状、性的指向等を表明すること。「カミング・アウト」と省略されることも多いが、「カミング・アウト」はデビューする、世に出る、単に秘密を公言・公表することなどを意味する。ここでは「カミング・アウト・オブ・ザ・クローゼット」について記述する。英語の動詞形でカムアウト(英: c

              • Unlocking the power of unstructured data with RAG

                Whether they’re building a new product or improving a process or feature, developers and IT leaders need data and insights to make informed decisions. When it comes to software development, this data exists in two ways: unstructured and structured. While structured data follows a specific and predefined format, unstructured data—like email, an audio or visual file, code comment, or commit message—

                  Unlocking the power of unstructured data with RAG
                • Putin hijacked Austria’s spy service. Now he’s going after its government

                  VIENNA — The coup began with the sound of a doorbell. Just after 8 a.m. on Feb. 28, 2018, Austrian police Commander Wolfgang Preiszler pressed the buzzer at the headquarters of the country’s domestic intelligence service and held his ID up to the security camera. Within minutes, dozens of his colleagues armed with Glock pistols and a battering ram fanned out through the building in bullet-proof ve

                    Putin hijacked Austria’s spy service. Now he’s going after its government
                  • ‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza

                    Smoke rises after Israeli airstrikes in several location in the Gaza Strip, October 9, 2023. (Atia Mohammed/Flash90) The Israeli army’s expanded authorization for bombing non-military targets, the loosening of constraints regarding expected civilian casualties, and the use of an artificial intelligence system to generate more potential targets than ever before, appear to have contributed to the de

                      ‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza
                    • Why is Common Lisp not the most popular programming language? | Hacker News

                      It's the lists.No, not the prefix notation, parenthesis, what have you, although that doesn't help. The lists themselves. In Lisp, code is data, and data is lists. Yes, of course, there are hashmaps, arrays, strings. But idiomatic Lisp code really does use linked lists extensively, it's an entire style of programming. Even if you'd prefer to use different data structures (and again, Common Lisp do

                      • Cyberbullying Gone Global: Fediverse Spam and Operation Beleaguer

                        On February 15th, newly-created Fediverse accounts started posting spam messages from various instances, sending invites to a Discord server for a Japanese troll organization. This spam was widespread across the Fediverse. The posts frame ap12 from “KuronekoServer” as the culprit behind the operation. Looking at their spam content (in Japanese), it’s obvious that it’s not just any typical spam. An

                          Cyberbullying Gone Global: Fediverse Spam and Operation Beleaguer
                        • 5 Lessons I learned the hard way from 6 years as a software engineer

                          Hey there, Jordan here 👋. You’re probably familiar with most of my articles being a “how-to” guide. Those guides come from my real-world experience and lessons I learned—usually from mistakes I made. This article is going to cover the 5 biggest lessons I had to learn the hard way through feedback that surprised me. Each of these shaped the engineer I am today. Hopefully, sharing these lessons wit

                            5 Lessons I learned the hard way from 6 years as a software engineer
                          • Are Software Jobs Well-Paying in Japan

                            If you're interested in pursuing a software developer job in Japan and wondering about the salary prospects, this article will provide you with valuable information. We'll explore various aspects of IT jobs in software development in Japan, including front-end, back-end, and full-stack positions. While being bilingual in Japanese is advantageous, it's worth noting that there is also a significant

                              Are Software Jobs Well-Paying in Japan
                            • Technology Trends for 2024

                              What O’Reilly Learning Platform Usage Tells Us About Where the Industry Is Headed This has been a strange year. While we like to talk about how fast technology moves, internet time, and all that, in reality the last major new idea in software architecture was microservices, which dates to roughly 2015. Before that, cloud computing itself took off in roughly 2010 (AWS was founded in 2006); and Agil

                                Technology Trends for 2024
                              • Education System in Japan: The Complete Guide

                                Many of you reading this article would likely have finished university. However, it’s essential to understand the Japanese educational system, especially if you are in Japan or planning to move in with school-going kids or a foreigner looking for higher education in Japan. Japanese School Education System Japanese school education system consists of 12 years, out of which the first 9 years of educ

                                  Education System in Japan: The Complete Guide
                                • ‘The Gospel’: how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza

                                  Israel’s military has made no secret of the intensity of its bombardment of the Gaza Strip. In the early days of the offensive, the head of its air force spoke of relentless, “around the clock” airstrikes. His forces, he said, were only striking military targets, but he added: “We are not being surgical.” There has, however, been relatively little attention paid to the methods used by the Israel D

                                    ‘The Gospel’: how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza
                                  • Kitemaker blog - More product, fewer PMs

                                    There has been a lot of discussion about how many Product Managers (PMs) are required in a product team. This conversation gained momentum after Airbnb restructured their product management organization, followed by articles about how startups are thriving without any PMs. I agree that many companies hire too many PMs. As a result, PMs often fill their days with project management tasks and updati

                                      Kitemaker blog - More product, fewer PMs
                                    • Staff/Senior Web Engineer (Japan)

                                      Are you prepared to join the X team and help build the ultimate real-time information-sharing app, revolutionizing how people connect? At X, we're on a mission to become a trusted global digital public square, committed to minimal censorship within legal boundaries. Our goal is to empower every user to freely create and share ideas, fostering open public discourse without barriers. Join us in shap

                                        Staff/Senior Web Engineer (Japan)
                                      • Disagree and Commit

                                        ← all episodes Listen now “Consensus is cozy, but broad agreement is not our aim. The right decision is. Which is why we take the time to think, debate, persuade, listen and reconsider and then, someone, decides. If you disagree, that’s fine, but once the decision is made, it’s time to commit and support it completely.” Tune in as Kimberly leads a chat with Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

                                          Disagree and Commit
                                        • Iggy.rs - building message streaming in Rust

                                          Origins Over half a year ago (in April, to be exact), I eventually decided to learn Rust for good. My previous attempt during the 2022 AoC had failed rather quickly, after a few days of completing the exercises - I finally realized that I needed a real project to work on. For the last few years, I've been dealing with the different kinds of distributed systems (mostly using C#), including the typi

                                          • What is Data Science, and How to Get Into It?

                                            Modern technology has enabled the development and usage of storage, increasing the volume of information and data. As a result, data storage in recent years has been explosive. However, most of this data is untouched in databases and data lakes. For organizations and society to reap the benefits of collected data, we must interpret it. This requires high-level skills, where Data Science comes into

                                              What is Data Science, and How to Get Into It?
                                            • IT Salaries in Japan - WA-DAN

                                              You’re on the right track if you are considering applying for a software developer job in Japan. Read on as we offer you information on jobs in software development in Japan – in front, back, and full stack. While having bilingual proficiency in Japanese is an added advantage, it’s worth noting that there is also a big demand for English-speaking talent in Japan. The IT industry in Japan boasts so

                                                IT Salaries in Japan - WA-DAN
                                              • From engineer to manager: what I love, what I hate

                                                It's been almost 2 years since I moved to a team lead role, then to a full-time engineering management position after the expansion of our team. I've been a front-end developer for 7 years before that, and initially I took the "advanced individual contributor" career track before doing the management turnaround. How's it been? Bumpy, but fun. In this article, I'll share the things I love and hate

                                                  From engineer to manager: what I love, what I hate