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lifestreamingの検索結果81 - 120 件 / 153件

  • Mitter: Friendfeed For Online Videos (And Other Media) | TechCrunch

    Sometimes it’s hard to remember which video you have seen, left a comment on, rated, or who recommended it to you. And it’s getting harder to cut the noise in the heavily crowded online video space (YouTube users alone are uploading 15 hours of new content every 60 seconds). This is where Mitter, a service provided by Tokyo-based Metacast comes in (the site is available in English). Mitter wants t

      Mitter: Friendfeed For Online Videos (And Other Media) | TechCrunch
    • .NET製のライフストリーミングブログ·AmpliFeeder MOONGIFT

      ※ 画像は公式サイトデモより ITエンジニア向けプロフィールサイト「達人」でもライフストリーミングサービスを開始した。FriendFeedをはじめ、様々なサービスでライフストリーミングサービスを開始している。多様なサービスからデータを集めるものもあれば、Twitterのように集約していくものもある。 デザインが格好いいライフストリーミングブログ ソーシャルなサービスではユーザのデータが蓄積されることによって成り立っている。そうしたサービスごとに散在してしまったデータを集約するのがAmpliFeederだ。 今回紹介するオープンソース・ソフトウェアはAmpliFeeder、.NETで作られたライフストリーミングブログシステムだ。 AmpliFeederはBrightkite、Delicious、MySpace、Flickr、Googleリーダー、RSSフィード、Last.fm、MicroBl

        .NET製のライフストリーミングブログ·AmpliFeeder MOONGIFT
      • Alan Cheslow

        Alan Cheslow Shoreline, WA

        • HugeDomains.com

          Captcha security check istalkr.com is for sale Please prove you're not a robot View Price Processing

          • Jaiku - Wikipedia

            Jaiku was a social networking, micro-blogging and lifestreaming service comparable to Twitter,[1] founded a month before the latter.[2] Jaiku was founded in February 2006 by Jyri Engeström[3] and Petteri Koponen from Finland[4] and launched in July of that year. It was purchased by Google on October 9, 2007.[5][6] When Jaiku Ltd was an independent company, its head office was in Helsinki.[7] Histo

            • The Evolution of Blogging

              Stay on Top of Enterprise Technology Trends. Get updates impacting your industry from our GigaOm Research Community Dave Winer’s ability to peer into the future is uncanny. He was talking about a river of news long before the current activity streams became popular. He was evangelizing RSS long before there were blogs. I could go on and on about his prescient observations, but it’s his warnings th

              • 知的好奇心解放 - マ儿コの日記 - 自己と身体と言語について googleによるjaiku買収とlifestreamingとブログについて

                はてなグループの終了日を2020年1月31日(金)に決定しました 以下のエントリの通り、今年末を目処にはてなグループを終了予定である旨をお知らせしておりました。 2019年末を目処に、はてなグループの提供を終了する予定です - はてなグループ日記 このたび、正式に終了日を決定いたしましたので、以下の通りご確認ください。 終了日: 2020年1月31日(金) エクスポート希望申請期限:2020年1月31日(金) 終了日以降は、はてなグループの閲覧および投稿は行えません。日記のエクスポートが必要な方は以下の記事にしたがって手続きをしてください。 はてなグループに投稿された日記データのエクスポートについて - はてなグループ日記 ご利用のみなさまにはご迷惑をおかけいたしますが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 2020-06-25 追記 はてなグループ日記のエクスポートデータは2020年2月28

                  知的好奇心解放 - マ儿コの日記 - 自己と身体と言語について googleによるjaiku買収とlifestreamingとブログについて
                • Basics of Attention Profiling through APML – CleverClogs

                  CleverClogs Experiments in writing, by Marjolein Hoekstra @OneNoteC “If you want to inform yourself of the basic principles of attention profiling or need to explain the concept to others then please read on. Feel free to add your clarifications, your conclusions and your constructive criticism to this deliberately non-geek conversation.” In recent months quite a few bloggers covered the growing a

                  • Bret Taylor's blog

                    Last week, I gave a short presentation about FriendFeed before a panel at the MIT/Stanford Venture Lab. The panel, entitled "Lifestreaming: The Real-time Web," included me, Loic Le Meur (Seesmic), Leah Culver (Pownce), and Jeff Clavier (SoftTechVC), and it was moderated by Kara Swisher. After Louis Gray's writeup of my presentation and Kara Swisher's video made the rounds on FriendFeed, I have got

                    • Self Hosted Lifestream Gallery #1 | Lifestream Blog

                      This is a new feature here at the Lifestream Blog. As the Lifestreaming concept proliferates across the web, I am seeing more people using scripts, plugins, and other code to create some unique Lifestreams that are self hosted. I plan to spotlight some of these sites. This will hopefully be an on-going feature as I come across some great sites in the future. Also feel free to submit sites to me by

                        Self Hosted Lifestream Gallery #1 | Lifestream Blog
                      • 30+ Plugins to Make Your WordPress Blog More Social

                        This collection of plugins just begins to scratch the surface of what's available out there. As with all WordPress plugin lists, we highly suggest you do not install all of these because not only would it be redundant, it would also slow down the response times of your site. Dedicated Site Plugins Digg Digg - Will let you quickly add the Digg button to your posts with commands for left or right fl

                          30+ Plugins to Make Your WordPress Blog More Social
                        • 4 Questions for Every Early Adopter

                          The battle lines have been drawn today. You're with us or you're against us. You're cool and hip or lame and square. No, I'm not talking about political lines (for once), I'm talking about the early adopters versus the mainstream, or as Robert Scoble framed it: the passionates versus the non-passionates. What, though, is a passionate (sometimes referred to as an 'evangelist')? What is the definiti

                            4 Questions for Every Early Adopter
                          • Why Jaiku, Not Twitter? - O'Reilly Radar

                            A lot of the discussion of Jaiku's acquisition by Google seems to see Jaiku as a competitor to twitter. For example, Mashable.com says: This is somewhat surprising news considering the perceived dominance of Twitter in the so-called “lifestreaming” space. Additionally, Twitter is co-founded by Evan Williams, who was the creator of Blogger, which was previously acquired by Google. In a world where

                            • onaswarm.com

                              This domain may be for sale!

                              • TechCrunch Japanese アーカイブ » AOLのSocialthing!買収を確認

                                Foursquare, the location-focused outfit that in 2020 merged with Factual, another location-focused outfit, is joining the parade of companies to make cuts to one of its biggest cost centers –…

                                  TechCrunch Japanese アーカイブ » AOLのSocialthing!買収を確認
                                • 20 Ways To Aggregate Your Social Networking Profiles

                                  In an inspired blog post, Jason Kottke said that social networks aren't helping us organize; since all of them require different credentials to log in, they're just adding to the noise. He just might be up to something there. It's getting harder and harder to remember all those logins, passwords, and most importantly to remember which of your friends are using what network. Social network aggregat

                                    20 Ways To Aggregate Your Social Networking Profiles
                                  • 12 Open Source Microblogging Software - Smashfreakz

                                    12 Open Source Microblogging Software by Julian Anderson May 1, 2020, 16:01 4.3k Views 8 Comments Microblogging is a new trend on internet era. It is latest evolutions of the web  2.0 technology. One of popular microblogging service is Twitter. It was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorse. It become one of most popular social media and become rival of facebook. Twitter have 140 million active users

                                      12 Open Source Microblogging Software - Smashfreakz
                                    • ONLINE PRODUCTIVITY GOD: 400+ Resources To Make You Smarter, Faster & a Demon in the Sack

                                      ONLINE PRODUCTIVITY GOD: 400+ Resources To Make You Smarter, Faster & a Demon in the Sack [img src="" caption="" credit="" alt=""] Getting things done isn't easy. In fact, it's incredibly tough. In this article, we look at four ways to get through your work faster: running your life online, mastering RSS news feeds, aggregating your social networks and using keyboard shortcuts to save precious sec

                                        ONLINE PRODUCTIVITY GOD: 400+ Resources To Make You Smarter, Faster & a Demon in the Sack
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                                        • tpexblog - Sweetcronの導入とカスタマイズ

                                          tpexblog フリーソフトやその他話題、シルエットEPSファイルのダウンロードなど。"Download free vector silhouette graphics." homedownloadsaboutcontactworks ロリポップサーバーがSweetcronの自動インストール機能がついたので早速使ってみました。 Sweetcronの説明 Sweetcron is a self-hosted lifestreaming application that supports themes & plugins. It is based on the CodeIgniter php framework, from EllisLab. 訳:Sweetcronはテーマとプラグインをサポートした自分でホストするライフストリーミングアプリケーションです。EllisLabが作ったphpフレ

                                          • JavaScript is not available.

                                            Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.

                                            • ReadWriteWebもKakuteru.comを紹介:招待状をもとめてコメント欄が盛況 - ICHINOHE Blog

                                              先日紹介したライフストリームサービスのKakuteru.comが、ReadWriteWebでも紹介された。 Kakuteru: A Blogging and Lifestreaming Mashup (+Invites) - ReadWriteWeb. ICHINOHE Blog: 新しいソーシャルストリームサービスKakuteru.comを試してみた まだPrivate Betaのままだが、ReadWriteWebのコメント欄に招待を希望するコメントを書くと招待状がもらえるそうで、さっきコメントが250を超えていた。まだまだ伸びそう。 また、Twitterにもmykakuteruというアカウントが設置された。招待状がほしい人はフォローしていうメッセージがあり、フォロワーは現時点で150を超えたところ。

                                                ReadWriteWebもKakuteru.comを紹介:招待状をもとめてコメント欄が盛況 - ICHINOHE Blog
                                              • What Is Real Time Search? Definitions & Players

                                                SearchBot requires a free Search Engine Land account to use, and gives you access to all SearchBot personas, an image generator, and much more! If you already have a Search Engine Land account, log in now. Otherwise, register here! There seems to be no end to companies saying they offer real time search these days. And no end to people quoting how Google itself says it wants to improve in the area

                                                  What Is Real Time Search? Definitions & Players
                                                • The future that everyone forgot

                                                  I came across a website whose purpose was to provide a super detailed list of every handheld computing environment going back to the early 1970's. It did a great job except for one glaring omission: the first mobile platform that I helped develop. The company was called Danger, the platform was called hiptop, and what follows is an account of our early days, and a list of some of the “modern” tech

                                                    The future that everyone forgot
                                                  • Readr - 20 profiles in 1 - Stay in touch with your friends.

                                                    20 profiles in 1. Put your blog, photos, and more together in one place. Get started now »It's FREE and only takes 30 seconds. Supported Sites Myspace Bebo Flickr Photobucket Blogger Multiply Friendster Hi5 Wordpress Livejournal Twitter Jaiku Facebook Digg del.icio.us Google Reader StumbleUpon YouTube last.fm Picasa Amazon

                                                    • ProFiLactic.com is for sale | HugeDomains

                                                      Make 24 monthly payments Pay 0% interest Start using the domain today. See details

                                                        ProFiLactic.com is for sale | HugeDomains
                                                      • 25+ Incredibly Useful Twitter Tools and Firefox Plugins - noupe

                                                        Twitter is an amazing service that we all love, everyday we notice a new twitter tool or service that makes using it more easy and fun. Today we wanted to highlight more than 25 of our favorite Twitter add-ons, tools and services that won't resist. This list is not intended to be all-inclusive, let us know your favorite twitter tool and why you like it. You may want to take a look at the following

                                                          25+ Incredibly Useful Twitter Tools and Firefox Plugins - noupe
                                                        • Twibot: A Ruby Microframework for Building Twitter Bots

                                                          Ruby Weekly is a weekly newsletter covering the latest Ruby and Rails news. Twibot is a Sinatra-esque "micro framework" for building Twitter bots (somewhat like Isaac is for IRC). If you're not familiar with Twitter, it's a lifestreaming-meets-microblogging type service with a few million users who constantly post about what they're doing or experiencing (I find it's very much an acquired taste an

                                                          • New Lifestreaming Plugin for WordPress Based on Simplepie | Lifestream Blog

                                                            I recently got word from Kieran Delaney about his new Lifestreaming plugin for WordPress called Simplelife. It’s based on the Simplepie RSS parser instead of the built-in MagpieRSS one that has issues and is used by some of the other WordPress Lifestreaming plugins out there. It’s currently an Alpha version and although I haven’t tried it yet, it appears to offer some good functionality and have a

                                                              New Lifestreaming Plugin for WordPress Based on Simplepie | Lifestream Blog
                                                            • Live streaming - Wikipedia

                                                              The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page, or create a new article, as appropriate. (June 2020) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) China Railway staff livestreaming on the first day operation of Beijing Fengtai railway station on 20 June 2022 during COVID-19 Pand

                                                                Live streaming - Wikipedia
                                                              • FriendFeed introduces real-time search | VentureBeat

                                                                Lifestreaming service FriendFeed is introducing real-time search, so you can search for anything on the site and see it instantly. Real-time search is also live for advanced search options, including search terms that you can save and track through FriendFeed, and on its blog widget. From the company: Just enter a search query as you always have, and see new results instantly stream in at the top

                                                                • Card.ly Lets You Create Cool Online Business Cards In A Matter Of Minutes | TechCrunch

                                                                  Card.ly Lets You Create Cool Online Business Cards In A Matter Of Minutes Have a personal domain name but not sure whether you should have it redirect to your blog, Facebook profile, LinkedIn or Twitter account? Lacking the time or skills to set up a web presence of your own where you can point to all of them at will? Card.ly is here to save the day. Inspired by the look of the personal web page o

                                                                    Card.ly Lets You Create Cool Online Business Cards In A Matter Of Minutes | TechCrunch
                                                                  • The History and Evolution of Social Media

                                                                    Social media has become an integral part of modern society. There are general social networks with user bases larger than the population of most countries. There are niche sites for virtually every special interest out there. There are sites to share photos, videos, status updates, sites for meeting new people and sites to connect with old friends. It seems there are social solutions to just about

                                                                      The History and Evolution of Social Media
                                                                    • Japanese Social Lifestreaming Service Mitter | Lifestream Blog

                                                                      The other day I saw a Tweet from Kengo Ito annnouncing a post about Lifestreaming service Mitter.jp which as the domain suggests comes to us from Japan. His tweet linked to a post about the service that included a slideshare presentation which I have embedded below. I found the following portions of the presentation interesting There is mention of several services I’m not familiar with that are in

                                                                        Japanese Social Lifestreaming Service Mitter | Lifestream Blog
                                                                      • 25 of the best SweetCron-powered Lifestreams | CarbonGraffiti

                                                                        Posted by: Jon Aizlewood On: November 24th, 2008 Under: Best of / Social Media / lifestream / web design 25 of the best SweetCron-powered Lifestreams Lifestreaming. It can be defined as ‘an automated, effective way to centralize one’s various web activities into a single, unified website or stream’ and it can take various forms. Some people use services like FriendFeed or Tumblr, whilst others o

                                                                        • RSS Stream – Rick's HideOut

                                                                          RSS Stream displays your social feeds in a lifestream way. Requirements PHP5 (hey, PHP4 is doomed!) RSS feeds must be in RSS 2.0 format Features: Uses WordPress resources (no extra libraries needed) Personalizable CSS classes Options Page Multilinguage support Detects URLs, e-mail address and @username replies Suported services: Twitter Jaiku Pownce Delicious Flickr Facebook Last.fm Photobucket …a

                                                                          • 25 of the best SweetCron-powered Lifestreams | CarbonGraffiti - Email, Online Marketing & Web Design

                                                                            Lifestreaming. It can be defined as ‘an automated, effective way to centralize one’s various web activities into a single, unified website or stream’ and it can take various forms. Some people use services like FriendFeed or Tumblr, whilst others opt to make their own. Whichever way you choose to aggregate your activities, the fact remains that a platform is becoming very necessary to pull them al

                                                                            • My Data Stream

                                                                              After a year and a half of using social applications heavily, I recently had to revisit the plan to aggregate all my activity into one data stream. As the calendar rolled to 2007, I kept wishing I could look at all my social activity from 2006 in context: time, date, type of activity, location, memory, information interest, and so on. What was I bookmarking, blogging about, listening to, going to,

                                                                              • TwitterとPokenとPoken Night!開催 - メタキャストCEOのブログ

                                                                                何だかわけのわからないタイトルですが(笑) えーっと、まず最近Twitterにすごく注目しています。Twitterというのはブログとチャットの中間みたいなサービスで140文字という字数制限の中で、今その瞬間の思いを表現するというもの。メタキャストが目指しているSocial Lifestreaming Serviceには欠かせない要素だと思っているのが注目している理由です。 米国では2007年3月の第1次ブーム以来の第2次ブームと言われてるみたいで、最近ではリアルタイム検索としてGoogleを超えているとかの記事も目にします。 私も2年前の春先位に登録していたのですが、便利で「これは面白い!」と思えるようになって来たのは最近の話で、実はリアルに知っている人たちとのつながりが増えてきてからです。 (その前からうちの社員のヘビーユーザには「たくさんの人とつながらないと面白くないですよ」とは聞いて

                                                                                  TwitterとPokenとPoken Night!開催 - メタキャストCEOのブログ
                                                                                • friendfeedがサポート言語に6言語を追加 - huixingの日記

                                                                                  lifestreamingのアグリゲーター・サイトであるfriendfeedがサポート言語に日本語や中国語など新たに6言語を加えた。friendfeedはつい最近日本のはてなと中国の百度空間のサポートを開始したばかりだった。これまでのインターフェイス言語は英語のみだったがユーザーの使用する英語以外言語の割合は3分の1に登っていた。frienfeedはこれらによってさらにグローバルな成長が見込まれる。サポート言語は各ページの最下部やfriendfeedのアカウントページから変更できるほか、ブラウザのインターフェイス言語が今回サポートした言語に該当する場合、自動的にその言語に変更される。 they're opening up to a bunch of new users by translating their lifestreaming interface into German (wil

                                                                                    friendfeedがサポート言語に6言語を追加 - huixingの日記