Rapidly self-serve the assembly of customized dashboards in minutes - without the need for advanced coding or design experience - to create flexible and scalable, Python enabled data visualization applications Use a few lines of simple configuration to create complex dashboards, which are automatically assembled utilizing libraries such as Plotly and Dash, with inbuilt coding and design best pract
Technocratic management, no matter how brilliant, cannot unwind structural inequalities. Updated at 9:54 a.m. ET on February 6, 2020. When Pete Buttigieg accepted a position at the management consultancy McKinsey & Company, he already had sterling credentials: high-school valedictorian, a bachelor’s degree from Harvard, a Rhodes Scholarship. He could have taken any number of jobs and, moreover, ha
As it’s currently imagined, the technology promises to concentrate wealth and disempower workers. Is an alternative possible? When we talk about artificial intelligence, we rely on metaphor, as we always do when dealing with something new and unfamiliar. Metaphors are, by their nature, imperfect, but we still need to choose them carefully, because bad ones can lead us astray. For example, it’s bec
Image credit: McKinsey 100年近い歴史を持ち、世界最大級のコンサルティング会社であるMcKinsey and Company は今年初め、ジェネレーティブ AI ツールの急速な導入で大きな話題となった。 その McKinsey が、独自のAIツール「Lilli」を発表した。これは McKinsey の CTO Jacky Wright 氏が率いるチーム「ClienTech」が設計した社員向けの新しいチャットアプリケーションだ。情報、洞察、データ、計画を提供し、コンサルティングプロジェクトに最も適した社内の専門家を推薦する。 McKinsey のシニアパートナーで、この製品の開発を率いた Erik Roth 氏は、VentureBeat に次のように答えた。 McKinseyの 知識を総動員して質問し、(AI が)それに答えてくれるとしたら、それは会社にとってどんなこ
The illegitimate Cuban regime has made Cuba a safe haven for Communist China, Russia, Iran, and Venezuela. This poses a direct threat, just 90 miles from our shores, to our national security interests, and the stability of our region. The United States must continue... A McKinsey & Company (McKinsey) led think tank, the Urban China Initiative, produced a report to inform the People’s Republic of C
Which technology trends matter most for companies in 2024? New analysis by the McKinsey Technology Council highlights the adoption, development, and industry effects of advanced technologies. Despite challenging overall market conditions in 2023, continuing investments in frontier technologies promise substantial future growth in enterprise adoption. Generative AI (gen AI) has been a standout tren
Join our daily and weekly newsletters for the latest updates and exclusive content on industry-leading AI coverage. Learn More McKinsey and Company, the nearly century-old firm that is the one of the largest consulting agencies in the world, made headlines earlier this year with its rapid embrace of generative AI tools, saying in June that nearly half of its 30,000 employees were using the technol
Jeffrey A. Rosen, deputy attorney general, discussed criminal charges last month against Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin.Credit...Yuri Gripas/Reuters When Purdue Pharma agreed last month to plead guilty to criminal charges involving OxyContin, the Justice Department noted the role an unidentified consulting company had played in driving sales of the addictive painkiller even as public outrag