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non-blockingの検索結果1 - 25 件 / 25件

  • JavaScript Visualized - Promise Execution

    Promises in JavaScript can seem a bit daunting at first, but understanding what's happening under the hood can make them much more approachable. In this blog post, we'll dive deep into some of the inner workings of promises and explore how they enable non-blocking asynchronous tasks in JavaScript. I'm still working on making this blog better on mobile devices, mobile browsers don't always render t

      JavaScript Visualized - Promise Execution
    • SolidQueue解体新書 - メドピア開発者ブログ

      こんにちは。サーバーサイドエンジニアの三村(@t_mimura39)です。 さて、Railsエンジニアの皆さんは非同期処理にどのようなライブラリを利用していますか? ちなみに弊社では Sidekiq を利用するプロジェクトが多いです。 tech.medpeer.co.jp 今回はRailsでの非同期処理ライブラリの新たな選択肢として誕生した「SolidQueue」について解説します。 github.com 目次 🙋 はじめに 🙋 📝 SolidQueueとは 📝 🚀 SolidQueueの特徴 🚀 🔓 「FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED」 とは 🔓 🍡 3種類のアクターについて 🍡 起動方法 (おまけ)二つの起動モードについて 🚶 SolidQueue実装の歩き方 🚶 モデル アクター 🥞 SolidQueueのモデル(テーブル)🥞 Jobの状態遷移

        SolidQueue解体新書 - メドピア開発者ブログ
      • ECS FargateでSeleniumを実行する

        はじめに こんにちは、GMOソリューションパートナーのTKです。 当社には、AWSの学習用のアカウントがあります。 今回はそれを活用して、ローカルのdocker環境上で動かしていたSeleniumを ECSのFargateで動作させてみることにしました。 構成 root ├ python │ └ Dockerfile │ └ requirements.txt │ └ script.py ├ selenium │ └ Dockerfile └ docker-compose.yml コード pythonディレクトリ配下 FROM python:3.12 ENV TZ Asia/Tokyo RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y sudo vim && \ apt-get clean COPY ./ /app RUN pip install -r /

          ECS FargateでSeleniumを実行する
        • Node.js: The Documentary | An origin story

          Back in 2008, most people thought of JavaScript as just a client-side language. But when Google's V8 appeared, young developer Ryan Dahl made the connection between non-blocking servers, V8, and JavaScript. It was by combining these key elements that he was able to create the now hugely popular Node.js. What young Ryan Dahl probably didn't expect was how much forking drama would follow. Join us

            Node.js: The Documentary | An origin story
          • AWS SDK for Rust is now generally available

            Today, AWS announces the general availability of the AWS SDK for Rust, allowing customers to now use this for production workloads. The AWS SDK for Rust empowers developers to interact with AWS services and enjoy APIs that follow Rust idioms and best practices. AWS SDK for Rust provides idiomatic, type-safe API and supports modern Rust language features like async/await, non-blocking IO, and build

              AWS SDK for Rust is now generally available
            • eC Programming Language

              import "EDA" import "genericEditor" enum MediaType { unknown, tape, dvd, bluRay }; dbtable "Borrowers" Borrower { Borrower id "ID"; String name "Name"; String phoneNumber "Phone Number"; }; dbtable "Movies" Movie { Movie id "ID"; String name "Name"; MediaType mediaType "Media Type"; Date dateAdded "Date Added"; Borrower borrower "Borrower"; Date dateBorrowed "Date Borrowed"; }; DataSource ds; Data

              • Introducing Solid Queue

                We’ve just open-sourced Solid Queue, a new backend for Active Job that we use in HEY to run about 1/3 of our roughly 18 million jobs per day. We’ll be moving more jobs in the coming days until we run HEY exclusively using Solid Queue. Besides regular job enqueuing and processing, Solid Queue supports delayed jobs, concurrency controls, pausing queues, numeric priorities per job, and priorities by

                  Introducing Solid Queue
                • jQuery Attack Hits NPM and GitHub; Can Extract Web Form Data

                  jQuery Attack Hits NPM and GitHub; Can Extract Web Form Data The trojanized jQuery attack has been spread on npm, GitHub and elsewhere since May. A trojanized version of jQuery has been spreading on the npm JavaScript package manager, GitHub and elsewhere, for use in a jQuery attack, security researchers have discovered. Phylum researchers said they have been monitoring the “persistent supply chai

                    jQuery Attack Hits NPM and GitHub; Can Extract Web Form Data
                  • Garnet–open-source faster cache-store speeds up applications, services

                    Researchers at Microsoft have been working for nearly a decade to address the increasing demand for data storage mechanisms to support the rapid advances in interactive web applications and services. Our new cache-store system called Garnet, which offers several advantages over legacy cache-stores, has been deployed in multiple use cases at Microsoft, such as those in the Windows & Web Experiences

                      Garnet–open-source faster cache-store speeds up applications, services
                    • JJUG CCC 2024 Spring ( #jjug_ccc ) - セッション資料の一覧 - 地平線に行く

                      JJUG CCC 2024 Spring に参加しました! JJUG CCC への登壇も3回目。今回は、なんと桜庭さんと二人でのセッションでした。1 登壇中は、だんだん余裕がなくなってだいぶテンパってしまい、会場の反応を見れていなかったのですが、その後の反応を伺う限り二人での話が良かったということを聞いて安心しました。また次も登壇できるようにネタを考えます! セッションは色々聞いた中でも、FFMでJITコンパイラを作ってみたがとても面白かったです。アセンブラはほとんど理解できなかったのですが、わからないけどやってみたいと思ったそんな内容でした。Java 関連のセッションなのに機械語やアセンブラの話がメインになるなんて、本当にすごい…。 さて、最後にいつものを。 今回、残念ながら時間がかぶってしまって参加できなかったセッションがいっぱいあったので、あとで読むために現時点で発表者の方が公開され

                        JJUG CCC 2024 Spring ( #jjug_ccc ) - セッション資料の一覧 - 地平線に行く
                      • 仮想スレッド/ネイティブイメージ/CRaC/ノンブロッキングにも対応! msで起動しオンプレからサーバレスまで幅広く利用できる 軽量OSSフレームワークQuarkus

                        Keywords : Virtual Threads / Native Image / CRaC / Non Blocking / Loom / GraalVM / Reactive / Eclipse MicroProfile / Jakarta EE / Spring Boot

                          仮想スレッド/ネイティブイメージ/CRaC/ノンブロッキングにも対応! msで起動しオンプレからサーバレスまで幅広く利用できる 軽量OSSフレームワークQuarkus
                        • Persistent npm Campaign Shipping Trojanized jQuery

                          Since May 26, 2024, Phylum has been monitoring a persistent supply chain attacker involving a trojanized version of jQuery. We initially discovered the malicious variant on npm, where we saw the compromised version published in dozens of packages over a month. After investigating, we found instances of the trojanized jQuery on other platforms, such as GitHub, and even as a CDN-hosted resource on j

                            Persistent npm Campaign Shipping Trojanized jQuery
                          • Cursor Directory

                            Python8TypeScript7React6Next.js4React Native4Vite3C#3Meta-Prompt3Expo3JavaScript2FastAPI2Unity2Game Development2API2Function2Tailwind2Astro1Viem v21Wagmi v21Standard.js1SwiftUI1Swift1Laravel1PHP1Ruby1Rails1Microservices1Serverless1Flask1Django1Web Development1Vue.js1Node.js1Critique1Reflection1Trajectory Analysis1WebShop1Acting1Tailwind CSS1three.js1React three fiber1Julia1DataScience1Data Analyst

                              Cursor Directory
                            • Welcome to Claro! - The Claro Programming Language (DRAFT)

                              Welcome to Claro! Claro is a statically typed JVM language that provides a well-lit path to building simple, highly concurrent, and scalable applications. Dependency Management Done Right Claro was designed with modern build tooling in mind: Swap any dependency without changing a single line of source code Runtime "Dependency Injection" frameworks are a thing of the past First class Module system

                              • Async Rust in a Nutshell

                                Computers are just as fast as they can be. One way to speed up our programs is to do things in parallel, or concurrently. There is a fine distinction between those two terms. Parallel execution means that we execute two different tasks at the same time, on two different CPUs. Concurrent execution means that a single CPU makes progress on more than one task at the same time, by interleaving the exe

                                  Async Rust in a Nutshell
                                • The Art of Forking: Unlocking Scalability in Ruby

                                  Introduction The journey towards efficient parallelization in library development has often been based on using threads. As Karafka celebrates its eighth anniversary, it's become clear that while threads have served us well for many tasks, there's room to explore further. That's why I've decided to introduce forking capabilities into Karafka, aiming to offer another dimension of parallelization to

                                    The Art of Forking: Unlocking Scalability in Ruby
                                  • Node.js/TypeScriptの特性と現場での活用 - Qiita

                                    この記事は? @cosmeを運用するistyleでは、業務でNode.jsを積極的に活用しています。私、村田がいるメディア開発グループにおいても積極的に使っており、BFFのような中間層の実現、バッチの処理、API実装、フロントエンドの実行環境などなど使われ方は多岐に渡ります。この記事では、Node.jsの導入を考えている組織や、Node.jsの基本を振り返りたいエンジニアに向け言語環境の特性と活用を考えてみます。 Node.jsの特性 Node.jsはサーバー上で動き、ブラウザでJavaScriptが動く機構とは異なります。近年、サーバー開発はもちろん、Next.js, RemixなどのNode.jsを利用する各種フロントエンドフレームワークが、サーバーに処理を寄せる流れになってきていることから、フロント開発者にとってもNode.jsの理解は重要でしょう。高性能なv8エンジンを搭載している

                                      Node.js/TypeScriptの特性と現場での活用 - Qiita
                                    • blocking=render: Why would you do that?! – CSS Wizardry

                                      WebKit have recently announced their intent to implement the blocking=render attribute for <script> and <style> elements, bringing them in line with support already available in Blink and generally positive sentiment in Firefox. The blocking=render attribute allows developers to explicitly mark a resource as render blocking, but… why on earth would you want to do that?! The short answer is: genera

                                        blocking=render: Why would you do that?! – CSS Wizardry
                                      • Serverless API Gateway Ingress for AWS Fargate, in CloudFormation | Containers on AWS

                                        About ​AWS Fargate provides serverless capacity to run your container images. Amazon Elastic Container Service launches and orchestrates containers that run in Fargate. AWS Cloud Map is a cloud resource discovery service. Cloud Map provides a way to lookup a list of your dynamically changing resources, such as containers. Amazon API Gateway is a serverless ingress for your web traffic. It has no m

                                          Serverless API Gateway Ingress for AWS Fargate, in CloudFormation | Containers on AWS
                                        • GitHub - Thraetaona/Blitzping: Sending IP packets as fast as possible in userland.

                                          I found hping3 and nmap's nping to be far too slow in terms of sending individual, bare-minimum (40-byte) TCP packets; other than inefficient socket I/O, they were also attempting to do far too much unnecessary processing in what should have otherwise been a tight execution loop. Furthermore, none of them were able to handle CIDR notations (i.e., a range of IP addresses) as their source IP paramet

                                            GitHub - Thraetaona/Blitzping: Sending IP packets as fast as possible in userland.
                                          • JavaScript Interview Questions

                                            Here is a list of common JavaScript interview questions with detailed answers to help you prepare for the interview as a JavaScript developer. JavaScript continues to be a cornerstone of web development, powering dynamic and interactive experiences across the web. As the language evolves, so does the complexity and scope of interview questions for JavaScript developers. Whether you’re a fresher de

                                              JavaScript Interview Questions
                                            • Scheduling Internals

                                              A sneak peek to what's coming! I remember when I first learned that you can write a server handling millions of clients running on just a single thread, my mind was simply blown away 🤯 I used Node.js while knowing it is single threaded, I used async / await in Python, and I used threads, but never asked myself "How is any of this possible?". This post is written to spread the genius of concurrenc

                                                Scheduling Internals
                                              • Backtraces with strace

                                                I discovered strace somewhere between my first part time web development part time job in 2005 and my first full time “software engineering” job in 2008, and it seemed like a superpower giving me x-ray vision into running infrastructure. When a process was stuck, or existing after a cryptic error message, instead of grepping around I could get a pretty good timeline of what the process was up to.

                                                • PHP libraries and tools

                                                  PHP possesses a rich ecosystem, with plenty of libraries and tools. Here is a list of them that I consider interesting, beyond any framework. At the end, I included some useful checks for Composer and Symfony to execute on a CI pipeline. Libraries brick/math: Arbitrary-precision arithmetic library for PHP openspout/openspout: Read and write spreadsheet files (CSV, XLSX and ODS), in a fast and scal

                                                    PHP libraries and tools
                                                  • GitHub - panjf2000/gnet: 🚀 gnet is a high-performance, lightweight, non-blocking, event-driven networking framework written in pure Go.

                                                    gnet is an event-driven networking framework that is ultra-fast and lightweight. It is built from scratch by exploiting epoll and kqueue and it can achieve much higher performance with lower memory consumption than Go net in many specific scenarios. gnet and net don't share the same philosophy about network programming. Thus, building network applications with gnet can be significantly different f

                                                      GitHub - panjf2000/gnet: 🚀 gnet is a high-performance, lightweight, non-blocking, event-driven networking framework written in pure Go.