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  • Shifting Targets

    Correction appended. In a series of public statements in recent months, President Bush and members of his Administration have redefined the war in Iraq, to an increasing degree, as a strategic battle between the United States and Iran. “Shia extremists, backed by Iran, are training Iraqis to carry out attacks on our forces and the Iraqi people,” Bush told the national convention of the American Le

      Shifting Targets
    • How a big US bank laundered billions from Mexico's murderous drug gangs

      On 10 April 2006, a DC-9 jet landed in the port city of Ciudad del Carmen, on the Gulf of Mexico, as the sun was setting. Mexican soldiers, waiting to intercept it, found 128 cases packed with 5.7 tons of cocaine, valued at $100m. But something else – more important and far-reaching – was discovered in the paper trail behind the purchase of the plane by the Sinaloa narco-trafficking cartel. During

        How a big US bank laundered billions from Mexico's murderous drug gangs
      • Arrests made after 71 dead refugees found in Austria

        At least three people detained in Hungary as police say bodies discovered in truck included four children. Several arrests have been made in Hungary after the bodies of 71 refugees were found in a truck abandoned on a motorway in Austria. Austrian police said three people had been arrested while their Hungarian counterparts said four were in detention. There was no immediate explanation for the di

          Arrests made after 71 dead refugees found in Austria
        • ■ - hoshikuzu | star_dust の書斎

          ■ WebブラウザとSSL設定 あちこち回っていたらSSL2.0回りで必読文献に遭遇。SSL2しか殺していないアナタ、読めば福が。 [Technik]低程度な暗号化(RC4-40 40 bit)@niftyセカンドメール-我が逃走の日々 [Technik]WebブラウザとSSL設定-我が逃走の日々 [Security] SSL 2.0 と輸出強度暗号-おおいわのこめんと [Security] TLS1.0 / SSL3.0 の SSL2.0 下位互換機構-おおいわのこめんと [Security] 40ビット暗号の攻撃可能性-おおいわのこめんと [Security] Mozilla Suite における弱い暗号化を無効化する設定-おおいわのこめんと [Security] Mozilla Firefox における弱い暗号化を無効化する設定-おおいわのこめんと [Security] Intern

            ■ - hoshikuzu | star_dust の書斎
          • OWASP Testing Guide v2 - teracc’s blog

            http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Testing_Project ざっと中身を見てみました。270ページもあるので、読み終わる頃には目がしょぼしょぼになります。 SDLC全体でセキュリティ対策をする・・・というように書かれていますが、内容的にはPenetration Testの方法(というよりも攻撃方法かな)がメインです。 あと記述レベルにばらつきがあるなぁとも思いました。 とりあえず、メモを貼り付けておきます。斜め読みだったこともあり、間違っているところもあるかもしれません。 1.Frontispiece ・本文書について(略) 2.Introduction ・SDLC全体で標準・ポリシー・ガイドラインを作ってセキュリティを高める。 ・一般的には、技術的な欠陥やPenetrationテストに偏っていることが多い。 ・以下をバランスよく。 MANUA

              OWASP Testing Guide v2 - teracc’s blog
            • Varnish HTTP Cache — Varnish HTTP Cache

              Varnish HTTP Cache¶ I’m new here, please explain this Varnish thing What is happening¶ 2024-03-18 - Varnish 7.5.0 is released¶ Our bi-annual “fresh” release is here: Varnish Cache 7.5.0 The 7.3 series is no longer supported in any capacity. 2024-03-18 - Varnish HTTP/2 Broke Window Attack¶ All Varnish Cache releases with HTTP/2 support suffer a vulnerability in the HTTP/2 protocol. Please see VSV00

              • 2021年4月2日号 hirsuteの開発/Betaに向けた作業、Ubuntu on Windowsの新しいプレビュー | gihyo.jp

                Ubuntu Weekly Topics 2021年4月2日号hirsuteの開発/Betaに向けた作業、Ubuntu on Windowsの新しいプレビュー hirsuteの開発・Betaに向けた作業 hirsuteの開発はBeta Freezeを経て、ベータ版によるテスト(と、リリースに何とか間に合わせたい新機能のせめぎあい)が始まりました。また、この時期のお約束、Test Rebuildも行われています。 Ubuntuの定番からはやや離れているものの、すでにリリースノートのプレースホルダーも準備されています。開発が進み次第、目玉機能が順次掲載されていく形になるでしょう[1]⁠。 hirusteとはやや異なる話になりますが[2]⁠、Ubuntu on Windowsの新しいコミュニティプレビューがリリースされています。こちらは「過去のバージョンのデータを削除した上で」の導入が前提となり

                  2021年4月2日号 hirsuteの開発/Betaに向けた作業、Ubuntu on Windowsの新しいプレビュー | gihyo.jp
                • Executive Order: Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements | The White House

                  Executive Orders Executive Order: Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.) (INA), the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-367) (Secure Fence Act), and the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Resp

                    Executive Order: Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements | The White House
                  • JVNVU#94679920: Apache Tomcat の複数の脆弱性に対するアップデート

                    The Apache Software Foundation から、Apache Tomcat に関する複数の脆弱性に対するアップデートが公開されました。 CVE-2020-1935 Apache Tomcat 9.0.0.M1 から 9.0.30 まで Apache Tomcat 8.5.0 から 8.5.50 まで Apache Tomcat 7.0.0 から 7.0.99 まで CVE-2020-1938 Apache Tomcat 9.0.0.M1 から 9.0.30 まで Apache Tomcat 8.5.0 から 8.5.50 まで Apache Tomcat 7.0.0 から 7.0.99 まで CVE-2019-17569 Apache Tomcat 9.0.28 から 9.0.30 まで Apache Tomcat 8.5.48 から 8.5.50 まで Apache

                    • Five Japanese nationals charged with smuggling nearly 1,000 shark fins in and out of Hawaii

                      Island News: If It Matters To You, It Matters To Us

                        Five Japanese nationals charged with smuggling nearly 1,000 shark fins in and out of Hawaii
                      • Greenwashing - Wikipedia

                        Greenwashing (a compound word modeled on "whitewash"), also called green sheen,[1][2] is a form of advertising or marketing spin that deceptively uses green PR and green marketing to persuade the public that an organization's products, goals, or policies are environmentally friendly. Companies that intentionally adopt greenwashing communication strategies often do so to distance themselves from th

                          Greenwashing - Wikipedia
                        • 【拡散】ピカソが「韓国の大虐殺」という作品を残していた!!! この絵は ガ チ で ヤ バ い !!! : めひかり速報

                          [Diffusion] Picasso had left a work called "Korean massacre"! ! ! This picture Ya Bas physician moth blood! ! ! akio hayashida ?@AkioYoyou 韓国は、軍艦島をナチスのアウシュビッツと同列に語ったが、「ゲルニカ」を描いたことで知られるパブロ・ピカソは、黄海道、新川郡で3万5千383人の良民を虐殺したとされる惨劇を描いた「韓国の大虐殺」(1951)を描いて世界にアピールした。 South Korea, but told the warship island on the same level and the Nazi Auschwitz, Pablo Picasso, which is known to have painted "Guernica" is t

                            【拡散】ピカソが「韓国の大虐殺」という作品を残していた!!! この絵は ガ チ で ヤ バ い !!! : めひかり速報
                          • Free Syrian Army takes shape on Lebanese border

                            Syrian army defectors say they will protect civilians. Source: Reuters Reuters The man from the Free Syrian Army pointed to a spot on a distant hill marked by a lone white tent and a cluster of trees. "That's how we get in," he said of his furtive and increasingly frequent trips back to Syria. "We wait for them to look the other way and we move." In early May, Ahmed al-Arabi left his job as a capt

                              Free Syrian Army takes shape on Lebanese border
                            • Node.js — September 23rd 2022 Security Releases

                              (Update 26-September-2022) Security releases available Recommendation update regarding CVE-2022-35255: Roll-out and re-issue all keys generated with WebCrypto.subtle.generateKey(). Re-evaluate the confidentiality of data encrypted with those keys. (Update 23-September-2022) Security releases available Updates are now available for the v18.x, v16.x, and v14.x Node.js release lines for the following

                                Node.js — September 23rd 2022 Security Releases
                              • Former Trump Aides Charged as Prosecutors Reveal New Campaign Ties With Russia (Published 2017)

                                transcript Paul Manafort’s Trail of ScandalsPresident Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, has now been accused by the special counsel of violating his plea deal by repeatedly lying to federal prosecutors. But this wasn’t Mr. Manafort’s first scandal. Paul Manafort was once President Trump’s campaign manager. By the fall of 2018, he was expected to face at least a decade in prison for

                                  Former Trump Aides Charged as Prosecutors Reveal New Campaign Ties With Russia (Published 2017)
                                • NANDフラッシュとDRAMの価格が継続的な下落の傾向を見せている | XenoSpectrum

                                  メーカーが減産を計画していることから、DRAMやNANDフラッシュの価格が上昇する懸念が何度か伝えられたが、結果としてその兆しは見られず、むしろ今後下落する可能性もありそうだ。 DRAM価格は継続的に下がっている TrendForceの最新のレポートによるとDRAMおよびNANDフラッシュのスポット価格は短期的には回復の兆しがほとんど見られないとのことだ。 DRAMに関しては、まず第一の要因として、市場に十分な在庫がある事が挙げられる。消費者向け製品市場も弱く、ハードウェアメーカーはすでに抱えている在庫以上のメモリを必要としないため、スポット市場での購入が減少しているのだ。 2024年6月のDRAMスポット価格 (Credit: TrendForce) 加えて、中国市場において5月末以来密輸取り締まりが強化されたことも要因として挙げられている。中国では、リボールDRAMと呼ばれる、DRAM

                                    NANDフラッシュとDRAMの価格が継続的な下落の傾向を見せている | XenoSpectrum
                                  • Top 10 web hacking techniques of 2019

                                    Published: 17 February 2020 at 14:36 UTC Updated: 05 January 2021 at 14:10 UTC The results are in! After 51 nominations whittled down to 15 finalists by a community vote, an expert panel consisting of Nicolas Grégoire, Soroush Dalili, Filedescriptor, and myself have conferred, voted, and selected the Top 10 new web hacking techniques of 2019. Every year, professional researchers, seasoned penteste

                                      Top 10 web hacking techniques of 2019
                                    • Rosen: Predictions for Syria

                                      Journalist who recently travelled the country draws on his experiences to consider Syria’s fate. At least 17 people were reportedly killed during shelling at Homs' Bab Amr market on February 21, raising fears that the country is sliding towards civil war [EPA] Journalist Nir Rosen recently spent two months in Syria. As well as meeting members of various communities across the country – supporters

                                        Rosen: Predictions for Syria
                                      • Ben White: Targeting civilians was a deliberate part of Operation Cast Lead

                                        Targeting civilians was a deliberate part of this bid to humiliate Hamas and the Palestinians, and pulverise Gaza into chaos The scale of Israel's attack on the Gaza Strip, and the almost daily reports of war crimes over the last three weeks, has drawn criticism from even longstanding friends and sympathisers. Despite the Israeli government's long-planned and comprehensive PR campaign, hundreds of

                                          Ben White: Targeting civilians was a deliberate part of Operation Cast Lead
                                        • Varnish HTTP Cache — Varnish HTTP Cache

                                          Varnish HTTP Cache¶ I’m new here, please explain this Varnish thing What is happening¶ 2023-09-20 - Varnish 7.4.1 is released¶ Varnish 7.4.1 has been released and can be found here: Varnish Cache 7.4.1 This maintenance release fixes a bug preventing protected headers to be read from several subroutines. 2023-09-15 - Varnish 7.4.0 is released¶ Our bi-annual “fresh” release is here: Varnish Cache 7.

                                          • top circuit bent kids toys (videos)

                                            10 abandoned subway stations | 10 anti-masturbation devices | 10 antique phonographs | 10 best power strip designs | 10 classic jacob jensen gadgets | 10 classic reel-to-reel recorders | 10 console light guns | 10 dry land submarines | 10 enormous floating cranes | 10 failed automobile manufacturers | 10 flea circus contraptions | 10 gas guzzlers | 10 james dyson inventions | 10 luxury trains | 10

                                            • Tenet (2020) - Transcript - Scraps from the loft

                                              Armed with only one word, Tenet, and fighting for the survival of the entire world, a Protagonist journeys through a twilight world of international espionage on a mission that will unfold in something beyond real time. Synopsis An unnamed CIA agent — referred to as “The Protagonist” — participates in an undercover SWAT operation at a Kiev opera house, rescuing an exposed spy and capturing a stran

                                                Tenet (2020) - Transcript - Scraps from the loft
                                              • grand theft auto vice city cheat for helicopter psp - wahemoc’s blog

                                                = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========> Download Link grand theft auto vice city cheat for helicopter psp = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Unlock Faster Gameplay: Left, Left, R1, R1, UP, Triangle, Down, X. Unlock Faster Clock: R1, L1, L1, Down, Up, X, Down, L1. ->(totally off topic)If you want a rhino

                                                  grand theft auto vice city cheat for helicopter psp - wahemoc’s blog
                                                • The Project Gutenberg eBook of An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, by Adam Smith

                                                  INTRODUCTION AND PLAN OF THE WORK. The annual labour of every nation is the fund which originally supplies it with all the necessaries and conveniencies of life which it annually consumes, and which consist always either in the immediate produce of that labour, or in what is purchased with that produce from other nations. According, therefore, as this produce, or what is purchased with it, bears a

                                                  • Home

                                                    Air Date: March 5, 2024 On this week’s Tech Nation, Moira speaks with Journalist and NPR contributor KEITH O'BRIEN about his book, “Paradise Falls: The True Story of an Environmental Catastrophe”. From congressional aides to housewives to defiant scientists – we receive the benefits of the challenge of Love Canal. Then, new science leads to understanding natural repair mechanisms in the brain. DR.

                                                    • Our goals are near, says Israeli PM as Gaza fighting intensifies

                                                      Israel is close to achieving its military goals in Gaza, the Israeli prime minister said today, as the army pressed on with its attacks and fierce fighting took place on the outskirts of Gaza City. "Israel is getting close to achieving the goals it set for itself," Ehud Olmert told his cabinet in Jerusalem, though he gave no indication that the campaign was drawing to an end. "Patience, determinat

                                                        Our goals are near, says Israeli PM as Gaza fighting intensifies
                                                      • Hamas orders closure of Gaza smuggling tunnels

                                                        With Gaza under a tight economic blockade from Israel, hundreds of tunnels have been dug under the southern border with Egypt to smuggle in food, fuel, construction materials, cars and even live animals. Hamas has made money on the smuggling business, imposing taxes and importing goods itself. It is understood the closure is temporary and follows a security alert issued to all Israeli tourists in

                                                          Hamas orders closure of Gaza smuggling tunnels
                                                        • The Desperate Journey of a Trafficked Girl

                                                          Girls from Benin City who set out voluntarily, like Blessing, can become caught in a network of forced labor and sex work.Photograph by Alex Majoli / Magnum for The New Yorker It was close to midnight on the coast of Libya, a few miles west of Tripoli. At the water’s edge, armed Libyan smugglers pumped air into thirty-foot rubber dinghies. Some three thousand refugees and migrants, mostly sub-Saha

                                                            The Desperate Journey of a Trafficked Girl
                                                          • Ayman Mohyeldin - Wikipedia

                                                            Ayman Mohyeldin (Arabic: أيمن محيى الدين, IPA: [ˈʔæjmæn ˈmoħj edˈdiːn]; born April 18, 1979) is an Egyptian-born political commentator based in New York for NBC News and MSNBC. Previously the anchor of an MSNBC weekday afternoon show, Ayman Mohyeldin Reports (formerly MSNBC Live with Ayman Mohyeldin), he currently hosts Ayman on weekend evenings on MSNBC, and Fridays on Peacock.[1] He previously w

                                                              Ayman Mohyeldin - Wikipedia
                                                            • パンチョッパリは元々大日本帝国のパシリだった朝鮮人の末裔

                                                              匿名 さんのコメント... 在日参政権反対運動とやらをやっている某団体等を調べると何故か不思議なことに半島系の連中が居る理由ですか… 2012年2月2日 3:48 匿名 さんのコメント... 連投失礼 死の灰を食べて日本を応援したんですかね…w 両陛下、福島産野菜をお土産に http://sankei.jp.msn.com/life/news/110513/imp11051301270000-n1.htm ↓ 天皇陛下、11日に検査入院 http://www.mbs.jp/news/jnn_4941636_zen.shtml 2012年2月2日 4:16 匿名 さんのコメント... 関係ないかもしれませんが、結局アジアを解放したのは満州カルトではなくアメリカじゃないのかと思えてきました。 大日本帝国がアジアを解放したなんてまさに神話だったんじゃないのか。 アメリカが大日本帝国カルトからアジ

                                                              • BBC NEWS | Middle East | Eyewitness: BBC reporter in Rafah

                                                                Page last updated at 23:40 GMT, Friday, 16 January 2009 The BBC's Christian Fraser is the first British journalist to enter Gaza independently since the Israeli offensive began. Israel is continuing to deny foreign journalists unsupervised access to the Strip. He sent this report from Rafah, southern Gaza, which he entered from Egypt. Nineteen days we had waited to cross into Rafah. For three week

                                                                • Internet Archive: Details: The Power of Nightmares

                                                                  Write a review Downloaded 358,300 timesReviews Average Rating: Reviewer: jpcruz - - September 8, 2008 Subject: Enlightening A powerfull insight on two paralell ideological trends of the contemporary world, one of a more political nature, other more religious, but both engaged on twisted, maquiqueist and uthopical visions of moral truth and social perfection. And both aimed at disaster. Dismissing

                                                                  • Ruby 2.7.2 Released

                                                                    Posted by nagachika on 2 Oct 2020 Ruby 2.7.2 has been released. This release contains intentional incompatibility. Deprecation warnings are off by default on 2.7.2 and later. You can turn on deprecation warnings by specifying the -w or -W:deprecated option at the command-line. Please check the topics below for details. Feature #17000 2.7.2 turns off deprecation warnings by default Feature #16345 D

                                                                    • Guide to Smoking Pot Around the World

                                                                      Update: Due to the changing nature of marijuana laws and your comments, we will be adding regular posts about the practice of smoking pot around the world and related international laws. If interested, please view the first in the series: Marijuana Laws in Southeast Asia. _______________________________________________________________ From an American kid hitting a bong while watching Harold and K

                                                                        Guide to Smoking Pot Around the World
                                                                      • UN chief Ban Ki-Moon demands investigation into Israeli attack on Gaza headquarters

                                                                        The secretary general of the United Nations has called for a full investigation into Israel's shelling of three of its buildings in the Gaza Strip during its three-week long assault against Hamas. A visibly furious Ban Ki-moon condemned as "outrageous, shocking and alarming" the destruction he had seen while touring Gaza, and described as "excessive use" of force the violence wrought by both Israe

                                                                          UN chief Ban Ki-Moon demands investigation into Israeli attack on Gaza headquarters
                                                                        • U.S. Legalization of Marijuana Has Hit Mexican Cartels' Cross-Border Trade

                                                                          WorldU.S. Legalization of Marijuana Has Hit Mexican Cartels’ Cross-Border Trade U.S. Legalization of Marijuana Has Hit Mexican Cartels’ Cross-Border Trade In the midst of this seething mountain capital, Mexico’s security ministry houses a bizarre museum — a collection of what the army seizes from drug traffickers. The Museo de Enervantes, often referred to as the Narco Museum, has drug samples the

                                                                            U.S. Legalization of Marijuana Has Hit Mexican Cartels' Cross-Border Trade
                                                                          • Node.js — February 2016 Security Release Summary

                                                                            Two weeks ago we announced the planned release of updates to all active release lines, v0.10, v0.12, v4 and v5, to fix HTTP related vulnerabilities and to upgrade the bundled versions of OpenSSL. Upon release of the OpenSSL updates we posted an impact assessment for Node.js users. We noted that the updates contained only one minor change that impacted Node.js users. Today we have released Node.js

                                                                              Node.js — February 2016 Security Release Summary
                                                                            • BBC NEWS | Middle East | Gaza smugglers get back to work

                                                                              But Israel says it believes Hamas is trying to rearm. Mark Regev, Israeli Government spokesman, said: "What is important is that there is today an international coalition; America, Europe, Arab governments will act in unison to prevent Iranian rockets from reaching the Gaza Strip, to prevent the smuggling of weapons into Gaza. "Hamas will not be allowed to rearm." One tunnel owner told Reuters: "I

                                                                              • Operation Red Wings - Wikipedia

                                                                                Operation Red Wings (often incorrectly referred to as Operation Redwing or Operation Red Wing),[12] informally referred to as the Battle of Abbas Ghar, was a joint military operation conducted by the United States in the Pech District of Kunar Province, Afghanistan. It was carried out from late-June to mid-July 2005 on the slopes of a mountain named Sawtalo Sar,[13] situated approximately 20 miles

                                                                                • 48000缶のビール、サウジアラビアに密輸しようとした驚きの手口(動画・画像)

