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statueの検索結果241 - 280 件 / 1126件

  • Inpixio Photo Maximizer 4 Pro Serial - accountlasopa

    InPixio Photo Maximizer Pro 4.0.6288 Patch & Serial Key DownloadSep 26, 2017  InPixio Photo Maximizer 4. Ultra powerful zoom function which can enlarge images by up to 1000%. With its zoom algorithms, Photo Maximizer can tell you the target size of the image in pixels or centimeters. The required resolution can also be adjusted to give you flawless results. InPixio Photo Maximizer Pro 4.0.6288 Cra

      Inpixio Photo Maximizer 4 Pro Serial - accountlasopa
    • Japan-South Korea Feud Explained: Why Are they at Loggerheads?

      Japan-South Korea Feud Explained: Why Are the Two Asian Nations at Loggerheads? This weekend, thousands of protesters took to the streets of Seoul, South Korea, to voice their anger over a growing trade dispute with Japan, tinged with a century of bitter shared history between the two U.S. allies. The current face-off stems from South Korean demands for compensation for the abuses inflicted on the

        Japan-South Korea Feud Explained: Why Are they at Loggerheads?
      • Philadelphia 76ers vs Atlanta Hawks Live Stream]~ - alexaellington247524’s diary

        MATCH DETAILS: Location : Philadelphia, PA, Wells Fargo Center Upcoming Information:NBA 28.10.2019 When/Date: 28.10.2019 Time: 7:30 pm Watch here >>>Philadelphia 76ers v Atlanta Hawks live Online here >>>Philadelphia 76ers - Atlanta Hawks live Philadelphia 76ers v Atlanta Hawks LIVE Stream# Short PreviewPhiladelphia has a very good chance of making playoffs (>99%), has a chance of making finals (4

          Philadelphia 76ers vs Atlanta Hawks Live Stream]~ - alexaellington247524’s diary
        • Is an unknown, extraordinarily ancient civilisation buried under eastern Turkey?

          I am staring at about a dozen, stiff, eight-foot high, orange-red penises, carved from living bedrock, and semi-enclosed in an open chamber. A strange carved head (of a man, a demon, a priest, a God?), also hewn from the living rock, gazes at the phallic totems – like a primitivist gargoyle. The expression of the stone head is doleful, to the point of grimacing, as if he, or she, or it, disapprove

            Is an unknown, extraordinarily ancient civilisation buried under eastern Turkey?
          • Letter threatening to hunt Koreans sent to South Korean embassy in Japan: media

            TOKYO (Reuters) - A letter threatening to hunt Koreans and containing what appeared to be a bullet has been sent to the South Korean embassy in Japan amid worsening ties between the Asian neighbors, Japanese media said on Tuesday. FILE PHOTO: A police officer stands guard near Japan and South Korea national flags at hotel, where South Korean embassy in Japan is holding the reception to mark the 50

              Letter threatening to hunt Koreans sent to South Korean embassy in Japan: media
            • The potato head of Palencia: defaced Spanish statue latest victim of botched restoration

              Before and after of the disastrously restored statue, which adorns a high street bank in the Spanish city of Palencia © Antonio Guzmán Capel / Facebook Conservation experts in Spain are once again calling for stricter regulations within the sector after yet another work has been irreparably damaged by an amateur restorer. Adorning the facade of a high street bank in the north-western city of Palen

                The potato head of Palencia: defaced Spanish statue latest victim of botched restoration
              • 過去分詞の分詞構文, 英語版ウィキペディアの見方, to不定詞の受動態, ボキャビル, など(ブリストルの奴隷商人にして「偉人」) - Hoarding Examples (英語例文等集積所)

                今日は実例はお休みにして、英語版のウィキペディアを読んでみよう。題材は前回の続きで、6月7日にイングランド南西部の都市ブリストルで引き倒された、300年前に没した奴隷商人の銅像について。 その奴隷商人、エドワード・コルストン(1636-1721)については、像の引き倒しがあってすぐに 日本語版のウィキペディアで項目が立ち上げられ、現在も熱心なウィキペディアンさんの加筆・追加翻訳で内容がどんどん充実しているが、これはずっと以前から項目化されていた英語版に基づいたページである。 ではその英語版はいつから項目化されているのかを調べてみよう。以下、PC版についての説明となる。 まず、英語版のEdward Colstonのページを開く。 en.wikipedia.org ここで "View history" のタブをクリックする。日本語版では「履歴表示」となっているタブだ。 https://en.w

                  過去分詞の分詞構文, 英語版ウィキペディアの見方, to不定詞の受動態, ボキャビル, など(ブリストルの奴隷商人にして「偉人」) - Hoarding Examples (英語例文等集積所)
                • スリランカ個人旅行㉔エレファントライドからのポロンナルワ - ana_mile_totochanのブログ

                  ≪目次≫ シギリヤロック下山 エレファントライド 運命の微妙な一方的な再会 ポロンナルワへ 野生の象 ランチ タイム Pabalu Vehera (Temple of Marbles) - 52 Pothgul Vihara Statue Gal Vihara 熱中症 ハードな1日終わり シギリヤロック下山 シギリヤロックを下山します。 頂上からライオンロックまでは、上りと同じ階段を下ります。 下りは上りより急に感じます! って、急です٩( ᐛ )و 因みに、右側通行です! ライオンロック広場からは、上って来たルートとは別のルートで下山していきます。 おとなしいお猿さん 下山の途中にあった、恐らく給水タンク。 この水を飲むのは勇気がいります。 勇気なく、飲みませんでした(//∇//) スネーク岩 コブラかなぁ!! そんなこんなで下山完了。 上りより混んでないしスムーズに歩け、上りの半分以下

                    スリランカ個人旅行㉔エレファントライドからのポロンナルワ - ana_mile_totochanのブログ
                  • Per Comprare Ambien ? generico in farmacia. economico zanichelli. | My Czech Republic Message Boards

                    Per Comprare Ambien ? generico in farmacia. economico zanichelli. Farmacia europea Per Comprare Ambien - http://url-qr.tk/Ambien Fai clic qui - Vai in farmacia - Prodotti legali al 100%. - Qualità e dosaggio farmaceutico. - Consegna veloce garantita. - Diversi metodi di pagamento: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / BitCoin economico zanichelli Stilnox si presenta sotto forma di pillole rivestite,

                      Per Comprare Ambien ? generico in farmacia. economico zanichelli. | My Czech Republic Message Boards
                    • Download Game Pc Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 - homeslasopa

                      Jul 08, 2012  Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 juga memiliki sejumlah tambahan fitur mode bermain seperti tiga sistem permainan baru, termasuk Partner Strike, Emergency Dash dan Recovery Gauge Systems, yang akan membawakan sebuah nuansa permainan taktis baru ke dalam game ini. ProsDecent hack-and-slash action. More than 100 mobile suits and pilots to unlock. Loads of Gundam fan service. ConsRepetitive a

                        Download Game Pc Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 - homeslasopa
                      • テスラ「モデル3」の部品で作ったiPhone用チタンケース欲しい? それともアルミを溶かして作ったイーロン・マスクの胸像?

                        テスラ「モデル3」の部品で作ったiPhone用チタンケース欲しい? それともアルミを溶かして作ったイーロン・マスクの胸像?2021.12.12 16:0011,021 岡本玄介 イーロン兄貴本人が欲しいかどうか? ロシアの超高級カスタム携帯電話ブランドCaviarから、今度はテスラ「モデル3」の部品を溶かして作った、約76万円のiPhone 13 Proと約82万円のMax用ケース「TESLA ELECTRO」が、99個限定で登場しました。 テスラ乗りなら欲しいケーステスラ社のハイテク技術をケースへと転生させ、チタンのボディーに黒のPVDコーティングを施し、耐衝撃性を高めた頑丈な造りになっています。そこにはロゴやイーロン・マスク、それに車の前面が彫刻され、テスラみを高めています。 Video: Caviar Global/YouTube胸像は誰が買うの? 同じく「モデル3」のアルミ部品を溶

                          テスラ「モデル3」の部品で作ったiPhone用チタンケース欲しい? それともアルミを溶かして作ったイーロン・マスクの胸像?
                        • Latest botched art restoration draws ridicule in Spain | CNN

                          Move over, “Monkey Jesus.” The latest in a series of bizarre art restoration attempts to hit Spain has been spotted in the northern city of Palencia. A statue on the outside of a building on the city’s historic main street has been left disfigured after a mysterious restorer tried to repair its broken head. Local artist Antonio Capel noticed the work on Friday and uploaded photos to Facebook that

                            Latest botched art restoration draws ridicule in Spain | CNN
                          • What Japanese cities can teach us about architecture

                            There are three things that occur to you when you travel the length of Japan: that kimonos are surprisingly good for any occasion; that the country’s reputation for cruelty may partly derive from breakfasts comprising tea porridge and prawn soufflé; and that the hordes of camera-wielding Japanese tourists taking thousands of snaps – a comic trope in the 1980s, at least – were really just ahead of

                              What Japanese cities can teach us about architecture
                            • Greta Thunberg - Wikipedia

                              On 23 September 2019, Thunberg attended the UN Climate Action Summit in New York City.[80][81] That day the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) hosted a press conference where Thunberg joined 15 other children, including Ayakha Melithafa, Alexandria Villaseñor, Catarina Lorenzo, and Carl Smith. Together, the group announced they had made an official complaint against five nations that were not

                                Greta Thunberg - Wikipedia
                              • 英語で観光案内のコツ!建物を上手に紹介する方法【ウォーターフロント編】 - ENGLISH JOURNAL

                                「車窓の英語」は、通訳案内士で気象予報士でもある鹿目雅子(かのめもとこ)さんが、バスや車に乗って景色を見ながら案内するコツをお届けする連載です。今回はウォーターフロント編。観光や、来日したビジネスパートナーや友人を車で送迎する場面で、ランドマークを説明するときに使える英語フレーズを紹介します。 特徴のある建物を英語で紹介しましょうこの連載では、車窓から見える景色を説明するときのポイントをお伝えし、それを使って都内をバーチャルドライブしながら英語で案内をしていきます。 今回の観光案内のポイントは「見所は手前から」と「建物の表現」です。ルートはお台場エリアと隅田川沿いのウォーターフロント。特徴的なビルが立ち並び、建物を描写するフレーズが活躍するエリアです。 見所は少し手前で伝え、心の準備をしてもらいましょうレインボーブリッジ 前回 は方向を伝えるフレーズをお伝えしましたが、「ここは見て!」とい

                                  英語で観光案内のコツ!建物を上手に紹介する方法【ウォーターフロント編】 - ENGLISH JOURNAL
                                • Minecraft Clones Download - betlasopa

                                  Playing the demo requires registration at the publisher's site. At its heart, Minecraft is a blocky first-person game about building things, exploring an endless wilderness, and fighting off nasty nocturnal beasts, but that doesn't do it justice. Minecraft is to my 25-year-old self as Legos were to my 5-year-old self: a time-sucking, mind-bending, and sleep-depriving experience in the simplest of

                                    Minecraft Clones Download - betlasopa
                                  • 米国民主党、過去の奴隷制度支持な偉人の銅像をキャンセル 全員民主党員(爆wwwwwww

                                    House votes to REMOVE all Confederate statues from Congress and replace a bust of Chief Justice Roger Taney with Thurgood Marshall - despite opposition from 120 RepublicansBill will remove statues and busts of Confederacy supporters from CongressIt includes a bust of Roger Taney, the U.S. chief justice best known for his Dred Scott pro-slavery decisionThe statue of the President of the Confederacy

                                      米国民主党、過去の奴隷制度支持な偉人の銅像をキャンセル 全員民主党員(爆wwwwwww
                                    • Sims 3 Store - jameslasopa

                                      It doesn't work in the Sims 3 games. Most all of the cheats in the sims 2 games will work in the Sims 3 games, but remember don't use the boolprop on any of the cheat in the Sims 3 games it won't work. The Sims 3 is the third main title in The Sims series of video games. Like other The Sims games, The Sims 3 focuses on creating and controlling virtual worlds filled with simulated people called 'Si

                                        Sims 3 Store - jameslasopa
                                      • Robert E Lee statue: Virginia governor announces removal of monument

                                        Virginia's governor says the monument to the Confederate general will be taken down in Richmond.

                                          Robert E Lee statue: Virginia governor announces removal of monument
                                        • James Woods on Twitter: "The American flag being burned on the statue of George Washington, Founder of our Nation. The statue was torn down… https://t.co/JHEhBzPCMr"

                                          The American flag being burned on the statue of George Washington, Founder of our Nation. The statue was torn down… https://t.co/JHEhBzPCMr

                                            James Woods on Twitter: "The American flag being burned on the statue of George Washington, Founder of our Nation. The statue was torn down… https://t.co/JHEhBzPCMr"
                                          • The great Hawaiian pizza culture war

                                            By Will Coldwell The fateful experiment happened in 1962. Sam Panopoulos, a restaurant owner, was not afraid of taking chances. He had left Greece at the age of 20 to start a new life in Canada and went on to run a successful restaurant in downtown Chatham, Ontario. He was also known for his mischievous sense of humour. His fateful culinary creation combined both elements of his personality. While

                                              The great Hawaiian pizza culture war
                                            • Evangelion Character Designer Yoshiyuki Sadamoto Attracts Criticism Over 'Dismissive' Tweet about Korean Comfort Women Statue

                                              Curators call the exhibition's premature cancellation due to external pressure "the worst censorship incident in Japan's postwar period.” Neon Genesis Evangelion and Summer Wars character designer Yoshiyuki Sadamoto attracted criticism from anime fans around the world over a series of tweets he posted on Friday concerning the “After ‘Freedom of Expression’?” historical art exhibition at the Aichi

                                                Evangelion Character Designer Yoshiyuki Sadamoto Attracts Criticism Over 'Dismissive' Tweet about Korean Comfort Women Statue
                                              • 'Unforgivable': Japan decries wartime sex slave statue likened to PM Shinzo Abe

                                                One of the statues symbolising Japanese PM Shinzo Abe and a ‘comfort woman’ in South Korea. Photograph: Daewoung Kim/Reuters

                                                  'Unforgivable': Japan decries wartime sex slave statue likened to PM Shinzo Abe
                                                • Military Pay New York State Source - lasopara

                                                  New York is home to such a wide variety of events, tours, attractions, dining, culture, shopping and entertainment that you’ll never run out of things to do and see. I am active duty military and a NY resident. NY doesn't tax military income, so my state return should be the state tax amount withheld, $2267.72. I should get back that. I have always received a full state refund of the state taxes w

                                                    Military Pay New York State Source - lasopara
                                                  • Midjourneyの上級テクニックで写真集のプロトタイプを作成する・第4回 - [Paywall Content]|CreativeEdge Vlog

                                                    Midjourneyを活用して写真集のプロトタイプを作成する検証レポートの第4回目です。ライブ配信しながら更新していく実況コンテンツです。 記事後半は[Paywall Content](メンバーシップ向け)となります。 生成AIによるマガジンのプロトタイプ第3回・Midjourneyの上級テクニックで写真集のプロトタイプを作成する 検証レポートの概要写真集のプロトタイプを作成するプロセスを詳細にレポートします 本コンテンツは検証レポートです。Midjourneyを習得するための学習コンテンツではありません Midjourneyの基本的な使い方を知っている方を対象に書いています(もしくは過去のVlogを視聴していてMidjourneyの知識を獲得されている方) 検証目的を兼ねているため、Midjourneyのテクニックを駆使します。基本的な操作や知識については解説しません(基本的なことは理解

                                                      Midjourneyの上級テクニックで写真集のプロトタイプを作成する・第4回 - [Paywall Content]|CreativeEdge Vlog
                                                    • ロシア人女性、銅像をくすぐる動画を撮影し、逮捕されてしまう

                                                      女性像の胸をくすぐる仕草 その女性とは、アレナ・アガフォノワ被告(23)だ。 彼女は昨年、第2次世界大戦の激戦地、ヴォルゴグラード(旧スターリングラード)にある「祖国の呼び声」と呼ばれる、剣を振りかざした女性像を下から撮影。 その際、銅像の胸の部分を指でくすぐる仕草をし、その動画を、ロシアでは禁止になっているインスタグラムに投稿した。しかしそれが発覚し、彼女はスリランカに潜伏したという。 Russians demand to cover the “shameful places” of the Motherland Monument in Russia, namely, “obviously protruding nipples.” According to a Russian activist, this is nothing but “homosexual moments and a

                                                      • Lego Googol Machine

                                                        An extreme gear reduction machine built with Lego parts. It visualizes how big is a googol. The machine’s gear ratio is approximately GOOGOL:1. The machine consists of 186 Lego gears, organized in a series of gear reductions. A Lego motor rotates the first gear. The last gear is holding a Lego minifig statue, but don’t wait for it to turn. Gear ratio The exact gear ratio of the machine, in decimal

                                                          Lego Googol Machine
                                                        • Was the Buddha an awakened prince or a humble itinerant? | Aeon Essays

                                                          The historical Buddha, preaching on Vulture Peak. Japanese, Nara period, 8th century. Courtesy the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Who was the Buddha?When we strip away the myths, such as his princely youth in a palace, a surprising picture of this enigmatic sage emergesby Alexander Wynne + BIO The historical Buddha, preaching on Vulture Peak. Japanese, Nara period, 8th century. Courtesy the Museum of

                                                            Was the Buddha an awakened prince or a humble itinerant? | Aeon Essays
                                                          • AURORA - Giving In To The Love - YouTube

                                                            Aurora's brand-new album The Gods We Can Touch is out now! Order here: https://Aurora.lnk.to/TGWCTID 🩸⚔️🩸 Stream Giving Into The Love here: https://Aurora.lnk.to/GITTLID Listen to more from AURORA: https://Aurora.lnk.to/listenID Sign Up To The Mailing List: https://Aurora.lnk.to/officialmailinglist Merch: https://Aurora.lnk.to/OfficialStoreVD CONNECT WITH AURORA... Instagram: https://Aurora.l

                                                              AURORA - Giving In To The Love - YouTube
                                                            • Florence, Italy Walking Tour - 4K/60fps - with Captions

                                                              WALKING IN FLORENCE, ITALY: This six mile (9.65km) walk of central Florence was filmed on July 3rd, 2019 starting at 12:30pm at the Santa Maria Novella Train Station. During this walk you will go inside the Baptistery of St. John, inside the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, and climb up the steps of Giotto's Bell Tower. Hear the ambient sounds of Florence life in 3D audio when you listen with y

                                                                Florence, Italy Walking Tour - 4K/60fps - with Captions
                                                              • Unraveling the charm of Nagasaki! A complete travel guide to historic tourist destinations and delicious gourmet food! - 日本が大好きになる図書館 | Fall in love with Japan, Library

                                                                History and culture of Nagasaki prefecture 1. The depth of Nagasaki’s history Nagasaki Prefecture boasts a richly cosmopolitan history and tradition, and has had exchanges with many countries since before Japan opened its doors to the world. When I, Kasumi, visited Nagasaki, I was moved by its diversity and the depth of its ancient history. In particular, Dejima was the only island that was allowe

                                                                  Unraveling the charm of Nagasaki! A complete travel guide to historic tourist destinations and delicious gourmet food! - 日本が大好きになる図書館 | Fall in love with Japan, Library
                                                                • 3D scanning with the iPhone lidar

                                                                  As you may know, the latest generation of iPhones (12 Pro and 12 Pro Max) comes equipped with a back facing lidar camera. 3D capture is for me the natural evolution of capture, and I have been waiting for this day to happen for almost 10 years. A number of 3D captures apps got recently released to take advantage of this new capability. I’ve tested pretty much all of them, and have been scanning ex

                                                                    3D scanning with the iPhone lidar
                                                                  • Pokemon Diamond Tricks for DS

                                                                    Elekid or Magby : Enter the game Fire Red or Green Leaf Pokemon respectively to obtain the corresponding pokemon, which you will find in the power plant or in the Dark Mountain in each case. National Dex : Complete the Shinou Dez watching the 150 pokemon (not including Manaphy). Get the cards: Completing each of the following missions will earn you a star, which will make your card change color: F

                                                                      Pokemon Diamond Tricks for DS
                                                                    • Head of Church of England: White Jesus Should be Reconsidered Amid Protests WORLD NEWSWEEK

                                                                      Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said Friday the Church of England and other religious institutions worldwide should "of course" reconsider portrayals of Jesus that depict him as a white man. The leader of the Anglican Communion, which represents millions of people in more than 165 countries, has spoken out against racial inequalities within the church in recent weeks as protests demanding an

                                                                        Head of Church of England: White Jesus Should be Reconsidered Amid Protests WORLD NEWSWEEK
                                                                      • 斉藤正美 on Twitter: "同じ共同通信の記事とは思えないほど、サバイバーの声や主催者側の声を拾ってること。 Statue dedicated to Korean "comfort women" installed near Washington… https://t.co/sByhI754Y3"

                                                                        同じ共同通信の記事とは思えないほど、サバイバーの声や主催者側の声を拾ってること。 Statue dedicated to Korean "comfort women" installed near Washington… https://t.co/sByhI754Y3

                                                                          斉藤正美 on Twitter: "同じ共同通信の記事とは思えないほど、サバイバーの声や主催者側の声を拾ってること。 Statue dedicated to Korean "comfort women" installed near Washington… https://t.co/sByhI754Y3"
                                                                        • Jack Parrock on Twitter: "#Antwerp authorities have removed a statue of colonial Belgian King Leopold II after the weekend’s… https://t.co/XADQnaXFkl"

                                                                          #Antwerp authorities have removed a statue of colonial Belgian King Leopold II after the weekend’s… https://t.co/XADQnaXFkl

                                                                            Jack Parrock on Twitter: "#Antwerp authorities have removed a statue of colonial Belgian King Leopold II after the weekend’s… https://t.co/XADQnaXFkl"
                                                                          • A Japan-South Korea Dispute Hundreds of Years in the Making

                                                                            August 26, 2019 Topic: Security Region: Asia Blog Brand: Korea Watch Tags: JapanSouth KoreaROKHistoryTradeComfort WomenGSOMIA A Japan-South Korea Dispute Hundreds of Years in the Making If the United States wishes to see the survival of a strong trilateral alliance in East Asia, Washington needs to take a stronger stance in bringing the two sides to a mutual resolution, even if such a resolution i

                                                                              A Japan-South Korea Dispute Hundreds of Years in the Making
                                                                            • The Brave (2019) - slimlasopa

                                                                              In the wind-swept wilds of southern Mexico, a Beast is stirring. Spirit Of The Brave by Diesel is a Oriental Woody fragrance for men. This is a new fragrance. Spirit Of The Brave was launched in 2019. Top notes are bergamot and galbanum; middle notes are cypress and fir; base notes are labdanum and tonka bean. Migrants heading north are once again taking their chances on the freight train known as

                                                                                The Brave (2019) - slimlasopa
                                                                              • Sheng Long Street Fighter Stage - nationlasopa

                                                                                Street Fighter II Series Mugen Characters. Last Section Update: - Added Guile(Kaz), Stages by JAM, Sprite Rips from Spriters resource and Sprite Database, Sound Rips by TKGB. Street Fighter is home to nomadic kung-fu warriors, electric jungle wildmen, bear-wrestling Soviets, and more, but there is no character more terrifying in the Street Fighter pantheon than Akuma. Driven by dark ki and a desir

                                                                                  Sheng Long Street Fighter Stage - nationlasopa
                                                                                • 日本映画 |渋谷 1960年代 | Nostalgic Japanese Movies | Shibuya 1960s

                                                                                  日本映画 |渋谷 1960年代 | Nostalgic Japanese Movies | Shibuya 1960s Shibuya scenes of daily life in the 60s. Most of these clips are from Japanese movies, but they show the reality of the Japanese people in and around Shibuya at that time. Most buildings have been knocked down and rebuilt and some train lines moved underground like the Toyoko Line terminal station in 2013. It is before the time of Shib

                                                                                    日本映画 |渋谷 1960年代 | Nostalgic Japanese Movies | Shibuya 1960s