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  • AWS Japan FAQ's

    For questions and answers about Amazon AWS Japan and the changes you are experiencing, please read through our FAQs below. 1. アマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパン合同会社とは何ですか? 2022 年 2 月 1 日より、アマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパン合同会社(AWS Japan) が、Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS Inc.) に代わり、日本国内の全てのアカウントに対する新しい AWS クラウドサービスの契約当事者となります。したがって、日本国内のすべてのアカウントは AWS Inc. ではなく、AWS Japan からクラウドサービスを購入することになります。日本国内の請求書払いのアカウントは、2021 年 11 月 1 日に、

      AWS Japan FAQ's
    • SSH agent restriction

      Author: Damien Miller <djm@openssh.com> Last modified: 2022-01-10 TLDR OpenSSH 8.9 will include the ability to control how and where keys in ssh-agent may be used, both locally and when forwarded (subject to some limitations). Background The OpenSSH SSH protocol implementation includes the ssh-agent authentication agent. This tool supports two overlapping uses: a safe runtime store for unwrapped p

      • BPF ring buffer

        There is now a new BPF data structure available: BPF ring buffer. It solves memory efficiency and event re-ordering problems of the BPF perf buffer (a de facto standard today for sending data from kernel to user-space) while meeting or beating its performance. It provides both perfbuf-compatible for easy migration, but also has the new reserve/submit API with better usability. Also, both synthetic

        • Static TypeScript

          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Static TypeScript An Implementation of a Static Compiler for the Typ

          • お盆に向けて感染予防対策についての市長コメント(2022年8月10日)|つくば市公式ウェブサイト

            市民の皆様におかれましては、日頃より新型コロナウイルスの感染防止対策にご理解とご協力をいただき、心より御礼を申し上げます。 新型コロナウイルスのオミクロン株の亜型であるBA5による第7波は、これまでの感染の勢いをはるかに上回るスピードで、全国的に急拡大しています。つくば市においても8月5日には感染者数が、これまでで最多となる540人を記録するなど、感染の急拡大が続いています。 第7波の感染急拡大に伴い、茨城県内でも医療従事者の感染などにより、発熱外来や救急医療が非常にひっ迫しています。市民の皆様におかれましては、限りある医療資源を有効に活用し、真に必要とする方に医療を届けるために、適切な医療機関の受診や救急要請(119番通報)へのご理解とご協力をお願いいたします。 これからお盆を迎え、人と会う機会が多くなる時期を迎えますので、改めまして、基本的な感染対策である「手洗い」や「こまめな換気」、

            • 小室哲哉の使用機材 - Wikipedia

              小室哲哉の使用機材(こむろてつやのしようきざい)は、日本のミュージシャン、小室哲哉の制作の際に使用する機材とそれらによって生まれた方向性についてのまとめである。 使用機材[編集] Sequential Circuits Prophet-600[1] Pearl PolySensor PPG WAVE 2.2[2] Prophet VS[3] E-mu Emulator II 小室は「鍵盤の左端が弾き辛い」「ディスクの入れ替えをやってる余裕がない」「見栄が悪い」「小さいキーボードから、色々な音色が『声』から『オーケストラ』まで出てくると皆が不思議がってくれる」という理由から、YAMAHA DX7とMIDIで接続されてあり、小泉洋のコントロールでDX7自体の音色と切り替えながら弾き分けていた[4]。 小室はライブでの演奏と動きに徹していて、物理的に操作に関与することが不可能なため、ステージ上で

              • What's New In DevTools (Chrome 78)  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                Multi-client support in the Audits panel You can now use the Audits panel in combination with other DevTools features like Request Blocking and Local Overrides. For example, suppose that your Audits panel report says that your page's performance score is 70 and one of your biggest performance opportunities is eliminating render-blocking resources. Figure 1. The initial Performance score. Figure 2.

                • A24: The Rise of a Cultural Conglomerate | The Generalist

                  Even with big ambitions, only a small percentage of startups make it. Mercury Raise is here to change that. Introducing the comprehensive founder success platform built to remove roadblocks at every step of the startup journey. Looking to fundraise? Get your pitch in front of hundreds of the right investors with Investor Connect. Craving the company of people who get it? Join our Slack community o

                    A24: The Rise of a Cultural Conglomerate | The Generalist
                  • Are You Sure You Want to Use MMAP in Your Database Management System?

                    Are You Sure You Want to Use MMAP in Your Database Management System? Andrew Crotty Carnegie Mellon University andrewcr@cs.cmu.edu Viktor Leis University of Erlangen-Nuremberg viktor.leis@fau.de Andrew Pavlo Carnegie Mellon University pavlo@cs.cmu.edu ABSTRACT Memory-mapped (mmap) file I/O is an OS-provided feature that maps the contents of a file on secondary storage into a program’s address spac

                    • Choosing between React Native and Flutter

                      Cross post from my own blog post The rise of Flutter brought doubt to the decisions for a new mobile project. This doubt did not exist back in 2016/17 when someone needed a cross-platform mobile solution. Back in 2016/17, there were fewer options¹, it was obvious that if you wanted a cross-platform solution with JavaScript you would choose React Native since it outperformed its competition. We are

                        Choosing between React Native and Flutter
                      • MaxCDN and SecureCDN are Retiring; Here's What It Means for You

                        Take A Short Walk With Me Through StackPath History In 2016, MaxCDN (the company) became a part of StackPath, and MaxCDN (the service) was the underpinnings for SecureCDN, the first StackPath-branded service, released the same year. In 2017, Highwinds (the company) joined the family, and in 2018 we merged the capabilities and legacies of MaxCDN/SecureCDN into Highwinds CDN to create StackPath CDN.

                          MaxCDN and SecureCDN are Retiring; Here's What It Means for You
                        • The container orchestrator landscape [LWN.net]

                          Did you know...?LWN.net is a subscriber-supported publication; we rely on subscribers to keep the entire operation going. Please help out by buying a subscription and keeping LWN on the net. Docker and other container engines can greatly simplify many aspects of deploying a server-side application, but numerous applications consist of more than one container. Managing a group of containers only ge

                          • Using Gmail SMTP with Cloudflare Email Routing: A Step-by-Step Guide

                            outbound-email-with-cloudflare.md Using Gmail SMTP with Cloudflare Email Routing: Step-by-Step Guide Learn how to send emails through Gmail SMTP with Cloudflare Email Routing in this comprehensive guide. Step 1: Enable 2-Factor Authentication To proceed with this method, ensure that you have enabled two-factor authentication for your Google account. If you haven't done so already, you can follow t

                              Using Gmail SMTP with Cloudflare Email Routing: A Step-by-Step Guide
                            • Introducing PyTorch Forecasting

                              I am pleased to announce the open-source Python package PyTorch Forecasting. It makes time series forecasting with neural networks simple both for data science practitioners and researchers. Why is accurate forecasting so important?Forecasting time series is important in many contexts and highly relevant to machine learning practitioners. Take, for example, demand forecasting from which many use c

                                Introducing PyTorch Forecasting
                              • How SQLite helps you do ACID

                                How SQLite helps you do ACID Author Name Ben Johnson @benbjohnson @benbjohnson Image by Annie Ruygt Fly.io runs apps close to users around the world, by taking containers and upgrading them to full-fledged virtual machines running on our own hardware around the world. Sometimes those containers run SQLite and we make that easy too. Give us a whirl and get up and running quickly. When database vend

                                  How SQLite helps you do ACID
                                • Guidance for investigating attacks using CVE-2023-23397 | Microsoft Security Blog

                                  February 15, 2024 update – On January 20, 2024, the US government conducted a disruption operation against infrastructure used by a threat actor we track as Forest Blizzard (STRONTIUM), a Russian state-sponsored threat actor, as detailed here: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-conducts-court-authorized-disruption-botnet-controlled-russian December 4, 2023 update – Microsoft has ide

                                    Guidance for investigating attacks using CVE-2023-23397 | Microsoft Security Blog
                                  • ETL and ELT design patterns for lake house architecture using Amazon Redshift: Part 1 | Amazon Web Services

                                    AWS Big Data Blog ETL and ELT design patterns for lake house architecture using Amazon Redshift: Part 1 New: Read Amazon Redshift continues its price-performance leadership to learn what analytic workload trends we’re seeing from Amazon Redshift customers, new capabilities we have launched to improve Redshift’s price-performance, and the results from the latest benchmarks. Part 1 of this multi-pos

                                      ETL and ELT design patterns for lake house architecture using Amazon Redshift: Part 1 | Amazon Web Services
                                    • CSS Creator Håkon Wium Lie Interview by Evrone

                                      Index / Blog / Håkon Wium Lie: "Maybe we're in the metaverse already. If so, we don't need another one." Read an interview with Håkon Wium Lie, who is most notably recognized for his work in the development of CSS while collaborating with Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau at CERN. Introduction We had a nice chat with Håkon Wium Lie, a prominent figure in web industry. Håkon has made significant

                                        CSS Creator Håkon Wium Lie Interview by Evrone
                                      • iCloud Private Relay: information for Cloudflare customers

                                        iCloud Private Relay: information for Cloudflare customers03/02/2022 This post is also available in Español. iCloud Private Relay is a new Internet privacy service from Apple that allows users with iOS 15, iPadOS 15, or macOS Monterey on their devices and an iCloud+ subscription, to connect to the Internet and browse with Safari in a more secure and private way. Cloudflare is proud to work with Ap

                                          iCloud Private Relay: information for Cloudflare customers
                                        • React Authentication & Access Control | CSS-Tricks

                                          Authentication and access control are required for most applications, but they often distract us from building core features. In this article, I’ll cover a straightforward way to add auth and access control in React. Instead of adding a static library that you have to keep up to date or re-research each time you build a project, we’ll use a service that stays up to date automatically and is a much

                                            React Authentication & Access Control | CSS-Tricks
                                          • SourceHut will (not) blacklist the Go module mirror

                                            Update 2023-01-31: Russ Cox of the Go team reached out to us to address this problem. After some discussion, an acceptable plan was worked out. The Go team is working on deploying an update to the “go” tool to add a -reuse flag, which should substantially reduce the traffic generated by this system for all users of Go. In the meantime, the automated refresh traffic from proxy.golang.org was disabl

                                            • Porting 58000 lines of D and C++ to jai, Part 0: Why and How

                                              Porting 58000 lines of D and C++ to jai, Part 0: Why and How In this series of blogposts, I will document my experience of porting the game that I am currently working on to the jai programming language. It’s currently written in mostly D and some C++ and comes in at exactly 58,620 lines of code (excluding libraries). I’ve planned on doing this for a long time and want to keep some sort of record

                                              • Blockchain Technology: Architecture, Security Mechanism, and Blockchain Transactions

                                                Blockchain has been a buzzword for some time, and blockchain technology has been gaining popularity by the day. However, the real potential of this technology is yet to be tapped. For any emerging technology or concept, the initial acceptance and adaptation are always slow. However, when the momentum picks up, there is no stopping. We all remember the days of the early 2000s when cloud computing w

                                                  Blockchain Technology: Architecture, Security Mechanism, and Blockchain Transactions
                                                • Private Network Access update: Introducing a deprecation trial  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                                                  Updates March 23, 2023: The timeline has been updated, and deprecation will not occur until Chrome 117. January 19, 2023: The timeline has been updated, and deprecation will not occur until Chrome 114. August 12, 2022: The timeline has been updated, and deprecation will not occur until Chrome 109. February 10, 2022: An updated article is published at Private Network Access: introducing preflights

                                                    Private Network Access update: Introducing a deprecation trial  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers
                                                  • Getting the World Record in HATETRIS

                                                    Previous post: Prologue in HATETRIS Tetris That Hates You StickManStickMan #611, by Sam Hughes. HATETRIS is a version of Tetris written in 2010 by programmer and sci-fi author Sam Hughes. According to his initial description of the game: This is bad Tetris. It’s hateful Tetris. It’s Tetris according to the evil AI from “I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream”. (And if you aren’t familiar with Tetris at

                                                    • Making a DNS query in Ruby from scratch

                                                      Hello! A while back I wrote a post about how to write a toy DNS resolver in Go. In that post I left out “how to generate and parse DNS queries” because I thought it was boring, but a few people pointed out that they did not know how to parse and generate DNS queries and they were interested in how to do it. This made me curious – how much work is it do the DNS parsing? It turns out we can do it in

                                                      • Written communication is remote work super power

                                                        My name is Snir David. I'm a proffessional developer delivering great software to production. I post concise knowledge bits on my account Follow @snird Written communication is remote work super power 19/06/2020 Update: An interesting discussion around this started in hacker news The remote work environment is different from the office. Different environments call for different communication syste

                                                          Written communication is remote work super power
                                                        • Migrating Autodesk’s mission-critical database from Microsoft SQL Server to Amazon Aurora MySQL | Amazon Web Services

                                                          AWS Database Blog Migrating Autodesk’s mission-critical database from Microsoft SQL Server to Amazon Aurora MySQL This is a guest post from Tulika Shrivastava, Software Architect from Autodesk, in partnership with Rama Thamman from AWS. In their own words, “Autodesk is a leader in 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software. If you’ve ever driven a car, admired a towering skyscraper, used a

                                                            Migrating Autodesk’s mission-critical database from Microsoft SQL Server to Amazon Aurora MySQL | Amazon Web Services
                                                          • Quickly build high-accuracy Generative AI applications on enterprise data using Amazon Kendra, LangChain, and large language models | Amazon Web Services

                                                            AWS Machine Learning Blog Quickly build high-accuracy Generative AI applications on enterprise data using Amazon Kendra, LangChain, and large language models June 2023: This post was updated to cover the Amazon Kendra Retrieve API optimized for RAG use cases, and Amazon Kendra retriever now being part of the LangChain GitHub repo. This revision also updates the instructions to use new version samp

                                                              Quickly build high-accuracy Generative AI applications on enterprise data using Amazon Kendra, LangChain, and large language models | Amazon Web Services
                                                            • So, you want to deploy on the edge?

                                                              By keeping the app and database close together, we can reduce the total response time for the user by 40%. Edge computing and latency Edge computing encourages you to run your apps closer to where the users are making requests from, under the premise that running closer to the users produces faster response times. But as we’ve seen, the responses times for lots of round trips to a centralised data

                                                              • An In-Depth Analysis of Distributed Transaction Solutions

                                                                This article summarizes five distributed transaction solutions and analyzes their features. By Daosu This article summarizes five distributed transaction solutions and analyzes their features: XA Specification, TCC, Saga, Local-Message-Based Distributed Transactions, and Transactional-Message-Based Distributed Transactions. Considering its length, I recommend that you add it to your favorites and

                                                                  An In-Depth Analysis of Distributed Transaction Solutions
                                                                • Announcing session recording for Tailscale SSH in beta

                                                                  Today, we’re launching session recording for Tailscale SSH in beta, allowing you to record the terminal output whenever someone on your tailnet initiates a Tailscale SSH connection. You can use these recordings to detect threats, investigate security incidents, and remain compliant with your network security policies. Let’s talk about how it works: When a member of your tailnet initiates a connect

                                                                    Announcing session recording for Tailscale SSH in beta
                                                                  • British Post Office scandal - Wikipedia

                                                                    The British Post Office scandal, also called the Horizon IT scandal, involved Post Office Limited pursuing thousands of innocent subpostmasters for shortfalls in their accounts, which had in fact been caused by faults in Horizon, accounting software developed by Fujitsu. Between 1999 and 2015, more than 900 subpostmasters were convicted of theft, fraud and false accounting based on faulty Horizon

                                                                      British Post Office scandal - Wikipedia
                                                                    • Universal Sans

                                                                      Why Universal Sans ▤? This is the second major release which includes new features, functionality and performance improvements. We intend to update the system with improvements and new features in the future. How do I receive the typefaces? When you have selected your licence requirements and completed the checkout process you will receive a link to download your font files, this will also be emai

                                                                      • GitHub Actionsセルフホストランナーのhookスクリプトを試す

                                                                        GitHub Actionsのセルフホストランナーにひっそりと追加されたジョブの前後にhookスクリプトを実行できる機能はご存知でしょうか? 2022/04なので追加されたのもかなり最近ではあるのですが、リリースノートも目立たないのでほぼ誰も話題にしていないようです。個人的にはactions/runnerにpull-requestが出たときから気になっていた機能だったのですがすっかり忘れており、先日この記事を書いたときにやっと思い出したのでちょっと調べてみました。 まずドキュメント 意外にちゃんとドキュメントが用意されていました。 実装されたときのpull-request。 リポジトリに置かれているADR(おそらくArchitecture Decision Recordsのこと)。 順番としてはおそらく ADR -> pull-request -> ドキュメントの順に作られたと思われるので

                                                                          GitHub Actionsセルフホストランナーのhookスクリプトを試す
                                                                        • How to build your own CDN

                                                                          Image source: Infographic vector created by pikisuperstar — www.freepik.com Content Delivery Networks (CDN) are generally used by sites and applications for speeding up the loading of static elements. This is accomplished by caching files on CDN servers located in various regions of the world. Having requested data via CDN, the user receives it from the nearest server. The underlying principles be

                                                                            How to build your own CDN
                                                                          • News

                                                                            Logback components written for logback 1.2 should work without change in version 1.3. However, Joran, logback's configuration system, has been rewritten to use an internal representation model which can be processed separately. Thus, code depending on Joran needs to be adapted to changes in Joran (logback's internal configuration mechanism). As a result of enhancements to Joran, logback configurat

                                                                            • はじめての自然言語処理 ELECTRA(BERT の事前学習手法の改良)による固有表現抽出の検証 | オブジェクトの広場

                                                                              今回は BERT における事前学習の改良手法である ELECTRA の検証です。ELECTRA はモデルサイズ、データ、計算量が同一条件であればオリジナルの BERT を凌ぐ性能とのことなので結果が楽しみなところです。事前学習をした後のファインチューニングは、いつも livedoor News Corpus の文書分類ばかりだったので、今回は固有表現抽出を試すことにしました。 1. はじめに 今回は BERT における事前学習の改良手法である ELECTRA 1 の検証です。 BERT に関しては 第3回 で取り上げていますが、トークン化が Sentencepiece である為、トークン単位での処理に難がありました2。今回は ELECTRA を試すにあたり、そのあたりの対応も入れ、 Megagon Labs さんから公開されている UD_Japanese-GSD v2.6-NE 3 を使っ

                                                                                はじめての自然言語処理 ELECTRA(BERT の事前学習手法の改良)による固有表現抽出の検証 | オブジェクトの広場
                                                                              • Async Rust in Practice: Performance, Pitfalls, Profiling

                                                                                It’s been a while since ScyllaDB Rust Driver was born during ScyllaDB’s internal developer hackathon. Since then, its development and adoption accelerated a lot. We’ve added many new features and published a couple of releases on crates.io. Along the way, we also stumbled upon a few interesting performance bottlenecks to investigate and overcome — read on for more details. First Issue Arises A few

                                                                                  Async Rust in Practice: Performance, Pitfalls, Profiling
                                                                                • Email Authenticity 101: DKIM, DMARC, and SPF - Alex Blackie

                                                                                  Prefer to listen? I was a guest on Heavy Networking Episode 602 and covered all the details in this post! Password resets, two factor codes, business secrets, private conversations… Email is at the centre of most of life and business, and so we must ensure it is trustworthy and authentic. If you use email with your own domain, a lot of the burden of authenticity has suddenly shifted from your serv