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361 - 400 件 / 1879件

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toolsの検索結果361 - 400 件 / 1879件

  • ProjectionLab - Modern Financial & Retirement Planning Tools

    ProjectionLab captures the important details in life that other retirement calculators miss. You’ll find it easy and intuitive to build simple but rich financial plans that truly represent you, your loved ones, and the paths you choose.

      ProjectionLab - Modern Financial & Retirement Planning Tools
    • Bueno | No-Code Tools for NFT Creators

      Empowering creators to transform ideas into generative art, drops, and worlds with zero code.

        Bueno | No-Code Tools for NFT Creators
      • GitHub - HumanSignal/awesome-data-labeling: A curated list of awesome data labeling tools

        labelImg - LabelImg is a graphical image annotation tool and label object bounding boxes in images CVAT - Powerful and efficient Computer Vision Annotion Tool labelme - Image Polygonal Annotation with Python VoTT - An open source annotation and labeling tool for image and video assets imglab - A web based tool to label images for objects that can be used to train dlib or other object detectors Yol

          GitHub - HumanSignal/awesome-data-labeling: A curated list of awesome data labeling tools
        • GitHub - IBM/Project_CodeNet: This repository is to support contributions for tools for the Project CodeNet dataset hosted in DAX

          A decade ago, Marc Andreessen famously wrote that "software is eating the world." Software now permeates every part of our existence; Google services combine for 2 billion lines of code, and a modern vehicle contains around 100 million lines of code. It's a monumental challenge to create, debug, maintain, and update these complex software systems. Recently, a fast-growing discipline known as AI fo

            GitHub - IBM/Project_CodeNet: This repository is to support contributions for tools for the Project CodeNet dataset hosted in DAX
          • 【TOOLS UP!】家ステージ 4~6 - Cou氏の徒然日記

            ■ TOOLS UP (ツールズアップ) 今回は、家ステージ4~6。 徐々にギミックが増えていくのがいいですね。 ■ 家ステージ4 ここからまた新たな工程が追加。 レンガの壁にセメントなのかわかりませんが、コテで塗るという工程ですね。その後にペンキを塗るという流れになります。 そのセメントを塗るためには、 をバケツに入れないといけないので、バケツが1つしかないステージだと、バケツをゴミ箱としてだけ使っていたら、いつになっても壁を塗れません。 そのため、1つかしかないバケツをうまく使わないといけないのが難しいところです。 Overcooked!では皿でしたが、TOOLS UP!ではバケツがポイントになりそうですね。 www.youtube.com ■ 家ステージ5 ステージ4と違って、今度は床にセメントを塗る工程が必要。 やること自体は壁が床になっただけなので、ほぼ何も変わりません。 バケツ

              【TOOLS UP!】家ステージ 4~6 - Cou氏の徒然日記
            • Exploring Outdated Linux Command Line Tools: Move On to Better Alternatives

              Why It’s Time to Move OnLinux is known for its rich command-line heritage, offering a wide array of powerful tools to accomplish almost any task. However, like all technology, some of these tools have become outdated, with better alternatives now available. While many administrators and power users may still rely on these obsolete tools out of habit or necessity, there are compelling reasons to mo

                Exploring Outdated Linux Command Line Tools: Move On to Better Alternatives
              • Bolt for JavaScript | Slack Developer Tools

                Bolt for JavaScript is a JavaScript framework to build Slack apps with the latest Slack platform features. Read the Getting Started Guide to set up and run your first Bolt app. Then, head over to the Concepts guides. They'll help you build a Bolt app for whatever use case you may have. Getting help​ These docs have lots of information on Bolt for JavaScript. There's also an in-depth Reference sect

                • GitHub - microsoft/Microsoft-Performance-Tools-Linux-Android: Linux, Android and Chromium Performance Tools built using the Microsoft Performance Toolkit. Cross-platform .NET Core + WPA GUI

                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                    GitHub - microsoft/Microsoft-Performance-Tools-Linux-Android: Linux, Android and Chromium Performance Tools built using the Microsoft Performance Toolkit. Cross-platform .NET Core + WPA GUI
                  • Interactive Learning Tools For Front-End Developers — Smashing Magazine

                    We learn better by playing games. So we’ve collected interactive coding tools and games to help you learn CSS, JavaScript, SQL, React, Vim, regular expressions, Jamstack and pretty much everything in-between. Because this industry moves so quickly, learning new skills is a regular thing for most of us. Over the last little while, I’ve been able to collect links to several interactive coding tools

                      Interactive Learning Tools For Front-End Developers — Smashing Magazine
                    • ユーザー登録やメールアドレス不要で使えるWebアプリだけを収集しているコレクションサイト・「nosignup.tools」

                      • 音楽制作用の無料 DAW – Pro Tools Intro をダウンロード – Avid

                        インスパイアされる ビートやベースからシンセ、ギター、ストリングスなど、何百ものインストゥルメント サウンドとループを使って作成を開始し、想像力をかき立てましょう。 パフォーマンスの編集とミキシング 際限なく柔軟かつ自由に試行できる環境で、オーディオ とMIDI を形作り、修正し、微調整し、強化し、ミックスします。 アイデアをすぐに音楽に変える 使いやすいオーディオおよび MIDI ツールを使用して、ドラム トラックをプログラムし、完璧なギター トーンを調整し、実際の楽器とバーチャル・インストゥルメントを録音し、ヴォーカルを録音しましょう。 どこでもセッションが可能 Pro Tools Intro は Pro Tools であるため、セッションをあらゆるスタジオに持ち込んで、他のアーティストやプロデューサーとコラボレーションすることができます。

                          音楽制作用の無料 DAW – Pro Tools Intro をダウンロード – Avid
                        • Parquetファイルの中身を確認するparquet-toolsをDocker使ってインストール無しで実行する - YOMON8.NET

                          parquet-toolsをビルドするの面倒なので、Dockerで実行する方法。 parquet-tools Parquetの中身見るためのCLIです。 https://github.com/apache/parquet-mr/tree/master/parquet-tools Dockerでの実行方法 こちらのイメージ使わせてもらいます。Dockerfile見ればわかりますが、シンプルなので自分で調整も簡単です。 https://hub.docker.com/r/nathanhowell/parquet-tools 実行方法はこちらです。meta サブコマンドを実行しています。 $ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/tmp -w /tmp nathanhowell/parquet-tools meta my-test.parquet parquet-toolsの使い方

                            Parquetファイルの中身を確認するparquet-toolsをDocker使ってインストール無しで実行する - YOMON8.NET
                          • GitHub - daac-tools/vaporetto: 🛥 Vaporetto: Very accelerated pointwise prediction based tokenizer

                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                              GitHub - daac-tools/vaporetto: 🛥 Vaporetto: Very accelerated pointwise prediction based tokenizer
                            • Ultimate Guide to Dark Mode [+ Code Snippets, Tools, Tips from the Email Community]

                              Capabilities Litmus is an all-in-one email marketing solution that helps you optimize and personalize every email to maximize your ROI and create exceptional brand experiences for every subscriber. Why Litmus Email Monitoring Email Design Email Building Email Personalization Email Testing Spam Testing Email Analytics Email Collaboration and Review Technology Integrations AI & Emerging Email Techno

                                Ultimate Guide to Dark Mode [+ Code Snippets, Tools, Tips from the Email Community]
                              • GitHub - arcee-ai/mergekit: Tools for merging pretrained large language models.

                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                  GitHub - arcee-ai/mergekit: Tools for merging pretrained large language models.
                                • Midlibrary: Midjourney AI Styles Library + Midjourney Guides + Tools

                                  The most advanced library of genres, artistic movements, techniques, titles, and artists' styles for Midjourney AI.

                                    Midlibrary: Midjourney AI Styles Library + Midjourney Guides + Tools
                                  • GitHub - yuhattor/copilot-patterns: This document is a compilation of best practices for AI-Native development, curated by our community. Discover useful tips and tricks for leveraging tools to improve your AI development process.

                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                      GitHub - yuhattor/copilot-patterns: This document is a compilation of best practices for AI-Native development, curated by our community. Discover useful tips and tricks for leveraging tools to improve your AI development process.
                                    • PicWish AI Photo Editor | Free Online Photo Editing Tools

                                      PicWish is an AI-powered image processing tool that frees you up from repetitive tasks for more valuable creative work.

                                        PicWish AI Photo Editor | Free Online Photo Editing Tools
                                      • Free tools and services for Developer

                                        Free tools and services for Developer List of free stuff for developer by developer to use. This is a collective list of useful services for developer you can use for your next MVP or prototpying your idea.

                                          Free tools and services for Developer
                                        • Best OSINT Tools for 2020

                                          OSINT means Open source intelligence refers to information that can be collected from the public for free. Here are the 10 best OSINT tools to do so. OSINT or Open source intelligence refers to information about businesses or people that can be collected from online sources. However, it requires tools to do so, and here are the 10 best OSINT Tools for 2020. In a world full of information overload,

                                            Best OSINT Tools for 2020
                                          • Nobl9 Reliability Software and Tools to Manage SLOs and Monitoring

                                            Mastering SLOs: Maximizing ROI, Reliability and Cost Savings

                                            • Speee OSS挑戦 for Red Data Tools - Speee DEVELOPER BLOG

                                              ※この記事は、Speee Advent Calendar19日目の記事です。 昨日の記事はこちらtech.speee.jp こんにちは! デジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)事業本部エンジニアの岡田です。 Speeeでは、クリアコードの須藤さんにOSS活動をサポートしてもらっています。 今回、OSS活動はほぼ未経験の自分が、どのように挑戦したかを書いてみました。 最初はチャットでの相談から入り、現在もサポプロを使って勉強しています。 OSS 活動に挑戦した背景 自分は、プログラミングを社会人から始めて、特に体系だった知識をもたないまま、業務で必要なスキルを都度都度勉強してきました。 結果、WEB開発という文脈であれば、フロントエンドも、サーバーサイドも、クラウド周りもある程度は一人で実装できるようになりました。 一方で、まだまだ技術の話で分かってないことが多いなと感じており、特にライブ

                                                Speee OSS挑戦 for Red Data Tools - Speee DEVELOPER BLOG
                                              • 文字コードを変換するツール | i_Tools

                                                テキストファイルの文字コードを変換して出力するツールです. chg_cc.2020.01.30.zip エクスプローラなどから,変換対象のテキストファイルをドロップします. 変換後のフォルダ(%TEMP%\…\)が自動的に開かれます. %TEMP% 以下の変換後ファイルは終了時に削除します. 出力先フォルダをドロップすると,そこに変換先を切替えます. その場合,変換後ファイルは削除しません. この投稿は役に立ちましたか? 役に立った 役に立たなかった 0 人中 0 人がこの 投稿 は役に立ったと言っています。 The post 文字コードを変換するツール first appeared on i_Tools.

                                                  文字コードを変換するツール | i_Tools
                                                • 「VMware Tools」Windows版にXXE攻撃の脆弱性 ~DoSや情報漏洩の恐れ/深刻度は「Moderate」。最新バージョンへのアップデートを推奨

                                                    「VMware Tools」Windows版にXXE攻撃の脆弱性 ~DoSや情報漏洩の恐れ/深刻度は「Moderate」。最新バージョンへのアップデートを推奨
                                                  • Monitoring and Troubleshooting Tools in JDK/bin


                                                      Monitoring and Troubleshooting Tools in JDK/bin
                                                    • Serverless DevOps Tools

                                                      Photo by Todd Quackenbush on UnsplashIntroductionOk, so the Ansible servers are up and running! But it turns out that now you and your team have to maintain the Linux servers, one day you are developing Ansible playbooks and the other you are checking disk space, adding the security patches required by infosec, debugging why the weekend executions failed and the list continues, unfortunately. Also

                                                        Serverless DevOps Tools
                                                      • 10 essential Linux tools for network and security pros

                                                        Open source security frameworks help enterprises stay one step ahead of attackers by facilitating penetration testing and vulnerability assessments on wired and wireless networks. Picking just 10 Linux open source security tools isn’t easy, especially when network professionals and security experts have dozens if not several hundred tools available to them. There are different sets of tools for ju

                                                          10 essential Linux tools for network and security pros
                                                        • Ruby Tools : Cucumber

                                                          Gherkin uses a set of special keywords to give structure and meaning to executable specifications. Each keyword is translated to many spoken languages; in this reference we’ll use English. Most lines in a Gherkin document start with one of the keywords. Comments are only permitted at the start of a new line, anywhere in the feature file. They begin with zero or more spaces, followed by a hash sign

                                                          • Power Tools Market Size, Share, Growth Analysis Report 2030

                                                            Power Tools Market Research Report Information by Machine Type (Drilling Tools, Cutting/Sawing Tools, Fastening Tools, Breaker Tools, Others) By Mode of Operation (Electric, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Others), By Mobility (Stationery, and Portable), By Application (Residential, Commercial, and Industrial), And by Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of World) - Forecast Till 2030 Globa

                                                            • 【Xiaomiスマホ】システムアプリをアンインストール(完全削除)する方法ー『Xiaomi ADB/Fastboot Tools』

                                                              【Xiaomiスマホ】システムアプリをアンインストール(完全削除)する方法ー『Xiaomi ADB/Fastboot Tools』 Xiaomiデバイスは、もともと中国本土向けに開発されているので、Google謹製アプリと同様の機能を有した「システムアプリ」が多数プリインストールされています。 この「システムアプリ」の替わりにGoogle謹製アプリをインストールして、不要な「システムアプリ」は完全に削除したいものです。 あるツールを利用することで、「システムアプリ」の完全削除はできますが、ちょっとハードルが高いかもしれません。

                                                              • Why Golang instead of Rust to develop the Krater desktop app | MoonGuard - Web Monitoring Tools

                                                                Hello! If you have been following our articles, you may remember reading that Krater was being developed with Rust using Tauri. However, this is no longer the case because a few months ago we made the decision to migrate the entire project to Wails (Golang). In this article, we will discuss our experience and why we made such a risky decision to migrate an entire application from one language to a

                                                                  Why Golang instead of Rust to develop the Krater desktop app | MoonGuard - Web Monitoring Tools
                                                                • React Hook Form Developer Tools - Chrome Web Store

                                                                  React Hook Form developer tools to help debug forms with validation. React Hook Form Developer Tools is a Chrome DevTools extension for the open-source React Hook Form library. It allows you to debug and inspect your form application state within the chrome developer tools.

                                                                    React Hook Form Developer Tools - Chrome Web Store
                                                                  • GitHub - k16shikano/hpdft: tools to poke pdf using haskell

                                                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                      GitHub - k16shikano/hpdft: tools to poke pdf using haskell
                                                                    • Early Career Researcher Toolbox: Free Online Molecular Biology Tools

                                                                      Early Career Researcher Toolbox: Free Online Molecular Biology Tools By Beth Kenkel Primer design. Plasmid mapping. DNA sequence analysis. We all have our favorite tools for tackling these particular tasks, but they tend to be scattered about the internet. To help you keep your virtual molecular biology toolbox organized, today’s post features a list of free online molecular biology tools all in o

                                                                        Early Career Researcher Toolbox: Free Online Molecular Biology Tools
                                                                      • Wonderful tools — Apple

                                                                        An amazing journey through our hardware, software and services.  Song: “Flirting With June” by Les Gordon https://apple.co/FlirtingWithJune

                                                                          Wonderful tools — Apple
                                                                        • 15 open-source cybersecurity tools you'll wish you'd known earlier - Help Net Security

                                                                          Please turn on your JavaScript for this page to function normally. Open-source tools represent a dynamic force in the technological landscape, embodying innovation, collaboration, and accessibility. These tools, developed with transparency and community-driven principles, allow users to scrutinize, modify, and adapt solutions according to their unique needs. In cybersecurity, open-source tools are

                                                                            15 open-source cybersecurity tools you'll wish you'd known earlier - Help Net Security
                                                                          • Rust Easy! Modern Cross-platform Command Line Tools to Supercharge Your Terminal

                                                                            Deepu K Sasidharan Posted on Nov 7, 2022 • Updated on Feb 19 • Originally published at deepu.tech Rust Easy! Modern Cross-platform Command Line Tools to Supercharge Your Terminal Originally published at deepu.tech. Rust is taking over the terminal. Rust is a general-purpose programming language that is blazing fast and memory safe. It is the fastest-growing and most loved programming language in t

                                                                              Rust Easy! Modern Cross-platform Command Line Tools to Supercharge Your Terminal
                                                                            • Entity Framework Core 5 - Pitfalls To Avoid and Ideas to Try | The .NET Tools Blog

                                                                              IDEs AppCode CLion DataGrip DataSpell Fleet GoLand IntelliJ IDEA PhpStorm PyCharm RustRover Rider RubyMine WebStorm Plugins & Services Big Data Tools Code With Me Quality Assurance JetBrains Platform Scala Toolbox App Writerside JetBrains AI Team Tools Datalore Space TeamCity Upsource YouTrack Hub Qodana .NET & Visual Studio .NET Tools ReSharper C++ Languages & Frameworks Kotlin Ktor MPS Amper Edu

                                                                                Entity Framework Core 5 - Pitfalls To Avoid and Ideas to Try | The .NET Tools Blog
                                                                              • Blender 2.8 mmd_tools Addon - とある紳士MMDerの3DCG関連wiki

                                                                                とある紳士MMDerの3DCG関連wiki 主にMMDやBlenderの個人的なメモ用です。一部に成人向けの内容を含みます!未成年の方はご覧にならないでください! トップページページ一覧メンバー編集 Blender 2.8 mmd_tools Addon 最終更新: hxx2 2021年07月15日(木) 21:37:47履歴 Tweet このページの内容は古いものです。更新もしません。 最新の情報は【Blender 3.0】mmd_tools【UuuNyaa版】を、旧Verは【Blender2.9】 mmd_tools 【Addon】をご覧ください。 The content of this page is out of date. It will not be updated. Please see 【Blender 3.0】mmd_tools【UuuNyaa版】 for the lat

                                                                                  Blender 2.8 mmd_tools Addon - とある紳士MMDerの3DCG関連wiki
                                                                                • Parsing in Python: all the tools and libraries you can use

                                                                                  The tomassetti.me website has changed: it is now part of strumenta.com. You will continue to find all the news with the usual quality, but in a new layout. This is an article similar to a previous one we wrote: Parsing in Java, so the introduction is the same. Skip to chapter 3 if you have already read it. If you need to parse a language, or document, from Python there are fundamentally three ways

                                                                                    Parsing in Python: all the tools and libraries you can use