
2013年3月15日のブックマーク (18件)

  • How to Export Your RSS Feeds From Google Reader

    By now, the shock that Google Reader is shutting down this summer has probably sunk in. Once you get past the outrage, it's time to figure out how to export your RSS feeds from your beloved reader before it goes dark. For the fastest, most reliable way to save your RSS feeds from the cemetery of cyberspace, use Google's Takeout service, which is detailed below and demonstrated in the video above.

    How to Export Your RSS Feeds From Google Reader
    reikof 2013/03/15
    By now, the shock that Google Reader is shutting down this summer has probably sunk in. Once you get past the outrage, it's time to figure out how to export your RSS feeds from your beloved reader before it goes dark. For the fastest, most reliable way to save your RSS feeds from the cemetery of c
  • Pope Francis Uses Sassy Fonts on Facebook

    On top of his new role as leader of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis is also a typography aficionado, apparently. If you already follow Pope Francis (formerly known as Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio) on Facebook, then you've encountered his colorful posts, which help spread Catholic goodness to all. Using both image and type, Pope Francis is just the typography veteran the Catholic Church n

    Pope Francis Uses Sassy Fonts on Facebook
    reikof 2013/03/15
    Click here to view this gallery On top of his new role as leader of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis is also a typography aficionado, apparently. If you already follow Pope Francis (formerly known as Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio) on Facebook, then you've encountered his colorful posts, whic
  • Fail! Soccer Player Hits Post 4 Times on 1 Miss

    So close ... and yet so far. A Greek soccer player hits one post twice, the crossbar once and the other post once in an all-time agonizing miss. The play reportedly comes from Egeas Plomariou a "league match for the island of Lesvos against Papnikolis." For more fantastic sports fails, check out this collection of YouTube gold: [nggallery id=7157]

    Fail! Soccer Player Hits Post 4 Times on 1 Miss
    reikof 2013/03/15
    So close ... and yet so far. A Greek soccer player hits one post twice, the crossbar once and the other post once in an all-time agonizing miss SEE ALSO: Boxer Hunts Down Cowardly Twitter Troll for Digital TKO The play reportedly comes from Egeas Plomariou a "league match for the island of Lesv
  • Hitler Isn't Happy About The Google Reader Shutdown

    Add Hitler to the list of people frustrated by Google's decision to shut down Google Reader. In the latest addition to the Hitler Reacts meme, Hitler fumes over the news that his favorite RSS reader is being killed off. "Why on Earth do they need to destroy all things good?" Hitler says at one point. "How dare they take away Google Reader. I have over 300 feeds in there. Have they any idea how muc

    Hitler Isn't Happy About The Google Reader Shutdown
    reikof 2013/03/15
    Add Hitler to the list of people frustrated by Google's decision to shut down Google Reader. In the latest addition to the Hitler Reacts meme, Hitler fumes over the news that his favorite RSS reader is being killed off "Why on Earth do they need to destroy all things good?" Hitler says at
  • Hey Google, We Still Love Reader

    [wp_scm_op_ed] Hear that clunking sound? That's thousands of jaws dropping at the news that Google Reader is going to be retired come July 1, 2013. That whooshing sound is "Google Reader" shooting to the top of Twitter's worldwide trends, even on a day when a new pope was picked. And that giant "NOOOOOOOO" sound is the Internet's reaction to Google's most unpopular decision in -- well, as far back

    Hey Google, We Still Love Reader
    reikof 2013/03/15
    Hear that clunking sound? That's thousands of jaws dropping at the news that Google Reader is going to be retired come July 1, 2013. That whooshing sound is "Google Reader" shooting to the top of Twitter's worldwide trends, even on a day when a new pope was picked And that giant "NOOO
  • Life Before and After Cellphones

    In the digital age, we tend to rely on our phones for everything: communicating with others, finding the best directions, passing the time with apps. The list goes on and on. What was life even like before our iPhones, Androids, Windows Phones and BlackBerrys? In this comic, Angela Liao of 20px reminds us of landlines, collect calls and -- oh yeah -- human interaction.

    Life Before and After Cellphones
    reikof 2013/03/15
    In the digital age, we tend to rely on our phones for everything: communicating with others, finding the best directions, passing the time with apps. The list goes on and on SEE ALSO: More Comics on Mashable What was life even like before our iPhones, Androids, Windows Phones and BlackBerrys? In thi
  • RIP Google Reader

    Google Reader, one of the world's most popular RSS readers, is shutting down on July 1, 2013, Google announced Wednesday. The search giant is pulling the plug on the 7-year old project citing "declining usage." Google says it is shuttering Reader and deprecating or shutting down a number of other services as part of the company's "spring cleaning" initiative -- one that seeks to help the company f

    RIP Google Reader
    reikof 2013/03/15
    Google Reader, one of the world's most popular RSS readers, is shutting down on July 1, 2013, Google announced Wednesday. The search giant is pulling the plug on the 7-year old project citing "declining usage." Google says it is shuttering Reader and deprecating or shutting down a number o
  • 7 Apps From SXSW You Don't Want to Miss

    SXSW is traditionally a huge launching place for mobile apps. This year brought with it some significant updates from popular apps such as Path and Banjo, as well as a number of new apps. At this year’s show, we found an app that helps you find a date based on your Facebook friends, and another than helps you find the file you’re looking for, no matter where you might have saved it. Several new “s

    7 Apps From SXSW You Don't Want to Miss
    reikof 2013/03/15
    Click here to view this gallery SXSW is traditionally a huge launching place for mobile apps. This year brought with it some significant updates from popular apps such as Path and Banjo, as well as a number of new apps. At this year’s show, we found an app that helps you find a date based on your
  • NBA Player Has the Best Reaction Ever to Getting Ejected

    NBA player Larry Sanders earned two technical fouls during his Milwaukee Bucks' Wednesday night game against the Washington Wizards. The second technical led to an automatic ejection, which Sanders handled in historic fashion. He didn't get in the ref's face even more. He didn't throw a fit while leaving the court. He didn't whine like a spoiled child. Instead, he gave an exaggerated, sarcastic th

    NBA Player Has the Best Reaction Ever to Getting Ejected
    reikof 2013/03/15
    NBA player Larry Sanders earned two technical fouls during his Milwaukee Bucks' Wednesday night game against the Washington Wizards. The second technical led to an automatic ejection, which Sanders handled in historic fashion SEE ALSO: Boxer Hunts Down Cowardly Twitter Troll for Digital TKO He didn'
  • Goodbye, Google Reader: 7 Alternatives to Get Your RSS Feed Fix

    reikof 2013/03/15
    Sorry news junkies, but Google has an update you won't like: the company's beloved Google Reader has fallen victim to Spring cleaning. As of July 1, 2013, the RSS feed aggregator, which has maintained a devoted following since 2005, will power down so that Google can "focus - otherwise we sprea
  • Jawbone Up Instagram Picture | POPSUGAR Tech

    reikof 2013/03/15
    We're engaging in a little friendly competition with the POPSUGAR Fitness crew to see which team can log the most steps, sleep the soundest, and eat the healthiest. This snap of our officiating judge, the Jawbone UP band, is our way of saying: challenge accepted. Team Tech will, of course, be evalua
  • Meatpacking District’s Open Market Fund-raiser; Introducing Pinkberrygreek

    reikof 2013/03/15
    • On March 18 from 8 to 11 p.m., the Meatpacking District Improvement Association will host its inaugural fund-raiser, Open Market, at Highline Stages. Menu highlights include the Diner's Cookie Monster Shot, the Tippler's Bootsy Collins cocktail, and Morimoto's pork-belly steamed buns. Tickets ru
  • Fear Not, Digg Is Building a Google Reader Alternative

    Fear Not, Digg Is Building a Google Reader Alternative Fresh off the news that Google will be shuttering Reader at the beginning of July, Digg announced Thursday that it will release its own Google Reader alternative. “We’ve heard people say that RSS is a thing of the past, and perhaps in its current incarnation it is, but as daily (hourly) users of Google Reader, we’re convinced that it’s a produ

    Fear Not, Digg Is Building a Google Reader Alternative
    reikof 2013/03/15
    Fresh off the news that Google will be shuttering Reader at the beginning of July, Digg announced Thursday that it will release its own Google Reader alternative. “We’ve heard people say that RSS is a thing of the past, and perhaps in its current incarnation it is, but as daily (hourly) users of
  • The Truffle of the Sea: 12 Awesome New Uni Dishes in New York City

    reikof 2013/03/15
    marrow with sea urchin at the Marrow. It seems uni is the new truffle: Chefs top pasta, eggs, and (famously at this point) sliced marrow bones with the briney, creamy sea urchin roe. It's a delicacy that turns an otherwise simple dish into something special — and pricier. Uni's hardly new in New Y
  • Japan-Based, New York-Style Bakery Matsunosuke Opening in West Village

    reikof 2013/03/15
    stacks. Call it the Truly International House of Pancakes: Japanese baker Akiko Hirano will open the first U.S. outpost of her bakery Matsunosuke, which has three locations in Japan, at 58 West 8th Street, this spring. Hirano is a best-selling cookbook author in Japan, and her shops in Kyoto and Tok
  • RSSリーダー難民に捧ぐ、Googleリーダーからlivedoor Readerへの移行方法

    RSSリーダー難民に捧ぐ、Googleリーダーからlivedoor Readerへの移行方法2013.03.14 12:555,138 三浦一紀 突然のGoogleリーダー終了のお知らせ。ホワイトデーになんという非情なGoogleさん......。 終了は7月1日ということですが、それまでに新しいRSSリーダーに移行しておかなければなりません。ざっと見た感じ、livedoor Readerが使いやすそう。そこで、Googleリーダーからlivedoor Readerへの移行について解説したいと思います。 まずは、Googleリーダーの設定画面を開きます。そして「インポート/エクスポート」から「Download your data through Takeout」をクリック。Google Takeoutという機能を利用します。 データエクスポートの画面になるので、「サービスを選択」で「リーダ

    RSSリーダー難民に捧ぐ、Googleリーダーからlivedoor Readerへの移行方法
    reikof 2013/03/15
    突然のGoogleリーダー終了のお知らせ。ホワイトデーになんという非情なGoogleさん......。 終了は7月1日ということですが、それまでに新しいRSSリーダーに移行しておかなければなりません。ざっと見た感じ、livedoor Readerが使い
  • 「Hanako」のまるまる一冊デジタル特集は今日、3/14(木)の発売だよ – TechDoll.

    マガジンハウスの「Hanako」が昨年、おそらく女性誌で初となる“丸ごと一冊デジタル特集”を発売しました。とても好評だったそうで、今年も日3/14(木)に発売されちゃうよ。 今回わたしがお手伝いさせてもらったのは、タブレットの企画や、今人気のウェブサービスの作り手に話を聞きに行く企画。 普段は業界の人たちに向けて書いているけれど、そうではない女性たちにどう伝えるべきかを考えさせられる大事な機会。読み応えたっぷりの一冊になっていると思うのでぜひ読んでみてくださいな。この表紙を探してね。

    「Hanako」のまるまる一冊デジタル特集は今日、3/14(木)の発売だよ – TechDoll.
    reikof 2013/03/15
    マガジンハウスの「Hanako」が昨年、おそらく女性誌で初となる“丸ごと一冊デジタル特集”を発売しました。とても好評だったそうで、今年も本日3/14(木)に発売されちゃうよ。 今回わたしがお手伝いさせてもらったのは
  • ごりゅご.com


    reikof 2013/03/15
    生まれて初めて本屋さんという場所でイベントをさせていただきます。 【新宿南店】2013年4月4日(木)19:00~奥野宣之さん&五藤隆介さんライブトーク@ふらっとすぽっと/『歩くのがもっと楽しくなる 旅ノート・散歩ノート