Ursula Le Guin on fiction vs. 'alternative facts': Letter to the editorUpdated: Feb. 01, 2017, 2:30 p.m.|Published: Feb. 01, 2017, 1:30 p.m. Legendary Portland writer Ursula Le Guin is pictured here in her home in this March 2016 photo.(Motoya Nakamura) A recent letter in The Oregonian compares a politician's claim to tell "alternative facts" to the inventions of science fiction. The comparison wo
Paddington's back - and this time it's his status as a refugee that's getting him into trouble. Michael Bond, the 81-year-old writer who created Britain's favourite asylum seeker back in 1958, returns with his first novel-length collection of Paddington stories for 30 years, and the bear in the duffel coat is confronted with what his creator calls a "very different world". The opening story of Pad
The word “massacre” rang dissonantly through our Baker Street home on an otherwise quiet evening. I had been writing invitations to Mary’s and my engagement ceremony, the following week, while Sherlock Holmes had been softly practicing on his violin. I had accepted his offer, at Mary’s urging, to perform something at the ceremony. I did not realize his idea of a performance was playing the E-flat
さあ、そこの九万人の解放者、反逆者、急進派[1]の諸君! 未来にとって良い前兆となる、革命戦術の世界規模の移行が今まさに進行中だ。タハリール広場とスペインの野営地(acampadas)の融合[2]である、この真新しい戦術はどのようなものなのか?その精神は、次の引用によくとらえられている。 反グローバリゼーション運動は、道のりの第一歩でしかなかった。振り返ってみると、我々のモデルは、狼の一群のように体制を攻撃することにあった。そこには最高位の雄、つまり群れを率いる一匹の狼と、後ろからそれに従って行く人々とがいた。今やこのモデルは進化を遂げた。我々は、ひとまとまりの巨大な群がりとなった民衆なのだ[3]。 ――ライムンド・ヴィエホ、ポンペウ・ファブラ大学、バルセロナ、スペイン この新方式の美しさは、そして、この新戦術がエキサイティングなのは、その実践的な簡潔さにある。種々の物理的な集会で、ヴァー
A Russian-American writer who died 30 years ago is still selling hundreds of thousands of books a year, and this week one of her former devotees, Paul Ryan, became Mitt Romney's running mate in the US presidential election. So why is Ayn Rand and her most famous work, Atlas Shrugged, so popular? It's 1,200 pages long and was panned by critics when it was published 55 years ago. Yet few novels have