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  • 【日本語訳】元素法典 第1巻 #NovelAI #元素法典|さいぴ

    【10/18 翻訳完了】 ※StableDiffusion記法で書かれたプロンプトについて、()は{}に(5%強調)、{}は[]に(-5%強調)置換しています(NovelAI用)。また、NovelAIのプロンプトのプリセット機能はオフにしてお試しください。 Twitter (@31pi_) もフォローして頂けるとうれしいです。(間違い等あればこっそり教えてください) 元素法典 The Code of Quintessence ―― Novel AI 魔術全集 ―― 序文『元素法典』は、全ての高品質な術式と〈元素魔術〉を含めることを目的とする魔導書である。〈元素魔術〉とは、特に「商業イラストレベルの表現力を追求した」美しい絵を指す。 本書は、すべての人に開かれた書物である。したがって、聡明な読者諸君らの編み出した魔術の寄稿を歓迎する。 本書には、膨大な術式と豊富な挿絵が含まれている。その中か

      【日本語訳】元素法典 第1巻 #NovelAI #元素法典|さいぴ
    • NovelAI Improvements on Stable Diffusion

      As part of the development process for our NovelAI Diffusion image generation models, we modified the model architecture of Stable Diffusion and its training process. These changes improved the overall quality of generations and user experience and better suited our use case of enhancing storytelling through image generation. In this blog post, we’d like to give a technical overview of some of the

        NovelAI Improvements on Stable Diffusion
      • How to do effective video calls

        During 2011-2012 there was a small but significant revolution in how we worked at Thoughtworks. When we needed to communicate while separated we used to do telephone meetings, but within a year the telephone disappeared and we started using video calls instead. As we got more comfortable with video, we took more opportunity to collaborate with video meetings rather than trying to get everyone toge

          How to do effective video calls
        • Omakub

          An Omakase Developer Setup for Ubuntu 24.04 by DHH wget -qO- https://omakub.org/install | bash Turn a fresh Ubuntu installation into a fully-configured, beautiful, and modern web development system by running a single command. That’s the one-line pitch for Omakub. No need to write bespoke configs for every essential tool just to get started or to be up on all the latest command-line tools. Omakub

          • Incident Metrics in SRE

            Štěpán Davidovič Incident Metrics in SRE Critically Evaluating MTTR and Friends Boston Farnham Sebastopol Tokyo Beijing Boston Farnham Sebastopol Tokyo Beijing 978-1-098-10313-2 [LSI] Incident Metrics in SRE by Štěpán Davidovič Copyright © 2021 O’Reilly Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebas

            • YouTubeで見つけた1000近くの『Peel Sessions』音源をアルファベット順にまとめたブロガーが話題に - amass

              60年代から約40年間、その時代の最先端の音楽を積極的に紹介した、英BBC Radioの名物DJ、ジョン・ピール(John Peel)。BBC Radio 1で放送された『Peel Sessions』では、2,000人以上のアーティストが招かれてスタジオ・セッションを録音。このパフォーマンスは番組で放送され、また1986年にジョン・ピールらによって設立されたStrange Fruit Recordsから『Peel Session EP』シリーズとしてリリースされています。 YouTubeには、『Peel Sessions』の音源が大量にアップロードされており、YouTubeで見つけた全ての『Peel Sessions』音源をアルファベット順にまとめたブロガーのDave Stricksonが話題に。全部で1000近くあります。 ■Dave Stricksonブログ John Peel Ses

                YouTubeで見つけた1000近くの『Peel Sessions』音源をアルファベット順にまとめたブロガーが話題に - amass
              • Emoji CSS

                Want to include emoji in your HTML? Just include the (minified) stylesheet below, then add <i> tags to insert emoji. That's it! ✈ Click the emoji code and it will be copied to your clipboard. <link href="https://emoji-css.afeld.me/emoji.css" rel="stylesheet"> <i class="em em-bird" aria-role="presentation" aria-label="BIRD"></i> By default, the emoji will be served as PNGs. To use SVG instead, use

                • John Peel Sessions

                  THIS LIST IS BEING UPDATED REGULARLY AND THERE'S MORE HERE AND EVEN MORE HERE 14 Iced Bears - Peel Session 1986 14 Iced Bears - Peel Session 1987 1919 - Peel Session 1983 21 Guns - Peel Session 1981 22-20s - Peel Session 2004 23 Skidoo - Peel Session 1981 2TV - Peel Session 1979 3 Inches of Blood - Peel Session 2003 4 Skins - Peel Session 1981 70 Gwen Party - Peel Session 1991 70 Gwen Party - Peel

                    John Peel Sessions
                  • tinyphysicsengine

                    tinyphysicsengine This is tinyphysicsengine (TPE), a small, completely public domain KISS/suckless, fixed point physically inaccurate pure C header only 3D physics engine (or rather a library) mostly for entertainment purposes that's supposed to run even on tiny computers such as embedded, even bare metal. It's written in the same style/philosophy as small3dlib, raycastlib etc. Keep in mind the li

                    • how-software-companies-die

                      how-software-companies-die ���*�U \�)�U ========================== How Software Companies Die ========================== - Orson Scott Card The environment that nurtures creative programmers kills management and marketing types - and vice versa. Programming is the Great Game. It consumes you, body and soul. When you're caught up in it, nothing else matters. When you emerge into daylight, you might

                      • Shinichiro Watanabe On Making ‘Cowboy Bebop’ And What He Thinks Of The Live-Action Adaptation

                        Moving to Tokyo, Watanabe went to work at Sunrise and met Ryosuke Takahashi, who took a shine to him. However, he wasn’t expecting such a formal dress code for the examination. “I went and took the entrance examination at Sunrise. I assumed it was a fairly casual type of industry, so I turned up in a t-shirt and some jeans. Whereas everyone else was in a suit, which was a bit of a shock. There als

                          Shinichiro Watanabe On Making ‘Cowboy Bebop’ And What He Thinks Of The Live-Action Adaptation
                        • The Grug Brained Developer

                          The Grug Brained Developer A layman's guide to thinking like the self-aware smol brained Introduction this collection of thoughts on software development gathered by grug brain developer grug brain developer not so smart, but grug brain developer program many long year and learn some things although mostly still confused grug brain developer try collect learns into small, easily digestible and fun

                          • The Bizarre Story Behind Shinzo Abe’s Assassination - The Atlantic

                            This article was featured in One Story to Read Today, a newsletter in which our editors recommend a single must-read from The Atlantic, Monday through Friday. Sign up for it here. On the last morning of his life, Shinzo Abe arrived in the Japanese city of Nara, famous for its ancient pagodas and sacred deer. His destination was more prosaic: a broad urban intersection across from the city’s main t

                              The Bizarre Story Behind Shinzo Abe’s Assassination - The Atlantic
                            • Style For Style, Fun For Fun, Iris For Mac

                              Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 4451 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 26 Rated 5 out of 5 by mrm2006 from New Assistant to Editor-In-Chief - Here I Am! Storyline: You are going to the most infamous magazine of fashion there is. Trendy, with-it, City Style Magazine, to interview for the job of Assistant to the Editor-in Chief. But will you EVER get to the actual interview? Hah - play and find o

                                Style For Style, Fun For Fun, Iris For Mac
                              • systemd, 10 years later: a historical and technical retrospective

                                systemd, 10 years later: a historical and technical retrospective by V.R. I am not sure I am such a big fan of reimplementing NetworkManager… – Lennart Poettering’s famous last words, March 2011 10 years ago, systemd was announced and swiftly rose to become one of the most persistently controversial and polarizing pieces of software in recent history, and especially in the GNU/Linux world. The qua

                                • The Sims 3 Anthology Mac. Как Скачать The Sims 3 For Mac

                                  Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 7786 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 29 If you're reading this, there's a very good chance that you've heard about The Sims. It's been difficult to escape the popular franchise's web, what with two full games and a seemingly endless stream of expansions. The first thing you may be asking, then, is whether The Sims 3 is worth playing, or if it's just more of the

                                    The Sims 3 Anthology Mac. Как Скачать The Sims 3 For Mac
                                  • 7 Reasons People Hate Working From Home and How to Fix Them

                                    The 7 Worst Aspects of Working at Home and What to Do About ThemRemote work is here to stay. Here's how to make sure it doesn't suck. Whether you love working from home or hate it, surveys suggest that it's here to stay for many companies and employees. You may be planning to make working from home permanent, or at least a permanent option, for your company's employees. And you may be planning to

                                      7 Reasons People Hate Working From Home and How to Fix Them
                                    • Announcing the Cloudflare API Gateway

                                      This post is also available in 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, 한국어, Deutsch, Français, Español, Italiano. Over the past decade, the Internet has experienced a tectonic shift. It used to be composed of static websites: with text, images, and the occasional embedded movie. But the Internet has grown enormously. We now rely on API-driven applications to help with almost every aspect of life. Rather than just downlo

                                        Announcing the Cloudflare API Gateway
                                      • Modern Web Development on the JAMstack: Modern Techniques for Ultra Fast Sites and Web Applications

                                        Really pause and think about how much time and effort web teams around the world have spent building and managing infrastructure. For many years, launching a site or web application has been as much about deploying complex server environments as it’s been about building actual application code. The cloud made provision- ing all these resources faster but no less complicated. The JAMstack was born

                                        • The Metaverse: What It Is, Where to Find it, and Who Will Build It — MatthewBall.co

                                          The Metaverse: What It Is, Where to Find it, and Who Will Build It Note: This essay was released in January 2020, expanding on a piece I wrote in 2018. In June 2021, I released a nine-part update, 'The Metaverse Primer'. In July of 2022, W. W. Norton publishes my book “The Metaverse and How It Will Revolutionize Everything”. In the spirit of openness, I’ve kept all my old essays up. But I would lo

                                            The Metaverse: What It Is, Where to Find it, and Who Will Build It — MatthewBall.co
                                          • Announcing Animagine XL 3.0 - CagliostroLab

                                            Generation Parameter { "prompt": "1girl, arima kana, oshi no ko, solo, idol, idol clothes, one eye closed, red shirt, black skirt, black headwear, gloves, stage light, singing, open mouth, crowd, smile, pointing at viewer, masterpiece, best quality", "negative_prompt": "nsfw, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low qualit

                                            • The Rust Calling Convention We Deserve · mcyoung

                                              I will often say that the so-called “C ABI” is a very bad one, and a relatively unimaginative one when it comes to passing complicated types effectively. A lot of people ask me “ok, what would you use instead”, and I just point them to the Go register ABI, but it seems most people have trouble filling in the gaps of what I mean. This article explains what I mean in detail. I have discussed calling

                                                The Rust Calling Convention We Deserve · mcyoung
                                              • Stable Diffusion 備忘録-プロンプト集|_ ACRi

                                                辞典的に使えるように、色んなところから集めたプロンプトを記載していく 強調したいワードは()、弱めたいプロンプトは[]でくくると理解してくれる。(((ワード)))のようにカッコの数を増やすとより意識される。 クオリティ(テンプレ) スタイル 構図 キャラクター造形 背景 ライティング クオリティmasterpiece:傑作 best quality:最高品質 ultra-detailed:超詳細 high resolution:高解像度イラスト extremely detailed CG:超高精細なCG unity 8k wallpaper:8kサイズの壁紙 official art:オフィシャルアート production art:プロダクションアート caustics:コースティクス。光の描写が加えられる textile shading:素材感を生かしたリアルな厚塗りに super d

                                                  Stable Diffusion 備忘録-プロンプト集|_ ACRi
                                                • 利用者:さえぼー/英日翻訳ウィキペディアン養成セミナー - Wikipedia

                                                  本ページは、大学の授業で実施する英日翻訳ウィキペディアン養成セミナーのためのサブページです。基本的に、英語版ウィキペディアの記事を日本語版ウィキペディアに翻訳します。 この授業は、学生の皆さんの英語力・調べ物技術の向上と、日本語版ウィキペディアの発展を2本の柱とするプロジェクトです。 2024年度は担当教員のさえぼーがサバティカル中であるため、プロジェクトクラスは1年間休止いたします。こちらの候補記事リストは随時更新します。 学生の皆さんへ[編集] ウィキペディアにはいろいろなルールがあり、記事を作成するのは予想以上に大変だと思います。しかしながら、翻訳記事を作成するのは英語と日本語両方の勉強になり、また自分の知識を生かして社会に貢献できるチャンスでもあります。教員ができるだけサポートするので、めげずに頑張りましょう。 以下は、記事執筆前に必ず読んで欲しいルール一覧です。 Help:ログイ

                                                  • 2019年も飛騨高山に行ってきました。 - No.26

                                                    えるたそ〜 どうも。たこさんちゃんねるのtako3との夏旅行も、これで3回目です。今回はDRESS CODE.の平岡氏も一緒に行きました。 3回続いたら、板についてきたと言ってもいいでしょう。行き先に捻りはなく、岐阜です。しかも1年目と同じコース(笑) 1年目を踏襲しながら行動するつもりでしたが、結果うまくいきませんでした。 飛騨高山についた 1年目と同じく、ひるがの高原SAでソフトクリームを食べました。写真はフィルムで撮って、まだ現像してないです(笑) そして1年目にならい、「弱尊」というお店でカレーを食べようとするも、ラストオーダーに間に合わず。いきなり再現失敗です(笑) この日は猛暑日で、もうフラフラになりながら、見つけた蕎麦屋に入りました。 このまま涼しくなるまで蕎麦屋で過ごす。ここが、はるばる3時間かけてやってきた飛騨高山でなければ、そんな選択肢もあったでしょう。 暑いので水を撮

                                                      2019年も飛騨高山に行ってきました。 - No.26
                                                    • Aqoursから“期待の新人”がまたひとり─小林愛香、「2020年デビュー」ならではの新たな価値観「NO LIFE CODE」を語る | WHAT's IN? tokyo

                                                      ANIME MUSIC Interview Aqoursから“期待の新人”がまたひとり─小林愛香、「2020年デビュー」ならではの新たな価値観「NO LIFE CODE」を語る 2020.02.20 固定概念を打ち破り、自らの意思や尊重が“原色のまま”認められるようになったら、どんなにカラフルな世界へと変わっていくのだろう。 スクールアイドルプロジェクト『ラブライブ! サンシャイン!!』津島善子役、および劇中ユニットAqours(アクア)で活躍してきた声優・歌手の小林愛香。艶やかでエネルギッシュな歌声、天性のリズム感が発揮されたキレのあるパフォーマンスでファンを魅了してきた“あいきゃん”が、ソロ再始動にしてメジャーデビューシングルとなる「NO LIFE CODE」で新たなステージへと突き進む。 国境、仕事、年齢、性別、ジャンル……境界のない世界を思い描きながら、<生き方のカタチ決めないで>

                                                        Aqoursから“期待の新人”がまたひとり─小林愛香、「2020年デビュー」ならではの新たな価値観「NO LIFE CODE」を語る | WHAT's IN? tokyo
                                                      • 画像生成AIツール『Stable diffusion web UI』インストール手順まとめ【保存版】| 自由生活情報サイト!コスパルタイム

                                                        画像生成AI(人工知能)ツール『Stable diffusion web UI』のインストール手順、基本的な使い方、日本語化、エラー解決、無料で利用する方法、操作パネル(UI)概要、LoRaの使い方、プロンプト、スプリクト等を解説します。 ◆『SD-WebUI拡張機能コントロールネット&オープンポーズエディターの使い方』 『Stable diffusion web UI』の超おすすめ拡張機能『コントロールネット&オープンポーズエディター』の実用的な使い方を写真&YouTube動画で解説。↓ SD-WebUI拡張機能コントロールネット&オープンポーズエディターの使い方AI画像生成ツール『Stable diffusion web UI』用の超おすすめ拡張機能『コントロールネット&オープンポーズエディター』の実用的な使い方を写真付き説明&YouTube動画で詳しく解説します💕画像生成A...k

                                                          画像生成AIツール『Stable diffusion web UI』インストール手順まとめ【保存版】| 自由生活情報サイト!コスパルタイム
                                                        • 20,000 Startup Ideas

                                                          20,000 Startup Ideas (This data comes from the O*NET web site.) This gives a kind of map of the territory of current economically important human activities. Therefore it represents a good source of startup ideas. It maybe is even the listing of approximately all startup ideas. Visit individuals in homes or attend group meetings to provide information on agency services, requirements, or procedure

                                                          • AIによる再設計でLlama2の15倍高速!?DeciLM登場!|shi3z

                                                            Llama2の15倍高速というDeciLMというのが発表された。もう何が何だかわからない。これはデコーダーモデルというやつで、4096トークンに対応 Llama 2 is Yesterday's News. Introducing DeciLM-6B and It's Leaving Llama 2 in the Dust. An efficient, blazing-fast text generation language model. DeciLM-6B is 15x faster than Llama 2! Here's what sets it apart: ⭐️ Performance Metrics that Speak Volumes: DeciLM-6B has set… pic.twitter.com/GE5y1m2Y9W — Hasan Toor ✪ (@hasant

                                                            • Reliability Pillar AWS Well-Architected Framework

                                                              Archived Reliability Pillar AWS Well-Architected Framework This paper has been archived. The latest version is now available at: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/wellarchitected/latest/reliability-pillar/welcome.html Archived Reliability Pillar AWS Well-Architected Framework Reliability Pillar: AWS Well-Architected Framework Copyright © 2020 Amazon Web Services, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights res

                                                              • Bringing Virtualization to the x86 Architecture with the Original VMware Workstation

                                                                12 Bringing Virtualization to the x86 Architecture with the Original VMware Workstation EDOUARD BUGNION, Stanford University SCOTT DEVINE, VMware Inc. MENDEL ROSENBLUM, Stanford University JEREMY SUGERMAN, Talaria Technologies, Inc. EDWARD Y. WANG, Cumulus Networks, Inc. This article describes the historical context, technical challenges, and main implementation techniques used by VMware Workstati

                                                                • Out of the Tar Pit [pdf]

                                                                  Out of the Tar Pit Ben Moseley ben@moseley.name Peter Marks public@indigomail.net February 6, 2006 Abstract Complexity is the single major difficulty in the successful develop- ment of large-scale software systems. Following Brooks we distinguish accidental from essential difficulty, but disagree with his premise that most complexity remaining in contemporary systems is essential. We identify comm

                                                                  • Trademarks in Open Source

                                                                    Trademarks in Open Source Introduction Cases Unmanaged Trademarks: Naked Licensing FreecycleSunnyvale v. Freecycle Network Discussion Common Law Trademarks Planetary Motion, Inc. v. Techsplosion, Inc. Discussion Fair Use Defense to Trademark Infringement: Nominative Use Playboy Enters. v. Welles Discussion License Terms’ Bearing on Trademark Use MIT Discussion BSD-3-Clause Discussion PHP-3.0 Discu

                                                                    • GitHub - deepinstruction/deepnude_official

                                                                      Official DeepNude Algorithm The original DeepNude Software and all its safety measures have been violated and exposed by hackers. Two days after the launch, the reverse engineering of the app was already on github. It no longer makes sense to hide the source code. DeepNude uses an interesting method to solve a typical AI problem, so it could be useful for researchers and developers working in othe

                                                                        GitHub - deepinstruction/deepnude_official
                                                                      • Why is my validation loss lower than my training loss? - PyImageSearch

                                                                        Deep Learning Keras and TensorFlow Tutorials by Adrian Rosebrock on October 14, 2019 In this tutorial, you will learn the three primary reasons your validation loss may be lower than your training loss when training your own custom deep neural networks. I first became interested in studying machine learning and neural networks in late high school. Back then there weren’t many accessible machine le

                                                                          Why is my validation loss lower than my training loss? - PyImageSearch
                                                                        • The Election That Could Break America

                                                                          Maybe you hesitate. Is it a fact that if Trump loses, he will reject defeat, come what may? Do we know that? Technically, you feel obliged to point out, the proposition is framed in the future conditional, and prophecy is no man’s gift, and so forth. With all due respect, that is pettifoggery. We know this man. We cannot afford to pretend. Trump’s behavior and declared intent leave no room to supp

                                                                            The Election That Could Break America
                                                                          • A from-scratch tour of Bitcoin in Python

                                                                            I find blockchain fascinating because it extends open source software development to open source + state. This seems to be a genuine/exciting innovation in computing paradigms; We don’t just get to share code, we get to share a running computer, and anyone anywhere can use it in an open and permissionless manner. The seeds of this revolution arguably began with Bitcoin, so I became curious to dril

                                                                            • How Much It REALLY Costs to Book Your Favorite Band

                                                                              Expenses for booking popular acts can differ wildly, influenced by many factors including the band's popularity and the group's availability. As such, we have compiled a detailed list of booking fees to compare various bands and artists' rates for the year 2024. This list has been meticulously sourced from Celebrity Talent International, the same resource we have used in the past to compile a list

                                                                                How Much It REALLY Costs to Book Your Favorite Band
                                                                              • 【NovelAI】 エロも行ける!最強プロンプト(呪文)辞典|賢木イオ @studiomasakaki

                                                                                こちらは最初に編纂された「第一版」ですこの「最強プロンプト辞典」は、NovelAIv1が登場した2022年10月に編まれた日本初の画像生成AIプロンプト辞典(個人ブログ掲載)をnoteに転載したものです。その後、第二版となる「プロンプト新辞典」を経て、2024年2月に第三版となる「プロンプト超辞典」が完成しています。第一版の内容は黎明期のものであり、AnimagineXL3、NovelAIv3に準拠し、10万字を超える情報量と生成結果の画像比較、Wildcardを完備した最新版の「超辞典」をご参照ください。 プロンプトの基本基本的にはカンマ「,」で区切って、盛り込みたい要素を箇条書きで並べていくだけでOKです。「被写体は何人でどんな構図か、どんな見た目の誰がどこで何をしているか、どんな画風か」を指定するのがコツ。正しい「呪文」でないと認識しないわけではなく、DeepL翻訳でざっくり英文化し

                                                                                  【NovelAI】 エロも行ける!最強プロンプト(呪文)辞典|賢木イオ @studiomasakaki
                                                                                • Karen (slang) - Wikipedia

                                                                                  Karen is a term used as slang typically for a middle-class white American woman who is perceived as entitled or excessively demanding.[1] The term is often portrayed in memes depicting middle-class white women who "use their white and class privilege to demand their own way".[1][2] Depictions include demanding to "speak to the manager", being racist, or wearing a particular bob cut hairstyle.[3] I

                                                                                    Karen (slang) - Wikipedia