Generates a navigable page outline with heading and sectioning elements
Organize work and life with Todoist for Chrome Ranked as “the best to-do list right now” by The Verge, Todoist is used by 25 million people to organize, plan and collaborate on projects, both big and small. Use Todoist for Chrome to: • Add websites as tasks: Add a blog post to your reading list. Save an item to your wishlist. Add work tasks to follow up on. • Plan your day: Quickly organize your t
Tool to validate HTML of the current web page
() - 4,617 users - Weekly installs: 2,894 Update: * Now supports uploading any file you can view within Chrome including images, pdfs, swfs. * Updated error detection to prevent bad uploads. If you find any problems with this release, please file a bug at Past Updates: * Fixed a bug where Google Docs didn't recognize the pdf for pages ending in .html *
Copy current page URL to clipboard in various formats. (Tested on OSX, WindowsXP, Windows7/64bit) Make HTML link tag easily like Firefox addon Make Link. Copy current page title and URL to clipboard in various formats. *plain text ([page title] [page URL]) *HTML link (<a href="[page URL]">[page title]</a> *markdown *mediawiki In extension options page, you can configure formats and shortcut key. S