How InnoDB Performs a Checkpoint Published Jan 29, 2011 by Baron Schwartz in Databases at InnoDB’s checkpoint algorithm is not well documented. It is too complex to explain in even a long blog post, because to understand checkpoints, you need to understand a lot of other things that InnoDB does. I hope that explaining how Inno
MySQL Performance: InnoDB IO Capacity & Flushing This article was initially inspired by Vadim's post on comparing MySQL 5.5.4 and XtraDB under TPCC-like workload. Vadim's post has opened an interesting discussion about InnoDB I/O capacity feature in general, and particularly - tunning / settings regarding 5.5.4 and XtraDB. However, going more in depth I've discovered more
This is a time-honored topic, and there’s no shortage of articles on the topic on this blog. I wanted to write a post trying to condense and clarify those posts, as it has taken me a while to really understand this relationship. Some basic facts Most of us know that writing into Innodb updates buffer pool pages in memory and records page operations in the transaction (redo) log. Behind the scenes
(いまだに時々ブクマされていたりしますが、これはバグで MySQL 5.5.21 以降では修正されています。) mysqldump は MySQL のデータのバックアップを取得するコマンドです。 mysqldump に --single-transaction を指定すると一貫性を保持したバックアップを取得することができます*1。 この時に mysqldump が発行しているクエリは次のような感じです。 [mysqldump --single-transaction DB名] SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT UNLOCK TABLES DB選択 テーブルからデータの読み込み「START TRANSACTION WITH CON