
ブックマーク / netflixtechblog.com (1)

  • Beyond Interactive: Notebook Innovation at Netflix

    By Michelle Ufford, M Pacer, Matthew Seal, and Kyle Kelley Notebooks have rapidly grown in popularity among data scientists to become the de facto standard for quick prototyping and exploratory analysis. At Netflix, we’re pushing the boundaries even further, reimagining what a notebook can be, who can use it, and what they can do with it. And we’re making big investments to help make this vision a

    Beyond Interactive: Notebook Innovation at Netflix
    showyou 2018/09/08
    NetflixでのJupyter Notebook活用例。…Jupyter Notebook全体をモジュールとみなし再利用可能にする/異なるパラメーターでの実行を可能にする他、ジョブ実行の起点としても使っている。JupyterのUI/インフラを拡張するツールも
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