by Rohan Dhruva, Ed Ballot As Android developers, we usually have the luxury of treating our backends as magic boxes running in the cloud, faithfully returning us JSON. At Netflix, we have adopted the Backend for Frontend (BFF) pattern: instead of having one general purpose “backend API”, we have one backend per client (Android/iOS/TV/web). On the Android team, while most of our time is spent work
Today we are announcing the formation of a new project group under the libs team, focused on error handling! Some of the goals this project group will be working on include: Defining and codifying common error handling terminology. Generating consensus on current error handling best practices. Identifying pain points that exist in Rust’s error handling story. Communicating current error handling b
Today we are proud to announce the official release of Vue.js 3.0 "One Piece". This new major version of the framework provides improved performance, smaller bundle sizes, better TypeScript integration, new APIs for tackling large scale use cases, and a solid foundation for long-term future iterations of the framework. The 3.0 release represents over 2 years of development efforts, featuring 30+ R
Boris Johnson: "You've got to wonder whether we need to go further than the rule of six" The UK is "now seeing a second wave" of Covid-19, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said, adding: "It's been inevitable we'd see it in this country." Mr Johnson said he did not "want to go into bigger lockdown measures" but that tighter social distancing rules might be necessary.
In response to President Trump’s Executive Orders signed August 6, 2020, the Department of Commerce (Commerce) today announced prohibitions on transactions relating to mobile applications (apps) WeChat and TikTok to safeguard the national security of the United States. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has demonstrated the means and motives to use these apps to threaten the national security, fore
米Googleは9月18日(日本時間)、日本の「Googleマップ」で自転車に適したルートを検索できるようにしたと発表した。東京、神奈川、大阪、愛知、埼玉、千葉、兵庫、北海道、福岡、静岡の10都道府県に対応する。 自転車ルートは、できる限り急な坂やトンネル、悪路などを避けた道や自転車専用レーンがある道路を優先的に表示する機能。Googleマップで自転車ルートを検索するには、ルート検索画面で自転車タブを選択する。 関連記事 Googleマップ、DeepMindとの提携で東京などでの到着予定時刻の精度が大幅アップ Googleマップの経路検索の到着予定時刻の精度が、DeepMindと提携して開発したGNN採用ツールで大幅に向上した。 Googleマップ、都バスのリアルタイム位置情報に対応 経路検索時に表示 公共交通オープンデータ協議会が8月18日から、東京都交通局の運行する都営バスの走行情報デ