
ブックマーク / blog.keras.io (1)

  • The future of deep learning

    This post is adapted from Section 3 of Chapter 9 of my book, Deep Learning with Python (Manning Publications). It is part of a series of two posts on the current limitations of deep learning, and its future. You can read the first part here: The Limitations of Deep Learning. Given what we know of how deep nets work, of their limitations, and of the current state of the research landscape, can we p

    stealthinu 2017/07/20
    Keras作者の方によるdeep learningが今後どう発展してくかという予想。機能ごとにモジュール化されてそれを組み合わせてシステム作る、みたいな方向へ行くのではと。ただ、どうやって統合するかはまだ手付かずな感じ。
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