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AngularJS has been instrumental in changing the way I develop web applications. From building imperative views where both business logic and user interaction live, to separate controllers and directives that handle both requirements respectively. From sharing components through jQuery plugins, the usual common denominator, to sharing components through declarative HTML. From reacting to model chan
Node.JS rocks when it comes to building I/O-intensive services. It is fast and easy to use. You can do the same in Dart! Out of the box it comes with a set of libraries to access the file system, create http servers, etc. To compare Node and Dart I built two versions of the simplest application imaginable. The first version of the application is built using Node.JS, Socket.IO, and Angular.JS. The
(草稿) Dart風の、constructor引数を自動的にinstance変数に代入するアレをRubyで http://c4se.hatenablog.com/entry/2013/09/12/184432 の続きだ。前回に挙げたbugは潰した。 Lisence: Public Domain GitHub: ne-sachirou/AutoAttrInit.rb https://github.com/ne-sachirou/AutoAttrInit.rb 前提 Rubyで他言語の阿れや此れやを羨ましがるシリーズだよ。前回はClojureのloop-recur構文を真似したよ。 cf. RubyでClojure風loop-recur (末尾再帰) http://c4se.hatenablog.com/entry/2013/09/05/184937 今回はDartだよ。確か未だDartVMを
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