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  • オープンソースライセンス比較用早見表

    Sheet1 ライセンスと著作権の表示,変更した旨を示すこと,ソースコードの開示,ライブラリとして使用すること,商用利用,改変,配布,派生物に別のライセンスを課す,特許の利用,個人利用,作者に責任を求めること,商標の利用,注記 No License,必須,可能,禁止,禁止,禁止,可能,GitHubで公開したソフトウェアにライセンスを付記しなかった場合の条件 G...

    susanne 2016/01/20
  • React vs Angular 2 - final

    Introduction This document is based on the notes of a discussion, part of the meetup “Clash of Technologies”, Sofia, Bulgaria. The React side was represented by Finn Fitzsimons and the Angular side was represented by Minko Gechev. Some of the questions below are taken from the podcast AngularAir. The document was reviewed by the participants of the discussion and Patrick Stapleton. React vs Angula

    susanne 2016/01/06
    “You can easy plug and change the change detection mechanism (custom differs, implement custom change detection for given component, even create your own change detection for the entire application).Different algorithms for ultra fast change detection (jit change detection with further support for
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