
2012年2月26日のブックマーク (1件)

  • EVAL

    EVAL script numkeys [key [key ...]] [arg [arg ...]] Available since: 2.6.0 Time complexity: Depends on the script that is executed. ACL categories: @slow, @scripting, Invoke the execution of a server-side Lua script. The first argument is the script's source code. Scripts are written in Lua and executed by the embedded Lua 5.1 interpreter in Redis. The second argument is the number of input key na

    syanbi 2012/02/26
    はがくんに教えてもらったのだけど、Redis 2.6からサーバサイドでLuaが使えるようになるようだ。Luaは学んだほうがいいな。