
ブックマーク / jshint.com (6)

  • A Formal Commitment to New Language Features

    A Formal Commitment to New Language Features The JSHint team Jul 7th, 2015 In recent months, JSHint has been receiving requests to support proposed JavaScript language features like async/await, method decorators, and class property declarations [1]. The JSHint team has turned down each request, even after the release of ES2015. This has not been easy; as open source project maintainers, nothing g

    teppeis 2015/07/12
    JSHintはES.nextのうちstate 2以上の仕様をexperimentalとして取り入れていく方針
  • JSHint 3 plans

    JSHint 3 plans Anton Kovalyov Oct 8th, 2013 A few weeks ago we shipped the new JSHint website and it seemed like people liked it! In this blog post, I'd like to share my plans for the next major release of JSHint. The next release will be a backwards incompatible release in which I plan to clean up and simplify our core package. Here are my current goals for that release: Remove all style-related

    teppeis 2013/10/18
  • JSHint 2.1.0

    JSHint 2.1.0 Anton Kovalyov May 20th, 2013 JSHint 2.1.0 is out. This releases adds support for ES6 class syntax and fixes some issues with our parser. Added support for ES6 class syntax. (#1048)Added support for error code in the Checkstyle reporter. (#1088)Added support for do statement bodies that are not block statements. (#1062)Fixed issues with JSHint not parsing comma expressions correctly.

    teppeis 2013/05/21
    ES6 class syntaxきた!
  • JSHint 2.0.0

    JSHint 2.0.0 Anton Kovalyov May 7th, 2013 WARNING: This release introduces backwards incompatible changes. JSHint 2.0.0 is out! This version hits a pretty big milestone for the project: this is the first JSHint release for which I'm not the biggest contributor. I personally believe this fact validates JSHint as a successful open source project. And I'm extremely thankful to all you who file bug re

    teppeis 2013/05/14
  • JSHint 1.1.0 is out

    JSHint 1.1.0 is out Anton Kovalyov Mar 5th, 2013 JSHint 1.1.0 is out! This release contains important bug fixes for 1.0.0 and a couple of new features. This version adds a new environment option for PhantomJS: phantom. (#814)Fixes a bug where JSHint would skip parent directory when looking for .jshintrc file. (#850)Adds new option gcl to make JSHint style checks compatible with Google Closure Lint

    teppeis 2013/03/06
    JSHintにClosure Linter互換オプション追加されてる。
  • JSHint, a JavaScript Code Quality Tool

    Report Cyclomatic complexity Unused variables Undefined variables Warn About == null About debugging code About unsafe for..in About arguments.caller and .callee About assignments if/for/... About functions inside loops About eval About unsafe line breaks About potential typos in logical operators When code is not in strict mode When new is used for side-effects Assume Browser NodeJS jQuery Develo

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