皆さんこんにちは。早速ですが、TypeScriptのmoduleオプションはご存じでしょうか。moduleオプションは、例えば次のような値をサポートしています。 commonjs umd es2015 esnext node16 nodenext 皆さんは、moduleオプションが何を設定するオプションなのか一言で説明できますか? 実は、TypeScriptの熟練者であってもmoduleオプションを一言で説明することは難しいはずです。なぜなら、そもそもこのmoduleオプションが複数の異なる意味で使われており、もはや一言で説明できるようなものではなくなってしまったからです。 この記事では、TypeScriptのメンテナーが書いた次のGitHub issueをベースに、moduleオプションを取り巻く状況を説明します。 moduleオプションの意味とは 昔はmoduleオプションの意味は明確
With this change we withdraw our support for the ECMA import keyword hitherto mandated by certain tools. In doing so, TensorBoard compiles in seconds, rather than taking a minute. The ES6 import standard only defines / and ./ prefixed paths. All other paths that exist are undefined. Since most tooling and early-adopter codebases rely on the undefined behavior, the standard itself is mostly syntact
TL;DR Flags like --allowSyntheticDefaultImports will just work without extra tools like Webpack, Babel, or SystemJS. TypeScript will just work with the --ESModuleInterop flag without extra tools like Webpack, Babel, or SystemJS. See the PR at #19675 for more details. Background TypeScript has successfully delivered ES modules for quite some time now. Unfortunately, the implementation of ES/CommonJ
From @timty on October 19, 2016 17:18 Intellisense works great for my postgress Pool type when explicitly declared: However when passed as a parameter to a function and described through a JSDoc parameter intellisense fails: VSCode Version: Code 1.6.1 (9e4e44c19e393803e2b05fe2323cf4ed7e36880e, 2016-10-13T15:27:10.246Z) OS Version: Darwin x64 15.6.0 Extensions: Unity.unity-debug-1.0.1, benjaminroma
Currently, TS can't find modules when you use a file extension in the import name (import {Foo} from './foo.ts';) - SystemJS updated and file extensions are now required (though the spec issue is still under discussion) on imports (without setting some legacy settings in System.config). So when compiling with --module, you can either have a functioning typechecker (no extensions on your imports) o
This PR uses version of TypeScript that was not yet released (because of that dependency uses GitHub link), I'll update this PR to update dependency after TypeScript is released. This PR requires changes to es6-module-loader that are still in flight (PR: Add support to use TypeScript as a transpiler ModuleLoader/es-module-loader#366) - I'll update this PR with a proper version of ES6 module loader