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November 19, 2018 There is a high chance that you’ve stumbled across the JavaScript eval function. It is a common knowledge that in JavaScript, eval is something that is a bad practice. Have you ever wondered how it works and why exactly a lot of people discourage it? This article covers that and presents some real-life usage of the eval function. The eval function takes the JavaScript code in th
paint16b was created by Hellmood and is 16 bytes in size. paint16b implements a mouse-driven drawing program which has the ability to exit back to DOS and also display the mouse cursor. org 100h ; code starts at 0x100 mov al,0x12 ; assume ah = 0 ; set graphics mode to 640*480 inc bx ; assume bx = 0 ; set to 1 (show cursor) mloop: int 0x10 ; first loop, switch to graphic mode ; further loops, set p
Discover the most popular JavaScript technologies of the year.
Have you ever had a requirement in which you had to design and build an interactive web experience but the grid system fell short? Furthermore, the design elements turned into unusual shapes that just wouldn’t fit into the regular web layouts? In this article, Krutie Patel is going to build an interactive infographic using Vue.js, SVG and GreenSock by using dynamic data and unusual layout. This ar
railsで検索機能をつけるには 便利なgemがあります。おそらく検索して上位に出てくるのはransakではないでしょうか?しかし、railsで検索機能のついたapiを提供するにあたって、どうしても独自の実装が必要になることもあります。ここではrails wayにのった検索の実装の仕方について説明します。 こちらのサイトを大変参考にさせていただきました。 完成形 urlで次のようにたたくと条件を満たすeventが返ってくる. この場合、最大人数10人以上で。場所が梅田、ジャンルが「1人でもOK」もしくは「おしゃれなカフェ」、人気順に表示、最初から3番目のデータで、全部で3件取得という意味になる。 説明 capacity イベントの最大人数を指定。例えばこの値が10なら最大人数が10人以上のものが返ってくる。 location 開催場所。0:梅田 1:なんば 2:神戸 genre イベントの
It seems like yesterday when Vue surpassed React in GitHub star wars. Of course, stars don’t mean much. There are still plenty more React jobs compared to Vue. And let’s not forget Angular. While the three giants are battling it out, I cannot help but notice they have one thing in common which makes the choice mostly about taste, and arguments surrounding the choice quite absurd. So you want fast
Learn how to build an Offline-First application in Vue with Hoodie and Workbox. You will learn about Offline-First, Service Workers, and a few caching strategies. Offline-First is an approach to software development where a lack of network connection is not treated as an error. You start by developing the application to work in areas with no internet connection. Then, as users enter areas with net