2015年8月19日のブックマーク (1件)

  • Cancer risk 'even from light drinking'

    Even light and moderate drinking - up to one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men - could increase the risk of cancer, say researchers. The work in the British Medical Journal, external looked at two large US studies involving more than 100,000 adults. The clearest link was for breast cancer. Experts say the findings reinforce the health message that people should limit how much they

    Cancer risk 'even from light drinking'
    toikawa 2015/08/19
    少量の飲酒でも発がんリスクが増加するというイギリスとアメリカの最新の研究成果。明確なガイドラインはまだとのこと。Cancer risk 'even from light drinking'