
2017年11月30日のブックマーク (3件)

  • JSRobot

    Instructions Script Console Properties _ function init(robot){ // your code here } function loop(robot){ // your code here }

  • Advent of Code 2017

    SmartyStreets - U2VuZGluZyBDaH Jpc3RtYXMgY2Fy ZHMgdG8gYmFkIG FkZHJlc3Nlcz8K .-----------------------------------------------. | ┌──*───────────────┬───────┤|├─────────┤|├──o | 25 ** | │┌o└┐┌──────┐o─────┘┌───────────────┤|├─────* | 24 ** | └┤┌─┘└───┬┴┴┴┴┬─────┘o──┬──┐o──────────┐*───┘ | 23 ** | ┌┘└──────┤ 4├─────────┘o─┴───────┤|├─┘└───* | 22 ** | =*───────┤ 3├──[─]────────────────────────┤ | 21 *

  • SketchCleaner

    SketchCleaner Sketch plugin that helps you get your design files as clean as a whistle. Watch video Speed up organization & (re)naming chores SketchCleaner is created to speed up Layer organization and (re)naming chores and smoothen developer/fellow designer/client handoff. Remove unused styles If you're going for ultra clean Sketch design files you gotta do it right. Use SketchCleaner to get rid