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programmingとpuredataに関するtvskのブックマーク (1)

  • pdsend

    pdsend (1) NAMEpdsend - send messages to pd on this or a remote machine SYNOPSISpdsend port-number [hostname] [udp|tcp] DESCRIPTIONPdsend sends messages to pd(1), via a socket conection, from pdsend's standard input. This input can be any stream of Pd messages separated by semicolons. This is probably the easiest way to control pd from another application. The protocol used is easy to implement an

    tvsk 2016/05/03
    pdsend コマンドの唯一の必要引数がポート番号。これはあらかじめPd側でnetreceiveオブジェクトを作って待ち受けをしておく必要がある。(つまり、なんらかのcanvasが必須)
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