
2010年7月10日のブックマーク (2件)

  • Awarepixel: BetterSource Safari Extension

    BetterSource shows the document source in a new tab, with line numbers, and colour syntax highlighting. Shows the original source, as received from the web server. Shows the generated source. This is the source of the current document, after any alteration made by Safari or scripts. Download now! Version 1.1 Changelog 1.1 (18 Dec 2012) Line numbers are not included in the selection, except when “S

    veadar 2010/07/10
    safariextensions: BetterSource shows the document source in a new tab, with line numbers, and colour syntax highlighting. Grateful acknowledgments to SHJS - Syntax Highlighting in JavaScript and jQuery, both used in this extension. You can use BetterSource either via toolbar buttons or via context
  • Welcome to I/O.Bouwmans

    veadar 2010/07/10
    safariextensions: A nifty little script for extension developers by Ivo & Oscar Bouwmans: Want to know what’s in an extension file? You can xar the file in Terminal, or you can drop the safariextz file on this Apple script, which does this for you. The file will be unpacked into a folder